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[Discussion] PoF is a great "one time playing experience" but that's pretty much it


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I am a farmer and Pof has alot of Potential for farmig. It is just the reward that holds me back to farm in Pof. U cant use Contracts for anything good beside minis. Something like the Zaishen Keys of GW1 would be awesome. The unidentified itmes are not rewarding enough. Yes it is true that they are expensive. But farmewise the gain of Gold/hour is way to low. Bountys are a great opotunity but meh the outcome is just to low.

I just did 1 or 2 meta events but rewarding was low as well.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @"Dream Shake.8741" said:

> > Honestly, I have no idea how people find bounties entertaining. They are glorified champ trains. If you have a big enough squad you can just auto attack and kill them no problem.


> There are even people who find farming in the lab entertaining. At least with the bounties you have some abilities to worry about, but farming in the lab is truly mindless.

> This community likes mindless things I guess


It's more a matter of, "a large segment of the community wants the rewards from repeating content, and do so when it's available." MMO's present a gaming experience that is first and foremost about getting stuff, with entertainment second. Challenge is a remote third.

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> @Esquilax.3491 said:

> Everyone hated "Metas" (apart from me, apparently) in HoT, but I don't see how zerging down Pinata bounties in a squad is any more challenging or engaging than a HoT Meta event. For me it's the complete opposite of a challenging/engaging experience.


The problem people had with metas was the timers and size (need a nearly full map to a large extent). Bounties perfectly corrected those problems, so I suppose now we have both options. I haven't even done most bounties though, they are not appealing to me.


Edit: Maybe bounties should have required an event chain to complete, so you could do your own low-man "map meta" at your own convenience and it wouldn't be a simple boss that is just zerged down.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > @"Dream Shake.8741" said:

> > > Honestly, I have no idea how people find bounties entertaining. They are glorified champ trains. If you have a big enough squad you can just auto attack and kill them no problem.

> >

> > There are even people who find farming in the lab entertaining. At least with the bounties you have some abilities to worry about, but farming in the lab is truly mindless.

> > This community likes mindless things I guess


> It's more a matter of, "a large segment of the community wants the rewards from repeating content, and do so when it's available." MMO's present a gaming experience that is first and foremost about getting stuff, with entertainment second. Challenge is a remote third.


I would rather put that as "getting stuff is the main entertainment". Otherwise it sounds like MMOs aren't supposed to entertain you. Ofcourse, with GW2 trying to push more of the focus away from just getting stuff, to lore and exploration, the whole "this is boring, because I don't get enough stuff" is becoming more obvious.


What PoF mostly is missing is long term goals. HoT did that part perfectly. Regardless of whether it is Meta events or not, putting those long term goals behind something within PoF might be entirely possible with some tweaks. Ofcourse, alot of PoF events are still missing some of the complexity of even core events. (NPCs disappear, there's no followup and often no chains) it's like seeing an interview with no followup questions.


It feels to me like PoF is so sandboxy that it sometimes misses a thread for people to grab onto and follow that. Players like to be lead on at times as well. If there's no long term thread for people to hold on to and neither that in the open world, people lose interest easily.

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As someone who doesn't have HoT but does have PoF, the replayability of it is fine to me. Heck, even while staying on my main, there is still a lot of things to do and explore (and not just for map completion) as you go around naturally. It's a lot more fun if you take the time to go around rather than rushing to complete everything within one month.


That being said, I find it unfair to compare PoF to HoT. HoT has had time for the players to establish a community/route/etiquette for a gold farm train. Obviously, the time spent during these events will continue to compete with future content, including PoF. Even if PoF had managed to have the same output of resources, what would be the point of splitting the playerbase when everyone can simply stick with Silverwastes (and Basin with HoT)? It would be a minority that would see more benefit from a PoF-only 'new' train route, and the rest would complain about major timer conflicts.


Involving world events though, Augury Rock (leading through Doppelganger) and the Mouth of Torment events are the main two that I have the most fun with while the others I attend whenever convenient. However, because a lot of people only participate depending on the rewards, there tends to be not enough people to complete the latter most of the time. Lack of incentive for these other players is a tad of an issue. It becomes problematic when the game tries to tke another direction, but literally is bounded by the players who want to stick with a certain style...

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> The maps are completely dead at this time of day. So dead we'll need GW1 style henchmen sooner rather than later, because all the bounties are a solo DPS race. At the moment I'm going more than an hour without seeing a single other player.


I see other players the last few days. Like 4 of them.

The problem is it was in Vabbi near the Griffon area as I was helping my friend get their Griffon.

Other than that... I seen no one really around unless it was the other day when the halloween daily was to kill Awakened and people were in Desolation for that.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> The maps are completely dead at this time of day. So dead we'll need GW1 style henchmen sooner rather than later, because all the bounties are a solo DPS race. At the moment I'm going more than an hour without seeing a single other player.


Wait for Halloween to finish and then we'll see how dead Path of Fire maps are, I'm not saying they will suddenly be full of people, just wait one more week before you judge

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Wait for Halloween to finish and then we'll see how dead Path of Fire maps are, I'm not saying they will suddenly be full of people, just wait one more week before you judge

Again, it should make no difference, thanks to the GW2 megaserver system. There's less clones of the maps since some players are busy with Halloween content, but the number of players per map remains same as ever.


Unless you're suggesting that PoF is so unpopular that there's not even enough players to populate a single map. Which seems extremely unlikely, if their numbers about concurrent active players is true.


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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> Unless you're suggesting that PoF is so unpopular that there's not even enough players to populate a single map. Which seems unlikely in a game that supposedly has over half million active players.



I don't know about you but when I play I still find a lot of people on PoF maps, I play on EU btw if in NA PoF is empty.

Due to the lack of timers, you can't find concentrations of people on PoF maps as easy as on HoT maps, however I hope after Halloween is over we'll see more PoF players, I mean, next week where are all those players going to go? If they go to HoT maps, or core tyria, or quit, then it will be a clear sign for Anet to start modifying PoF map rewards. But I'll wait one more week before judging.


PS: I did full bounty run on Elon Riverlands and Vabbi yesterday. Lots of people on both. You need to use the LFG to find people for PoF though, which isn't very encouraging for such a new expansion.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > Unless you're suggesting that PoF is so unpopular that there's not even enough players to populate a single map. Which seems unlikely in a game that supposedly has over half million active players.

> >


> I don't know about you but when I play I still find a lot of people on PoF maps, I play on EU btw if in NA PoF is empty.

> Due to the lack of timers, you can't find concentrations of people on PoF maps as easy as on HoT maps, however I hope after Halloween is over we'll see more PoF players, I mean, next week where are all those players going to go? If they go to HoT maps, or core tyria, or quit, then it will be a clear sign for Anet to start modifying PoF map rewards. But I'll wait one more week before judging.


> PS: I did full bounty run on Elon Riverlands and Vabbi yesterday. Lots of people on both. You need to use the LFG to find people for PoF though, which isn't very encouraging for such a new expansion.


I do have to say though, I see very very little in PoF these days, and the times I go to HoT (my friend just bought HoT the day before and I've been trying to help him gain some masteries at least in Brink) and at least for Brink any time I went... no matter when it was, and then being in Basin a bit today, I've seen quite a number of people in at least those 2 areas at random times.


Unless it's a specific time (I play NA), I'm really not seeing much of anyone in the PoF maps. At least not Oasis or Highlands or Riverlands which I was in those 3 areas earlier today and a few days past.

That's not really a good sign.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> I don't know about you but when I play I still find a lot of people on PoF maps, I play on EU btw if in NA PoF is empty.

Doesn't matter where you play from or which world you chose, everyone plays on the same maps. The megaserver system tries to connect to the server that makes most sense (such as EU servers for EU players), but if those are full you might end up on NA servers, etc.


Either way, the number of players per map clone is stable. Maps can never become overpopulated; and underpopulated ones get quickly balanced by either shutting down the map (I'm sure you're seen the popup), or funneling more players to that map.


So yeah, PoF maps aren't empty. They can't be, because of how the server system works. Halloween doesn't change that. There's plenty of other players, you just don't see them often because of how large the maps are. (And if the map seems especially empty, the chances are that someone's running a bounty train and everyone's there.)

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > I don't know about you but when I play I still find a lot of people on PoF maps, I play on EU btw if in NA PoF is empty.

> Doesn't matter where you play from or which world you chose, everyone plays on the same maps. The megaserver system tries to connect to the server that makes most sense (such as EU servers for EU players), but if those are full you might end up on NA servers, etc.


That's not true. NA players cannot play with EU players at all, it's only their WvW home world choices that play on the same servers (of the same region)

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How do you know that most people share your opinion? Can we please stop stating personal opinions as facts for everyone on this forum. Its getting Tyring. Btw. i dont agree, am building up a new character and will certainly revisit Pof in the nearby future. What i will not revisit is the Too much time consuming Hot metas/chaos maps.

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> @battledrone.8315 said:

> > @Arden.7480 said:

> > And BTW PoF story was just outstanding! The best story I've ever seen in this game so far! So good.


> what? the story is so bloated and unrealistic, that even star trek would have trouble selling it

> i usually get several facepalms from my buddies, when i tell them about anets "boss mechanics"

> specially those "invulnerable" shield , theý all get around 20% health...why dont the players get something , like that?



Um. Scarlet Briar.

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> @ancientoak.4258 said:

> How do you know that most people share your opinion? Can we please stop stating personal opinions as facts for everyone on this forum. Its getting Tyring. Btw. i dont agree, am building up a new character and will certainly revisit Pof in the nearby future. What i will not revisit is the Too much time consuming Hot metas/chaos maps.


It's based on personal experiences. You see less and less people everyday on PoF maps and most people already have their elite specs unlocked because it doens't take that much time anyway. It's the same with mounts, the majority of people have simply unlocked them in the first weeks of PoF release.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > The maps are completely dead at this time of day. So dead we'll need GW1 style henchmen sooner rather than later, because all the bounties are a solo DPS race. At the moment I'm going more than an hour without seeing a single other player.


> Wait for Halloween to finish and then we'll see how dead Path of Fire maps are, I'm not saying they will suddenly be full of people, just wait one more week before you judge


Why should people that farm lab go to PoF maps if there are no real profitable farms? They will all go to SW again.

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I have to say i kind of agree with the OP. I'm not going to sit here and say this is a bad expac. There is lots that i enjoy/ed. The issue is it didnt take long for that enjoyment to wane. It would have gone a long way to have unique currency per map at the very least. In each living story chapter leading up to the PoF expac we had a new unique map with unique currency to give unique rewards. It would have been reasonable to expect this to continue into PoF. Now im sure people will say that in the upcoming LS chapters we will get that, however, that type of reward system should have been included on release of PoF to keep players in the new maps that you worked so hard to create. Also, i get that their ARE metas on these maps but they are more like dynamic events that offer no incentives. The rewards are very lack luster. I mean minis are cool (kinda) and all but after the first 100 i just dont care anymore. And these hearts, these kittening hearts, could have made these far more interesting. there is only so many times i want to clean up after entitled nobles to access a vendor that offers nothing. In case this was a troll by Anet on their entitled player base ( in that case well played anet, well played). I guess to end this i would say, and this opinion speaks on behalf of me only, The maps are fantastic, mounts are fun, art direction is great, exploration is great. I'm just left saying to myself " what?, is this it?", i just think with the expac it could have and should have been so much more. 1 last thing. I know its been stated a 100 times before that balance updates and content for PvP and WvW would be released on their own timeline but for an expac it would have gone a LONG way in these small but very dedicated communities to get something, i mean anything at this point to feel a part of the expac and that anet actually cares about these 2 other modes. I get that we in those 2 communities are dicks but come on. Just show us some love once an a while. We need hugs too you know.


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PoF maps need building up map meta events like Silverwaste/HoT maps. They are big beautiful maps, but they don't draw you back in. Hoping that LS4 layers in more things to do in them. There does seem to be something missing on them, haven't felt the normal desire to get 100% completion on them though I have all mounts minus the griffon unlocked for a while now. Still leaves more exploring to do but with HoT there felt more of must do feel that these don't have. Been trying to pin why that is but still feels like its because they are missing these chained events. Not ruling out others things yet, but that's the lead suspect right now outside side of loot/crafting materials/gold making drops.

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To add to my previous post: I currently (often) find myself launching GW2 only to close the launcher again because I can't think of anything to do (besides the dailies and the only-once-per-day rewarding "Mad King Says").


I still need to kill all the caffeinated skritt and do certain events and kill certain bounty bosses (boring!) for the ascended elite spec weapon collection. But since I don't find the skins the least bit appealing and also do not have use for any more ascended gear, I can't motivate myself to do that.


I sure hope the devs will add more nice content to PoF over time and also make bounties less of a drag and more rewarding.

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i finnaly played PoF in my friend house and it felt strange, core gw2 is one thing, HoT another, and PoF is another, it felt for me Anet dont know what to do with the game.

Altough I liked the map sizes, didnt liked much the mount skills and some mounts. felt i was playing a no-sense children's game...


note: ohhhhhh and played also some class gimmicks.. rofl when players talk about how skilled gw2 is... xD xD xD xD xD xD

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