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Resistance boon change


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I thought of retaliation as well one problem with it though is once the condi is on the condi player cannot undo it and gets overloaded with retal without escape its like pp thief without cancel casting and perma unloading combined. As for resistance something like torments secondary would be damage. This would also make condi stronger which doesnt seem to be what most want right now lol.


I do like both ideas however idk if it would be more preferable or not I'm in a state of pros and cons are about equal.

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> @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> Why not change the full resistance to something like "You take 75% less damage from conditions"?


Because you would still die in very quickly. To all of those wanting resistance to work like protection, it WON"T WORK. You can already test it, renegade has a passive trait that lowers condi damage by 33%. It does nothing. Kalla's heal also lowers condition damage by 50% for the entire team.....and it does nothing!!!


The only thing I see that might work is by implementing something that significantly slows down condition **ticks**.

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> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > Why not change the full resistance to something like "You take 75% less damage from conditions"?


> If that's the case, resistance should prevent additional condi application, and reduce 75% damage for the condi that already applied before resistance is up.




Yes, this could bring herald to be meta.. as a coverboon spam without fear of corruption's effects

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> @Aza.2105 said:

> > @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > Why not change the full resistance to something like "You take 75% less damage from conditions"?


> Because you would still die in very quickly. To all of those wanting resistance to work like protection, it WON"T WORK. You can already test it, renegade has a passive trait that lowers condi damage by 33%. It does nothing. Kalla's heal also lowers condition damage by 50% for the entire team.....and it does nothing!!!


> The only thing I see that might work is by implementing something that significantly slows down condition **ticks**.


Lol, 3/4 damage reduced wont work? Take 2.5k damage/tick instead of 10k damage isnt strong? 2.5k damage/tick is fair enough, power builds can hit 2.5k damage in a single auto hit.


> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > Why not change the full resistance to something like "You take 75% less damage from conditions"?


> If that's the case, resistance should prevent additional condi application, and reduce 75% damage for the condi that already applied before resistance is up.




Only if nerf the sources of resistance. Spellbreaker would be immortal because, if conditions dont stack, when you corrupt or remove the boon from him, u'll need to spam the condis again to deal damage and you probably will be in CDs. Im 50 50 in this idea, idk...


Maybe 80% resistance to conditions would be better, come on, condis are dealing a lot of damage but taking 80% less gives you time enough to cleanse or to kill the oponnent. Conditions need to be balanced but not killed to the ground.

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> @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > @Aza.2105 said:

> > > @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > > Why not change the full resistance to something like "You take 75% less damage from conditions"?

> >

> > Because you would still die in very quickly. To all of those wanting resistance to work like protection, it WON"T WORK. You can already test it, renegade has a passive trait that lowers condi damage by 33%. It does nothing. Kalla's heal also lowers condition damage by 50% for the entire team.....and it does nothing!!!

> >

> > The only thing I see that might work is by implementing something that significantly slows down condition **ticks**.


> Lol, 3/4 damage reduced wont work? Take 2.5k damage/tick instead of 10k damage isnt strong? 2.5k damage/tick is fair enough, power builds can hit 2.5k damage in a single auto hit.


> > @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > > @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > > Why not change the full resistance to something like "You take 75% less damage from conditions"?

> >

> > If that's the case, resistance should prevent additional condi application, and reduce 75% damage for the condi that already applied before resistance is up.

> >

> >


> Only if nerf the sources of resistance. Spellbreaker would be immortal because, if conditions dont stack, when you corrupt or remove the boon from him, u'll need to spam the condis again to deal damage and you probably will be in CDs. Im 50 50 in this idea, idk...


> Maybe 80% resistance to conditions would be better, come on, condis are dealing a lot of damage but taking 80% less gives you time enough to cleanse or to kill the oponnent. Conditions need to be balanced but not killed to the ground.


yes, actually i have already giving this idea on another thread, rework resistance to block condi application during uptime, and reduce resistance spam and overall uptime class wide.

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> @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> Lol, 3/4 damage reduced wont work? Take 2.5k damage/tick instead of 10k damage isnt strong? 2.5k damage/tick is fair enough, power builds can hit 2.5k damage in a single auto hit.


Nope, it does not work well. You are free to go try it yourself.




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> @Aza.2105 said:

> > @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > Why not change the full resistance to something like "You take 75% less damage from conditions"?


> Because you would still die in very quickly. To all of those wanting resistance to work like protection, it WON"T WORK. You can already test it, renegade has a passive trait that lowers condi damage by 33%. It does nothing. Kalla's heal also lowers condition damage by 50% for the entire team.....and it does nothing!!!


> The only thing I see that might work is by implementing something that significantly slows down condition **ticks**.


Condition application went up through the roof **_after_** resistance was implemented in this game. It was a direct response to how broken resistance is. Resistance could be removed entirely and condi application could be brought back down and have it be just as balanced as it is now. Which means it could definitely be balanced at a 33 or 50% damage reduction if condi application was also toned down at the same time

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> @Aza.2105 said:

> > @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > Lol, 3/4 damage reduced wont work? Take 2.5k damage/tick instead of 10k damage isnt strong? 2.5k damage/tick is fair enough, power builds can hit 2.5k damage in a single auto hit.


> Nope, it does not work well. You are free to go try it yourself.





Bro, 75% less damage... how it wont work?

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I prefer if they remove resistance completely, and make condi subject to toughness, protection and all other class specific damage reduction skills.


Of course this means some skills will need to be re-structured, but everything around resistance is broken being either way too strong or way too weak.

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> @otto.5684 said:

> I prefer if they remove resistance completely, and make condi subject to toughness, protection and all other class specific damage reduction skills.


> Of course this means some skills will need to be re-structured, but everything around resistance is broken being either way too strong or way too weak.


I would rather redesign some skills with resistance (remove resistance from them completly) and/or reduce resistance uptime. Obviously it would also require your suggestion to be applied aswell (read: condis should be affected by toughness and protection), because condi damage shouldn't provide burst, by design condi is damage over time kind of damage.

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> @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > @Aza.2105 said:

> > > @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > > Lol, 3/4 damage reduced wont work? Take 2.5k damage/tick instead of 10k damage isnt strong? 2.5k damage/tick is fair enough, power builds can hit 2.5k damage in a single auto hit.

> >

> > Nope, it does not work well. You are free to go try it yourself.

> >

> >

> >


> Bro, 75% less damage... how it wont work?


If it worked well you would see players bringing renegade to counter the condition spam. No one does this because it doesn't work well.

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What if resistance was redesigned to counter conditions in the same way conditions are already designed to be countered: cleansing. For example, have resistance cleanse a condition immediately on application and again on each pulse (one condition cleansed per second or whatever time pulse is appropriate). Then revisit base duration of resistance from skills, or other options (like protection and weakness effecting conditions) as needed.

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> @Ferus.3165 said:

> that nerf alone would make warrior useless again because of perma chill and cripple. warrior without the resistance is a sitting duck and can't do anything when spammed with weakness cripple chill and blind


They could always buff dogged march. That's what it was originally for.

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> I think retaliation should work with condi. Each stack is similar to a hit. That way if someone spams 10 stacks of burn on the other player and they have retaliation it is similar to a pp thief spamming reload into it.


I think retaliation should be removed from the game. You should never be punished (sometimes incredibly severely, depending on the rate of your attack) for damaging your opponent. Confusion is an exception, considering every profession has access to condition clears. Very few professions, and even fewer builds can reliably and continuously remove boons.

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> @Ferus.3165 said:

> that nerf alone would make warrior useless again because of perma chill and cripple. warrior without the resistance is a sitting duck and can't do anything when spammed with weakness cripple chill and blind


You mean like everyone else? Welcome to the club.

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Resistance does too many things. Because of that, it is given scarcely and it's usually too short to do much with it. Spam it, it works too well, do not spam it, it doesn't last enough and doesn't do much. So it is in a weird place.


Rather than removing functionalities from it, why not splitting those functionalities into other boons?


* Resistance : Prevents or reduces damage from conditions.

* Freedom: Prevents the movement component of conditions and control effects. They would still have their other effects, but not the part that alters movement. Under this effect, launch, sink, float, knockback, knockdown, fear, taunt, push, pull and stun would behave like Daze and only disable skills, but not movement. Chilled would still affect skill recharge, but not movement. Crippled and invulnerability would do nothing.

* Safeguard: Prevents the remaining condition effects that deal no damage and do not disable or affect movement: Poison healing reduction, chilled skill recharge, confusion damage on skill, torment damage on movement, weakness endurance regen and glancing, slow activation speed decrease, blindness attack missing.


By having resistance split into these 3 new boons, resistance can be provided more often for longer durations and more sources (still not too much), and we get other interesting tools to improve existing skills and create new ones.

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