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Its too late to ask for Necro changes now.


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> @Starmiz.3298 said:

> Yet you strongly hint that Scourge is not supposed to high condi damage because you keep wanting to shoehorn it into a healer build. The high dps Scourges in wvw are not specced for healer. They are damage builds, unless the Curses traitline and trailblazer/viper statlines suddenly has become healer build. You somehow fail to see that an elite specialization could/should do more than 1 thing.


> Why do you even bring bitter chill into this discussion? It has nothing to do with the Scourge.


I agree Bitter Chill is not part of the discussion. Yet Wooden Potatoes brought it up in a Preview Video and We are still talking about it 3 months later. I bring it up to help everyone get past the major Mis-Understanding that WP created when he made incorrect statements in a Preview Video. And I am never afraid of the GW2 Community trolling me for my Ideas. I had to Fight my entire guild when I suggested Scourge is a Healer... It was not until it was Proven to them that they began to change the tune about it. I have run with other guilds and they too are now seeing that it is a reality. So Thank you for making my point Bitter Chill is a Reaper trait and has nothing to do with Scourge. Changing it will not help / hurt Scourge.


And Yes... Healer Scourge IS 3rd highest DPS in WvW. Viper was never a WvW build it is glass and dies instantly. Trailblazer is on Metabattle even though the person who created the build did admit in Discord that Celestial was more damage, because the Profession Mechanic on Scourge actually scales better with Power Damage than it does with Condi Damage due to the WvW environment. 75% of Condies are Cleared and 65% are Resisted. Condi Duration does not help your Damage if you place it on a Group that has 2 Firebrands and a Scourge who can clear 12 Condies ever 8 seconds or so. So what you want in WvW on a Scourge for damage is either a High Power Build using your Staff marks for Power Damage and your Shade strikes which are the same .66 power scale as Staff, or Very High Condi Damage without much Duration.


It Just so happens that Apothacaries gives you High Toughness, High Condi, and High Healing power. You then Augment it with Shamans to gain Vitality (FirePower / Amunition / Life force), and You add in a few pieces of Trailblazer / Viper to give it some Expertise. However you get 225 from having a shade down, and the Malice Sigil gives you another 10% its likely Enough. I personally run Balthazar Runes on my Healer so I get the Max Burn Duration with only 175 healing power lost.


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> @Starmiz.3298 said:

> > @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > > @Starmiz.3298 said:

> > > > @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > > > Changes to the Reaper line have nothing to do with Scourge... So stop thinking they do.

> > >

> > > We have never thought that. Yet you somehow argue that the Scourge damage must be neutered in order for the Reaper to shine.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > No I never said Scourge Damage needed to be Neutered. I could point out that in WvW right now its #3 in DPS consistently, on a Healer build... However if you trying to compare Raid DPS vs WvW DPS there will never be good comparison, because Raid mobs can't clear or don't clear conditions and thus they are just easier to DPS against.

> >

> > But ask yourself, why should bitter chill be nerfed then? Is this because of PvP? Its already Nerfed in PVP has been since I came to the game. So then what else do you want? Reapers don't even run Reaper runes in PvP because Shouts that Chill do no damage due to existing nerfs...


> Yet you strongly hint that Scourge is not supposed to high condi damage because you keep wanting to shoehorn it into a healer build. The high dps Scourges in wvw are not specced for healer. They are damage builds, unless the Curses traitline and trailblazer/viper statlines suddenly has become healer build. You somehow fail to see that an elite specialization could/should do more than 1 thing.


> Why do you even bring bitter chill into this discussion? It has nothing to do with the Scourge.


Didn't you realize? He doesn't mean _bitter chill_ he mean _deathly chill_...

It confusing because _bitter chill_ is a spite trait that can be used by scourge.

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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> No it is Worthwhile support. /Snip


Tunnel vision much? Raw healing is not the end all of support. Scourge do not provide all of the additional bonuses that can easily be provided by other classes in addition to healing. Great you can out heal one tempest, but can you provide all of the additional support they can? Let me answer that for you. No.


So grats on figuring out that a scourge can pull some competitive numbers in healing while still lacking any additional support for the group. In a way you just proved the point that regardless of the direction taken Scourge simply cannot compete as a support class. Bravo!!


As a side note I doubt any Necro player here wants Reapers nerfed at all. Quite the opposite. It seems you are projecting your opinions about what other people think in order to justify your strawman argument.


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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > So you spam F4, layer barriers and get lots of regen from Staff 2. OK.

> >

> > You claim it's better than others ... anyone else can confirm that? Seems to me it's worth qT to have a look at it if it's that's good.


> I suppose qT would be the only ones to decide such things? I spent about 5 mins on the Raid build so don't expect it to be Gospel. Probably a Support Raid healer Scourge would go with a Power / Healing set like Zealots or Vigilant. But remember when you consider the healing offered from transfusion.


> Its 292 + .3 Healing power .... X 9 , every 12 Seconds... So 2628 + 2.7 * Healing Power every 12 Seconds... So real question is based on the Boss you fight, how much healing do you really need? Necro could probably also Tank a boss with Marshall's gear ... So Tank / Heal / DPS, all we seem to care about is damage, but you don't see people kicking Chrono out of raids...


I'm just saying that if it's raid worthy, I suspect qT are interested in it. I don't believe people have the same thoughtful approach; it's not about what you need, it's about how much you got ... so if you have the most, the need question is irrelevant.


Still, even if the build has lot of healing going for it, I don't see it having alot of anything else, which will be a problem in a raid. Even if it had more 'fun' (staff is knowing to be boring AF), that would be something.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > So you spam F4, layer barriers and get lots of regen from Staff 2. OK.

> > >

> > > You claim it's better than others ... anyone else can confirm that? Seems to me it's worth qT to have a look at it if it's that's good.

> >

> > I suppose qT would be the only ones to decide such things? I spent about 5 mins on the Raid build so don't expect it to be Gospel. Probably a Support Raid healer Scourge would go with a Power / Healing set like Zealots or Vigilant. But remember when you consider the healing offered from transfusion.

> >

> > Its 292 + .3 Healing power .... X 9 , every 12 Seconds... So 2628 + 2.7 * Healing Power every 12 Seconds... So real question is based on the Boss you fight, how much healing do you really need? Necro could probably also Tank a boss with Marshall's gear ... So Tank / Heal / DPS, all we seem to care about is damage, but you don't see people kicking Chrono out of raids...


> I'm just saying that if it's raid worthy, I suspect qT are interested in it. I don't believe people have the same thoughtful approach; it's not about what you need, it's about how much you got ... so if you have the most, the need question is irrelevant.


> Still, even if the build has lot of healing going for it, I don't see it having alot of anything else, which will be a problem in a raid. Even if it had more 'fun' (staff is knowing to be boring AF), that would be something.


They are amateurs compared to the old WoW site Elitist Jerks, a guild that theory crafted every single build with the goal to maximise the potential of all builds not just the optimal.


To be blunt I highly doubt the GM of QTFY will ever have the same career path that the GM of Elitist Jerks, Ion Hazzikostas, has had because QtfY is narrow minded and short sighted.

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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > So you spam F4, layer barriers and get lots of regen from Staff 2. OK.

> >

> > You claim it's better than others ... anyone else can confirm that? Seems to me it's worth qT to have a look at it if it's that's good.


> I suppose qT would be the only ones to decide such things? I spent about 5 mins on the Raid build so don't expect it to be Gospel. Probably a Support Raid healer Scourge would go with a Power / Healing set like Zealots or Vigilant. But remember when you consider the healing offered from transfusion.


> Its 292 + .3 Healing power .... X 9 , every 12 Seconds... So 2628 + 2.7 * Healing Power every 12 Seconds... So real question is based on the Boss you fight, how much healing do you really need? Necro could probably also Tank a boss with Marshall's gear ... So Tank / Heal / DPS, all we seem to care about is damage, but you don't see people kicking Chrono out of raids...


Yeah but the problem is you have so little control over that healing. The AoE around you is decent but in a pinch you can't cast the heal somewhere else like the other current healer classes can. You can't actually burst heal either because it is stuck as a HoT, and sometimes you need burst heals.

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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> You guys Posting about Core necro changes and nerf Deathly chill and whatever ... Its too late now to be asking for changes to the Balance patch that will come out Tuesday. That code is in debugging at this point... They aren't changing things this late into the game...


> And Scourge is a Healer, let your world flip upside down thinking about that for a second, and then go start collecting Karka Shells and Apothacaries gear...


No you are wrong. We are on time for patch... of july 2019. That's it. Necromancer fixing is delayed by that much.

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:


> To be blunt I highly doubt the GM of QTFY will ever have the same career path that the GM of Elitist Jerks, Ion Hazzikostas, has had because QtfY is narrow minded and short sighted.


Probably because GW2 is a game was developed in a narrow-minded and short-sighted manner. Anyone who takes GW2 remotely seriously is bound to succumb to the philosophies of its design.

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:


> With all due respect I want Condi Reaper squashed and Power Reaper optimal.


I would love to see this. I think the best thing to happen would be to have Deathly Chill changed to do a flat power based burst every time chill was applied. 1 change would be enough to change Condi reaper into Power reaper. This would make the power reaper do a rotation in and out of shroud for a burst phase than a down time phase where their dps would drop out of shroud.

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I feel like the raid healer one is delusional. I can't really comment on the wvw one, I didn't look at it because I don't play that game mode. For starters, as everyone always says, there is a reason the only healer realistically brought to raids is a druid. Scourge offer no viable damage support for a party, regardless of the build you are putting out. On top of that, I feel like this build isn't even particularly well made for the task. All that vitality from Shaman gear isn't doing a whole lot for the build. Sure it increases the lifeforce pool, but that is fairly irrelevant given how max lifeforce is not important in a long raid fight. Lifeforce *generation* is what determines the ability to use the skills over time and unless you would be over capping LF via generation that somehow limits your ability to spam F skills, there is no point in increasing the cap. I would say Marshal stats would probably be the best bang for the buck in gear, though it would be difficult to acquire at this point. Personal dps to go with the support is really all the scourge can offer at this point in the game, and even that isn't enough.


> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> WvW Version :astonished:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAW7PW6GMqPwI4Qp3THqJ1pHwGLAA-jVSDQB8RXg8eCAqc/BAcBA0iyPjdQAmnGBBpEUSq/QKA/mZB-w

> Raid Healer Version :

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAW7PnE9Cl2gl9Cs9iluBTvnOUTqUfgRwha6BsxCAA-jFSDQBA4CAIJ1fU5+DYU5nxOIAlUJo8eCA8R3ApA8bmF-w



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@"Ceit.7619" You are not right in what you say with vitality. A scourge benefit greatly from a larger health pool simply because the LF cost are fix while the LF regen is in %age of your LF pool. Simply put, the larger your LF pool, the easier it is to gain the LF needed to cast your scourge shroud skills. With a 30k health pool, each % of LF gained will grant you 150 LF point while with a 20k health pool you would have gaine 100 point. That's a 50% increase after all, just from vitality.

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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> And Scourge is a Healer,


A bad one even with full healing gear, yes.


> I spent about 5 mins on the Raid build


It shows, trust me, it shows. It also shows you didn't play raids much. Outside of scrub raids where people die every 15 seconds, scourge is bad, bad, and bad as a raid healer, because barrier does not heal and degenerates extremely quickly. It actually needs to be compared to a chrono's abilities, and just sucks in comparison.




And here you show you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Apothecary? What? At least use Shaman. Apothecary is just a terrible pick.


>As for damage. The community is simply confused about this, there is only 1 serious damage trait in the entire scourge line and it competes directly with Sand Savant which is 100% required on all builds


Oh my god. Spoiler: It's not required at all. Also, there's three serious damage traits in the scourge line, four if you include minors. Condi duration is pretty big, yo.

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> @Maunzi.3764 said:

> It shows, trust me, it shows. It also shows you didn't play raids much. Outside of scrub raids where people die every 15 seconds, scourge is bad, bad, and bad as a raid healer, because barrier does not heal and degenerates extremely quickly. It actually needs to be compared to a chrono's abilities, and just sucks in comparison.


> >Apothacaries


> And here you show you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Apothecary? What? At least use Shaman. Apothecary is just a terrible pick.


Did you read my post? I put a Raid build, and a WvW build. The RAID build has Shamans... just like you suggest... I had only some Apothacaries in there. If you want zero Toughness then Sure take Cleric on the Weapon or something Else. I assumed you wanted 150 toughness just to be an Off Tank. But your right I'm no Raider. I'm a WvW player.


Barrier isn't the Healing Mechanic. Its "Garish Pillar" -> "Absurd Support" (I looked up Synonyms in Thesaurus), and it heals for 9k every 12 seconds, to 5 people in a 600 Aoe. It pulses, is instant cast, and not uninterruptible. The Best feature of it is that it overflows healing to other people outside your party after your party is topped off. Barrier is what makes the over time pulsing healing from Scourge able to handle the Spike damage. It continues to pulse after you are down. There is also a 3.5k heal on the end of Desert Shroud 360 Aoe 5 Target.


These mechanics have always been in Necro. Its just they were locked behind a Shroud where Necro got no Healing, and behind LONG cooldowns. We now have 12 second cooldown on the Garish Pillar and 16 seconds on the Shroud burst heal, and Lots of sources of Barrier to cover the in-between. We can Place barrier at 900 Range on others. With our Overflow Healing we can heal a 10 man with ease.


I can't speak to Chrono, you clearly have a bias towards Chrono, and when I played Main Tank for a WOW guild I was very angry when Druids wanted to start tanking, so I understand where your outrage is from.

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> @Ceit.7619 said:

> I feel like the raid healer one is delusional.

> Scourge offer no viable damage support for a party, regardless of the build you are putting out.

> Personal dps to go with the support is really all the scourge can offer at this point in the game, and even that isn't enough.


> > @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > WvW Version :astonished:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAW7PW6GMqPwI4Qp3THqJ1pHwGLAA-jVSDQB8RXg8eCAqc/BAcBA0iyPjdQAmnGBBpEUSq/QKA/mZB-w

> > Raid Healer Version :

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAW7PnE9Cl2gl9Cs9iluBTvnOUTqUfgRwha6BsxCAA-jFSDQBA4CAIJ1fU5+DYU5nxOIAlUJo8eCA8R3ApA8bmF-w



@"Ceit.7619" I believe someone else addressed your Vitality concern, and you may be Right, about me being Delusional. I'm willing to admit Many people have questioned my Sanity in the last few days on this topic. :anguished: However I did speak to an Anet dev who said "Healer scourge is my favorite build" .


As too your concerns about not providing DPS support, Each Condition cleared by Barrier is converted into Might stacks, so imagine your raid, and Imagine you now have no more conditions ever, and you are constantly being fed Might by the Scourge? Also the Scourge elite will give you about 17 might stacks? There is also Blood is Power. As a serious raider, you should be telling me How scourge could provide group buffs. The Dev's indicated in their Pre-Release that they were Testing Scourge in Raids and that It provided benefits to how quickly you could down a boss, and that the Portal itself increased the DPS time on Gorsival(sp?). My limited experience I could say a portal to Vale Guardian's Green Circle would have been welcome, and greatly increased my condi reaper DPS...


Scourge DPS itself compared to Chrono / Druids is going to be significantly higher in and of itself, and potentially it could also Tank while Healing, so there are several Roles that can be filled while providing Raid wide support. If you dont' feel the Buffs it provides are good enough to justify the slot then that I can understand. But the Healing is unquestionable.


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> If you want zero Toughness then Sure take Cleric on the Weapon or something Else.


That's probably one thing you didn't want to say... (cleric stats: healing power / power / **toughness**)


So that you know, Portals on gorseval might have some effect if you lacked dps because it would help with the mechanisms that you wouldn't be able to skip due to your lack of dps. And, again, you give way to much value to healing in PvE raids. Seriously, Druids are not really taken for their ability to heal but for their ability to boost the dps of your group. As for chrono, they are taken as tank mainly because of their ability to buff allies with both quickness and alacrity but also because their ability to share blur allow the whole team to disregard some mechanisms like the green circle on the val guardian.


The scourge is in many way totally inferior to both the druid and the chronomancer in raids because the scourge have neither absolute defense for your team nor unique damage buff. And the scourge will also always be inferior to the warrior in regard of might sharing because even if the scourge and the warrior had the same uptime of might stack, the warrior would still put _empower allies_ and it's banners on top of it. From the very beginning, the scourge had no way to catch up to any of those 3 professions. Those professions sure sacrifice a lot but provide way more than what the scourge will ever dream to be able to provide.


Healing? Whatever the numbers done, in PvE raid it's not necessary if everybody know it's job.

Barrier? Same as healing, it's not necessary and if you have to chose between one mechanism that allow you to totally bypass damages and a barrier that don't protect you totally, the choice is obvious.

Condition cleanse? Not the main concern.

Boon corruption? Not enough boons to corrupt.

Might? Will your party forsake 300+ power with warrior because you can stack the same amount of might than him? Don't kid yourself, every dps test are done taking into account warriors buffs. The might stacking spot is the most difficult to open else, the herald, the engineer or the elementalist would have already been used to switch with warrior long ago. Never forget that before warriors got PS, the elementalists were the one that were doing the might stacking job.


That is the reallity of the scourge. People say it is not competitive in PvE because what he put on the table is either unnecessary or done better by other professions.

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No i understand @"Dadnir.5038" And being a necro main, I have avoided the whole Toxic PVE community, because of these things. So yes i have no idea what Grace of the lands is, because in WvW we certainly aren't building Comp around those types of small dps increase buffs. However your point is made and I agree with it.


Scourge Support in PVE is not as useful as DPS buffs provided by other classes. So Scourge is now completely relegated to WvW, and even in WvW we are getting Annihilated by 47% damage modifier Weaver, and Completely overpowered why is this not nerfed yet Rev hammer 2.


And since the solution to the WvW condi meta was to give Guardians and Scourges mass AOE condi clears, the Meta shifts away from Condition Damage to power, and Scourge is even worse at doing power damage. I don't see an Easy fix.


The Unintentional Bug buffing Scourge Damage wouldn't even be an issue if they had let it go for another month, because players were learning to clear condies and resist. The Meta was going towards power anyway, and the tempest healers were learning that Weaver was top DPS. 1200 Range power damage is so much stronger than easily cleared low duration conditions from scourge even if he can burst them on you.


Reaper worked because of a combo field mechanic which Scourge doesnt' even have access too. So there is no real way for them to fix the problem other than heavily buffing scourge DPS which will put him back into Raids as a DPS class.

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The issues not "the scourge support is not as usefull as dps provided by other profession", the issue is, as a whole that anet choice for the necromancer's support is a very poor option in PvE and anet's balance of the necromancer's dps is a bit on the low side since release. The necromancer have been in a quagmire in PvE since release because of that. Simply put, there is to many drawback due to the supposedly op shroud to make anything worthwhile in PvE. Even the vampiric choice is something that limit the necromancer since, due to it's double role, it's neither good at damage nor at healing and yet it count both as damage boost and sustain.


It might seem ironic but the necromancer in PvE is mainly shackled by mechanisms that are potentially dangerous for PvP but absolutely insignifiant in PvE. And the main issue is that due to poor design, there is no traits that would allow to put aside those dangerous mechanisms for mechanisms that have a lesser impact in PvP but a greater impact in PvE.


In PvP, nobody would care about having less toughness due to a debuff, nobody would care if the necromancer could sustain it's shroud thanks to it's allies healing him (even in wvw, it would be difficult to make such a thing impactfull)... etc. There is tons of trait that could make the necromancer impactfull in PvE and have next to zero effect on PvP/WvW. The issue is probably more that anet's dev desperatly want the necromancer to be a condition manager when he support it's team and unfortunately they don't want to accept the fact that it doesn't fit PvE.


Honnetly, I believe that their condi management fetish have already hurted the game more than anything. Boons corruption should have stayed a tactical weapon, now there is so much of it that there is nothing tactical about this ability.



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> @Kanto.1659 said:

> Scourges are for WvW what Spellbreakers are for sPvP. Neither of them are designed for PvE and I doubt the devs will change any of this since they are doing well for the game modes they were intended for.


Unfortunately, Spellbreaker has Warrior specs that are meta in PvE; they can do decent damage *and* they have a meta support build. Scourge, and by proxy Necromancer, does not have this.

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The title of the Post was to say that the Decisions about changes to Necro coming up in the patch are most likely already put to bed by the Development team. And I was trying to TAMP down a bunch of Silly poles about Nerfs to Reaper being the way forward to fix Scourge.


Clearly it seems that "Garish Pillar", along with its extremely high cost vs what it does normally, made no sense. In WvW we told all our Scourges not to use it because 1 Fear for 1/5th of your life force was not worth. However if you think of Garish Pillar as a Absurd Support ability which is the Synonym for Garish Pillar... And you find a Trait that affects F4, you will see that Blood Magic makes Scourge a decent healer. According to my heal meter when In WvW with Guards and Tempest I am healing equal to the Guard and The Tempest combined.


We have since learned the Specific overflow mechanics of the heal allow it to flow from Group to Group like a water fall focusing the healing on those in need, so that multiple Scourges are able to even burst heal. There are some interesting things this is now allowing our Guards to do.


However, I do not feel that scourge is providing enough DPS without the healing to justify a spot in WvW raids. Every one is acting like they found this secret about Power scourge which allows it to do damage without Dhumfire... LOL welcome to Week 1 of path of Fire my friends. We were bursting 20k power dmg in 2 seconds with Scourge on the first day of its release. We were LOLing when we dropped a bomb and 10 people died instantly. We had no idea the Shade / Scourge were overlapping, we just kept pushing Scourge towards power and seeing more downs and more big numbers. After the Nerf / Bug Fix, The Scourge numbers dropped below that of Power Rev, and we already had an Optimized build. So if you now achieve 300% more damage than you did on your Condi build you will just begin to scratch the surface of where our Scourge damage was before the Nerf. And there are 2 Power Classes, Weaver, and Rev, which provide CC and Resistance while out DPSing current scourge in WvW by 30-40%... So without the support and healing Scourge cannot justify a spot in comp except as a Condi spammer. And Firebrand is Guard take on Necro so why we need another condi spammer.

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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > Still waiting for this amazing healer build ...

> WvW Version :astonished:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAW7PW6GMqPwI4Qp3THqJ1pHwGLAA-jVSDQB8RXg8eCAqc/BAcBA0iyPjdQAmnGBBpEUSq/QKA/mZB-w

> Raid Healer Version :

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAW7PnE9Cl2gl9Cs9iluBTvnOUTqUfgRwha6BsxCAA-jFSDQBA4CAIJ1fU5+DYU5nxOIAlUJo8eCA8R3ApA8bmF-w



I was so excited to read your suggested raid heal build, as I have been considering using my envoy armor to start a heal build, just waiting for the patch tomorrow before I invest resources. After reading it I wanted to ask what your reasoning behind not using monk runes was and how does the serpent punishment work out in practice cause it seems really lack luster to me compared to using might stacking utilities. I was going to ask how your life force regen was and might generation. Then I saw your post a few posts down and was so disappointed.



> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > So you spam F4, layer barriers and get lots of regen from Staff 2. OK.

> >

> > You claim it's better than others ... anyone else can confirm that? Seems to me it's worth qT to have a look at it if it's that's good.


> I suppose qT would be the only ones to decide such things? I spent about 5 mins on the Raid build so don't expect it to be Gospel. Probably a Support Raid healer Scourge would go with a Power / Healing set like Zealots or Vigilant. But remember when you consider the healing offered from transfusion.


> Its 292 + .3 Healing power .... X 9 , every 12 Seconds... So 2628 + 2.7 * Healing Power every 12 Seconds... So real question is based on the Boss you fight, how much healing do you really need? Necro could probably also Tank a boss with Marshall's gear ... So Tank / Heal / DPS, all we seem to care about is damage, but you don't see people kicking Chrono out of raids...


I agree that qt doesn't have to test a build for it to be viable, but why bother posting a build you don't even take any time on and not say in your post at least, here are a few suggestions of starting points. I do believe there is a great healer support build available for scourge. The issue right now is. Scourge support must be able to provide enough overall dps increase by replacing a ps and/or out dpsing healer Druid because they do not currently provide any other dps increase support. Chrono, on the other hand, since you brought it up provides alacrity and quickness for dps support and distortion.

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> @Pirindolo.9427 said:

> next patch:

> Scourge severely nerfed in WvW and PVP, and part of the nerf affecting PVE as well.

> Core Necro and reaper remain the same, except for an epidemic CD increase and a 5% buff to axe auto attack damage to compensate.


If this will happen, THAT'S IT ! I will move my gear on mirage,because i like their style and i will move my to my new main, elementalist, since they are the flavor of this game class, and i will be truly safe on the spot.And i will use my necro as a bank.

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