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What got you into Guild Wars 2?

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GW2 is my first and only MMO. A friend (who plays lots of MMOs) got me into it.

I'm still here. They aren't. (To be fair they're not playing a lot of video/computer games right now period.)


To be fair, what brought me here and what keeps me here are two different things.


~ Kovu

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played gw1 from prophecies to eotn all there was. when gw2 was announced i made a break from gw1 and did not finish all of the hall of monuments. then gw2 was released and 6 month after the release i looked at it and saw that gw2 suggested to have a living world. a world ever changing and it was even placed in my old tyria. so i got it. unfortunately the concept was to big for anet and they dropped the living world thing. until that happened i got some chars too far to just drop it and stop. after all the different gamestyles within the game keep me interested.

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> @Palador.2170 said:

> It's silly, but I kind of missed crafting things in EQ2. Of course, I didn't want to go back to EQ2, as that and some of the races were the only parts I liked.


> Otherwise, I was perfectly happy playing CoH. Which NCSoft killed, right after GW2 came out.


It was around then CoH went down? I still miss CoH.


> @Danikat.8537 said:

> If you're intending this to be a response to the '85% unhappy' topic I think it would be more helpful to ask what interested people in GW2 rather than where they heard it from. 2 people could both pick that a friend told them about it but one might have been entirely interested in PvE and another exclusively PvP, which is the aspect of the game the other topic/s are addressing.


> I could technically pick 4 options: I played GW1 before GW2 was announced, but when it was announced I wasn't following news about the game that closely so it was friends telling me about it that got me to look into it and the trailers that convinced me I wanted to buy it. And throughout all of that it was the PvE aspects that interested me the most.


> What got me interested in GW1 was simple: it was an MMO with no subscription and a low level cap (meaning it wasn't built to be an endless grind to progress) and the charr looked like nothing I'd ever seen before implying there was a fair bit of originality in the world design. When I got GW2 I was fully expecting that I'd keep playing GW1 as well, but over time I got more and more drawn into this game to the point where in the 2nd year I didn't even bother trying for a mini polar bear in GW1 which had been basically all my free time every Wintersday since I found out they existed. I do still play GW1 but very rarely compared to the sequel.


> I don't mind PvP in theory, but I've always been more interested in the PvE aspects of all the games I've played with the sole exceptions of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. As a result I very rarely play PvP in any game (I think I've done 11 matches in GW2 and got up to about rank 114 in WvW). Balance issues don't bother me (see previous comment about Mario Kart and Smash Bros - two notoriously unbalanced games) because I never get into it enough to start worrying about that.


It was more of a "I don't want to know the general consensus of everyone who plays the game" as that's 100% impossible, even if I went in every zone and shouted in map on a link to this topic.

More like at least wondering on those that come to the general board every so often on what got them into the game.

Would be a better mix on knowing in general how someone got into the game than going into specific boards meant for specific areas to find out how someone got into something.

Example would be if this was a music site and I went into the 80s to ask how people got into music and expecting the same outcome/thoughts/ideas if I went to the 90s board and asked the same thing.

Wasn't meant to be some big poll on "We must know for Arenanet to change something", and just a stupid fun to get a simple conversation going.

That and everyone usually has their own story on how they got into something. Which can be interesting to hear about.

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I'd been playing MMOs a good while (started on DaoC, moved to Horizons, from there to WoW, during WoW I tested the waters of many others such as Aion, Rift, LotRO, etc. But WoW (and my superb RP guilds there) kept pulling me back. A WoW friend kept going on and on about GW1, which never interested me (maybe due to videos of it being very low rez). Then he told us GW2 was coming, and got us to look at blogs and videos. I got hooked and hyped and psyched. Started in on gw2roleplayers.com , set up our guild, and when launch came we'd done all the betas and were in on early access.


I'm so happy my friend never gave up touting the game.

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I was a fan of GW1 when it came out and I started during Prophecy Era of GW1. I would spend hours on the game during my free time when I have nothing important to do.


The game was great for its time and probably is one of the Online game that started the trend for actual Storyline Scenario quests for Online Games.


The two classes I played as the most was Petless Ranger (during Prophacy Era) and Assassin (once Factions was released). These two Professions were my favorite out of all Professions and I put the most time in these two characters. However, I do not play Thief and Ranger in GW2 because they just do not fit the gameplay style I was looking for when I wanted to play as a pure Damge Dealer Stealth class as the Ranger became manditory to have pets on in GW2 Core Era and Thief's gameplay did not feel quite right for me in this game (despite my default character are often Assassin type Characters) and Thief lacked there Shadow Attacks they had back in GW1 when it was Assassin.

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Feedback should be taken with a grain of salt because a lot of the mentality of what built up previous communities is also what has driven people away from the game based on a change of vision from the original. It'd make most sense for people still playing to be mostly enjoying the game based on the features given the most attention and support. Granted, I guess "what got you into" is pretty relative. Are we talking first considerations or the real reason why we thought the game was worth investing time into and stayed playing?


Ultimately my response is a mixed bag. I play games for PvP. I was quitting another PvP-based MMO and looking for another that wasn't P2W, and saw an in-depth promo article in an issue of GameInformer that I got for free like a year before it launched. Automatically I was interested by the business model and the reputation of the company/local developers.


What I can say is that the WvW intrigue number is definitely lower than it was near launch. *Everyone* got involved way back when. It was one of the huge selling points about this game everywhere you looked because it was basically taking on the DAoC crowd, the Korean-grinder-open-pk crowd, WoW faction battle-lords, and so on.

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Open World PvE in GW2 is exactly what I was looking for : gorgeous environments that leads to interesting exploration with dynamic combat that enforces cooperation rather than competition. It's never a bad surprise when someone else show up when you're doing an event, and I love that.

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I was tired of my last MMO, and spent quite a bit of time looking into what MMO's were out there, GW2, scored top of the charts on several sites, and after reading reviews, watching trailers, and looking into it, I decided to buy it. There was nothing random about my decision to come to this game.

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Friend bought gw1 many moons ago. I remember giving him crap for it, being a nerdy mmo while we were cool fps players at the time. I knew enough about them from playing other rpgs and knowing about wow, I told him I hated idea of monthly subs, and what bugged me a lot about games like that was being locked into skills you've selected to level up and how it was either expensive or impossible to go a different build route if you changed how you want to play down the road. As soon as he said "no monthly fee and you can swap skills and attribute in town whenever you want" I was impressed at the idea, hadn't seen that before in a game. Decided to pick the game up and we binged pretty hard on it, played through all expansions when they came out, duo farmed uw, had tons of fun for years.


We recently finished playing through Pof together like old times, I had a lot of flashbacks to our youth, I got a little overwhelmed. All the shit gw2 gets sometimes, it's core principles and game design have still kept me playing. Ty anet!

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We were a bunch of friends, playing Myst, Riven, Uru and co together, and when those come to end, we all swapped to GW1. It was a discovery for us after games of the type Myst & Uru. We enjoyed immediately. We made a guild to be together. We had big fun. When GW2 was announced, it did seem totally logical to go for it. We simply pre-ordered it altogether again, reserved names of our GW1 toons to have them back in GW2, and started there, creating the same guild. As of today, we keep playing and enjoying both games. =) <3

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GW1 was the best PvP experience of my life, but it had some flaws that surfaced later that hindered its growth. When I heard Anet was making a sequel where they were going to "include everything we loved, but improve wherever they can" I was super hyped.


Turns out they patched out the "flaw" where PvP was diverse, fun, rewarding, and competitive. In the first few years I still held out hope and while the combat was different it was exceptional, but HoT completely destroyed PvP and it's been on a decline ever since.

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Hmm, I actually forgot where I heard it from first, but ya, I was reading info from GW2 page before game was even released. I can remember that. The hype was real. A little bit after release I met a guy on a datesite and before I visited him I bought 2 copies of GW2 (it was not F2P back then) and gave him one as a gift. Pricey (and naive), sure, but we are still friends and he has more than repaid me. I could be dead now without him. I should win in lottery and get him HoT and PoF and PoF for myself, but unfortunately I'm plainly broke. He needs a change of pace because his main place is Silverwastes events, where you get a lot of loot and a lot of gold. I also need a change of pace, I find myself often stuck with Total Makeover Kit. I try to make everything perfect but it's impossible, I will never be satisfied unless I forget it.

Now I've come back after a little break and I think GW2 is better than WoW. I did try it for a month but it just sucks. Not worth paying sub for. Not even Legion. Mount drop rates are as bad as ever. WoW community is going downhill... Another game for me would be Wildstar. But it does not have as much content as GW2.

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I remember a lot of hype around Gw2, so I thought "why not give a shot" But the name and the content didnt' really live up to the hpye. I wouild have been so much happier if there was world pvp and Guilds vs Guilds in that massive world we played on. Im thinking of returning, but first scouting the forums.

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I was looking for a new game to play since before GW2 I had always played f2p MMORPG's which tend to turn into pay2win games sooner or later and the few that didn't where mostly about grinding the newest stuff as soon as possible to stay competitive. Then along game GW2 and they promised us there would be no grind, no pay2win etc, I believe they even said that we'd only have to buy the game and would never have to pay for content ever (until they decided to release an expansion) and at that time it sounded awesome and so me and a few of my friends bought it, played the beta weekends and most of my friends went back to playig WoW. I stayed and convinced another friend of mine to start gw2 and I've been playing GW2 ever since with him. Although I did take a few breaks from the game, especially after HoT release and if my buddy hadn't gifted me HoT I would've quit GW2 back then. (Release another expansion like HoT and I'm gone :) )

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Got bored with animu titled mmos and my boyfriend at the time introduced me to this.


This is the only reliable mmo as of now that I know won't default to the subscription garbage that they have for mmos nowadays. I love the damn clothes, I love Elementalist too damn much, and the weapon styles and minis keeps feeding my addiction to collect random, expensive shit without putting weight on my wallet.


Can't ask for anything more tbh.

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I was trying to find MMORPGs to play that didn't constantly eat all the money out of my pocket with a subscription, and I went looking on crappy websites to find one. Eventually I came across GW2 and watched the trailers, and fell head over heels in love with it. I bought HoT when I killed Zhaitan on my main Elementalist.


I've been playing for two years and I am still obsessed with it. I haven't ever really played any other MMOs, so this game hasn't really lost its initial magic for me.

I also was only two when Guild Wars came out, so I obviously never got into it. ( I do play it time to time though, and honestly don't enjoy it as much as Guild Wars 2. It just doesn't seem like I have the freedom to explore that I have in Guild Wars 2, which is one of my favorite parts of it. )


I'm a bit bummed out though because everyone at my school started playing ESO because they only have consoles. ( I live in the sticks ) and I don't have anyone to play GW2 _with_.

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