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[Video] Power Bombing Reaper WvW / New Build Post Balance Update.


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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> Continue destroying wvw moar with the one shot skills please.

> Hopefully more weavers get in on this.

> Maybe anet will get a clue someday.


They wont, gw2 is for that kinda of players who think get carried is skill, and game needs to be pvp easy for pve player who want to try it.


Remmember me playing overwatch when some friend told me to use the arrow guy super skill.. that thign killed the other team even trough the wall...


It is stupid how low skill the online games are becomming...


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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > Continue destroying wvw moar with the one shot skills please.

> > Hopefully more weavers get in on this.

> > Maybe anet will get a clue someday.


> They wont, gw2 is for that kinda of players who think get carried is skill, and game needs to be pvp easy for pve player who want to try it.


> Remmember me playing overwatch when some friend told me to use the arrow guy super skill.. that thign killed the other team even trough the wall...


> It is stupid how low skill the online games are becomming...



Then git guuder and show all the noobs yor leet skuuls.


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> @starlinvf.1358 said:

> > @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > > @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > > Continue destroying wvw moar with the one shot skills please.

> > > Hopefully more weavers get in on this.

> > > Maybe anet will get a clue someday.

> >

> > They wont, gw2 is for that kinda of players who think get carried is skill, and game needs to be pvp easy for pve player who want to try it.

> >

> > Remmember me playing overwatch when some friend told me to use the arrow guy super skill.. that thign killed the other team even trough the wall...

> >

> > It is stupid how low skill the online games are becomming...

> >


> Then git guuder and show all the noobs yor leet skuuls.




I dont play build to get carried, i dont dream, i play a mace shield shout guard....


keep dreamming gw2 is about skill... this game is really for u.


EDIT: i dont mind high damage but gw2 is way to much spammy and cleave/aoe for this kind of damage.

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I'd like for people complaining about the brokenness of this build consider the fact that 90% of the players he bursts are light or medium armoured players, who're probably running like 2k armour. And most of the time he doesn't have the ability to finish the downed guys if the enemy group has _any semblance of coordination whatsoever_. This is the same shit as D/D full glass crit Thieves, where they'll pop in, burst one dude, pop out.


Hell, any Ele could play this because the combo is just Churning Earth+Lightning Flash+Swap Fire+ Fire Grab. It's the first half that does most of the damage, due to all the damage bonuses from Weaver.


Good luck getting out afterwards tho, that's the hard part, as he says ;D

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> @Lasiurus.4067 said:

> Skill is not needed for DPS, skill is needed to survive with this build, after your burst :)


well if one ranger apeared at that momment OP would be wrecked ^^ could be even a guy within its first time on WvW.


Team work should be necessary for both like gw1 had, in both defense and defense.


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This build is indeed very high risk. I did find it fun to play though, as it reminded me of the fun of the good ol days with the d/d builds. I had mixed results personally, mostly because it is really dependent on who you are raiding with. Often times i find myself with groups who didn't have the front line discipline enough to allow me to flank in. When they did, they often moved out of position too far that i'd need to FGS out before finishing off and didn't have the other pick around (since pick is rare) to finish the enemies off out of position. This lack of coordination often means i need to sit back and wait for two long cooldowns to line up, or hope for a straggler to kill off pushing within our group). Although the Mag cloud can sometimes act as the necessary buffer to capitalize on this builds strength.


I wouldn't call this build game breaking, you are seeing a montage of massive hits for the most part. What i see is a lot of 10-15k hits, on a big cooldown (40s) that hits 5 people max (normally get 2-3). The rest of the hits are not massive when you compare it to some of the numbers other builds can put out. I rarely see the massive numbers and i believe i run a tad more zerker than the OP does. What i do see though is a ton of front line being hit for 4-6k only, for those that get hit by the massive 20ks, they need to accept that running glass can mean you die with one or two shots sometimes. I can only wish to have a group who will push hard enough now like the OP does so i can hit those juicy clothies hiding way in the back.


So while i love this build, i find myself often stuck on a more pirate ship friendly staff build.



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So basically what I did forever on everything I played.


They toned down reaper durability and upped its damage so much to a point where it's basically just an easier-to-counter OTP, though.


All it needed was baseline SoS to keep it mobile/flickerable and AA upped to be competitive with GS auto's DPS and it'd have been fine.


Though tbh, people in the ele video really need to learn how to dodge.

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> @Draygo.9473 said:

> This build is not 20k dps. Thats a 20k burst, which has to be setup and is heavily telegraphed, and has a significant cooldown before it can be done again.


Sorry but that's not a good excuse as to why there's yet another one shot skill in the game.

Seems bull kitten to me to constantly increase damage but not health pools.

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Your reaver video is impressive, but I'm embarrassed for you over the reaper video. You should delete that. I see a couple big hits, and honestly, the hits are not that impressive. I got bigger hits on a slightly different build, but I was able to stay on tag, so I was hitting bigger more often. The rest of the time, you're out of position doing almost nothing. This may be due to your playstyle, but it's definitely due to the 2 nerfs over the last few months affecting reaper shoud. This is why people don't play reaper anymore in WvW large combat. So your big hits are diminished. Remeber, dps is over time and needs to be averaged out. Also, I notice that you cut a lot before you're gonna die. Also, you were one of many, maybe about 30 or so. They seemed to be doing much more of the work, dropping co-ordinated bombs and downing people before you even touched them. Not a video to post.


But the reaver one, however, is impressive. Truely big hits, and I don't see you cutting out before you die, you are able to take on a lot of folks, and of course, winning.

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Thanks a lot for your feedback.

I main Weaver/Elementalist with nearly 10.000 h on it, and only 100h on Necro...


But the thing is the Reaper build got way more sustain & survive than my weaver one shot.


Just few stat comparison :

Weaver 15k HP / Reaper 23k

Weaver 1900 Armor / Reaper 2400

Effective Health is nearly 2 times bigger on Reaper, & DPS is way easier to make.

But I agree with you, & Weaver is way more fun & challenging to me.

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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > @Draygo.9473 said:

> > This build is not 20k dps. Thats a 20k burst, which has to be setup and is heavily telegraphed, and has a significant cooldown before it can be done again.


> Sorry but that's not a good excuse as to why there's yet another one shot skill in the game.

> Seems bull kitten to me to constantly increase damage but not health pools.


Wait why is this a bad thing? This is an active combat game not a tank and spank game you should get out of the way or dodge big burst atks. Its when you can do this in a sustane way is the problem and high light videos like this only show you one big hit but nothing about the after effects. Its condis that the real problem in that they do dmg like this with low cd.

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