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[Poll] Replace 1 Alpine with New Map and/or EoTM Map


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> @MUDse.7623 said:

> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > As long as the devs don't try to come up with some new silly design like in desert borderlands then I'm fine with the idea. As long as the map is small-ish, relatively open and filled with enough objectives to capture/contest and allow strategical gameplay, it should be fun. OTOH if it's just long, boring walks with nothing to do only to be ganked in 30s because the map is huge but just a bunch of claustrophobic corridors - like DBL - then no thank you.


> sounds like a super boring map to me.. you want stratecig gameplay but dont want to use the terrain to your advantage ?


I never said it should be completely flat, but similar to popular maps, eg EBG or ABL, ie relatively open to allow for trains movement.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> As long as the devs don't try to come up with some new silly design like in desert borderlands then I'm fine with the idea. As long as the map is small-ish, relatively open and filled with enough objectives to capture/contest and allow strategical gameplay, it should be fun. OTOH if it's just long, boring walks with nothing to do only to be ganked in 30s because the map is huge but just a bunch of claustrophobic corridors - like DBL - then no thank you.


I even think the maps have way to much structures, DBL IMO is way to be for what Gw2 needs, since is a game w/o much mechanics besides stack boons and and move forward.


More smaller maps with less structures but stuctures that would allow guilds access to cool mechanics as a new golem, charr vehicles, materials rewards, maybe maps could have like 2 or 3 castles maybe 4, more maps but smaller with special camp and mine maps etc, where actually guilds could envolve the stuctures and defend atack, send small group on havock etc, cause they wanted those mechanics for their guilds, and those siege weapons could be used in pve.. but pve is so dulll 111111 that would be to much :S.


IDK the design of WvW makes me sad....

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> @coglin.1496 said:

> > @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> > Replace 1 Alpine with New Map and/or EoTM Map


> The fact that you seriously suggest using the garbage EotM map over the alpine map makes me suspect this is just a troll poll.




Nope not trolling. Alpine is ok for short burst but to me lacks any depth and its is very easy to pin a server in spawn if there is a dis> @coglin.1496 said:

> > @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> > Replace 1 Alpine with New Map and/or EoTM Map


> The fact that you seriously suggest using the garbage EotM map over the alpine map makes me suspect this is just a troll poll.




You can take a look at my posting history. I don't think I would be considered to troll post. And now that we do have polls wanted to get a forum check out of curiosity. I would hope that ANet is spending resources on a new WvW map, and I do think we should have 4 unique maps.

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> @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

> > @coglin.1496 said:

> > > @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> > > Replace 1 Alpine with New Map and/or EoTM Map

> >

> > The fact that you seriously suggest using the garbage EotM map over the alpine map makes me suspect this is just a troll poll.

> >

> >


> Idk about troll, but the last three options could be squished into "no change" tbh.


Thought about that, but there is a difference in not wanting a map and want a new map but after some other things are addressed first in my book.

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Man people hating on the DBL?? Like that is the second best map for fights! It has some fantastically designed choke points that allow for some very epic fights! Some of the best fights in recent history have been had on the DBL. I prefer to see an alpine map go if one has to go. TBH I would prefer a underwater map. I am sure that will never happen, but a person can dream.

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> @Malerian.8435 said:

> Man people hating on the DBL?? Like that is the second best map for fights! It has some fantastically designed choke points that allow for some very epic fights! Some of the best fights in recent history have been had on the DBL. I prefer to see an alpine map go if one has to go. TBH I would prefer a underwater map. I am sure that will never happen, but a person can dream.


Yes. After abandoning the balance for water combat across all game modes (that means pve too), we should have a water map for the lewls.

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> @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

> > @Malerian.8435 said:

> > Man people hating on the DBL?? Like that is the second best map for fights! It has some fantastically designed choke points that allow for some very epic fights! Some of the best fights in recent history have been had on the DBL. I prefer to see an alpine map go if one has to go. TBH I would prefer a underwater map. I am sure that will never happen, but a person can dream.


> Yes. After abandoning the balance for water combat across all game modes (that means pve too), we should have a water map for the lewls.


I win 99% of my underwater fights. Always have as a Guard, DH, And FB. So I enjoy it very much. But I could see balance issues for some classes.

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I wouldn't mind seeing any of the following presets/biome for new map design:


* Pastoral countryside

* Tundra (or even updated ABL e.g; snow everywhere)

* Underworld

* Savannah

* Rainforest/Marsh


So long as all objectives are strategic and well thought out, combined with areas for GvG (spacious, flat terrain) then I would very much welcome a new map.

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> @Zephyra.4709 said:

> I wouldn't mind seeing any of the following presets/biome for new map design:


> * Pastoral countryside

> * Tundra (or even updated ABL e.g; snow everywhere)

> * Underworld

> * Savannah

> * Rainforest/Marsh


> So long as all objectives are strategic and well thought out, combined with areas for GvG (spacious, flat terrain) then I would very much welcome a new map.


Be mindful on map suggestions,

If it's desert, jungle, underworld or lava then no one will play on it.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I am a bit lost ( maybe because i am not that much into WvW ).

> Wasn't all the players ( or at least the majority of em ) against the new RED border map?


> I thought that everybody hated that map and was against new WvW maps just cause of the bad experience.


Everyone who voted "no" to the desert bl thought everyone else voted "no" and then they realized they were wrong in believing everyone hated desert bl. Well actually they still blame anet for rigging the vote with pvers or something.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I am a bit lost ( maybe because i am not that much into WvW ).

> Wasn't all the players ( or at least the majority of em ) against the new RED border map?


> I thought that everybody hated that map and was against new WvW maps just cause of the bad experience.


Depends on the threads you read. After some polls, which can be questioned there seemed more in favor of DBL versus against. But some also took the poll as additional maps would be added over time. Can't speak for all servers, and have never seen numbers posted by ANet, but based on which maps are queued I wouldn't say DBL is hated since its often full queued before the alpines. But mileage will vary server to server.

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> @Zephyra.4709 said:

> I wouldn't mind seeing any of the following presets/biome for new map design:


> * Pastoral countryside

> * Tundra (or even updated ABL e.g; snow everywhere)

> * Underworld

> * Savannah

> * Rainforest/Marsh


> So long as all objectives are strategic and well thought out, combined with areas for GvG (spacious, flat terrain) then I would very much welcome a new map.


Thinking along the same lines. More in favor of larger maps with varied fight areas but with objectives that compliment each other strategically. Picture outer rings of camps, towers feed from camps and can threaten/support keeps. Areas for solos, havocs, zerg and gvg. Areas of openness and areas that allow for infiltration and choke points and spots that can break LoS. 3 sided in design since EB is a great example of a map that after being on a multiple tiers seems to draw the most fights. To me gliding has fit in well and given more of a reason to control some points to allow more freedom of support response and movement between points. I could see this being utilized to create capture points that solely make more open paths via gliding to create back-doors to other areas of the map. But, that should be a different thread. This is more about would people be interested in 4 maps or do they want other things. ANet does use the forums as directional interest at times.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Was the vote before knowing the map or after some time ( months ) of play?


Hmm...I hate to say it depends on how you look at it, so here's a version with some followup threads if you want to take a look yourself.


* Map released

* Forums complaints within weeks of release from people used to ABL (questionable on how many versus repeats)

* Requests were made for DBL map changes

* Map was modified to address issues stated with it (took a few months to modify)

* Poll up to go with mixed maps, poll won in favor of multiple maps but did not get a 75% (was 65-69ish) so was dismissed

* Game director change (few weeks after new DBL version released)

* DBL pulled and replaced by older alpine based on new direction and ANet using forum as heavy indicator

* Complaints from DBL peeps now no longer available to play (forum goers and some not who didn't understand where map went)

* Poll was up for keep or remove DBL which scored in favor of the people saying keep

* Rotation planned 3 home maps in at a time with ABL being up

* DBL complaints (unclear how many unique) of ABL design

* As time drew near to DBL being returned ABL complaints that DBL shouldn't come back

* Second poll was brought up of rotations or if mixed what mixed route to go. Mixed won over rotation so both sides had more choice versus locked out of maps

* Last polls had some potential/questions about future development depending on votes and additional maps to replace one of the two ABLs


Not sure how long the old posts will remain accessible. You used to be able to see the actual vote counts but that page is gone but it exceeded the signed post.





Not finding that last one about what mix to use right now, but if you are still in interest the old threads are still out there for now. Hope that helps.


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> @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > Was the vote before knowing the map or after some time ( months ) of play?


> Hmm...I hate to say it depends on how you look at it, so here's a version with some followup threads if you want to take a look yourself.


> * Map released

> * Forums complaints within weeks of release from people used to ABL (questionable on how many versus repeats)

> * Requests were made for DBL map changes

> * Map was modified to address issues stated with it (took a few months to modify)

> * Poll up to go with mixed maps, poll won in favor of multiple maps but did not get a 75% (was 65-69ish) so was dismissed

> * Game director change (few weeks after new DBL version released)

> * DBL pulled and replaced by older alpine based on new direction and ANet using forum as heavy indicator

> * Complaints from DBL peeps now no longer available to play (forum goers and some not who didn't understand where map went)

> * Poll was up for keep or remove DBL which scored in favor of the people saying keep

> * Rotation planned 3 home maps in at a time with ABL being up

> * DBL complaints (unclear how many unique) of ABL design

> * As time drew near to DBL being returned ABL complaints that DBL shouldn't come back

> * Second poll was brought up of rotations or if mixed what mixed route to go. Mixed won over rotation so both sides had more choice versus locked out of maps

> * Last polls had some potential/questions about future development depending on votes and additional maps to replace one of the two ABLs


> Not sure how long the old posts will remain accessible. You used to be able to see the actual vote counts but that page is gone but it exceeded the signed post.

> https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/wuv/Want-the-old-maps-back-186-Signs

> https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/wuv/WvW-Poll-31-May-Mixed-Borderlands-CLOSED/first

> https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/wuv/WvW-Poll-14-June-Desert-Borderlands-Closed/first


> Not finding that last one about what mix to use right now, but if you are still in interest the old threads are still out there for now. Hope that helps.



Thanks for the post.

I am going to read it carefully ( all i heard were just rumors and comments, that's why i was not completely able to understand ).

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The irony of the bandwagon hate of desert bl and calling people who go there pip farmers lol. The reason they hate that borderland is because they can't sit on siege and afk farm pips. It was a great design just needs more of it that promotes fights instead of afk pip farming.

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