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[Suggestion] Dailies.


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> @Vash.2386 said:

> Yes please, or make them a choice of Core Tyria/WvW/PvP/HoT/PoF. I don't like the fact that as soon as you buy HoT or PoF you are no longer able to do the core Tyria dailies.


I still get dailies for the core world, but there are a lot less frequent (mainly it's just orr, that seems to keep poping up for the foraging daily)

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> @Vash.2386 said:

> Yes please, or make them a choice of Core Tyria/WvW/PvP/HoT/PoF. I don't like the fact that as soon as you buy HoT or PoF you are no longer able to do the core Tyria dailies.


I've found that even with HoT / PoF, normally 3/4 dailies are still set in core content (+ SW/DT). I think the worst I've ever had is where only 2/4 were core dailies. So I wouldn't say "you are no longer able to do the core Tyria dailies." is very accurate.

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As long as 3 from 'any' category counts towards the overall daily (2g), then I'm fine with it. As a way to increase more options across the board, with more options per category, and allow people who want to stay 'in' one lane more choices for daily completion.


Personally, I'd just do more for more rewards and karma, as I enjoy doing quite a few of them. I'm not much of a WvW player any more (I used to do it a lot pre-HoT), but I find some of those dailies quite easy to do, and often do 1-3 of those each day regardless, so I'd like to see those still count towards the daily meta.


I'd like to see more HoT and PoF options, especially maybe like 'complete any 2 hearts in Crystal Desert', as something else to do. Sometimes I like/need some easy ones, and sometimes I'll just do like the longer "4 events in a zone" ones just to throw something different at myself for the day.


While 'maybe' some of the older ones were silly (10 rezzes, 10 ambient creatures), they at least gave us a 'lot' of options. While I wouldn't want to see anything like that return, I think having more options would be great!


Oh, and for both HoT and PoF, throw in doing repeatable HPs. Maybe 1/2.

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Eh, ANet seems married to the idea that people who prefer PvE should not have preferences within PvE. I suspect that -- were they to add more PvE options, they'd also want to add more WvW/PvP options, and I'm not sure how they'd do that. Those game modes have a lot less variety in terms of what to do.


As to making the HoT/PoF dailies their own thing, I don't agree. There are already too many different regional dailies.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> Eh, ANet seems married to the idea that people who prefer PvE should not have preferences within PvE. I suspect that -- were they to add more PvE options, they'd also want to add more WvW/PvP options, and I'm not sure how they'd do that. Those game modes have a lot less variety in terms of what to do.


> As to making the HoT/PoF dailies their own thing, I don't agree. There are already too many different regional dailies.


PvE is the only game mode that suffers from population dispersion. The whole intent of the dailies is to incentivize players to visit specific areas, boosting that population, and enabling metas in the area to be viable. For Core Tyria its to supplement the F2P population, as theres rarely a reason for HOT/POF players to revisit those areas outside of Map bonus. For HOT and POF maps, which have meta events that demand high populations to execute, those dailies are made to keep players in the zone long enough to get sucked into the meta, and grant realistic opportunities for Achievement hunters.

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> @starlinvf.1358 said:

> > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > Eh, ANet seems married to the idea that people who prefer PvE should not have preferences within PvE. I suspect that -- were they to add more PvE options, they'd also want to add more WvW/PvP options, and I'm not sure how they'd do that. Those game modes have a lot less variety in terms of what to do.

> >

> > As to making the HoT/PoF dailies their own thing, I don't agree. There are already too many different regional dailies.


> PvE is the only game mode that suffers from population dispersion. The whole intent of the dailies is to incentivize players to visit specific areas, boosting that population, and enabling metas in the area to be viable. For Core Tyria its to supplement the F2P population, as theres rarely a reason for HOT/POF players to revisit those areas outside of Map bonus. For HOT and POF maps, which have meta events that demand high populations to execute, those dailies are made to keep players in the zone long enough to get sucked into the meta, and grant realistic opportunities for Achievement hunters.


While that may or may not be ANet's intent, it doesn't really work in core. Clicking a vista or 4 nodes rarely keeps anyone in a zone they might prefer not to be in otherwise long enough for anything to develop. As to event dailies -- at least in low level zones -- any possible benefit is lost when you consider the cost. That being the enabling of game-play wherein players spam attacks where mobs are _going_ to spawn.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> While that may or may not be ANet's intent, it doesn't really work in core. Clicking a vista or 4 nodes rarely keeps anyone in a zone they might prefer not to be in otherwise long enough for anything to develop. As to event dailies -- at least in low level zones -- any possible benefit is lost when you consider the cost. That being the enabling of game-play wherein players spam attacks where mobs are _going_ to spawn.


While that sounds true, it turns out that dispersed dailies really do disperse players. Event dailies generally create multiple instances of maps that usually only have one, which is helpful for restarting stalled events. While most people might come to get four/done, some people do stay. Dailies might not be a wildly successful tool for the job, but neither has it failed entirely. And given how low the cost is (for ANet), seems worth the trouble.



Regardless, the question of whether there should/shouldn't be more varieties of PvE dailies comes down to what people think dailies are supposed to be.

* Those who think they should be entirely trivial will be upset regardless of the details, if there aren't at least 3 trivial ones.

* Those who think they are intended to provide some challenge before claiming the 2g/10 AP reward won't be bothered by the amount of variety.

* Those who figured out easy ways to obtain the original dailies will be annoyed when anything new enters the mix.


Since ANet hasn't been forthcoming about their reasons, it's hard to know how to make a suggestion that addresses their interests. The OP's ideas are just as likely (or unlikely) to interest the devs as any.




My personal take: if I can do three dailies in 10 minutes, great. Any longer and I no longer bother. It's not that I want to forgo 2g or 10AP; it's just distracting from actually playing the game. If ANet sees fit to keep including a daily PoF bounty in the list, I'll keep skipping. It's not that it's hard, it's just that I don't want to go that far out of my way for the sake of a nominal tangible reward, at the expense of doing something that's actually fun for its own sake.

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I wasn't trying to overthink this. I was just thinking, ya know how when you zone into WvW you get WvW dailies, When you zone into the Labyrinthine you get the Festive dailies, I was thinking, when you zone into HoT you get like a choice of 6 HoT dailies, when you zone into PoF you get 6 PoF dailies choices.


And yah.. they would all count towards the "Daily reward".. so any 3 will still get you the 2 gold.

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