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My suggestions for improvements

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I've tried three times now to bring new people into this game. And, every one of them was turned off by an experience that was glitchy, clunky, and amateurish.


**Person 1: "Let's get some mastery points."**

This person wanted to max his gliding masteries. So, I suggested that the best way to fill his experience bars was to do HoT meta events. I didn't want to subject him to a typical, boring, MMO-grind of killing beetles and pigs in the open world. And I wanted him to see that the game had some interesting meta-quests and objectives for players to work together on. So we spent three days going through the utter NONSENSE of zoning into HoT maps, and not being able to join the people we were grouped with (full map) over and over and over and over and over. Or, one of us could get in and the other couldn't. Or one of us lost connection and zoned back in to a different instance. Or we both got in but had to wait 25 minutes for the event to start. Or we both got in but the event just ended. We probably spent more time playing "instance tag," and waiting around than we did playing the game. And I'm used to this ridiculous nonsense by now. But how do I "sell" it to someone who's playing for their first time??


**Person 2: "Let's do some WvW. That sounds cool."**

Me: "Ok, I've actually never done it before. Let's give it a shot!" So we spend half an hour trying to figure out why we're both in the same map, but can't see or find each other. And I finally figure out that I need to go to the gem-store and drop money to switch servers. So, fine... I do it. And off we go! So how do you find your teammates in WvW? LFG panel? Nope! It's empty 24/7. So we just start running towards a contested zone... and running, and running, and running. Finally we get demolished by 10+ people (which is to be expected), and have to port all the way back to one of the THREE waypoints in this colossal zone, and do the run again. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. But the whole time... where is everybody? How do we hook up with our team? No clue. Once in a blue moon, an allied zerg would come barreling past. But as soon as they broke up, we were back to having no idea where everybody was or how to find them. So we decided to go do HoT/PoF maps instead. And I got to show this person the joys of "instance tag" as well.


**Person 3: That looks like a cool game. I'll buy it now. Send me the link.**


So I send the link to download the game, and the page won't load. "Hmm, that's weird. Just go through the website instead." She goes through the website, and the purchase page won't load again. I suggest that it must be her internet connection. So I tether my phone to her computer, and the page still won't load. So we tether her phone to the computer, and the page still won't load. The problem was actually on the side of the website (as all three internet connections we used were perfectly fine everywhere else). So, I'm absolutely burning annoyed, but trying not to show it. And I tell her that I'll just email her the link so she can try again later. But seriously... how bad does that look?? Who wants to drop 50 dollars on a game that can't even keep their website running??


In summary... Anet, please step your game up. I try so hard to show people what a cool game this can be. But you make things REALLY hard... seriously.

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Part 1: Can't say that can be fixed. People usually tend to bundle into one map and leave the others dead or half empty when it comes to metas. The only solution is have even more people play those metas but... how would you do that?


Part 2: I always saw WvW as the FFXI version of GW2 with Pvp involed. What I mean is huge map/world with barely ever seeing much of anyone most of the time and of course dying will send you far back to where you came to the last waypoint/home point you've been to. While I don't like WvW at all, it seems the only time I ever see any form of action is if someone takes up the commander tag, and then everyone follows them and just bulldoze through areas or heading into another huge force and having an all out war during the whole thing.

As someone who find PvP super boring, those all out wars are awesome! Too bad as I said I only ever see this when someone has a commander tag up.


Part 3: I've had this happen to me even when I was trying to get PoF, but my case isn't like hers I would say. My case is I've been to the site quite a few times to check out about PoF... but because I've been on the PoF pages so much the site said something about I've been there too much and that I might need to clear cookies to get back on there? I don't get why as I never seen this ever happen anywhere else.

Cleared cookies and it still didn't work. It wasn't until the next day I was able to get on the site which made me think it wasn't some cookies problem.

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part 1:

kittens sometimes. but if somebody opens up a meta map (dragons stand) you "just have to" join at the beginning or prior to the map-start.

can get tedious sure.


part 2:

(depending on the server) what USUALLY happens is people announce the server-community teamspeak/discord in map-chat and in teamchat. if not, ask.

there you can connect in an instant with the community.

get information about builds, about how wvw works, community-forums, spreadsheets, roaming, zerging. all that information is quite important. pve gear (stats, sigils, runes) and tactics/builds wont help much in wvw. and if you face people killing you very fast - they most likely have a lot more experience in that gamemode.

the waypoints... are pretty well designed for wvw. there are even mechanics to pull a waypoint in emergencies. it requires a bit more tactic - besides the desert borderland the maps are quite good actually.

i feel like in that case you just didn't see the obvious solutions.

ah and lucky you, you could change the server. imagine the server would have been on status "full"


part 3:

happened to me aswell

internet happens to everybody


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Part 1. I don't think that's arenanet fault. Maps are designed by a people limit. Too many people in a map means you will get kicked out. If there was more you would be in lag central. However you sound pretty new playing the game. Preparing for a meta. You should always look in the lfg. Or get a wiki app for the metas to be early so you are not kicked and both of you can get in.


2. IDK how you didn't spawn together in the same waypoint. You did good switching servers. However you need to go to the same map in wvw and party up so your blue dot shows the person is there. Same with any map. Always party up since the maps are too big to roam to just randomly find someone. If your in the same map and the person's picture is black. Right click on the person and switch instance. Wvw and roaming is just too long. There's 4 destinations in wvw. And you both have to select the right destination to get in. Once you do that, have the first person wait for the other. Because each starting zone is where both will start.


3. The most simple way actually is if the person already has a free account. Just go on the trading Post in the game and buy POF or hot on there, use your card and really simple. However. Your experience saying the page didn't pop up..... Sounds like an internet connection to me. I've never had that problem with any website that couldn't pop up unless the website is being worked on. Or updated which it hasn't happened in anytime. However the other way which is more complicated is purchasing online on gw2 site. Then logging in. Then putting the activation code.


To me that doesn't sound like it's arenanet fault. Sounds like you need to study the game a little more so when you get more people to play they will stay. It seems like you couldn't answer questions for then which makes them leave. Not to be mean. Just saying. But next time understand the game more. And then get the person to play again.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> I think that ANet could do a better job of explaining game systems and the like.


That's what wiki is for and videos. FFXIV, eso, wow do the same. Not everything is going to be explained. It's also why you have map chat, guilds and friends. So you can always have help when needed. However arenanet does explain these things. On twitch. Their introductions to new classes. New maps. The systems. The FAQ. Looking at hot page and reading everything, same thing for POF page. There's a lot to read which I bet not everyone reads everything before playing the game.


It's too much time. We just want to play the game. But MMOs have the biggest manual to understand the game. But arenanets fault? IDK. It's a two way street. There's too much wiki apps, And videos. And people playing the game to say it needs to be explained.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > I think that ANet could do a better job of explaining game systems and the like.


> That's what wiki is for and videos. FFXIV, eso, wow do the same. Not everything is going to be explained. It's also why you have map chat, guilds and friends. So you can always have help when needed. However arenanet does explain these things. On twitch. Their introductions to new classes. New maps. The systems. The FAQ. Looking at hot page and reading everything, same thing for POF page. There's a lot to read which I bet not everyone reads everything before playing the game.


> It's too much time. We just want to play the game. But MMOs have the biggest manual to understand the game. But arenanets fault? IDK. It's a two way street. There's too much wiki apps, And videos. And people playing the game to say it needs to be explained.


No, the Wiki is out of the game. The game needs to guide players. GW2 is a huge and complex game and it is very difficult to understand what is going on.

I had to go on youtube to get taught what the hell is going on in WvW cause the game doesn't say anything. It needs guiding systems. Players are lost, don't know what is going on and stop playing.

Tbh this happens in every aspect of the game. Dungeons where new players obviously don't know how the encounters work. Meta's where players have no idea what is going on. It happens in every aspect of the game and it's something that anet really needs to adress.


They have to explain the systems to the players if they want to retain them. Otherwise they just lose interest and leave. Not everyone has the motivation to bother and go google everything when they can just go and play something else instead.

Theres a great game here, but it's behind alot of unclear layers of systems.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > I think that ANet could do a better job of explaining game systems and the like.


> That's what wiki is for and videos. FFXIV, eso, wow do the same. Not everything is going to be explained. It's also why you have map chat, guilds and friends. So you can always have help when needed. However arenanet does explain these things. On twitch. Their introductions to new classes. New maps. The systems. The FAQ. Looking at hot page and reading everything, same thing for POF page. There's a lot to read which I bet not everyone reads everything before playing the game.


> It's too much time. We just want to play the game. But MMOs have the biggest manual to understand the game. But arenanets fault? IDK. It's a two way street. There's too much wiki apps, And videos. And people playing the game to say it needs to be explained.


I disagree.


Third party sites, such as twitch, fan edited wikis, and the like are not good alternatives to in-game information in my opinion.


I think that ANet could do better.


I am not a big fan of a consumer product producer pawning support for their product off on others. There arent many other industries, if any, where the need for explanation of the functionality of the product is responded to with, go ask someone else.

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> @Nemmar.8491 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > I think that ANet could do a better job of explaining game systems and the like.

> >

> > That's what wiki is for and videos. FFXIV, eso, wow do the same. Not everything is going to be explained. It's also why you have map chat, guilds and friends. So you can always have help when needed. However arenanet does explain these things. On twitch. Their introductions to new classes. New maps. The systems. The FAQ. Looking at hot page and reading everything, same thing for POF page. There's a lot to read which I bet not everyone reads everything before playing the game.

> >

> > It's too much time. We just want to play the game. But MMOs have the biggest manual to understand the game. But arenanets fault? IDK. It's a two way street. There's too much wiki apps, And videos. And people playing the game to say it needs to be explained.


> No, the Wiki is out of the game. The game needs to guide players. GW2 is a huge and complex game and it is very difficult to understand what is going on.

> I had to go on youtube to get taught what the hell is going on in WvW cause the game doesn't say anything. It needs guiding systems. Players are lost, don't know what is going on and stop playing.

> Tbh this happens in every aspect of the game. Dungeons where new players obviously don't know how the encounters work. Meta's where players have no idea what is going on. It happens in every aspect of the game and it's something that anet really needs to adress.


> They have to explain the systems to the players if they want to retain them. Otherwise they just lose interest and leave. Not everyone has the motivation to bother and go google everything when they can just go and play something else instead.


So your telling me the green circles in the map.... And the red wrenches on the map.... And the big oh green arrow during dungeons don't show you where to go? I can understand people sometimes get lost since I've seen it. But there's things in the game that people don't also pay attention to. Like the map chat shows what the NPCs are saying to know where to go. The top right above the map also tells you the objective. And you can click on it for it to expand or be explained. Some things people just over think when it is soooooooooooooooo simple.


The way the game plays, every game developer doesnt explain every dungeon in a game. What your asking is a personal guide book. However you don't need one. But saying arenanet to step up their game for a guide book? XD. Come on now. How big would that book be? 1000 pages to give understanding of the game.


But to me. This is every game. Every game you have to figure out in between the lines.

Honestly as much as when you said no one wants to look at google, that's their fault. Yes you want to play the game but, looking up Google for 5 mins is much better then spending 3 hours of why it's not working. Which is why I say it's not arenanets fault. People are just... Lazy. There's too much guides online. Too much videos. Too much gw2 pages of showing how to play the game. Too much basic guides for new players. But no one wants to read them.....? That's a problem of people not wanting to follow instructions.



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I expected this thread to be a lot of whinging but...

Daaang, I echo this so much.


All of the taxi-hopping and waiting isn't good for a new player who *wants to do things*. Especially when they want to do it with the friend that brought them in.

To think of it, it's not good for a veteran player, either. We're just more jaded about the obvious failings of the Megaserver.


And WvW's format is still horrible. :-1: The party finder was supposed to help guide players to active groups, but I always find it empty, and it offers no squads to join. So I have to scramble to look for tags, sometimes not finding one, or if I do, it's all the way across the map while the waypoints are contested/nonexistent.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > I think that ANet could do a better job of explaining game systems and the like.

> >

> > That's what wiki is for and videos. FFXIV, eso, wow do the same. Not everything is going to be explained. It's also why you have map chat, guilds and friends. So you can always have help when needed. However arenanet does explain these things. On twitch. Their introductions to new classes. New maps. The systems. The FAQ. Looking at hot page and reading everything, same thing for POF page. There's a lot to read which I bet not everyone reads everything before playing the game.

> >

> > It's too much time. We just want to play the game. But MMOs have the biggest manual to understand the game. But arenanets fault? IDK. It's a two way street. There's too much wiki apps, And videos. And people playing the game to say it needs to be explained.


> I disagree.


> Third party sites, such as twitch, fan edited wikis, and the like are not good alternatives to in-game information in my opinion.


> I think that ANet could do better.


> I am not a big fan of a consumer product producer pawning support for their product off on others. There arent many other industries, if any, where the need for explanation of the functionality of the product is responded to with, go ask someone else.


I can see that. However third party info for gw2 are very accurate. Not all but most. So I could see why some people don't want third party. But 90 percent of info about gw2 guides are good.


Also the thing is if your new. Or whoever is new. The thing that you should ALWAYS do. Is ask. Find a guild. Get a good friend and always ask. As much as people get lost, their are plenty of helpful people. If people can't find someone in map chat. It's probably because your in a lvl 10 map. But sometimes if you ask to be in a guild someone will be ready to add you. Then you have great input on the game by the guild. Or. Head to lions arch. And there's everyone on their that will help. It's like the big market in other games.


Also if your a beginner there are beginner guides in the forums. Or ask to be friends with someone on the forum. That's how great this community is. Even if there isn't a guide specifically from arenanet. There are people willing to help at all times. Even if someone needs help I would happily help only if your willing to be friends or join one of the guilds I'm in.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> I expected this thread to be a lot of whinging but...

> Daaang, I echo this so much.


> All of the taxi-hopping and waiting isn't good for a new player who *wants to do things*. Especially when they want to do it with the friend that brought them in.

> To think of it, it's not good for a veteran player, either. We're just more jaded about the obvious failings of the Megaserver.


> And WvW's format is still horrible. :-1: The party finder was supposed to help guide players to active groups, but I always find it empty, and it offers no squads to join. So I have to scramble to look for tags, sometimes not finding one, or if I do, it's all the way across the map while the waypoints are contested/nonexistent.


Yea I hate the contested. However. I found out if you have a phone. And have Google play there is an app that times meta bosses. So you can be there before the map is contested. And you can be ready in a squad to start it. Or you can start one looking for a squad leader.


Wvw i would put more advice but I've done very few of. Honestly to think of it I never join unless I'm with a friend because you will get destroyed alone. So always go with some people. Also once your there just punch in the lfg. Or just map chat a Zerg. Someone will do it. As much as it is not grouped. Getting a squad or group in gw2 is fast. If you do it right.

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Regarding map taxis - instance tag, as you call it - in my opinion, this is currently one of the biggest problems with the game. Particularly when trying to join groups with commanders to do metas, or farming runs. It's a big problem because of the issues you describe but also because ANet has painted themselves into a corner with the system as it is now. They can't fix it easily without causing problems within the same system.


Many of the PvE players I know that have left, did so because they some didn't know about this (casual but frequent players, but some newbies) and thought the game was a ghost-town, or that those who were left weren't interested in actually doing map objectives/events. Others got fed up of logging in and hoping they got into a good instance, or were lucky enough to taxi in to one with space - and didn't want to go maps 30mins in advance - or wait in instances for 10-30 minutes for a group to spark up.


When you reflect on the experience we go through sometimes to play the game you realise we put up with a lot of crap - crap that I must agree with the OP in that it drives off players.

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Well, for what its worth, I think that introducing people to the game by tossing them into something like Tarir meta is an awful idea. Let them enjoy the open world. The world is beautiful and by slowly making it to level 80 they will get a chance to learn their class on the way. For you that magic has faded already, but for them it has not. Let it last as long as possible. I am not going to defend the current map instancing system, but I will mention that its partly a self-inflicted problem on players part. Instead of hammering a full or almost full instance people could populate another instance, but no one wants to do it because it's slightly lower chance of success and requires more effort.


WvW is a whole new game mode for both of you - imagine you are back in PvE for the first time and really have no idea what's going on. The idea is the same - baby steps. In any sort of PvP environment you should expect to be killed by other players. If you are interested in a non-stop PvP action with small running distances, you might consider sPvP. Part of WvW population wanted to have as few WPs as possible to make scouting valuable, and making it less trivial to defend objectives. Join a Eternal Battleground map and follow a commander for a bit. Get used to how things work. Be prepared to die over and over.


As far as the website issues, this is purely on ANet, but I personally have not experienced this before (I tend to support some of the websites I use by buying the game/expansion through links on their websites)

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> @Zania.8461 said:

> Well, for what its worth, I think that introducing people to the game by tossing them into something like Tarir meta is an awful idea. Let them enjoy the open world.


The problem is that new players in Tyria see people gliding or using mounts and of course they want those also. You can't expect them to want to take the time to level to 80 the long way if they purchased HoT or PoF and have an 80 boost.

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It's been my experience that being a late-comer to MMO's in general is often confusing.


When I look at mega server, I find myself wondering what could actually be done. Before mega server released, players were already using the guest option to stack specific map copies, meaning their home server maps were for the most part low population or empty. This behavior is a function of player desire to stack maps to win, and is not going to change. ANet could prevent people from switching maps, but that would not go over well.


Getting around in HoT can be a pain. This gets made worse because vets trained the Masteries that allow them to get around easily a long time ago. They also know the best way to go to get where they want to be. At least PoF maps are much easier to learn to navigate.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> Getting around in HoT can be a pain. This gets made worse because vets trained the Masteries that allow them to get around easily a long time ago. They also know the best way to go to get where they want to be. At least PoF maps are much easier to learn to navigate.


actually if you use the LFG tool, or the international gw2 community-ts/website - there are plenty of people offering HP-trains, mastery-trains with mesmer ports and explanations.

they are not 24/7 sure (with the release of PoF a lot less for a couple of months) - but while playing: looking for them, once in a while, can shorten the time to accumulate masteries by a lot.


and as you said, i would only apply the issue to HoT maps since PoF is super easy to navigate and to learn.



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