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ANET: How has axe remained pretty much the same for so long?


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Its received minor buffs and nerfs over the years and has gotten just a tiny bit better.... Why? Why is it so _hard_ (thats what she said) to make axe an actually good weapon?


Axe needs a _real_ auto attack. Yes, you like the _idea_, the _fantasy_, behind the "build-up" auto with a big bang with Axe 2... but use it anet. Use the axe. Look at the _reality_ . Thats not how its going to play out most of the time. Its not working. We've been telling you its not working for years and its still not working. It hasn't _ever_ worked the way you fantasize it will work. I've died so many times just because I run out of everything. All necro cooldowns are _atrocious_ and for some reason, we cant get a legitimate auto attack on any of out weapons besides scepter (this is a _real_ design issue.. its not even funny anymore) to keep us afloat when we're in the red on cooldowns.


As an aid: Look at Axe 2. Then look at Holo Leap. Then look at Axe 2. Then look at Holo Leap. Then look again at axe 2... then again at Holo Leap. Then also recognize they have a good auto chain to boot.

I know you love Engineers (probably a bunch of computer engineers at Aent.. I get it) ... which is why you literally turned one of their elites into a Jedi (some unstoppable , all powerful, mobile god of super coolness)... but please. Throw us some scraps.


Anyways.. back to playing PoF open world where i can just enjoy some of the story (great story btw writers.) Lots of good people at anet who deserve some real props. The landscape/zones are incredible and the new mount system is very fun. I do enjoy the game. If only they can get someone over at their content creation team who really cared about the necromancer.

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You say Scepter has a legitimate auto chain... but is still the weakest and most boring necro weapon. That irony! I can't use it without falling asleep within seconds.


Sure the Axe auto is underwhelming but it is functional (and when in doubt: form follows function!). The damage is decent, it ignores projectile hate, it is not negated by blind (only a damage reduction because it double hits) and it stacks vulnerability. Axe2 and 3 are just great skills after their recent buffs.

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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> I miss retal on axe#3... Even if nobody else miss it, I liked this feature.


i do miss it a lot. from a wvw perspective and from a super high life-pool perspective.

back in the days, when i created my very first melee necro build (with vampiric traits and good ol' stab) the retaliation did so many good things for my ego! :)

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While it's fun to bash all that is Anet for the current state of Necros, we should keep it honest here. Axe has probably got the most attention of any weapon that Necro has, and compared to the patch cycle, it was a BUFF and it was RECENTLY.


Does that make Axe an awesome weapon? Not really, but it does make the complaint of the OP rather nonsensical. Frankly, Axe will never be THE necro power damage weapon because of it's midrange and significant application of Vuln. The weapon is actually pretty balanced as it is because of these factors ... (waits for the incoming rants from unreasonable players here). It's not the weapon itself that gives the lackluster performance, it's the core functions of the class itself.

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Saying that axe is ok, it's plain stupid

The lack of projectile and the fact that auto applies vuln, does not compensate for abysmal damage on axe #1.

Axe# 2 is ok regarding damage, but cd should be halved.

Axe# 3 is doesn't make any sense, at all.

Beside, Axe is so bad because focus is THE worst necromancer weapon. It's not power, it's not condi, it's not support, nothing. CDs and casting times are high as fuck.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> While it's fun to bash all that is Anet for the current state of Necros, we should keep it honest here. Axe has probably got the most attention of any weapon that Necro has, and compared to the patch cycle, it was a BUFF and it was RECENTLY.


> Does that make Axe an awesome weapon? Not really, but it does make the complaint of the OP rather nonsensical. Frankly, Axe will never be THE necro power damage weapon because of it's midrange and significant application of Vuln. The weapon is actually pretty balanced as it is because of these factors ... (waits for the incoming rants from unreasonable players here). It's not the weapon itself that gives the lackluster performance, it's the core functions of the class itself.


For once, I agree with you. Axe still could use a bit of love (auto attack animation if nothing else), but its own kit isn't what is holding it back.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> While it's fun to bash all that is Anet for the current state of Necros, we should keep it honest here. Axe has probably got the most attention of any weapon that Necro has, and compared to the patch cycle, it was a BUFF and it was RECENTLY.


> Does that make Axe an awesome weapon? Not really, but it does make the complaint of the OP rather nonsensical. Frankly, Axe will never be THE necro power damage weapon because of it's midrange and significant application of Vuln. The weapon is actually pretty balanced as it is because of these factors ... (waits for the incoming rants from unreasonable players here). It's not the weapon itself that gives the lackluster performance, it's the core functions of the class itself.


I don't see how thats a positive thing...

I'd openly admit axe has gotten a lot of attention........... thats the whole point of the post. I already said its gotten buffs and nerfs over the years yet.. its pretty much only a tad better than it used to be. Again, how is this a good thing? Why is it so difficult to make this a good weapon? They know how to make good weapons. There are plenty of them out there so why is it so difficult to make necro axe good? Why? How? After all the attention and changes.


Are we just giving up? Oh maybe we can look at axe again and give it ONE additional damage on auto. Then in a few months we'll see how that works out. Then we give it more attention and.. add one more stack of cripple... see how that works for six months. That is insanity. That is not something to be cheerful about.


EDIT: You say it isn't the weapon yet you can easily fix most of the issue with axe by add LF on its auto attack... Thats the easiest fix. If you cant rely on the auto for damage you need it to have the best extensive range of utility. It actually has the lowest damage output in the game and yet other weapons not only have better damage but also better utility. You know what else adds vuln on auto? Holosmiths auto chain. Holos smith auto also cleaves, grants bonus crit damage and lowers the recharge on their others skills. How can you actually say that the weapon is fine? The auto could use LF on hit, some form of splash damage and it still wouldn't be anywhere close to as strong as holosmith sword. How do people not see this?

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> While it's fun to bash all that is Anet for the current state of Necros, we should keep it honest here.


> bash all that is Anet for the current state of Necros


> the current state of Necros


> current state


you wanted to say the past 5 years state of the Necros....


agree with the core issues tough..... Core traits and allot of the original weapons need reworks fixes and buffs...

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@TheDevice.2751 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > While it's fun to bash all that is Anet for the current state of Necros, we should keep it honest here. Axe has probably got the most attention of any weapon that Necro has, and compared to the patch cycle, it was a BUFF and it was RECENTLY.

> >

> > Does that make Axe an awesome weapon? Not really, but it does make the complaint of the OP rather nonsensical. Frankly, Axe will never be THE necro power damage weapon because of it's midrange and significant application of Vuln. The weapon is actually pretty balanced as it is because of these factors ... (waits for the incoming rants from unreasonable players here). It's not the weapon itself that gives the lackluster performance, it's the core functions of the class itself.


> I don't see how thats a positive thing...

> I'd openly admit axe has gotten a lot of attention........... thats the whole point of the post. I already said its gotten buffs and nerfs over the years yet.. its pretty much only a tad better than it used to be. Again, how is this a good thing?


The problem with Necros are not the weapons. The whole class is limited by it's shroud concept, which requires a player to swap to a game mode where they get almost no benefit from build selection. That affects available traits for not-shroud things and it's most certainly impacts how devs thought about the original concept of the weapons and their parameters as well. This leaves the non-shrouded Necro deficient. Axe as it is as a stand alone weapon is very good; put it on any other class as is and it would be a welcome addition.

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I don't feel Rev Hammer 2 is comparable to Axe 2. Hammer is a 2 handed range power weapon. Probably more comparable to Ele Staff than anything else, but lets compare it to Necro Staff to see why its on even footing. Both are non-projectile and both have similar cooldowns.


Naked Rev with no traits hammer 2 is 489 damage(880 at 1200 range) to 5 targets.

Naked Necro with no traits Staff 2 is 481 (129 Power and 352 condi) to 5 targets.


The Rev gets a Benefit if he keeps them at 1200 range. The Necro gets a benefit of Regen, so he can live long enough for his condi damage to tick on the target.


So what weapon could we compare Axe with? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Axe


Guardian's New Axe. Seems Firebrand is the Guardian's Take on Necromancer.

The Auto:

130 range 3 Target and has a .72 Power modifier

Full chain over 2 seconds applies 3 bleeds and 2 burns all for 1 second.

(Nice Cleave, requires condi duration stats, mele range. Not great for Burst Power or Stack Condi, but has some traits that help it in Firebrand)

The Big 2 Skill :

5 hits for 1k , as a Symbol on the ground, its a Light field and hits 3 targets. 3.0 Power modifier, and 5 bleeds.

The Utility 3 Slot :

600 Range 3 Target Pull .8 Power modifier 3 seconds of Burn


Necro Axe :

The Auto

900 range, Single Target, Has a .88 power modifier.

Applies 2 Vuln for 7 seconds. (A good PvP condi)

The Big 2 Skill :

900 range Single Target, 3.6 power modifier.

8 attacks Channeled. Grants Life force 1.5% per hit.

The Utility 3 Slot:

600 Range AOE 2 boon corruption, 5 Target. (Also great in PvP)

Additional Free AOE Burst if any of those targets are below 25%, (which can happen if you use Axe 2 first)


You then try to compare a ranged PVP weapon like Axe to Holosmith's Profession mechanic... And thats where you lost me...

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I guess Necro's keep whining about Axe and Anet keeps trying to please us, maybe we should start Whining about STAFF our only 2 Handed Weapon. Maybe we ask them to make it a Power Weapon...


# Rending Claws - Change History.

May 16, 2017

Applies twice as much vulnerability while your target is below 50% health.

October 18, 2016

The damage of this ability has been increased by 15%.

September 29, 2015

Increased the range to 900.

Increased damage by 10%.

February 26, 2013

Vulnerability application from this ability have been increased from 5 seconds to 7 seconds.

August 28, 2012 Game release:

Rending Claws has been added to the game.


#Ghastly Claws - Change History.

May 16, 2017

This skill now deals 1% more damage per stack of vulnerability on the target.

October 18, 2016

The damage of this ability has been increased by 13%.

July 26, 2016

The channel time of this skill has been reduced from 2.25 seconds to 1.75 seconds.

September 29, 2015

Increased the range to 900.

September 09, 2014

Increased damage of this skill by 10%.

July 23, 2013

The total life force granted from this skill has been increased from 10% to 12%.

June 25, 2013

Increased the life force gain from 8 to 10.

February 26, 2013

Damage from this ability has been increased by ~10%.

November 15, 2012

This skill's damage has been increased by 10% and updated to indicate the correct life force gained.


#Unholy Feast - Change History

May 16, 2017

It now invokes a secondary AoE strike against foes below 25% health.

October 18, 2016

The number of boons converted to conditions has been increased from 1 to 2.

September 29, 2015

Decreased the recharge from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.

June 23, 2015 Specialization update:

Instead of removing a boon, this skill now converts a boon to a condition on struck foes.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> @TheDevice.2751 said:

> > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > While it's fun to bash all that is Anet for the current state of Necros, we should keep it honest here. Axe has probably got the most attention of any weapon that Necro has, and compared to the patch cycle, it was a BUFF and it was RECENTLY.

> > >

> > > Does that make Axe an awesome weapon? Not really, but it does make the complaint of the OP rather nonsensical. Frankly, Axe will never be THE necro power damage weapon because of it's midrange and significant application of Vuln. The weapon is actually pretty balanced as it is because of these factors ... (waits for the incoming rants from unreasonable players here). It's not the weapon itself that gives the lackluster performance, it's the core functions of the class itself.

> >

> > I don't see how thats a positive thing...

> > I'd openly admit axe has gotten a lot of attention........... thats the whole point of the post. I already said its gotten buffs and nerfs over the years yet.. its pretty much only a tad better than it used to be. Again, how is this a good thing?


> The problem with Necros are not the weapons.


it IS the problem...


the 2 major prob with necro is...


The Weapons... they dont offer mobility, defensives, utilities or real heals mobility or anything just dmg... all of them... only necros have this boring and bland and bad



the other issue is the Utterly bad and again boring Core traits... Most of the Trait lines don't realy offer much as a whole.... most of the trait lines are full of Filler level traits that you would max see in a Beta test before you replace them at release lol

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I don't know about anyone else but I had difficulty trying to make a power-Scourge work properly in PvE. It just does not have the defensive capability to melee as well as a Reaper has with chill, has no full shroud, and Scourge is all condi. Power-Scourge might work in PvP against boon spam but condition damage is its focus. It does not have a switch as powerful as Deathly Chill. Scourge feels harder to make hybrid than Reaper.


Square peg, meet round hole.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> Last time Robert Gee showed his face here he justified the anemic 10% buff under the concept that because the axe has no projectiles and thus can't be reflected, it can't be made strong because of PvP as usual holding PvE back.


This is kind of making me wish if GW3 gets PvP, it would be 100% different setup/skills/weapons/tools than PvE.

~~I would say completely remove PvP from GW3 but I'm bias like that.~~

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> @Anchoku.8142 said:

> I don't know about anyone else but I had difficulty trying to make a power-Scourge work properly in PvE. It just does not have the defensive capability to melee as well as a Reaper has with chill, has no full shroud, and Scourge is all condi. Power-Scourge might work in PvP against boon spam but condition damage is its focus. It does not have a switch as powerful as Deathly Chill. Scourge feels harder to make hybrid than Reaper.


> Square peg, meet round hole.


In raids, I don't know. I'm assuming this is what you meant? I found power Scourge pretty robust in difficult situations in PoF with all the barriers and condition clearing I can throw up.

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