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Do you game with your kids?

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I started playing pen and paper D&D with my mom and brothers back in the late 70's - early 80's. Later, when my kids were little, I played Warcraft 2 and 3 online and they played some. I was into Everquest for several years and they had characters on my account that they played occasionally. Throughout those years, they usually had a console and we would play together / take turns depending on the game.


My youngest son, now 21, has a GW2 account and we play together when he plays. Though it's pretty off and on as he (thankfully) has many other interests. Many times I would call him over to my computer to help me get through some difficult jumping puzzle. We also had some great PvP games together with his necro and my ranger.


My older 2 sons are off doing career things and starting their own families now, so maybe one day, one of my grand kids will have to help old gramps get through whatever jumping puzzle A-Net comes up with next!

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I tried gaming with my kids when they were younger but we never really aligned on what game to play. Now they are mostly adults and my son is an officer in his clan playing mostly SWTOR and ARK and my daughter doesn't really enjoy MMO's.


Recently, my son asked me to join him in WoW so I subscribed and then the next week he quit. :/

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I game with my younger sister, I am 14 years older than her so she has been watching me game for the past 3-4 years since getting back into games.

Like OP, my sister used to love making my character plummet to it's death and lots of stuff like that.

Now she is a bit older, I got her an account of her own that she either a) dives off a cliff for me to revive and when I do, she waypoints away or b) she actually does the story and just tells everyone to follow her.


In other games, she used to pick up my controller when I left the room for GTA V and would use a rocket launcher or drive a car to kill my boyfriend's character, who to this day still helps out in keeping her on the right track in games.


It is much nicer to play with them once they are a bit older.

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Yep, I game with my daughter. She's a stone's throw from 11 now, and has had a (parent-monitored) GW2 account since she was 7. She used to only be allowed to do cities, then started to go outside the walls with me, and sometimes her Dad, and now she pretty much does it herself. She doesn't theory craft or anything like that, but it's only a matter of time. She also loves JPs, especially the Wintersday one, and she loves running the Labyrinth at Halloween with me (she's already said she's really excited for both Halloween and Wintersday in Guild Wars 2).


Our current issue is she has to use either my PC or her Dad's. This Wintersday, however, there will be a rather special surprise for her under the tree, which will mean all three of us will be able to play GW2 together. Very excited for this. =)


The other games we play are Civilization (V right now), around Himself's computer. That's always fun, plus we have been known to play Monopoly.

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I don't have kids yet, but two cats and they like to watch videos and play games together with me :D




One time I played Dragon's prophet. In that game you have one skill with a veeeery long cooldown phase(not sure, but I think the cooldown time was 24h?) so I always made sure to only use that skill if really necessary. So what does my cute little cat do? She pushes the skill button while I stand in town. xD


Hopefully my husband and I will have kids in the future and I can share funny and cute gaming stories with you all :) Gaming is a great way to make nice memories together. My mother always played with me Super Mario and Donkey Kong on NES and I loved those relaxed times we shared together.


And now the little sister(10 years old) of my husband discovered Pokemon for herself. My husband and I played those games too in the past and we still have all the pokemon on each console and we shared our pokemon with her. She was so happy when I gave her Evoli :) And we still had a few pokemon plushies from our own childhood and gave all of those to her. Her smile made our day ^^ It's nice to now that she shares the same interest and that she will know the joy of capturing all those pokemon :D We have a lot to talk about because of the game and she is always amazed when we tell her which pokemon we already got. SO CUTE! :D

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We have been gaming with the kids for years, both DnD and online. The boys are now 30 and 32 and both have GW2 accounts and we have played together often. The 32 yr old has (now) a 10 yr daughter. When she was learning to read he would "play" the old DOS based games with her and teach her to read at the same time. She learned quite a bit from the games with reading that was never explained like the quotes around what chars say. She also now plays GW2 sometimes with us, that is after her schoolwork and stuff are done :)

I actually encourage parents to play any and all games that their kids are playing while still growing up and in the house. Part of the reason I encourage them to play the same games is not only know what the kids are playing but to also get a sense of who they are playing with so that they have a better chance of heading off some potential problems.

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> @quietonewisp.4316 said:

> My kids both play gw2, and they have so much fun roleplaying in the starter areas. My youngest mains a necro and likes to design new outfit sets & weapons for her character. She has those on the wall by her bed. They often ask us what we got up to in the evening with our guild. It's been really nice sharing the game with them!


That sounds really cute and lovely :)

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I game with my 19 year old daughter almost every night. In fact, she is the reason I am totally hooked on GW2. She has been playing it for years while I only played LOTRO. She convinced me to try it and now there is no going back. We always try to play classes that compliment each other. She frequently tanks for my squishy ranger. I spend alot of time exploring and gathering mats for her crafting . I'll never forget the first time we did the Jormag event. Fun times!

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Yup, when my stepson was younger we got him to play GW2 for a while with us, until his lack of attention drew him off to other games. As for my wee ones (6 and 7) they both love watching me play "the gliding game" as they call it. They'll also watch me and the wife play other games as well. They are gamers at heart and I'm sure it won't be long before they are running around with us in some RPG/MMO.

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When my wife babysits great-nephews, they love to watch me play. Also, my stepson is grown, and we have different RL work schedules, but some of my favorite in game moments are completing story arcs or AP with him. We look forward to being off for POF release day together, and Wintersday/SAB/Halloween are always a treat. Not to stray too far off topic, I'd like to encourage **incorporating family** in character creation - I assume kids might like to see this, too! So far, my wife loves seeing updates to main (St Joan of Tyria) human guardi named after her, my charr engi (Chuck Testordnance) is in memory of deceased Dad, planning asuran ranger (hopefully Zoologist Zoe) after sister with Autism and Downsyndrome, and will keep adding others **based on relatives** both lost and living; for us, it adds **meaningful connection** to each character.

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Gaming is a family story,


My wife has started playing videogames with GW1 when she was pregnant ...


Now, my 9 years old daughter, called **Gwen**, and my little 6 years old son, called **Kieran**, loved to seen me playing GW2 (and other console games of course) .


Gwen is now able to play alone as a bear bow in some starter area, but i'll keep an eye and make sure all the chanels are cut off for her own sake ;)


Family story <3

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I swear Guild Wars runs in the blood in my family. My dad introduced me back when Guild Wars 1 was very active, I think I came in during Nightfall. Later I met my husband and then got him into it. Then we had kids and now they all have their own account. My daughters, 6 and 7 yrs. old, mostly get on and play dress-up with their characters; while my son will do everything. He is now learning to PvP with my husband and doing really well for an 8yr. old. It's funny though, I bought the Path of Fire expansion for my husband and I, and not the kids and their crying that I haven't got it for them yet. So, I told them that they need to have 1,000 AP before I will buy it for them. My son immediately got on his account and showed me that he had it already, so I'll have to be getting that soon or he'll be rowdy that he didn't get the bonus stuff.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> > @"Bobby Stein.3612" said:

> > Yup. GW2 as well as console games (after homework and reading, of course).


> Did the team ever take inspiration from their kids in development of the game? They have great imaginations, and also great ideas when it comes to story and creativity. Your response got me very curious to know if you did.


I can't speak for others, but I've certainly taken some suggestions from my kids. When [Replica Job-O-Tron](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Replica_Job-o-Tron_Backpack "Replica Job-O-Tron") says, "Ground-rubbing-complete" it's because my oldest, when she was 6, used to think the revive animation was your character just rubbing the ground. I thought that was hilarious so I added it to the chatter list.

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Sadly, my parents always kind of thought of gaming as a hobby for nerds and introverts, so there was never even a thought of gaming together as a family.

but i spent countless days and nights gaming with my brothers.

anyone with siblings will remember how the older one always got to play as "player 1" with the good controller, while the younger one had to play with the old, broken one ^^


reading all your happy and funny stories really makes me look forward to having children and play any kind of games, especially videogames, with them :)

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I'm 54, I game with my kids and I really enjoy it. My 14 y/o son and I started with GW1 and moved or GW2 about 2 years ago. We are both very excited to get into PoF. I also game with my twin 10 y/o daughters. The only play on the weekends and only with me. They enjoy not only the combat but also the story, lore and atmosphere the game provides. They had been playing free accounts and had leveled up to 30-40ish but recently used their own allowance to get HoT just for the gliding. They each boosted a character and we went into HoT to get their gliding mastery. They found the combat challenging, but not frustrating. It's really interesting to watch them go from slaying mordrem to playing veterinarian with their stuffed animals , quite the contrast.

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I play regularly with my wife and my son. My son met his wife in our guild chat and she moved from Canada to Oklahoma City to be with him. My teenage grandchildren also have their own accounts and play with us sometimes too, but not as often. They have too much going on in life to focus on a game.

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My daughter will log in and play with us on rare occasions. This game is really perfect for it because I'm still getting something out of playing with her on my character, and I feel more comfortable letting her run around and explore because it's less likely that she'll wander into a higher level group of mobs and get herself killed.


Also she plays a lot of Roblox so she's way better than me at jumping puzzles. It makes me nervous watching her do it because she does it so quickly lol.

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