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> @Justine.6351 said:

> I honestly don't care anymore. If I see a scourge player I just play like a jerk and range them down.


Even Justine admits that Scourges are free kills if the player doing the killing has half a brain. So much for an "OP" class ^^


Of course, Justine still completely fails to understand what necro players are complaining about (ie: The fact that PVE performance is terrible), but PVP complainers don't tend to grasp the large context.

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> @Zefiris.8297 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > I honestly don't care anymore. If I see a scourge player I just play like a jerk and range them down.


> Even Justine admits that Scourges are free kills if the player doing the killing has half a brain. So much for an "OP" class ^^


> Of course, Justine still completely fails to understand what necro players are complaining about (ie: The fact that PVE performance is terrible), but PVP complainers don't tend to grasp the large context.


I did make a scourge redo thread in which shade stacking was a thing again. But asking people to read was asking alot.

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> @Arzurag.7506 said:

> There´s one big counter against scourge that every class has access to infinitely.

> It´s called movement or just press W or A or S or D.


Not every class can outrun it... but should i aim to a easy iwin build to pretend im good?


Try to play with a mace shield guard with medi/shouts with quite some condi cleanses :P ... i dont have PoF

Funny cause ic more condi scourges than actually players playing for the barrier.


Guardian cant even outrun a centaur, has low surviability due the current spam, and its not overtuned like most classes are.


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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > @Arzurag.7506 said:

> > There´s one big counter against scourge that every class has access to infinitely.

> > It´s called movement or just press W or A or S or D.


> Not every class can outrun it... but should i aim to a easy iwin build to pretend im good?


> Try to play with a mace shield guard... i dont have PoF




Outrunning the scourge isn´t even necessary just move (walk, jump, dash, leap, tp) out of the shades.

Scourge´s damage is non-existent without shades.


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> @Arzurag.7506 said:

> > @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > > @Arzurag.7506 said:

> > > There´s one big counter against scourge that every class has access to infinitely.

> > > It´s called movement or just press W or A or S or D.

> >

> > Not every class can outrun it... but should i aim to a easy iwin build to pretend im good?

> >

> > Try to play with a mace shield guard... i dont have PoF

> >

> >


> Outrunning the scourge isn´t even necessary just move (walk, jump, dash, leap, tp) out of the shades.

> Scourge´s damage is non-existent without shades.



i know but i dont have luck when i found roammers, theres some of the same always near lol... but that's another story...

And actually scourge can really outrun a guardian :P


Condition is easy mode atm, it is not hard to overhwelm cleanses in the first seconds, it ends on small bursts at reange and melee, but that is a fault from ANet making condi to be working on shealth sponges PVE flavoured kitten.


P.S. im not asking to nerf Necro/scourge, but rather have ANet to bring actually a decent qualiiity of fight, i as well played condi and i know how dumb and easy it is with any class tuned to condi.



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> @MrSilver.5269 said:

> PvE? Could care less about it. I've never done a fractal and have never been in an instanced raid. Complete and total snooze fest. If you are playing this game for PvE content I feel sorry for you. Pretty much every other MMO does it better than this one.


And you just lost all credibility here...

If you live just for WvW then you're the one to be pitied as you missing out on 70% of the game content. Seriously, what are you? 12?

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You can literally kill a Scourge using Autoattack only at 1200 range. They can't run away and their only movement skill has 35 seconds CD and is easily interrupted due to a long cast time.


Just.. run in a circle and press 1.


If you actually jumped on the Scourge with 4 people, didn't use any CC and just stand in the shade and type /dance, I don't think anyone here can help you.

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> @TheDevice.2751 said:

> They have this over-simplified checklist for necro

> -spammy aoe

> -conditions/boon corrupt


> ........... thats literally every necro build. They leave like zero high skill cap builds in the game for necro. They cant survive off of building anything that is high damage / high risk


> When have you _EVER_ seen a dev talk about a necro being high risk/high reward. It _N E V E R_ happens. So in the end, who can blame them for not being at all interested in the "beginners" class. The "slowed"-down class.

I can't agree more.


Also, they say new elite specs offer a different role, but in Necro's case it's exactly the same:

In PvE: instead of using the shroud argument to make it garbage tier, it's the barrier / heavy support argument (I really hope tomorrow will change that).

In PvP: still can't disengage, can't stick to target, corrupt role. Next spec please!

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> @MrSilver.5269 said:

> Just watched a bronze scout scourge take out 4v1 , and the 4 were seasoned (playing since launch) wvwers. The scourge didn't get below 1/2 half health. It just isn't even fun anymore. Yes this is a QQ. We are all logging out and getting on our scourges. If they are unbeatable, join them.


Yeah, and I just watched pigs flying.

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Sorry, but if you lost in a 4v1 against a scourge that says way more about you than the Scourge. Next time might I humbly suggest not standing afk in the middle of their shade and elite because that is the only way they could have killed all 4 of you. You might also want to look into this mysterious skill called dodge.. Just saying.

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Earlier I was helping my friend get the pvp kills daily done in the Arena in the PvP lobby.

While I was waiting for my friend to kill me to get those quick 3 kills, I saw one Necro just sitting in the arena and I assume trying to get an easy quick kill off unexpected people for the daily.

If asked, I could see 0 problems in helping... but he started wailing on my friend. So of course I just spammed one attack on him and killed him and let my friend continue getting the daily done.

Of course the guy started to skritt-talk me on how I'm a so and so and that 2 on 1 is "soooo fair". The thing is my friend's back was turned as he was aiming at me as when boosting the daily me and my friends tend to sit on the back end of the corner away from anyone not to interfere with people... so he couldn't even see the Scourge about to wail on him.


That being said though, if my friend did get a hit on him (which he didn't as he still had to kill me 3 times for the daily), that's a 2 on 1 where the Scourge lost.

I'm not a PvP player, and I think I can count the amount of times I've been in WvW in one hand... if not, at the most it's 2 hands.

Still want to know how these seasoned players lost 4 on 1 to a Scourge.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Still want to know how these seasoned players lost 4 on 1 to a Scourge.


Most likely they were boon dependant and close to each other. One got heavily corrupted and the scourge helped him share it's burden to it's friends. When they saw that they were full of torment stack they thought: "Oh man it's a condi scourge! let's run away!". No condi cleanse or combo light were involved in this fiction.

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Wait! I got it! It was next to a cliff, probably by borderlands NE supply camp (North of Hills). The 4 chased the Scourge and the Scourge jumped down, gliding at the last moment, since he had just captured the camp. The 4 jumped down after him and nearly died from falling damage, at which point the Scourge burst them as they were standing up!


See? See? It really could have happened! Scourge is so OP guys.

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Hello guys, I landed here by mistake. I am more of a PVE person. I just wanted to tell you that I go in WvW only for dailies and from time to time I get killed by guard npcs who jump all at once on me while I try to get that caravan killed.


P.S And from time to time I fall into lava and I die.

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> @Aetatis.5418 said:

> for me that sounds like a learning issue. previously it was like "jump into necro faces and kill them in a stunlock". now it requires using more skills. uh uh

> the truth hurts huh?


I know right , the thing is they probably wanted to gang him since nobody roams on scourge, and surprise the nubs got deleted ???.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Wait! I got it! It was next to a cliff, probably by borderlands NE supply camp (North of Hills). The 4 chased the Scourge and the Scourge jumped down, gliding at the last moment, since he had just captured the camp. The 4 jumped down after him and nearly died from falling damage, at which point the Scourge burst them as they were standing up!


> See? See? It really could have happened! Scourge is so OP guys.


Scourge is so OP, they even have control over GRAVITY




Sad part is, some people will believe that. Hence today's nerfs :dizzy:

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> @Atzros.8715 said:

> What's so hard about standing outside of red circles? Are you a dragoon, or something? Wait, what game is this again? Aw crap.

No dragoon, no balance, but at least there's a dying PvP mode and actual gameplay instead of long and boring rotations. Your choice. :p

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> @MrSilver.5269 said:

> Just watched a bronze scout scourge take out 4v1 , and the 4 were seasoned (playing since launch) wvwers. The scourge didn't get below 1/2 half health. It just isn't even fun anymore. Yes this is a QQ. We are all logging out and getting on our scourges. If they are unbeatable, join them.


Scourge is powerful and no offense to the seasoned wvwers who play since launch, but to lose 4v1 to anything else than spellbreaker you really have to try.

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