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Old Fractals CM and future ones


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I would like to discuss about the Challenge Motes system in its current format.

At the moment, the only true cm are nightmare and shattered observatory (99 and 100cm).

I would love seing this type of content being expanded to the classic fractals as well.


It would result in a more polished system in general, having classic fractals for casuals and every day runs and cm for try harding and high investment high reward content.


Not only would this add more variety in content but it would also expand the fractal community and visibility. At the moment, I noticed a lot of people don't quite get the fractal system and especially the CM system, or even it's very existence.




What do you guys think about that? Did anet say anything about revamping old fractal's cm? Because at the moment, fractals are very unequal because of the old encounters and mechanics we see in old Fractals compared to fractal 100 for exemple.


Do you know if all the future fractals will have challenge motes? (if anet ever spoke about that)

What is your opinion about challenge motes in general? How would you improve the system? Would you like some old Fractals having proper cm or do you prefer anet to focus on new fractals?

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Id assume anet will take on this the same stance that the take on alot of thing for example se1 of lw. "We'd rather make new content than rework old and existing content"


I can't blame them for that stance since it makes sense and so far i loved the new fractals but yeah i sucks that this makes the over all system look abit wierd.


"Why is this cm basically a brand new set of encounters while this is just less healing" But ye, id love them to go back and do it. Who knows maybe when all the existing fractals that they want to rework have been reworked maybe then they can soend some extra time on that project.


Or they could dish out new fractals faster who knows.

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