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Can we please get a de-aggro or Peace button? ☮


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Smokescales are pretty easy.

> Sand Lions are simply annoying i do agree ( but not hard ).


> Full Zerk DD thief here ( so maybe tankier or condi spam classes could have issues with them. Jk ).


> Btw if you want a stacked blocking, invul, permadodge and so on, there are plenty of classes.


Oh never said they were hard, just annoying.

Smokescale I just pull away from the smoke, but it's still annoying how the very moment it ends they sent to put it back up.


Just glad they're in HoT and not PoF as with my experience of aggroing everything that isn't the kitchen sink at times due to roaming enemies (looking you hydra(s) that like to bomb certain events/hero challenges/etc because they don't like being left out), I could see pulling a smokescale out of their safespace and maybe pulling aggro on like another 2 or 3... then maybe a sandlion and probably the stupid Jacarambanemba things.

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> @Vanive.3804 said:

> One of the more annoying things about GW2 is the borked aggro radius, and the fact that you can not force de-aggo from mobs you might be stuck in combat with due to lag or due to buggy AI. I don't know how many times I've gotten stuck in scenery; Even the /stuck feature is screwy at times, or have died and can not teleport anywhere due to being still stuck in combat. Sometimes re-logging isn't an option due to you getting kicked from the map.


> There is also the whole having to run halfway across a map to clear aggro so you can pull out your mount because something thousands of meters away still wants to kill your character; even though he doesn't look like it, just to run into something else to pissoff. This is annoying and pretty much kills this "Joy of movement" thing you folks at anet so proudly touted in your PoF developer diary. I just want a button I can spam for quick deescalation like old MMOs used to have because apparently even in this day and age AI doesn't always work as intended. ☮


I think there's a misunderstanding of the mechanics:

* The easiest way to break aggro is often to kill the nearest foe. Sometimes a far-away-foe will have the aggro but entering a new combat can break that; then you just have to defeat the more recent opponent.

* `/stuck` is used as a shortcut for reporting problems with the environment. It's like `/bug`, without having to fill in the details. The only time it will actually move you is in an instance, i.e. during the story, when there aren't waypoints or resets if only one person dies.

* The aggro radius isn't borked, it just works different than some people expect. Basically if you or a pet|minion|illusion gets in combat, then aggro remains until you get at least 1200 units from the end of the foe's "leash" (the point at which the AI tells it to go back home). Sometimes, that's easier said than done, especially with the foe density in parts of the Desert and Heart of Maguuma.

* A simplistic "Peace Out" button (great name, by the way) would be abused by players: they'd run behind a tree, break aggro, and place with the foes' AI until the situation was favorable. The game tries to compromise a solution to that by using heavy "leashes" on the foes.

* Not everyone is suffering "can't break aggro" syndrome as often as the OP seems to be. In most cases, `F12` is fine; you'll return to the same map without any interruption in participation. It only matters for crowded metas (where return to the same instance isn't guaranteed) and WvW.

* If it's happening so often that the frustration is enough to write up a suggestion, I'd strongly encourage the OP to start a support ticket and see if there's something else going on.



I certainly get frustrated by being in aggro during Jumping Puzzles and various instances (notably _Ascent to Madness_), where its essential to be OOC in order to jump far enough. But I can count on one hand then number of times that breaking it was impossible without `F12`. Kill a foe, swap pets, shatter minions, change position a bit... all of that usually does the trick.

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I have noticed a frequent issue of 'being in combat' when there isn't any hostile around that I can find.


I've also noticed that sometimes my character will target something in the distance - well out of range - and start auto-attacking. Sometimes this just "happens" and other times it occurs after I was in combat but got away or even finished off an enemy... and sometimes this puts me back into combat, other times it doesn't...


The whole 'when to attack' and 'when is a character in combat' seems to have some glitches...


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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> You have one already though `F12` character select, re-select character.


Disconnecting then reconnecting to a region? That is your solution? Good on helping the OP but in many regions that is hardly a fast thing to do (plus it resets participation and often puts you in a new shard).

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > You have one already though `F12` character select, re-select character.


> Disconnecting then reconnecting to a region? That is your solution? Good on helping the OP but in many regions that is hardly a fast thing to do (plus it resets participation and often puts you in a new shard).


Yep it's my solution if you cannot be bothered to actually fight the mobs you've aggro'd.


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I think the issue you described is annoying (damn you, Chakk!) But doesn't happen enough to warrant such a fix. It seems like it'd be a really tedious thing to make a de-aggro feature that won't also allow you to just bypass every mob that slows you down slightly while mapping. It'd have to calculate how far the offending enemy is and/or the amount of time passed since it tagged you to determine if this is actually an enemy you spent effort escaping and rightfully should be free of. Otherwise there would be absolutely no barrier to map most of the places in Tyria if the moment an enemy tags you, you just nope out of combat with a button press. (I know you specifically said that's not what you want the feature to be for, but it'd just be hard to implement it the way you're hoping)


It probably can be done, but, as I mentioned, the need for it doesn't come up nearly often enough to bother most people or demand a fix. Except in Tangled Depths. Those freaking Chakk were horrible about keeping me in constant combat.

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On a serious note, I have a suggestion I'd actually like implemented, which may help with this issue: I'd like it if the mob(s) that have aggro on me display an exclamation mark above their heads - visible only to me, kind of like AC does it. Think of it as kind of a condition indicator. We already have indicators for other things like confusion or what not. This would just indicate the 'aggro' condition. Just my 2c.

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hahaha you dont know anything about annoying mobs....those damn risen pulling you from 1 mile away still have the crown, go and have a picnic in old orr, clearly you havent been there or never were in the early days


if they didnt do anything about risen they wont do anything with any incoming monster

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All that needs to happen is players are allowed to do other things like mount up and switch out skills before being what is currently classified as being ooc. HP regen can stay the way it is which is pretty much the only thing you want to delay anyway. This avoids the issue where there are no enemies around you, yet you are in combat status for 10s of seconds after. There are more serious issues than this though that have been around since the launch of the game and that is the awful default control setup and the fact you have to constantly press right click to have the camera face where you want it to.

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> @eldrjth.7384 said:

> All that needs to happen is players are allowed to do other things like mount up and switch out skills before being what is currently classified as being ooc. HP regen can stay the way it is which is pretty much the only thing you want to delay anyway. This avoids the issue where there are no enemies around you, yet you are in combat status for 10s of seconds after. There are more serious issues than this though that have been around since the launch of the game and that is the awful default control setup and the fact you have to constantly press right click to have the camera face where you want it to.

You are certain that you have not only killed all enemies but also cleared all conditions on yourself? If you still have conditions on you (even "harmless" ones like blindness) then you will stay in combat until the condition is cleared or has run out. Personally whenever I found myself still in combat after the end of the fight it was always some barely noticable long-lasting condition keeping me in combat, and a quick condi clear set me free.

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I agree with the op in that all the trash mob agg has never been a plus to me when carting or working off another goal; but as the devs are unlikely to implement such a change I would suggest to the OP, I find on my war I can out run 90% of the trash mobs agg. If I run with the 20% buff for melee weapon, endure pain, shake it off, Rage signet


So you might look into a running build you can easily swap to/from. As appropriate to your class.

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i would sort of like this in some smaller situations, like a vet/elite/champ wont get off me and gets me stuck in combat for stupid amounts of time even though its quite obvious it wont catch me and hasnt even touched me in 10+ seconds


and then there are annoying ranged enemies with guns, an unsightly far agro range, that will chase you decently far, and the fact that all of this SLOWS a character below their out of combat speed

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> @Aetheldrake.6395 said:

> i would sort of like this in some smaller situations, like a vet/elite/champ wont get off me and gets me stuck in combat for stupid amounts of time even though its quite obvious it wont catch me and hasnt even touched me in 10+ seconds


> and then there are annoying ranged enemies with guns, an unsightly far agro range, that will chase you decently far, and the fact that all of this SLOWS a character below their out of combat speed


Or when there's a group of them that has the stupid pulling mechanism like the stupid Krait or those stupid Forged.

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> What MMOs have buttons like this?

> Or is it a pseudo feature like in Pokémon for the Gameboy.


> "Attack"

> "[swap] Pokémon"

> "Item"

> "Flee" > " You could not escape. | Enemy hits you critically. | You are defeated"


> I still really think at least sentient beings or Mordrem should leave you alone when you are clearly a well-known commander and armed to the teeth or simply from a higher level. Yesterday I saw Wargs and Griffons fighting a Doe and the Doe won.


> Excelsior.


Star Wars Galaxies had it. It worked for stuck in combat situations and also allowed you to instantly stop attacking non-aggro targets, say if you needed to get one shot off (snipe) just to bump the spawn on a lair, but didn't want the whole nest aggroing you. Since this game has issues with stuck aggro, the only option should be to force end the combat. If you are out line of site and line of fire, combat should end.


I can tell by the comments those who have played MMOs for years, and those who are new to the genera and know no other game mechanics outside of GW2.

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