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[Video proof] West coast players all getting high ping in PVP

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My video shows everything.

Since 2012 till about a month ago, all of the instances in pvp (when you get into ranked/unranked match, custom arenas, HOTM instances) were the normal texas 64.25.X IP address.

However, recently it seems that many or even the majority of PVP instances are hosted on 10.63.X IP address.

This causes ping for west coast players to become 90-110 (as the "normal ping") whenever a west coast player is in an instance hosted on a 10.63.X IP ("Laggy server")

West coast players connected to the "good" 64.25.X servers usually would get 50-70 ping.


You can see that when I switch between different dueling arenas, my IP changes and so does my ping...by almost double when i get into 10.63 instances.

In the beginning of the video, I'm sitting in a custom arena hosted on an IP of 64.25.X.X and you can see that my ping is low (60ish)

Then I switch to another custom arena and my ping is 100ish. I type /ip at this point and as expected, it shows an IP of 10.63.X.X.


This happpens during ATs too(including the monthly). Your current map will either be fine or it will be laggy.

I'm just using custom arenas to demonstrate because I can switch maps at my discretion when it comes to custom arenas.


I hope you guys look into this because it really affects the potential of builds that require fast reactions, and it's SUPER annoying when this happens during ATs. At the start of every next round in an AT i type /ip and i already know if I'm gonna lag. I've already asked many people and anyone from the west coast is having the same ping changes. Your 10.63.X.X servers are just very laggy for anyone who isn't in new york or somewhere close to that.

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The 10.* servers are hosted in a different location (Virginia) by Amazon, which ArenaNet started using several months ago and has been made far more common since PoF. For these servers, /ip improperly reports Amazon's internal IP, so if you want the real public IP, you need to use -maploadinfo.

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I hope this gains more traction. For the past few months now, this has been my problem. My ping is already 250-350ish (for an SEA player, this is playable) but when I connect to the 10.xx.xx.xx maps, it gets crazy, shoots up to 500 to 1k (or 2k), especially in high traffic hours. This hasn't been this way back in May to July. My gaming experience in GW2 has been smooth up until this happened.


I hope Anet would look into this issue more.


Here's my post from 2 months ago: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/support/support/High-Latency-EU-Server

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> @NationalNacho.5972 said:

> Really hard to play anything optimally over 80 ping. Hope this is fixed.


Don't count on it. Simply put, the servers are now on the US east coast (Northern Virgina) rather than in the center (Texas), hence the higher ping from the west. They could have gone with Amazon's west coast center (California), but they likely chose the east to have a better overseas connection. They could potentially rent servers at other locations, but that'll take some effort and may not be worth the cost.

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> @MLGKorno.5419 said:

> can we get an official response as to what's going to happen?


They've been moving over to Amazon's servers for the last several months. They just moved over the wiki and today they took down their own login servers. Maybe they'll talk about it once the transition is complete.

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> @zoomborg.9462 said:

> Whats the point of moving servers if we get higher ping........


Only ArenaNet can tell you why they've chosen to leave NCSoft's datacenter and whether or not they have plans to use any of the other Amazon locations. For now, the new servers are on the east coast, hence the higher ping from the west, whereas the east coast and beyond should see a lower ping.

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> @Healix.5819 said:

> > @zoomborg.9462 said:

> > Whats the point of moving servers if we get higher ping........


> Only ArenaNet can tell you why they've chosen to leave NCSoft's datacenter and whether or not they have plans to use any of the other Amazon locations. For now, the new servers are on the east coast, hence the higher ping from the west, whereas the east coast and beyond should see a lower ping.


how do you know all this? you speak with such certainty

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> @MLGKorno.5419 said:

> how do you know all this? you speak with such certainty


About leaving NCSoft's datacenter? They're still using it, but they've been moving more and more stuff over to Amazon. I first heard about it 4 months ago, where Amazon's servers were only being used for select HoT maps, which was an example of them experimenting with it. Within the month, they had expanded to random instances and with PoF, Amazon was used entirely for its open world and continued to become more common. Expect them to transition entirely to Amazon, which they've mostly done already, and this is now your normal ping.


About using Amazon? Simply trace one of the IPs. They're using Amazon's EC2 cloud computing service. If you're looking in-game, /ip reports Amazon's internal IP, 10.* being reserved for private networks (same with 192.168 commonly found in homes), so you need to use the -maploadinfo option, which will show details on the loading screen. Specifically, the IPs lead to Amazon's US East datacenter in Northern Virginia. I'm currently on in Divinity's Reach for example (, us-east-1).


It is odd that they haven't talked about it yet, especially when it's kind of a big deal. At first it was an experiment, so they wouldn't want to influence it, but now it's used almost everywhere. They've also shown that it's possible to host select instances at different datacenters, so it should be possible to expand to other Amazon locations if they deem it worth the investment.

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> @Healix.5819 said:

> > @MLGKorno.5419 said:

> > how do you know all this? you speak with such certainty


> Expect them to transition entirely to Amazon, which they've mostly done already, and this is now your normal ping.



Oh no, this is bad news for people like me having problems with the Amazon servers :/ I just wish that there will be an official statement regarding this.

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what they need to do is host PVE servers and/or WvW servers too on the 10.63 IP addresses, and leave PVP instances on 64.25 because unless you're from the northeast of the U.S.A or ontario/quebec canada, the server move increased everyones ping (rest of US/Canada/mexico, even australia) by 30

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  • 2 months later...

I can confirm that this is still an issue for West Coast players. My ping is between 100-130 when in PvP and I get random connection errors that kick me to character selection. This is wonderful for those of us on the West Coast that want to play competitive PvP... Guess I need to find a new PvP game if there is no plans on correcting this issue.

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I can't even play the game anymore. My ping now constantly (at least once every two minutes) spikes to the thousands, often leading to a disconnect. I'm in the SF Bay Area.


I've run traceroutes and it's not my internet. It's not my computer. It's the game and I don't know what to do other than stop playing.

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> @"Glory.7625" said:

> I can't even play the game anymore. My ping now constantly (at least once every two minutes) spikes to the thousands, often leading to a disconnect. I'm in the SF Bay Area.


> I've run traceroutes and it's not my internet. It's not my computer. It's the game and I don't know what to do other than stop playing.


Same here. I kept getting 1000-2000ms lag spikes at random times.

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