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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Anet do you even want money? How about instead of these skins... I just go buy some pizza instead? I think instead of buying gems I'll do that instead. Today? You lost a customer for your gem store. Pizza Hut on the other hand gave me a BOGO coupon though, seems like a better value.


See, **I value my money**, it's easy to declassify what it is since you see it as gems but, it's money for food and many other sources of entertainment and I don't like wasting my money.

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > So I'm in Lion's Arch where a ton of people have those random skins.

> > From what I'm seeing from this bunch? I'm not seeing a single good mount skin.

> >

> > Is there a way to see what choices there are without buying the thing? I know the thing say I can right click to see but I kind of refuse to pay for one. Next is, if what I'm seeing are the choices, that is also even more of a reason I would never buy one as they all look atrocious at the moment.


> Click H and look under the Mounts tab. There you can see every skin available :)


Thanks a ton.

Well I see not a single mount skin in there I like so I'm glad.


Griffons are reskins with patterns or just a really bad haircut. The flame one looks like it's burning alive and it just don't give a Quaggan.


Jackal just wolf looking or reskins. I'm bias here as I don't like canines at all so of course I won't like any of these. If they had a feline skin I might've meen all "Ugh, but it's randomized". Or that "Warhound" looking like a damn "Mecha Ram Mount 4000".


Skimmer... seriously? Just recolours? Like there's no special set up for them like Griffon and Jackal? Wow.


Springers look like a joke, especially Jackalope. The one with the droopy ears is clipping all over his head... I sure want to randomly get that one.


One thing I never really liked with the Raptor design was that horn in the back of the head, but now they took those horns and make it stick out more like an angry bird ready to peck me to death. Just wonderful.


I'll stick to my halloween mounts.


EDIT: I will assume the more skins you release, the more you will add in this random BS right? Which mean even harder to get certain skins people want in the long run? Brilliant by the way.

I thought the guaranteed wardrobe thing in the chests were bad (but to be fair you can get them free if you go after the free keys), but this is just scaled up to 1000.

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i paid a lot of money in the last 5 years, i bought a lot of BLC keys (im not a key farmer) and for the last 5 years i've never got anything good from those BLC.

i bought 4k gems from PoF + extra 8k gems, and i spend it all on Keys and spooky mount skins.

im happy to support anet, but i will not support gambling (RNG).

that last 8k gems shall be my last purchase from anet, im done.

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> @MetalGirl.2370 said:

> Thank goodness I didn't buy Halloween ones. I had a feeling they'll add better looking ones after. I feel like a lot of people who spent 1600 gems on Halloween skins are now mad because they could've saved for these, plus they are probably not even allowed a refund as Anet doesn't do refund on skin unlocks.


I love my halloween skins and don't regret buying them.


But I don't like to pay 120€ just to get the skins I want and getting a lot of crappy looking skins that I don't want. Let me CHOOSE what I am buying. I would totally buy a few of those skins! But now I am not spending a single gem on them because I am scared I will get skins that I don't like.


I am not rich, you know? But I still would like to spend some of my precious money on GW2 because I like the game and I want to support it...but I am not willing to WASTE my money like that.

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To be fair this is not new for GW2. Black Lion Chests are much the same and have been in the game since launch and special themed loot boxes where the drops are account bound and so cannot be obtained without gambling have been in the game periodically since Wintersday 2012 when the [Wintersday Mystery Box](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wintersday_Mystery_Box "Wintersday Mystery Box") was added. (Note: the mini pets pages now say they're tradable but that wasn't the case until years later.)


It is however extremely disappointing, if entirely unsurprising, to see them doing it all over again and with something so many people were looking forward to.


We were off to a great start with 5 kinds of mounts being obtained in-game and with the first set of skins sold as a direct sale (the only annoyance being that you had to buy them all together). That makes it even more of a let-down when they decide to add gambling to the process.

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I hate gambling. For smaller amounts of money, it's not so bad ... like the Black Lion Chests. This with the mounts is outrageous. Have you now seen how much gold to gems are now? At least on my server they were 90ish gold for 400 gems a few days ago. Now it's 140g for 400 and probably rising. If I could choose which skin I wanted, I wouldn't care, I would just gradually get the ones I wanted. I absolutely hate gambling because I'll be honest, my luck is terrible. Once in a while I get lucky, but unless I have enough gold/money for all the skins, I can pretty much almost guarantee I won't get the ones I want before spending a fortune. I'm actually afraid to even try. At least they made it so you can't get duplicates.


I wish everyone luck getting the ones they want though!

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> @MetalGirl.2370 said:

> Thank goodness I didn't buy Halloween ones. I had a feeling they'll add better looking ones after. I feel like a lot of people who spent 1600 gems on Halloween skins are now mad because they could've saved for these, plus they are probably not even allowed a refund as Anet doesn't do refund on skin unlocks.


No, I'm not mad. I bought the Halloween ones and like them fine. I have found some good color combos and also like dyeing them all one color with the glowing eyes (except for the Springer which looks skeletal even when you use the same dye on all channels, what's up with that?). In the new skins, I see several I'd love to have but also several that look like boring recolors, and I can just bet which one I'd randomly draw!

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Honestly, I'd get few if I could choose them but will get none because it's gamble just to get me to say -"oh just another 400 gems for 1 more try, and another and another"... in my opinion, Anet could've got so much more money out of this if they just made it so we can choose which mounts we want.

I guess when it comes to gemstore, Anet prefers to not get as much money as they could. - example: people want simple jeans and shirt. All they'd have to do is jeans and shirt with no additional accessories like potions.etc., which many said they'd buy instantly yet they keep pumping out outfits that people say they don't like. [before you say-yes i know some like them, even i have 80% of them but jeans and shirt is something majority wants].


edit: grammar

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> I am pretty sure they already made fat money on these first hour after the patch


Well it seems like a lot of people are fed up and refuse to spend more money now, so although they may have gotten a huge chunk of money right away, they'll likely see a drop off that's greater than what they're used to.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Btw it's like the spooky bundle.

> 9600 gems for 30 skins

> 400 gem for 1 skin


> 10k gems for all 31 skins.


> 322 gems per skin.


> Spooky bundle was 320 x skin.


> Everything is fair.


Difference is it's not random for the halloween one.


And what's your excuse for the Forged one that is a single skin for 2000 gems?

That's fair?

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You just have to realize $30 for an expansion + 1 year is not going to be enough. Whales paying for these skins also to finance more content.

People wanted skins, there is no reason they shouldn't capitalize on that. If RNG skins isn't popular, they'll change it. If it makes enough money, they won't.


I mean I get it, RNG sucks, I'm the first to whine about RNG only skins (TEQ again...), however in this case, there is no timegated BS and you can still farm for them, just like you would farm for any end game item in this game.


There's really nothing else to say, at least you're guaranteed a fresh new skin everytime, and it's not actually hard to farm for 400 gems. It's ONLY a problem because you see "gems" here. But for all the items in the games that are gambling with golds, somehow, somehow! It's less of an issue.


Start thinking of them as if they were precursor if that helps you, make it a game goal to get them all, I dunno.




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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Btw it's like the spooky bundle.

> 9600 gems for 30 skins

> 400 gem for 1 skin


> 10k gems for all 31 skins.


> 322 gems per skin.


> Spooky bundle was 320 x skin.


> Everything is fair.


The price point is accurate to what we've seen (Spooky), but the delivery method is what's causing the issue. The Spooky set said that it's 2000 gems regularly, or 400 gems per skin. That was always their target list price, and it looks like it'll stay there. Unfortunately, every skin released at that price has been either (a) a bundle or (b) an RNG game without dupes. There is a skin available now that you can choose outright, but it comes with a x5 multiplier on the price for that privilege.


I wouldn't call it fair or unfair, necessarily. It's how they've chosen to market their product. Personally, I agree that it's predatory marketing and will lure more money out of people that are prone to want full collections or "chase" skins. This will have a polarizing effect rather than an inclusive effect. There will be the haves (whether they could afford it or not) and the have nots (those that simply said no, whether they could afford it or not).


I'm a have not because I can't afford it. I do have collector tendencies and have given into them before. My current financial woes are tied to that past behaviour, and I won't repeat it.


Edit: Converted most of my gold to gems for Spooky mounts earlier, so I'm in restock gold mode. Once restocked, I have a feeling that I'll realize the effort behind that and choose to put my gold to use elsewhere.

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I imagine movie theaters will go RNG soon too. Your movie tonight will be $16 for 2 adults...maybe if you're lucky you'll get to watch the movie you want, and if you're really lucky you will even end up in the same theater. If not, you can always tell each other afterwards about what you saw.

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And apparently you can get the griffon skins even if you don't have the griffon, so I've been told. Just spent hundreds or thousands of gems and got a sweet griffon skin? Go pay 250g more and do a bunch of other crap in order to use it. As my partner said, "There's something particularly Heinous about that."

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