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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I'm glad there's no risk of duplicates, but I'm not interested in gambling for skins I don't want and won't use. I do buy gemstore armor skins, gliders etc. and I understand how important they are to the health of the game, but if I want (for example) a lopear springer bunny or one of the simpler, neat designs I'm not going to spend $120 for a ton of other garish skins I'm uninterested in.

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Developing is great, GW2 with all the content and links to other fields in gaming and pop-culture – seen Pumba and friends from the Lion King?! ^^

This is marketing. Ringing the cash-bell as loud as it gets!


And it's NOT optional as explained in the opening post. For those of us who like to custom and to get a lil extra and support the Devs, it's cash-milking.

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> @Zhayad.9813 said:

> At least in Germany gambling under the age of 18 is forbidden..


Loot Boxes is (currently as the law hasn't quite caught up with it yet) _technically _not gambling.


I mean, it totally freakin' is gambling in every sense of the word but not technically nor legally (at the present moment).

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I have, never, in my life seen a community do this kind of thing for SKINS.




There are games that sell mounts for 40 freaking dollars with gambling and you all have the nerve to complain.


No this community is doomed, because no you wouldn't last in a game where things are WAY worse.


I can understand if it's pay to wing, but this is optional stuff people are protesting about. Anyone on an outside perspective would see all of you as absolutely crazy. I hope you know that.

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> @Zhayad.9813 said:

> At least in Germany gambling under the age of 18 is forbidden..


Yup. I find it rather baffling that the whole lootbox system doesn't have legislation covering it yet, but then I remember that the internet in general is apparently still "Neuland" ("uncharted territory" - yeah, that happened...) and start quietly crying in the corner...


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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Zhayad.9813 said:

> > At least in Germany gambling under the age of 18 is forbidden..


> Loot Boxes is (currently as the law hasn't quite caught up with it yet) _technically _not gambling.


> I mean, it totally freakin' is gambling in every sense of the word but not technically nor legally (at the present moment).


I fear you are right..

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I will not be buying any mount skins from the rng stables, as this system is not one I wish to support. It is a shame, I had looked forward to purchasing more skins and had bought the halloween skins pack the day the set came out. Even with the Halloween skins costing $20, which many felt was rather high, I personally would rather pay more money for a set I know I want rather than spend $5 on a random skin.


If they are going to keep this idea of a stable, letting the buyer pick from it rather than it being random is what I would prefer. However, if some level of rng is absolutely required, then even breaking up the stables into smaller sections would be better. Each set could be a stable and they can each have a theme, so when you buy a skin you at least know you're getting one from that theme.


If none of these are acceptable, then treating the mount skins like the gemstore dyes might be a workable alternative. If they could be sold on the trading post, then it would allow for those who detest rng to simply buy them there. I have turned USD to gems to gold for the specific purpose of buying dyes off the trading post rather than dealing with the rng and so arenanet can still make money off of them this way.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Zhayad.9813 said:

> > At least in Germany gambling under the age of 18 is forbidden..


> Loot Boxes is (currently as the law hasn't quite caught up with it yet) _technically _not gambling.


> I mean, it totally freakin' is gambling in every sense of the word but not technically nor legally (at the present moment).


C'mon EU, let's get some MEPs riled up here (about loot boxes in general, not just these specific ones)!

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > What price? Because one person can buy 400 gems and get the one skin they want or the other may be required to buy 9600 gems to get the same skin.

> > >

> > > These mounts don't have single price, so you can;t tell they are worth their price.

> >

> > All the skins are AWESOME!!! Don’t worry about gems, just buy them and enjoy!!!


> Did ANet pay you to make this statement? Seriously, there are people for whom 120 EUR is a lot of cash. Most people, actually. It's a total rip-off.


No, Anet didn’t pay me. So silly of you to think that.


The skins are optional, and do not have any impact on gameplay, so let’s not be all mean to Anet over this.


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> @Redfeather.6401 said:

> Not happy about it, but at least this might mean more variety in what mounts I see people using.


More variety in mounts....so? What did you expect? There's only *been* 2 skins for each mount up until now.


As someone who has spent a lot of cash in the gem store (and purchased the halloween mount skins), and as someone who has **49** character slots, this is way too damn much. Vote with your wallets and don't buy these. RNG lootboxes are **NOT** the way to go, devs.

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If the worst problem you have is that unrequired visual items are not easily available to you than I think you'll be fine lol. I don't see why everyone's throwing such a fit over this, you don't need these things to enjoy the game and plenty of f2p players have fun here with minimal stuff. Don't get me wrong I'm an altoholic with a passion for fashion but I recognize and accept there's cool items out there I may never get, but that doesn't mean there aren't a ton of cool items I can acquire. Make the most of it and have fun, if you can't do that then maybe you just need to take a break from this game and try out some others.

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> @Niobium.7392 said:

> > @Rumba.3174 said:

> > psst vote on the matter;

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14531/loot-boxes-for-mount-skins


> Done.


> Even if all we're doing is yelling at the wind.


Just don't buy them, if they prove to be a fiscal disaster then they will change it.


If they don't get it after failing financially then NCSoft will set them straight.

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Anyone complaining about this clearly do not get the point of this.

- It is first of all random but does not give you twice the same one.

- It is optional!

- This could be really good revenue for them and to be fair everyone saw this coming.

- The new mount is also optional no content is locked behind it.

- ooh and it's optional!


I do not like lockboxes, but this game has no subscription fee, gives us regular updates, has an expansion that costs nothing. So you cannot expect them to just keep on making stuff for free. Saying that you want to buy it directly is exactly what I want and everyone else would want but it would also reduce their income by a large chunk.

We got the mounts with the expansion if you don't like the skins don't buy them

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> @Tomahawk.7361 said:

> > @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

> > > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > GW2 people= drama queens.

> > >

> > > You guys wouldn't last a day in any other mmo.

> >

> > What MMO are we talking about? Allods Online full P2W or WoW? Or maybe old school UO?


> Lol, he probably means star wars battlefront 2


I'm talking about SWTOR, old republic, try again.

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> @Tomahawk.7361 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > The problem I see is that this won't get changed. No matter how much anyone complain or protest against it, it won't change.

> > When I'm seeing so many people changing from normal mounts to these new atrocious things one by one in Lion's Arch and even the ones I see say "I GOT THE BEST SKIN" which is the wold Jackal, you know very well the chances of them getting that one on the 1st pull is literally 1 out of 31.

> >

> > They've gotten enough people to play into this thing that it doesn't matter what we think and it will continue on like this.

> > I'm sure they're more thinking on, "Sheesh, we should've done this with the gliders since day 1."


> It is true, but by the very token, I spent **a lot** on this game because I like the company and the more honest business practices they used to implement. I have to imagine losing that loyalty revenue is really going to hurt. But maybe I'm just being wishful.


> Might be time to call JimSterlingSon


We'll have to take a number really, he'll get around to it eventually though, sometimes it seems like the whole gaming industry is in some kind of race to the bottom with loot boxes now.


Everyone's making hay while the sun shines.

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