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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Why could some of the more basic skins have not been made as part of world-wide scavenger hunts? They're already named after terrain and climate types. Use the world together with maybe some mount lore in a way that encourages people to hunt for items in old areas they haven't been to in a while. Save the super-flashy skins for the BLTC. With so many skins, there could be an NPC in LA that periodically announces that there are rumors of a new type of mount. This could trigger the hunt to locate clues to find the mount. Why not even defeat a boss version of the "wild" mount to be able to claim it? You add content, you revitalize old areas, you keep mounts fresh, everyone is happy. (Well, not everyone. Somebody will always complain about something)


People will be more willing to buy skins if there are options available for the convenience. There should always be a balance between what is available through gameplay and what is available in the BLTC.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Nausicca.6038 said:

> > I can understand why Anet is using this kind of business model. They need money.


> The GW2 userbase has happily kept the game alive for years by buying premium content directly, with no gambling involved whatsoever, so that is kind of a moot point.




Before this, one didn't preclude the other, in GW2. Now it does. If there was a variety of mount skins for straight up sale, I'd buy some I like and ignore the gambling ones. Just like I do with gliders, outfits, weapons, etc. With mounts however, there's a pitifully small amount of skins for direct sale, and a truckload of gambling ones.


People who say this isn't different are not looking at it properly.

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I love supporting your game but THE GAMBLING HAS TO STOP!! The entire game feels like gambling at the moment, I wouldn't have minded if some of the 30 skins (the slightly more dull looking ones with just different dye channels/patterns) were put into the game as really rare PoF account bound drops. I wouldn't have minded if the super shiny fiery/icy/celestial ones were on the gem store at like 700-800 gems each. For some reason though ALL of them are randomly selected for the player, I don't mind the price but out of your 30 available mounts I only wanted 3 I got 1 that I actually wanted then decided its to much of a gamble to EVER do it again. I felt BAD after trying to get the skin I wanted the entire point is to enjoy your game and when I feel bad trying to get a cosmetic item for my character I can't enjoy this game. This bad feeling is compounded by the lack of in game rewards at the moment.

I'm also sure as hell not going to spend £30 on a single mount skin, I can get an entirely different game for that price guys!

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Yesterday, when everyone was in an uproar on the forums and /r/GuildWars2 I had pretty much no notion of what was going on, but when I got home and finally saw the new item on the cash shop, I realized what the deal was. I am, of course, perfectly fine with ANet posting skins on the store for sale; it was something that was bound to happen and I always said it'd be lucrative for them to do so, as it was one of my talking points in try to get mounts into the game in the first place.


However, ANet you've missed the boat on this one. Just because we're okay with you adding the skins to the shop, doesn't mean that we don't want to pick out the ones that we're interested in. Many of those skins are not something I personally would ever use, and I'm sure many others feel the same. You've put in this wonderful variety of skins; let us pick and choose the ones that we want to spend our money on. Get rid of this RNG box. It's been proven time and again that people are willing to throw money at you, gobs and gobs of it, but not for a box that we have no idea what's inside. What if we wind up with two of the same skin? Then what?


Please ANet, hear our pleas. Retract this, compensate those who chose to purchase these en-masse (such as, let them choose which they'd actually like, and turn in those they don't), and make it so we can purchase these a la carte. I guarantee a lot less flack for you, and a lot of players who are all the happier for it.


Edit: Also, please let us earn skins in game too. Don't just throw it all up on the cash shop and be done with it. We **want** to strive for and earn the things that we get in these games. Even if they're not as fancy as the ones on the market, at least afford us the option to work towards something.

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I would have gladly paid 400-800 gems for individual skins, or even 1600-2000 gems for a pack of Fire-themed or Star-themed skins (like you did with the Spooky Mounts Pack) but I am not going to spend money on a RNG lottery with 30 skins when only 6 of them look interesting (referring to the fire and stardust/starbound versions).


So I'm sorry ANet but just lost out on the €30-€60 that I would have been more than willing to pay as I sure as hell am NOT going to pay **up to €120** on RNG lootboxes just to get the 6 skins I'd actually want.


Also, you **STILL** haven't made the Jackal skin I want most! **MistFire Wolf!**

![](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/241437/Mistfire-Wolf.png "")


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Tbh, im trying to understand all this gamble hate that is coming from the New update. I mean, im not giving a cent because i cant choose the 10% of the skins that i actually want (yep, 3/30).

But gamble was already part of gw2. Mystic clovers, all loot we receive, blc's, ecto etc. I'm not defending it, there's a huge difference between paying irl to gamble (mounts, blc) and gambling to see what you gain after you played the game (loot, maybe clovers as well). I just wanted to point that gamble was already here before.

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> @"Raeysa Penrose.8450" said:

> EDIT: Also, I see that if they do change mount pricing/RNG it will turn into a price range making reskins like 400 gems and the legendary ones 2,000. Is this what you really want?


No, what we want is the option to buy individual skins at reasonable price points. Why do you speak as if there's only a choice between two extremes? You're ignoring all the other viable alternatives.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

No doubt whatsoever. 2017 is the _Year of the Loot Box_ and there is nothing we can apparently do about it.



**YES! That's the point. DO NOT BUY THIS WORTHLESS >>> pls insert the swearword of your choice <<


Who is exploited by the money-makers in the games industry? WE as gamers. We put the money in. So just don't put the money in and let them starve on their shareholder value. So WE can STOP it!

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I won't be buying or spending any dollars or gems as the random aspect is poorly implemented.


Especially when you consider this is repeating the black lion chest market with tickets but done in far more harsh out of player-control decisions. If ANet wanted more player base to spend money, they should have just added black ticket claim vendors with the various mount skin options. Thereby you take a more universal loot box currency (black lion tickets) with some semblance of earning them over time by use of random (black lion ticket scraps) and ultimately get the same/more monetization out of that pre-existing system.


This then also allows players to buy mount skins and resell on BLTC for gold to equalize demand. Less harsh and just as effective at generating ANet profit since dispersed across many players as opposed to a few whales that buy everything plus the huge number of players that give up and write posts like this (and ultimately leave the game or worse for ANet, boycott future buys and become toxic to community).


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> @Asum.4960 said:

> > @Sodeni.6041 said:

> > > @Rawr.9467 said:

> > > Unfortunately you only need a few people to buy them. Boycotts don't work very well when you have whales that give in and purchase everything, further solidifying the benefits of this marketing model.

> >

> > I strongly believe that if there are enough people that also *don't* buy those skins, Anet will have to change it since everyone counts as a source of money and they make less money if people don't buy those skins because of RNG aspects.


> Considering gambling cash shop games get up to 90% of their revenue from around 0.2% of their player base, so called "whales", if ArenaNet want's to transition to that business model, loosing some "Dolphins" and "Minnows" or especially "non-monetizers" won't matter to them.


> That doesn't mean outcry's or boycotts don't matter though, especially before it's to late, at this phase they might still turn around if public perception of Anet gets bad enough.

> Shame though, since I rather would have just bought the one or two mount skins I really like for a reasonable price and recommend the game to everybody thinking about getting into a new MMO instead.


> But what does this small fish know?


Not sure if 100 a month makes me a whale or not but I refuse to spend any of it on RNG.

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I am probably someone who the kittens in the marketing department would consider somewhat of a whale. I really have no qualms about throwing money at a game if I see something I particularly like. And these mount skins I do like which is why I am _in this case_ not particularly bothered by the RNG aspect. In this context I pay a reasonable price per skin, because I can not get a skin I do not like. But as I have already stated in the poll topic I think that the price per lottery ticket is quite high if you do _not_ like each and every skin you might get or can not even use some of them (because of the high price for the griffon).


What I find particularly worrying is that the 400 gems per license lottery ticket seem outright reasonable in comparison to 2.000 gems for a single jackal skin. I know Anet usually is not like this, but I can't shake the feeling that the price for the Warhound skin is only this high, because random skins were priced at 400 gems already. In context with only each other the price difference is quite generous - you either pay x amount of gems for one chosen skin or 20% of that if you want to roll the dice with these skins over here - but as soon as you do the math and realise that x is an insane amount of money for a single mount skin the lottery tickets do not look so cheap anymore.

Being asked to fork over an amount of money that used to buy us something we actually want just for a roll of the dice and at the same time having the prices for chosen skins go through the roof is not what I would call an agreeable business model.


Please do not tell us that this is the direction you want to go, Anet, because this road is one that might earn you some money but will inevitably sour your customers eventually.

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I'm really disappointed by this. What happened to finding a product or service you liked, paying for it and then getting said product or service?

> @Aveneo.2068 said:

> I would have gladly paid 400-800 gems for individual skins, or even 1600-2000 gems for a pack of Fire-themed or Star-themed skins (like you did with the Spooky Mounts Pack) but I am not going to spend money on a RNG lottery with 30 skins when only 6 of them look interesting (referring to the fire and stardust/starbound versions).

I couldn't agree more with this. Why not treat them like the Spooky pack and sell them that way? I could easily see myself purchasing them as theme packs or sold individually as many people expressed was their main issue with the Spooky pack to begin with.


I will not be buying these ever then.



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That's a alot of mounts and a single whale who bought every skin is akin to that many people buying a single skin so simply not buying it will do nothing. The only option is actually to bail its the fate that other MMO's have run into. It's even getting worse there is already information going on about the new BLK Lion Chests that are also sparking outrage however the mount situation is compeltely overshadowing it currently.


Its a slippery slope and its already started with no way out the particle effects are already at an all time high meanwhile the aura effects they removed still remain off the table. This is GW2 now and whales without fish to gaze upon them the game still has a B2P model for expansions and as the word gets out the sales will only drop farther till not many people at all will enthused about the next expansion.

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Quite frankly I believe that the age rating of GW2 (12+) would need to be reconsidered given the current trend of increasing 'gambling' aspects of the game (mount loot boxes, the 2 versions of ecto gambling, gambling for bag slot material).

At least in Germany gambling for minors is against the law (no matter if with or without permission of parents/guardians by the way). While this might seem drastic, the reason is pretty simple: any form of gambling is paving the way to later addiction. And I think if people are honest, most of us - even if we are 'of age' - have at some point succumbed to the addictive aspect of some of that gambling (just one more lucky roll - I'll sure be able to refill gold and ecto this time...)

In addition, the gambling in guild wars meets a lot of the criteria for being addictive (fast results - you know if you have won almost instantly; fast rewards - instant; the impression you can influence the result in some way - left chest/right chest? ....)

The fact that it's now increased also with gems (which bear a somewhat closer relation to real-life money) doesn't really change the general concept. Gambling can lead to addiction - whether it's with in-game gold, gems or real-life money. And it is especially dangerous for younger people.

In that light the new age rating would have to be 18+ given the recent developments. I think this is very sad. Coming from GW1 I always had the impression this particular brand of game was very nice in being something that could be enjoyed by family members across a wide age-span.

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This outrage would be a tad more justified if this adoption contract was going to be the absolute final and only way to acquire new mount skins which I seriously doubt it will be. So far they released a bundle of Halloween mounts where you knew what you were getting but had to buy the bundle, this adoption contract where you're guaranteed a new mount skin but have no control over which one you get and the premium-priced Reforged Warhound which is an entirely new (and gorgeous, in my opinion) skin that costs the same as the non-sale price for the Halloween skin bundle of 5 skins.


Mounts are new to the game and I think it should be *obvious* they are attempting different methods of selling the skins to see which succeed in bringing in the most profit and which bring in less. I think patience is key here. The feedback is good to give to Anet if you are unhappy with this method. Make it constructive and non-accusatory feedback.


You get a new mount skin for every contract. This is not a loot box like many other games tend to offer like so many posters are implying. No loot box I have ever encountered guaranteed you got a new unique unlock every single time. If you would be happy with the most basic mount skin being the one you get, then go for it. If not, then don't buy the contracts, wait for new skins to be released that you can purchase directly. Support the purchase method you agree with.


I actually think this outrage is partially fueled by the fact that these are the first general (i.e. not seasonal themed) mount skins to be added to the game. If we had 6 months of periodic direct-purchase mount skins added to the game and *then* these contracts came out, I would bet there wouldn't be nearly as much outrage. Sure, there would be some, it is the internet and an MMO, after all, there will always be outrage at everything from some part of the community. But I think the outrage and backlash is being fueled, in part, by the fact that players love their new mounts and want to customize them. The first option we get after Halloween themed skins consists of one premium skin and 30 RNG based (but guaranteed to give a new skin, regardless). People who can't or won't purchase the contracts are frustrated and I understand that but lashing out at Anet with insults and accusations is simply childish and not constructive.


I do agree that there should be alternate methods of direct purchase for these skins *or* additional non-premium priced skins available for direct purchase. I think the contracts are fine but I think the timing of them was poor. Various standard, direct-purchase options should have been filtered in to the gem store first with the contract bundle coming a little later.


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I'm not happy about the gambling aspect of buying items off the gem store. Especially with items like mount skins. I bought one of them to see and I got a basic griffon skin that was essentially the same as the default griffon but with 4 dye channels which the the default skin should have had. I won't be buying any more of them. To me it seems like they are using gambling to take advantage of players in the depressed game economy by forcing them to buy more gem cards than they need just to get what they want. If I'm going to buy as gem card then I want to get the item I'm buying it for. I'm done with gem cards until things change.

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So ArenaNet releases mounts with the expansion that we all literally just bought a month ago, and yet the ONLY way to get different mount skins is via the cash shop. What a pathetic cash grab. Seriously. What other MMO doesn't allow you to get prestigious mount skins in game? I cannot think of a single one.

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