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Bring Mounts on EotM!


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EotM has a bizarre history. It was a map with an innovative design, initially highly rewarding, which somehow created some sort of new game mode when it came out (karma/loot train and disorganized zerg fights). It received lots of criticisms from WvW players, which initially considered it a WvW map (as rewards and xp system was shared with wvw), and then was nerfed in terms of rewards, thus significantly decreasing its population.


I would love to see the map back in action, and was wondering whether we could introduce mounts in it, as some sort of experiment. No need to adjust towers or forts, we could consider it like some old legendary battle ground (after all it's in the mists), which structures can be explored freely by ingenious adventurers. Pure WvW players would not care at all about it (because they'd stay in the usual EBG/BL maps), so I don't think they'd be vocal on this. It would however offer something new at a low cost, and I'd love to see how I can use mounts to run the map or fight against other players. It would have a potential to create its own community I believe (especially if rewards are buffed a bit, without interfering with WvW rewards).



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EoTM was never considered a WvW map by WvW players. It was a solution to the long and broken queue system that came after the broken queues where fixed and queues where nearly gone and a way for Anet to test things outside WvW.


Either way, testing mounts there is a good idea but I have a feeling it would just break too many things. Springer is an obvious issue - you might as well open all doors and increase guard counts 10x on 60s respawn because thats the only way objectives wont get flipped before contest even pops up.

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> spring will no longer be able to jump as high probably haha


thats one thing a lot of people don't understand,

if they moved mounts to WvW they would obviously have changed mechanics. Raptors wouldn't be charging 2k units every 5 seconds. Bunnies wouldn't be hoping over walls and so on. They would probably limit mounts to territories, ooc and the "breakbar" would likely be non-existent for them.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > spring will no longer be able to jump as high probably haha


> thats one thing a lot of people don't understand,

> if they moved mounts to WvW they would obviously have changed mechanics. Raptors wouldn't be charging 2k units every 5 seconds. Bunnies wouldn't be hoping over walls and so on. They would probably limit mounts to territories, ooc and the "breakbar" would likely be non-existent for them.

But thats like saying "if they moved a skill that makes you invoulnerable, does huge damage and make you immune to condis to WvW and put it on less than 7s cd they would obviously have changed the mechanics".


It takes a while for Anet to catch up with reality. We also still have buggy gliders that will warp other players up and down all over the place. How do you expect mounts to even work at all?

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I feel the common misconception about eotm is that players don't consider it part of wvw. Quite the contrary, its ebg without pips, so it's wvw pre May 2017, even further if you consider eotm used linkings in a sense long before wvw did, but I guess people choose not to remember those things.


Suggest adding wvw rewards or talk about testing something for wvw in eotm though? And then the argument is they aren't us, those rewards are ours and anything meant for wvw should be tested in wvw.


To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure why the map exists anymore, other than a place to pass time when your match is too hard and you wish to escape reality till the next week, other than that eotm really serves no purpose. So, if mounts were ever to be introduced into wvw, then yes, that would be the perfect place to test them before hand.



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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> Oh yeah great, bring in the mounts so they have to redo all the walls so that kitten rabbit can't jump them.


Based on the noise that things makes - its a rabbit crossed with a goat. A grabbit if you will.



I think the solution to adding mounts to EOTM would be to introduce its own mount type. Something that's can't hop walls or fly. Create a unique set of EOTM trait lines to enable various mounts and their abilities. It would add something to the EOTM game mode.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > Oh yeah great, bring in the mounts so they have to redo all the walls so that kitten rabbit can't jump them.


> Based on the noise that things makes - its a rabbit crossed with a goat. A grabbit if you will.


> I think the solution to adding mounts to EOTM would be to introduce its own mount type. Something that's can't hop walls or fly. Create a unique set of EOTM trait lines to enable various mounts and their abilities. It would add something to the EOTM game mode.


I don't think they should spend time implementing stuff just for eotm, that's time better spent on wvw stuff which has a multitude of issues that they don't even have the time for as it is. Eotm was only ever meant to be a place to play when you were stuck in wvw queue, nothing more. Players made it into something because it was "easier" than normal wvw, leveling, gaining wvw ranks, k-training.

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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > > @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > > Oh yeah great, bring in the mounts so they have to redo all the walls so that kitten rabbit can't jump them.

> >

> > Based on the noise that things makes - its a rabbit crossed with a goat. A grabbit if you will.

> >

> > I think the solution to adding mounts to EOTM would be to introduce its own mount type. Something that's can't hop walls or fly. Create a unique set of EOTM trait lines to enable various mounts and their abilities. It would add something to the EOTM game mode.


> I don't think they should spend time implementing stuff just for eotm, that's time better spent on wvw stuff which has a multitude of issues that they don't even have the time for as it is. Eotm was only ever meant to be a place to play when you were stuck in wvw queue, nothing more. Players made it into something because it was "easier" than normal wvw, leveling, gaining wvw ranks, k-training.


I don't disagree, but I find that Anet wastes lots of time doing things that could have been more constructive elsewhere. If they plan on wasting time, at least I wanted to give them a suggestion on how to do it.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> I don't disagree, but I find that Anet wastes lots of time doing things that could have been more constructive elsewhere. If they plan on wasting time, at least I wanted to give them a suggestion on how to do it.


Yeah... they really waste so much time developing and then abandoning stuff it's unbelievable, 15 spvp maps laying around, killed stronghold mode, abandoned the wvw alliance system because of a couple insiders. So much waste we see as players, can't imagine how much more worse it is in the background. Which is why development time is even more precious for wvw.

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