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Outfits vs. Armor Skins - Which do you prefer?


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I like both for different reasons.



I like the convenience of having them always available on all my characters and being able to switch to them and switch between them freely. I also like that they're not bound by armour restrictions - I can use them to put my ele in platemail or my ranger in a long flowing dress if I want to.


I'm kind of ambivalent on the lack of customisation. In a way it fits with the convenience in that I don't have to juggle pieces to make them work and I know each one is a matching 'set' (also some of the outfits I like wouldn't work as separate pieces, like the wedding outfit and noble count on female characters). But it also puts me off some of them because if I don't like the whole thing together I can't do anything about it except not buy it.


I really don't like that there's only 4 dye channels on each outfit and they're very inconsistent - on some the 1st dye channel is the majority of the outfit, on others it's 1 tiny detail and the 2nd or 3rd dyes the whole outfit. That makes it very hard to find a dye scheme that works across all of them, and having to change the dyes each time I switch ruins the convenience. That really puts me off buying more of them. (I also wish they'd bring back the option of having a keybinding to switch between your armour and currently selected outfit.)



Pretty much reverse all of the above. I like the freedom to mix and match pieces and dye each one differently and the sheer variety of what's available. I don't like that if I want extra 'sets' I either have to carry them in my bag or spend transmutation charges to change it.

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I like both. It depends which character I am playing.


Heavy armor classes always get to wear an outfit, because I HATE the look of heavy armor. It's not cute at all. Urgh.


Medium armor classes and light armor classes get to wear the armor or sometimes outfits too...whatever I like the best at the moment. I like to mix and match armor pieces, but it can get expensive.

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In a perfect world the armor system is better because it allows more customization. In reality though the armor skins are lackluster and there aren't many sets that I like and struggle to find something for all my characters. Been really thinking of getting an outfit for my charr revenant because I'm sick of using mistward armor (currently using lunatic armor for a nice change). The outfits are higher quality, some have sweet dyable animations, and the dyes look better on them. Trying to use armor pieces from separate sets is difficult to dye uniformly.

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Armor because you can mix and match. Also, where were the karma armor sets in PoF like we had in the base game? ArenaNet has dropped the ball for the last few years when it comes to earnable armor in my opinion.


If earnable armor were more prevalent in the game, I may have voted "both".


Also, RNG lockboxes suck.

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While I agree that there can be a convenience factor to having Outfits, that's a weak patch on a broken system, namely that this game does not have "appearance templates" in. I mean, if you look at some other games, most notably the superhero MMOs, they tend to allow you to store multiple appearance set-ups on your character, and swap between them at will. So people value that Outfits in GW2 allow you to throw on a specific unified "look" without the hassle of swapping out armor pieces manually or transmuting pieces. Fine. I get that. But Outfits are FAR from the best way to achieve that level of convenience. You're basically locked in to whatever the Outfit looks like.


Instead, ALL armor should release in Armor skin form, and then once you've mixed and matched the look you want, you can "store" that as an appearance, and call that up at will as easily as currently using an Outfit. In fact, if it would make their jobs a bit easier, they could just use the existing Outfit UI, make it so that you can "craft" an "Outfit" for some nominal cost, taking a snapshot of whatever you have on, and then this "Custom Outfit" would be stored like any other outfit, and would be used exactly like the current Outfits.


"Convenience" is no excuse of Outfits.

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Best poll I've seen on here so far, I think this really makes it clear what people want, as if we didn't know that already tho right. Sadly, despite the fact that people are hugely in favour of armor skins over outfits Anet will still give us outfits instead and blame it on the difficult to create excuse rather than the real reason which is $$$.

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I like both. There are some outfits that go real well with my character and some characters that can put together better armor mixes. Sometimes I just get tired of one look and switch between armor and outfits. Sometimes the need for transmute charges causes me not to change an primary armor look that I really like because I might need to go back to it eventually. So I use and like both. Some outfits don't look good but some are stunning especially with the right dyes. I don't show the head armor most of the time.

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I'm going to buck the trend and say outfits.


The reason why is because I play charr, so it's a personal opinion (but then, so is everyone else's vote). Outfits don't tend to suffer from clipping issues; armour skins almost invariably do. So if outfits mean skins that work, I'm going to have to go with outfits.

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