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Another Election?


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Any chance we can get a repeat of the amazing fun of S1 elections? Surely Ellen's (who has been silent for years) term is near an end? And let's face it, you never hear anything she's done since being in office. Evon is very active in the community, and still a likely choice. In all seriousness experiencing the campaign, elections and voting was tremendous fun and the huge amount of people voting was amazing. Give Evon another chance will you? P.S> Gaile, if you read this, any chance you let me pet sit that frog for you? LOL #Evon2018

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> @ancientoak.4258 said:

> If such an election will ever happen again, i hope every player only gets one vote. The first vote was decided by certain tokens you could farm (dont now how anymore, its been so long ago). I Always wondered how the 'unique votes' were Gnashblade vs Kiel... Who knows, maybe Gnashblade was robbed of his victory ;)


........... I voted for both equally XD, I wonder how that would work


If we DO get another vote, I think I'd vote Evon over Keil though, because really the abaddon fractal is where it's at (though that may no longer be something the devs are willing to do).

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The election was something that fit in much better with the design choices of season 1 than it fits with the current design philosophy. That is, when the living world was temporary major content that made smaller permanent changes the election was able to be a part of that. However, now that the living world is more permanent, with repeatable content this is less reasonable. A lot of people did not like that they could permanently miss out on content in season 1, which is one of the reasons we have the current structure, but both content structures require content to be made in ways that are suitable to the ways they work.

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I don't see them doing something like that again.

I mean the recent votes we had that impacted the game were meaningless nonsense.


* we could choose the name of a district in New LA, while we had no influence on the design, So we ended up with Lobster Arch (some boring here would have been nice)

* we could choose a name for our new guild, which is nothing more than a game of thrones reference and got no explanation beyond that. Furthermore knowing that each country Got their own choice makes it even more meaningless.


To be honest I am really surprised we are allowed to participate in the weapon design contest voting.

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I do agree it was a cool event to have, I enjoyed making a choice like that. Ellen hasn't been silent, though, as the victor she was in charge of the restoration of Lion's Arch which was a monumental undertaking, and would have a lot of day to day things she has to do all the time. I also think she'll be appearing in PoF, based on the trailer. Perhaps we will get a similar opportunity in the expansion at some point after the main story has concluded and we go back into living world seasons. Elona may need new leaders, after all. <3

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> @Aer.3970 said:

> If I'm not mistaken, the Captain's Council terms do not expire. According to the wiki the councilor can retire, or they die, and then their second (usually First Mate) takes their seat.


> So Ellen's in for life. Nice job security. :)


That's exactly what I was going to say.


The Captain's Council doesn't have limited terms and they don't normally choose their members by a democratic process. Or at least not one involving all the citizens of LA and certainly not all of Tyria. If there's not a clear successor for a dead/retired captain the council chooses one. They might vote on it, or they might not, but holding an election was very unusual.


Both Ellen and Evon had been proposed as new members and the Council couldn't agree on who to pick - so they set them a challenge to secure a trade contract with the Zephyrites. The election was actually the Master of Peace's idea - he said he'd only negotiate with someone who could prove they had the support of the populous and therefore truly represented their people.


It's highly unlikely something like that will happen again. But I wouldn't rule out players getting to choose the direction of the game in some form - just not by voting for the leader of a city.

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