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What type of GW 2 player are you?


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How do you prefer to play? - I am generally a solo player but I enjoy joining in on events that I pass by and occasionally do a round of world bosses. I also like responding to players that need help and assist with JP's and other content. I usually stay away from dungeons, fractals, raids, PvP, WvW, and anything that tends to get players on edge or feels like it's cut off from the open world.


*Making this poll anonymous for player's privacy.

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I am mainly a solo player in GW2, I didn't always used to be though. Back in the day I had a guild for a little while had a great friend there and we did dungeons all the time, would log in just to mess around. Drama happened, I met some super creepy people here years ago which has lead me to be more solo than I was. I haven't been able to find a guild since my own that was non-toxic or cared about it's players.


That being said I still will gladly run group content to help people but I'm usually the quiet one that doesn't talk much, and since dungeons aren't really done anymore I don't have much to do at the moment.

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I enjoy both solo and group content. When playing with others I enjoy both pugging/meeting new people and grouping with like-minded friends. I like helping other players. I dont have a set pattern for which style of play I will pursue in a given session, whim rules in this regard.

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Solo and Versatile sounds like me.

I'm like 100% solo when none of my friends are on unless I'm about to do something that I can't solo (like certain metas/world bosses/etc). So the "Solo, but will occasionally help or join others" sounds like me.

BUT, I like helping anyone whenever I can too... but as I said I'm like almost always soloing. So... I'm Solatile?


EDIT: Oh! I should say I'm a 100% PvE player. I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I get bored whether I win or lose (at least fairly).

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I am quite a mix.

In PvE, I have two main way to play: Either I do commander, then with a squad, or I play solo, however joining players on my way if they need help, or to take part to events. In WvW and fractals, always with teams & squads of course.

Aside of this, once in awhile, I happily go in team with real life friends for big fun. This remains sporadic due to our busy real lives unfortunately.

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I play with my SO. I'm too shy to join groups. :s I used to chat and group up in my WoW years like....12 years ago. But that was when people chatted back. I did some grouping up in GW2, but the chatter was like "stand here"..."thief stealth".... xD I was the thief... and I totally learned that day that my SO and I don't thief-duo dungeons like most thieves. We kill everything and don't stealth past mobs at all. It didn't gel well with the group we teamed up with that day, so we never grouped for dungeons again. Hahaha.




Yeah... We like killing stuff. xD

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I've found people to hang with and do stuff with in other games. I haven't been able to do that in this game though. Not sure why. It's a bit disappointing- I know I'm not having as much fun as I could be having. I've learned to tough a lot of things out on my own, but I will join groups for group content. Usually (but not always) because I need something from the content.

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I'd describe myself as mainly a solo player, but according to this poll I'm a mix.


The majority of my time is probably spent playing solo or with whoever happens to be around, simply because the content I enjoy most (open-world PvE) is set up for that and because I often can't be sure how long I'll have to stay online and I don't want to be in the middle of something and then have to log off and leave my group 1 person short.


But I'm also part of 2 active guilds and I talk to them all the time while playing and do organised events with them (both guild missions and other stuff) when I can. I also join in with fractals/dungeons runs with guild groups and other friends. And I'm pretty much always open to helping people, as long as it's something I can do within the time I'm online (e.g. I'll help you with a boss/event, through a jumping puzzle etc. but I'm not the person to lead you through your first playthrough of HoT).

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I'm a solo PvE player, but I enjoy activities with other people, and these activites are the "pugable" kind (world boss, hot meta, etc). I don't like anything in game that involves seriousness.


I'm also a casual player. I play whenever I want and leave whenever I want. I usually cannot play more than 2 hours straight because it bores me. I'm also casual not just in how I spend time, but also how I play the game. A lot of stuff in the game I don't care about (ie: what you wear, your title, your weapon, game lore, whats in the gemstore, etc). Hell, I finished PoF story and got the bird, and I still don't know who Joko is.


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I like to explore quite a bit. If I'm passing through and see an event with someone or a group participating I'll join in. If I see a blue skull icon on the map I'll go out of way to rez them even if it was an afk death. I'm not opposed to being in a group but I like to do things at my own pace.

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I chose Other because I think I need to add I Play Mostly For Exploration (Graphics) to one of the Solo choices. So the modified choice would be Solo, But Will Occasionally Help Or Join Others while I Play Mostly For Exploration (Graphics). The reason I even join others in missions or even play missions solo is so I can get areas unlocked that require missions to get in.


Then I can admire the scenery of new locations. Or to get mounts that allow me to jump or glide to new areas to explore and gawk at the visuals. Yeah I enjoy the chat sometimes but the graphics are the main thing for me.

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I play solo pretty much because social anxiety makes the thought of being in a guild, well, anxiety inducing. Not because people in the game are unkind, most people in GW2 are extremely helpful. Just the way I am I guess. I do love helping players in passing as I traipse across Tyria etc. and open world events that don't require joining anything.

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I solo almost everything and have for a long time. But that's coming back to bite me in the ass with my first Legendary (I'm at Sunrise III: Dawn, where you have to collect light from places). Two parts of it are behind seriously difficult JPs (I have CTS) and others are behind fractals. Big problem with this is that I **_hate_** asking for help.

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Because of my schedule I end up running solo a lot mostly with just enough time to do the Daily Completionist. But I find GW2's community so friendly even as a solo player it's a great experience. I wouldn't mind finding a guild though again with the restrictions on my play time I'd feel bad not being much of a contributor except for friendly banter.

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