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The best counter to scourge?


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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > It's also worth noting that Dragonhunters can force a Scourge off point easily. Their F3 protects them quite well, since all Shade skills and Torch skills (the bulk of Scourge damage) are not unblockable. Ghastly Breach isn't either, FYI. It's a short window, but it may be all you need.


> Jump on point, drop all traps and hope the scourge dies before you run out of blocks... Ballzy


bait their shades , bad ones would try to drop shade on you when you poke them from far . then jump in do your nuke with cc .and retreat (they will use trail of aguish after cc ).when 1v1 , it's easier to force them run out life force if they panic f5 etc . remember to block their fear from f3 .

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i can kill scourge in a 1v1 as a deadeye, i have done it in spvp and in wvwvw, it´s all about kite.

what i personally like to do is confuse them by going into stealth and shadow steping away from my position and watch them burn there abilities on thin air, then burst them, if they manage to survive and get close i just do the same as before.


most of the times i use shadowstep (utility) to teleport away and after i burst them i restealth and use it again to return to the original position.


if they have allot of shroud its harder but still doable.

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> @musu.9205 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > It's also worth noting that Dragonhunters can force a Scourge off point easily. Their F3 protects them quite well, since all Shade skills and Torch skills (the bulk of Scourge damage) are not unblockable. Ghastly Breach isn't either, FYI. It's a short window, but it may be all you need.

> >

> > Jump on point, drop all traps and hope the scourge dies before you run out of blocks... Ballzy


> bait their shades , bad ones would try to drop shade on you when you poke them from far . then jump in do your nuke with cc .and retreat (they will use trail of aguish after cc ).when 1v1 , it's easier to force them run out life force if they panic f5 etc . remember to block their fear from f3 .


They should be really bad to waste all three shades in a such way.


Ammo mechanics + Sand Savant is strong, it gives two instant retry chances to bad Shades placements and said ammos "prevent" Scourge's master tier traits to gain increased value from Sand Savant (1 big shade count as 1 shade for shade's evocation effects cause they can be placed even faster than the small shades), promoting shade spam and preventing support builds to shine in PvP other than lowering the skill required to play the build.





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i main necro so i have some "good news" i guess.


shades are all over the place indeed. since they could change them to a different location when it's off cd. so when you see one on you or near you, walk out of it asap.

doesn't matter if it does nothing to you yet, cuz their shroud is on cd or what not. just make sure you're out of its radius.

when they glow dark, that's when they're in shroud just like reaper. but animation is reduced so may hard to see with everything else on top.

you could literally stand 1mm outside the radius border and receive 0 damage and 0 conditions.


watch out for "numbers of shades".

there are 2 types. if they put up 3 shade (highly doubt they do since having 3 are too much to keep up sometimes)

but 3 shades radius would be quite small, max melee range radius.

if it's one shade only, this one literally sit on a whole node. so any range class is gucci.

they have barrier acting as defensive "aegis". so whenever you see yellow bar on their health bar, make sure to wait till it's down before attacking.

or you'll just waste your skills. the barrier is only 1-2s long. may get up to 3s if they stack all their barriers.


they're in fact weak against range, burst builds, burst classes, and soft cc like cripple, immobilize.

they have condi cleanse on the fly yea, every 4s. but just apply something, watch them clean and the 2nd time is when you'll land your burst.

just make sure to tap them and see what they have on hand before deciding.

but that depend heavily on the scourge and how well they play it out.

for me, i won't clean condis just yet, and wait for the right burst of enemies so i don't burn out my condi cleanse and stuff.

but i find that most scourges freak out and they do f2, f3 almost instantly. and sometimes burn both f2, and f3. which make them glassy after barrier is down.


scourge is not that hard to counter. but most players have a hard time against condis more likely.

too much, can't clean them condis fast enough. and scourges are kings and queens of condis.

no other classes have that many condis everywhere and on literally every set of weapons. lol. if we're to blame, we know whom.

can't blame the scourges themselves, nor who play it cuz people nowadays just want to play something "easy" for a win, instead of playing something they like.

with that being said, roll on something different and test it out what works for you.

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> @Marxx.5021 said:

> Blood sage scourge works. It helps handling conditions in teamfights very well.


I've tried it, is good vs conditions and can also self rally itself with wells+transfusion but it can't survive power damage.

Larger barriers should be a thing for support builds who can't burst heal.

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> @FXLEACH.9436 said:

> Also guys I've got some great news - I've put together a little reaper build (power) and so far things have been pretty decent. Scourges can still burst me down with huge amounts of condi BUT I have been able to mitigate and then kill them, I've been successful and it feels viable. Pretty happy right now.

Man don't delude yourself thinking you can try to theorycraft something a bit oustide of what Arenanet wants you to play that works. Been there, it's just a waste of time, not doable, sad but true.

The whole RPG aspect "make your own build" looks deep and complex and interesting at first glance but you find out soon enough that just about everything that could work but doesn't make you want to buy expansions is intended not be viable. There is a P2W nature to such practices that's the reality of it and everything else is just a facade.

Same with Yugioh! and similar games that relly on you keeping buying new content.


During HoT times, especially near the release there was not a single core spec used in competitive. I mean they were not even close to being on par. Now with PoF the producer promised they wanted instead to "introduce more options" (meaning no powercreep) but again as we saw with Spellbreaker, Holosmith, Scourge we have (some, not all, some progress) specs that are cristal clear upgrades.


And while ther are plenty of P2W games out there doing well and obviously sometimes much worse business models they at least have the decency to not pretend to be pure as snow white "the kind mmo with no subscribtion" and the community seems to either be too stupid to understand or simply just not to give a a shit. which is worst


Fact is the theorycrafting is mostly rigged, a sacrificed mechanic for selling expansions, I mean it was never that great to begin with with Arenanet being slow as hell to fix bugs, update useless traits and skills, tone done obviously OP stuff like Vampirism Rune that used to give an extra invuln and that literally everyone had to run back then and took literaly years to fix which resulted in the most cancer everyone bunker meta theres ever been but at least it showed potential since HoT it's kind of liek the devs officially admitted they intention for it to be nothing more than a filler mechanic like an remnant apendix of some ancient times that you cant quite get rid of and just gives them extra work. "streamlined" they call it.


I remember back when HoT came out being asked why I would not buy because and being basically dismissed as some kind of hyppie for saying who wants a purposefully unbalanced esport yet thats where pvp end up in the end hasnt it?

I just came back to the game recently for lulz, bought a heavily discounted HoT key since the P2W model was long accepted I was kinda like... whatever there's no point in this anymore and once that clever non meta build idea burried and reality acknoledged, I find the game can be pretty ok at times and.. I guess new classes keep things fresh ..or something.

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> @Lujin.4621 said:

> > @FXLEACH.9436 said:

> > Also guys I've got some great news - I've put together a little reaper build (power) and so far things have been pretty decent. Scourges can still burst me down with huge amounts of condi BUT I have been able to mitigate and then kill them, I've been successful and it feels viable. Pretty happy right now.

> During HoT times, especially near the release there was not a single core spec used in competitive. I mean they were not even close to being on par. Now with PoF the producer promised they wanted instead to "introduce more options" (meaning no powercreep) but again as we saw with Spellbreaker, Holosmith, Scourge we have (some, not all, some progress) specs that are cristal clear upgrades.


Holosmith isn't an upgrade. It and core condi engi compete for top DPS in PvE, although the latter is also more survivable, but has a more difficult rotation. In PvP, scrapper is still better for a lot of things (the only problem I have playing it now is a bug that crops up some games).


Spellbreaker is the best warrior spec for PvP, but it's bad in PvE. Plus, I've seen some warriors who prefer the superior damage of core/berskerker over spellbreaker.


Scourge is better than reaper, true, although part of that is the bug that's causing it to corrupt 4 boons instead of 2, and part of it is that reapers need some buffs in PvP and a lot of buffing in PvE.


So, out of nine new elite specializations, only one of them is objectively better than previous builds for the same profession in both PvE and PvP. I...don't actually see a real problem here.

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> @Lujin.4621 said:

> Im talking about pvp morronic slug keep your delusion I dont care


So, 2/9. And by the way, if you're going to (attempt to) insult my intelligence, you should at least try to spell "moronic" correctly, in order to avoid coming across as a rude, hypocritical imbecile. Unfortunately, you failed at that. My condolences.

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A disciplined spellbreaker that chains blocks and resists for max effect can cut a scourge down pretty reliably. Dagger/shield gives you 2 leaps and 3 interrupts (a 4th interrupt if you are running the shocking aura runes). Just wait for an opportunity to begin chaining interrupts (interrupt > dpsdps > interrupt> more dpsdps...)and if you can get a scourge to stand still and just take a few hits without responding, they're not that hard to down, and you can be right up in their face just laughing off the huge stacks of condi.


Outside of that, I agree that ranged pewpew is the safest and easiest way to pressure a scourge off node, or at least start making exploitable errors.

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> Fun fact: Scrouge wouldn't be such big issue if some people wouldn't complain about Diamond Skin in 2015, same goes for other condi hate traits (e.g. Emphatic Bond in case of Ranger), since it would have natural counter(s). Fooooo.


And diamond skin wasn't even that much problematic... I played condi engi against DS eles back in the day and after he reached 89% HP, it wouldn't take long until the fight was over.

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> @Sororita.3465 said:

> Bring lots of cc, direct damage and condi-cleanse. With the recent reaper buffs, a reaper can beat a scourge in equal fights.


> Also helps if your class does not rely on boon generation. If it does, sorry.


Nearly all classes are pumping out boons regularly now. Its probably near impossible to create a build that does not.

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> @Aza.2105 said:

> > @Sororita.3465 said:

> > Bring lots of cc, direct damage and condi-cleanse. With the recent reaper buffs, a reaper can beat a scourge in equal fights.

> >

> > Also helps if your class does not rely on boon generation. If it does, sorry.


> Nearly all classes are pumping out boons regularly now. Its probably near impossible to create a build that does not.


I had a mesmer build that didn't generate a single boon and would still deal respectable ammounts of damage... Guess what happened to it? It died when Arena Net killed Healing Mantra and Mender's Purity

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