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Should Core Guardian get Barrier Mechanic?


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I always thought out of all the classes that Guardian felt like it should of got a heavy amount of barrier mechanic when that mechanic was introduced into the game. Just looking at the description of Guardian from character creation menu you would think that the class would be a little more shield base blocking attacks and having moves like barrier on core Guardian?

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I do agree it would fit, especially since Guardian's have pretty low health (I always felt like Guardian and Warrior health got mixed up thematically).


That said, Guardians have access to an ungodly amount of boons, mainly Aegis, which in 90% of cases is just flat out superior to Barrier, with the amount of Barrier currently on skills in game and Aegis also blocking CC's attached to attacks.

So if anything Guardian would have to loose some Aegis for it to be replaced with Barrier, and that would be a pretty major nerf.


So, no thank you to Barrier!

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Love guardian, was a long time my 2nd main (would have been my main if I had taken more of a liking to it initially) but I have to agree: core guradian is fine as it is.


Yes barrier would fit thematically, but there is also some gamebalance to keep in mind.


I woild love to see some defensive tank like elite specialisation with barrier in the future though. Damage wise guardian has risen from the ashes with power DH and condi firebrand, time to go group protector again me thinks.

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maybe the guardian section would have been more usefull for this post.


either way, I personally think the aegis is already a form of barrier. it's really powerfull if you compare it to a barrier.

It could however be changed where it becomes a barrier instead of a block, that refreshes after a certain interval, adding it would just be to strong.

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I think it could work if it replaced something else.


For example, shield skill 5 can be detonated for a heal. It would make sense if that heal was replaced with a barrier.


Shield of the Avenger creates a dome to destroy projectiles, and then weakens enemies. Instead of inflicting a condition, weakness could be replaced by granting a barrier to allies within the dome.


And so on.

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damage on guardian gives barrier ._.


> @Khailyn.6248 said:

> While i would like to see improvements to guardian, i dont think barrier is the way to go about it. Thematically barrier has been tied to skills with a sand or earth element abilities, which guardian has none of.




Not really, my guardian on other mmo actually has barrier :|

Anet migth be the one that used barrier out of theme context, cause paladin / guardian in some mmo's actually use this mechanics for defensive gameplay


I would love to play a hammer+shield barrier DH :DDDDDD

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So everyone is going to hate my suggestion but... Zeal> @GoZero.9708 said:

> No. Barrier is more suited to professions who tank with their health bars where as Guardians tank with denial and recovery.


Say that to classes who have access to barrier who are not actually known of "tanking with their health" i.e Elementalists.


Barrier for Guardian doesn't have to be a main mechanic by any means. Barrier on F3 alone would make for an **excellent** counter-play skill ability when utilizing at clutch scenarios.


Same for Firebrand's F2 and F3 **Power Builds** (emphasized for a reason) absolutely needs a Barrier mechanic to survive longer than a core Guardian build. [sPvP].


**Give Zeal trait line the Barrier mechanic.**

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> @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> > @Khailyn.6248 said:

> > While i would like to see improvements to guardian, i dont think barrier is the way to go about it. Thematically barrier has been tied to skills with a sand or earth element abilities, which guardian has none of.


> That didn't stop engi.


That's because engi needs it. Engi has nothing else! (No blast finisher, no CC, no Moa, no Dmg, no Support, no boons, nuffin!!!!)


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Thematically it would fit, especially since the guardian has a very low health pool and you get downed easily in high end content imo. Of course the class has access to a lot of defensive things, but that's only temporary and one aegis is imo not THAT good how everyone tells you. It can block a ridiculous low attack from a boss and the next attack is a one shot that downs you. That's why I think a barrier would be great.

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