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Mount ideas.


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> @Therzin.5894 said:

> Racial mounts. Asura get golems and charr get tanks.


And what then? Norn get ale barrels sawn in half with wheels and a sail? The devs think we are nothing more than bulky, quaint, drunken hillbillies as it is.

Perhaps a Norn Dragon mount... A paper mache Dragon hat, a tricycle, and a torch to carry.


Charr shouldn't have tanks anyway. In GW1 they hadn't discovered the wheel. They had seen them, but such wizardry confounded them.

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > @Therzin.5894 said:

> > Racial mounts. Asura get golems and charr get tanks.


> And what then? Norn get ale barrels sawn in half with wheels and a sail? The devs think we are nothing more than bulky, quaint, drunken hillbillies as it is.

> Perhaps a Norn Dragon mount... A paper mache Dragon hat, a tricycle, and a torch to carry.


Norn get a really big freaking bear. Sylvari can get like a teragriff. And humans... get a notoriously mean pack bull... or something.

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A mount idea. Something for underwater traveling like some sort of dolphin or maybe a sub species of Skimmer that can travel underwater. You never know when we'll need a mount like that especially for going after those underwater events faster and, in the future, when we get to face off against the water dragon :)

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this is just what should been done with gliders at the time but the player base at that time did not want to hear it at all. and now we all stuck with these dumb useless skins all over the place. well we will never ever ever see any more and or new mounts or gliders being made . which is a shame to this game!!


i would have loved to seen and rode a deer or a banana or ice cream mount . or rode on a eagle or duck mount or even rode a tricked out trike bike mount in this game.


but honestly and sadly to say them things will never happen now . we are for ever stuck saddled with skins .

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > @Therzin.5894 said:

> > Racial mounts. Asura get golems and charr get tanks.


> And what then? Norn get ale barrels sawn in half with wheels and a sail? The devs think we are nothing more than bulky, quaint, drunken hillbillies as it is.

> Perhaps a Norn Dragon mount... A paper mache Dragon hat, a tricycle, and a torch to carry.


> Charr shouldn't have tanks anyway. In GW1 they hadn't discovered the wheel. They had seen them, but such wizardry confounded them.


Goat drawn chariots and horses with too many legs perhaps?

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> @Mourningcry.9428 said:

> No one wants SAB mounts?


Oh that's probably happening isn't it.

I don't know whether to be really excited or really trepidatious haha!


The question is would they be SAB-style versions of our current mounts or would they be already existing SAB creatures used as mounts.


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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> GW3 far in the future.

> Asura have invented Voltron.

> Charr have developed Iron Man style mobile infantry armor.

> Sylvari have grown advanced organic symbiotic battle pods.

> Humans have invented the Cushman Scooter.

> Norns have... uh.. Bears. Because the Devs love us.



Animal form mounts, because I am Norn and riding an animal is redundant!

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