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How happy are you with the Reaper? (Post 7 Nov 2017 Patch)


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I usually don't vote or post my own thoughts in the polls I create till much later as I don't want to influence votes but I'm going to make an exception here and state that I'm totally unhappy with the Reaper post 7 Nov patch.

I'm also going to take this opportunity to consolidate and list down the major overarching unhappiness that many players have brought up in all the different threads.




# Reaper defense gone




The patch took away Reaper's only subpar defensive option, Shroud, and gave no defensive option buff in return. We needed the power buff to bring us up to par with the other classes, which I agree wholeheartedly. I totally disagree we needed the shroud nerf though because **Shroud is our only subpar 'damage immunity' defense!**


Other classes have damage immunity skills and strong disengage skills.

We have outside of Shroud, Spectral Armor for a 33% damage reduction protection boon while refilling our shroud that is locked outside a 10 seconds CD? Other classes have **damage immunity** for puppy's sake!

We have outside of Shroud, Plague Signet to return all condi to the enemy, **assuming the enemy doesn't negate it**. Other classes have **damage immunity** to prevent the condition from being applied or do any damage in the first place for puppy's sake!


You see the trend for Necro? Our defensive options are not damage immunity. They require us to **take damage** and attempt to transform the damage taken into a stronger burst on the enemy. But we are one of the worst sustain classes and damage is so rampant everywhere it is **not okay** to take damage all the time! Before the patch we still could rely on Shroud somewhat to prevent damage to our actual HP for certain periods...we got almost nothing now.




# Reaper condi option gone




The patch took away Reaper's viable condi option. While I understand that some are happy that we are getting specialized roles for different Elites, the question is why aren't other classes getting this heavy-handed polarized treatment? Chronos are still extremely strong on power or condi builds. Mirages are still extremely strong on power or condi builds. DH are still extremely strong on power or condi builds. DD are still extremely strong on power or condi builds. And so on. Why wreck the viability of the Reaper's condi option?




# Thoughts




A large part of this problem, as others have pointed out, stems from very weak Core Necro traits, utilities and weapon skills. While I would be totally fine for Reaper Shroud to be a purely offensive option if they buffed the Core Necro defensively and with stronger damaging Curses traits, I honestly doubt they will make sweeping changes to the Core Necro because this affects all the elites and will make things harder to balance. It is a lot easier keeping minimal changes to the Core Necro and make the changes on the Elite traits themselves so that whatever is buffed or nerfed on a particular Elite will have zero consequence on the other Elites.

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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> I'm sure Arenanet will explain their rationale in destroying the Reaper. Hahaha! I'm sure they won't.


How did they destroy reaper? They buffed the damage a good amount and in turn reduced the shroud/defense. I'm not sure what people where expecting when they wanted more damage but when you increase damage you have to reduce something else, you can't have both.

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> @AlexanderDracul.7492 said:

> > @Svarty.8019 said:

> > I'm sure Arenanet will explain their rationale in destroying the Reaper. Hahaha! I'm sure they won't.


> How did they destroy reaper? They buffed the damage a good amount and in turn reduced the shroud/defense. I'm not sure what people where expecting when they wanted more damage but when you increase damage you have to reduce something else, you can't have both.


Yes the burst damage has been greatly improved ... but has the DPS (PER SECOND!!!) been much improved as well? Over a full fight, for instance. Yea, you do a LOT more damage while in shroud, but you are a lot less in shroud now ...

Anywho, we do all agree on the last part: our defense has definitely been reduced!!

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @AlexanderDracul.7492 said:

> > > @Svarty.8019 said:

> > > I'm sure Arenanet will explain their rationale in destroying the Reaper. Hahaha! I'm sure they won't.

> >

> > How did they destroy reaper? They buffed the damage a good amount and in turn reduced the shroud/defense. I'm not sure what people where expecting when they wanted more damage but when you increase damage you have to reduce something else, you can't have both.


> Yes the burst damage has been greatly improved ... but has the DPS (PER SECOND!!!) been much improved as well? Over a full fight, for instance. Yea, you do a LOT more damage while in shroud, but you are a lot less in shroud now ...

> Anywho, we do all agree on the last part: our defense has definitely been reduced!!


In PVE dps is improved because of awaken the pain and the fact you never camp shroud. The most you do is RS4 and auto for at most 2 AA chains because popping back out because gravedigger is probably off cd which you want to cast ASAP.


Shroud defense is really only a problem in pvp or wvw.


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Reaper was a working class in WvW and PvP and a very bad one for the PvE end game content (raid/high lvl fractal) so in order to give it some more DPS to make it viable for the PvE end game content all the WvW and PvP builds have been destroyed in the process.


Builds so far that hav been removed from the game with latest two patches:


- WvW Celestial Shout Reaper

- WvW Trailblazer Shout Reaper

- WvW Trailblazer Procmancer

- PvP Carrion Corruptiomancer


In exchange do we got a working build for end game PvE ? NO WE DON'T. Still noone is going to invite you for a Raid nor a high lvl fractal.


To sum up, Reaper was working for wvw and pvp and now is no more, was not working for pve and still do not. Very unhappy.



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> @ilmau.9781 said:

> in order to give it some more DPS to make it viable for the PvE end game content all the WvW and PvP builds have been destroyed in the process.

> [..]

> To sum up, Reaper was working for wvw and pvp and now is no more, was not working for pve and still do not. Very unhappy.



Don't worry, if they keep nerfing Necromancer, it'll eventually become so bad it's good, right?


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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> I'm sure Arenanet will explain their rationale in destroying the Reaper. Hahaha! I'm sure they won't.


they are doing this to force people to play the scourge ... and most people cant STAND scourge.. If things keep going like this and they dont fix shroud.. a lot of people including myself, will be looking for another game or going back to WoW

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> @KTap.4381 said:

> I mostly play open world PvE, so I can't complain too much about the viability there, but I would like Power Reaper to be a solid choice for WvW and endgame PvE.


this hurts all reapers.. tank, condi and power... from a full bar of shroud, i get 3 maybe 4 swings off and then poof.. my shroud is gone.. you cant even use all 5 skills anymore and it takes forever to recharge it now.

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> @AlexanderDracul.7492 said:

> > @Svarty.8019 said:

> > I'm sure Arenanet will explain their rationale in destroying the Reaper. Hahaha! I'm sure they won't.


> How did they destroy reaper? They buffed the damage a good amount and in turn reduced the shroud/defense. I'm not sure what people where expecting when they wanted more damage but when you increase damage you have to reduce something else, you can't have both.


damage was fine how it was .. not many people run power reaper anyway... reaper is a condi class. However Shroud drain is so bad now, you cant even cycle once through all your 5 abilities on your bar before you are out of power and kicked out of shroud. This needs to be fixed NOW

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I don’t like it, but it is an improvement.


The damage was much needed, it’s sad it has to come at the cost of our survivability though. I get that, every other class I would be agreeing, but we have nothing else to negate damage. We can’t be healed in shroud by outside sources. Regen doesn’t work either. The only things that do are death magic with unholy sanctuary, blood magic, and B.B.


And in a wider look at PvP and WvW, you still have the problem of Reaper being easy as hell to kite when in shroud since we have hardly any movement apart from RS2. And a pull on GS5 and Spectral Grasp.


ON THE BRIGHT SIDE this does give them less room to stand on the whole “can’t have blocks or utility because shroud argument.”

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> @TheLastNobody.8319 said:

> ON THE BRIGHT SIDE this does give them less room to stand on the whole “can’t have blocks or utility because shroud argument.”


it's more like "can't have blocks or utility because shroud is still there (soak up 20kdmg in 3sec which is probably equal to a block in most situations) PLUS it does a burst in shroud now"


anyway, i really want to see something good in it and try to deal with it. but 3 days later i am mostly in the same situations as before.


getting kicked from t4 fracs just for being necro (although i out-dmg most groups i join easily, unless there are targets that die in a matter of 10sec due to DH traps. or really good elementalists within one meteor cd + the super rare good renegades out there). grow up guys -.-


raid... still meh due to community and classism and despite having slightly better dps than before-> still not good enough


wvw... scourge


pvp... does work less and less good for me. i am a semi-bad player to begin with and have less and less options i can play with the espec i liked the most. however i can see improvements here (immob remove on RS 2. change relentless pursuit to that or smth, some superspeed), but i fear they come with even more cuts in some important spots that actually work for me.



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> @AlexanderDracul.7492 said:

> > @Svarty.8019 said:

> > I'm sure Arenanet will explain their rationale in destroying the Reaper. Hahaha! I'm sure they won't.


> How did they destroy reaper? They buffed the damage a good amount and in turn reduced the shroud/defense. I'm not sure what people where expecting when they wanted more damage but when you increase damage you have to reduce something else, you can't have both.


They nerfed our already weak defense, to put us a little more on par damage wise with other classes.... Except shroud has been subpar in pvp and wvw for a long time and now it is even worse, and you cannot benefit from the increased damage. Now we are the punching bag that dies even sooner. Shroud degeneration should not exist with all the damage being thrown around by other classes and with the challenge of collecting life force in the first place. They are pushing the class towards scourge only since they get the full benefit of life force use without losing it to passive degeneration.

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Are we playing Condi Wars 2? Seriously... I’m not here to play 100% condi but to have fun with power build as well. Now that shrouds derped out, power necro is dead as good


Some people said that if you want to live longer, go play guardian or warrior = absolutely wow... if that’s what you recommend, come help us craft or farm ascended gear then we go play as you need... LOL

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I think they're on the right track with Reaper: Big Power Damage. Reaper should hit like a f-ing truck, and if that means less shroud uptime, I can roll with that. The issue is that it's still not quite enough for PvE, whereas there's not enough active defense for PvP. So it falls short in pretty much all areas.


The issue comes back to what people have been saying for a long time: it's not Reaper, it's the core necro. Spectral skills and Death Magic could use a looking at to give necros some better active mitigation, whereas power damage could stand to be tuned slightly upwards across the board.

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> @Warscythes.9307 said:

> > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > > @AlexanderDracul.7492 said:

> > > > @Svarty.8019 said:

> > > > I'm sure Arenanet will explain their rationale in destroying the Reaper. Hahaha! I'm sure they won't.

> > >

> > > How did they destroy reaper? They buffed the damage a good amount and in turn reduced the shroud/defense. I'm not sure what people where expecting when they wanted more damage but when you increase damage you have to reduce something else, you can't have both.

> >

> > Yes the burst damage has been greatly improved ... but has the DPS (PER SECOND!!!) been much improved as well? Over a full fight, for instance. Yea, you do a LOT more damage while in shroud, but you are a lot less in shroud now ...

> > Anywho, we do all agree on the last part: our defense has definitely been reduced!!


> In PVE dps is improved because of awaken the pain and the fact you never camp shroud. The most you do is RS4 and auto for at most 2 AA chains because popping back out because gravedigger is probably off cd which you want to cast ASAP.


> Shroud defense is really only a problem in pvp or wvw.



I was going to say, thanks for pointing this out. I was considering doing some pvp or giving it a try with my reaper, but I think I shall remain rather shy. In a pve sense? I don't really notice any change other then hitting FAR harder then I had been already so I can only imagine that it does a lot better in fractals and dungeons then previous?


Please pardon any ignorance, I've had the game since it came out but I never really cared much to get into the nitty gritty mechanics or theorycraft area until recently and I have to say, I been learning an awful lot the past while.


@ posters in general, thanks for having these discussions, without things to read, I'd be forever ignorant X)

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Good improvement for ... fractals t1 t2 ??

But why nerf the life force ? Why nerf combo finisher and condition duration ? Why our spectral forms only give one boon instead of an unique buff or boons on intervals like every others professions ? Why so poor access to these boons ? Power reaper is still to weak.

A SB or a scourge, or one sigil of revocation and the few boons I got are gone for 40sec. The shroud was all we have left.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> Good improvement for ... fractals t1 t2 ??

> But why nerf the life force ? Why nerf combo finisher and condition duration ? Why our spectral forms only give one boon instead of an unique buff or boons on intervals like every others professions ? Why so poor access to these boons ? Power reaper is still to weak.

> A SB or a scourge, or one sigil of revocation and the few boons I got are gone for 40sec. The shroud was all we have left.


beacouse noone actually developing specializations have even a tiny bit of idea of what he is doing, they just try random stuffs and see what happen and then keep changing in an endless loop. But you got 30 shiny new mounts (WITH RNG DROP OFC) so do not complain and everytime you die just go buy one so you get better, deal ?

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> @AlexanderDracul.7492 said:

> > @Svarty.8019 said:

> > I'm sure Arenanet will explain their rationale in destroying the Reaper. Hahaha! I'm sure they won't.


> How did they destroy reaper? They buffed the damage a good amount and in turn reduced the shroud/defense. I'm not sure what people where expecting when they wanted more damage but when you increase damage you have to reduce something else, you can't have both.


Say that to an elementalist player: u get 10 more dmg but we will take away water and earth attunement from you.


Seems pretty good, no?


Thats basically what they did to reaper

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