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[Thread Closed] HELP - How do I kill deadeye?


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**So, I'm giving up trying to change deadeye.. I'm just gonna play League of legends. ty all for posting - I was wrong after all.**


> @"All Matters Fecal.9560" said:

> Is anyone else reading this guy's posts in Ruby Rhod's voice from the Fifth Element?

- aahahah, thank you for making me laugh, I actually like his voice so yeahhh, go me. XD




> Hi everyone, since PoF released - I can kill everything **(scourge easy)(sb easy)(mirage easy)** without a problem except deadeye, hmmm - please teach me.


> So, here's the situation:


> **Daredevil** can't kill in 1 hit, and when they attack they reveal - so I have a chance to kill them/burst them!


> **Deadeye** :

> Malice.... 1shot.... **MISSES**.... wait....

> Malice.... 1shot.... **BLOCKED**.... wait....

> Malice.... 1shot.... **EVADE**.... wait....

> Malice.... 1shot.... **TERRAIN**.... wait....

> Malice.... 1shot.... **STUFF**.... wait....

> Malice.... 1shot.... **MISSES**.... wait....

> Malice.... 1shot.... **Dead**


> What do I do!? I can't attack them because **permastealth** + **removereveal**!

> **Note: Deadeye does 37,000 ~ 60,000 damage in 1 shot.**


> Please teach me! **(Laser doesn't show if they're standing right next to you in stealth.)**


> - Artboard

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> @Falan.1839 said:

> Break LoS.


**They're in permanent stealth.**

**How do I know which direction to break LOS?** - **keep running around a rock for 10 years?**

**Also - they can wait**.. what should I do? keep running around the rock and then random switching the other way around the rock?

**They're in permanent stealth.**


Your idea does not work. Your idea does not work.


- Artboard

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This is a point capture game, you cap the point and dont fight them between points, when they stealth at a point just jump off part way through the cap and put a wall between you and the, i.e. los them. They will be forced to come out of stealth to do anything.


When they kneel they cant move very well so if you see them kneel then stealth, just go to their last know location and burst the ground.


Its a waiting game, dont feel the need to fight/kill them. The points are worth more and they can not cap points in stealth, so basically waste their time.


When you get marked you know they will do more damage the longer the mark is up, when they remark they lose all malice.


Also use preemptive dodges to guess when they will fire at you. Use things that are projectile destruction, ie mesmer purple bubbles.

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huehuehueh.5016 - thanks for your reply:


> They will be forced to come out of stealth to do anything.

- no they can just wait forever and keep trying to one shot me


> When they kneel they cant move very well so if you see them kneel then stealth, just go to their last know location and burst the ground.


- **JUST NO**

- Edit: **JUST NO** - how [removed] - u think they stand still and kneel ? ROFL - THEY KNEEL AT THE VERY LAST SECOND LOL - **JSUT NO**


> Its a waiting game, dont feel the need to fight/kill them.

it's a duel - i do feel the need to fight/kill them - otherwise how I win? **i can kill every build, every amulet, every everything in the game except deadeye**


> When you get marked you know they will do more damage the longer the mark is up, when they remark they lose all malice.

read my post : i dodge 10000 times then i get bored and they kill me because i cant hurt **permastealth**

**NOTE : I can kill other thieves with permastealth because they do not have remove-reveal and they cant 1shot me**


> Also use preemptive dodges to guess when they will fire at you. Use things that are projectile destruction, ie mesmer purple bubbles.

read above ^


- Artboard

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I haven’t had a problem with any rifle deadeye. If they are in stealth they aren’t doing anything to help capture or kill. I haven’t once been one shot by them if it’s just me and them. Only time it’s happened is if they +1 me and I’m out of dodges.


If have killed several deadeyes after they go into stealth by attacking the place they went into stealth. Sometimes they move sometimes they aren’t quick enough.


Honestly the dual pistol deadeyes are much harder to deal with than rifle. Daredevil is also much more dangerous. Not sure how you have problems with deadeye if you don’t have them with daredevil.

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You sound like you don't really want people to help you. You don't even mention your class, build, play style etc. You are just looking for someone to agree with you that deadeye is OP, but truth is, deadeye is a one trick pony that dies to AoE. Especially if they are hitting as high as your extreme example of their damage. To even do a 1 shot you need to build Super squishy.

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Majirah.5089 - thanks for your reply:

> I haven’t had a problem with any rifle deadeye.

- I have no Idea,

> Sometimes they move sometimes they aren’t quick enough.

- Maybe you're fighting **very bad deadeyes**?

> Honestly the dual pistol deadeyes are much harder to deal with than rifle.

- No, because if they shoot once, i can counter attack and kill them, if they try to remove reveal and attack again - same thing would happen.

- Dual pistols (unload spam) - they only do **1 damage per bullet** - only if u let all of them hit you it does damage, so no - i dont have aproblem i can

- dodge, counter, evade, stealth, burst VERY quickly after the first 2/3 bullets hit me.

> Not sure how you have problems with deadeye if you don’t have them with daredevil.

- read my post: because daredevils cant 1 shot and because they don't have remove-reveal ; i have a **chance to kill them even if it's 3 seconds**



All Matters Fecal.9560 - thanks for your reply:

> How do you dodge 10000 times? Also, how do you dodge 10000 times and still die to them?

- Sorry, maybe is a language barrier? Let me fix it!

- Artboard: " i dodge 10000 times" - WARNING WARNING **HYPERBOLE** BEING USED **HYPERBOLE** BEING USED WARNING. (google it)


Malicious.3716 - thanks for your reply:

> You sound like you don't really want people to help you.

- I do want people to help me. ~~I'm a 4k games mesmer, 100 times legendary, crushed best players in the game - i just want anet to fix it.~~

> Especially if they are hitting as high as your extreme example of their damage.

- **37k easy**, 60k very very extreme example, like vs 0 toughness opponent with signet of might/power? forgot the name but it increases ur pwoer by 560 blabla

> To even do a 1 shot you need to build Super squishy.

- Yeah, but they have **permastealth** + **remove reveal** - so you can't hit them anyway

> You don't even mention your class, build, play style etc.

- **Class**: Mesmer

- **Build**: Power Scepter forced into hybrid using mightstacks

- **Play Style**: mmmm, kill everything in my path unless they're permastealth and oneshot me.

> You are just looking for someone to agree with you that deadeye is OP

- yeah someone agreeing with me wud make me feel good - although anet fixing **ONE NUMBER** on a profession that "**NOBODY PLAYS**" wud be cool.


Edit: Y'know I can't even relax and enjoy my life knowing that there is a build out there that has 0 counterplay, I'm literally serious right now.

How difficult is it to get Anet to change ONE NUMBER - do i have to fly to USA, ArenaNet Headquarters? Honestly - to get 1 number fixed.

I don't care about ranked, pve, pvp, wvw, lootrate, professions, scourge, sb ANYTHING. - JUST FIX IT.

Death's Judgement** 37k~60k -> 2k~4k** (5k with 5 malice, 7k with 7 malice, eh?)

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> @Majirah.5089 said:

> I haven’t had a problem with any rifle deadeye. If they are in stealth they aren’t doing anything to help capture or kill. I haven’t once been one shot by them if it’s just me and them. Only time it’s happened is if they +1 me and I’m out of dodges.


> If have killed several deadeyes after they go into stealth by attacking the place they went into stealth. Sometimes they move sometimes they aren’t quick enough.


> Honestly the dual pistol deadeyes are much harder to deal with than rifle. Daredevil is also much more dangerous. Not sure how you have problems with deadeye if you don’t have them with daredevil.


I've seen one of them running a gimmick build that could hit ~11k DJ with no malice, and ~20k with malice. That was one hell of a pain to deal with, especially since they used the knockdown to prevent me from dodging it, and made it unblockable for good measure. Incredibly squishy build, but the player was quite skilled.


Daredevil is often easier though, to be fair. When one attacks you from stealth, using a point blank AoE hard cc can break their combo, giving you time to come up with a proper reaction. It's much harder to shake up a deadeye , and takes longer to acquire them as a target since they can be behind you at a considerable distance. With holosmith, I occasionally have issues with skilled rifle deadeyes, but almost never have any trouble with daredevils. I will admit, though, that p/p deadeyes are often a pain, especially in pairs as a duo queue (coordinated alternating head shots/unloads with quickness is just flat out obnoxious).

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> @Saehte.9187 said:

> Majirah.5089 - thanks for your reply:

> > I haven’t had a problem with any rifle deadeye.

> - I have no Idea,

> > Sometimes they move sometimes they aren’t quick enough.

> - Maybe you're fighting **very bad deadeyes**?

> > Honestly the dual pistol deadeyes are much harder to deal with than rifle.

> - No, because if they shoot once, i can counter attack and kill them, if they try to remove reveal and attack again - same thing would happen.

> - Dual pistols (unload spam) - they only do **1 damage per bullet** - only if u let all of them hit you it does damage, so no - i dont have aproblem i can

> - dodge, counter, evade, stealth, burst VERY quickly after the first 2/3 bullets hit me.

> > Not sure how you have problems with deadeye if you don’t have them with daredevil.

> - read my post: because daredevils cant 1 shot and because they don't have remove-reveal ; i have a **chance to kill them even if it's 3 seconds**



> All Matters Fecal.9560 - thanks for your reply:

> > How do you dodge 10000 times? Also, how do you dodge 10000 times and still die to them?

> - Sorry, maybe is a language barrier? Let me fix it!

> - Artboard: " i dodge 10000 times" - WARNING WARNING **HYPERBOLE** BEING USED **HYPERBOLE** BEING USED WARNING. (google it)


> Malicious.3716 - thanks for your reply:

> > You sound like you don't really want people to help you.

> - I do want people to help me. ~~I'm a 4k games mesmer, 100 times legendary, crushed best players in the game - i just want anet to fix it.~~

> > Especially if they are hitting as high as your extreme example of their damage.

> - **37k easy**, 60k very very extreme example, like vs 0 toughness opponent with signet of might/power? forgot the name but it increases ur pwoer by 560 blabla

> > To even do a 1 shot you need to build Super squishy.

> - Yeah, but they have **permastealth** + **remove reveal** - so you can't hit them anyway

> > You don't even mention your class, build, play style etc.

> - **Class**: Mesmer

> - **Build**: Power Scepter forced into hybrid using mightstacks

> - **Play Style**: mmmm, kill everything in my path unless they're permastealth and oneshot me.

> > You are just looking for someone to agree with you that deadeye is OP

> - yeah someone agreeing with me wud make me feel good - although anet fixing **ONE NUMBER** on a profession that "**NOBODY PLAYS**" wud be cool.


> Edit: Y'know I can't even relax and enjoy my life knowing that there is a build out there that has 0 counterplay, I'm literally serious right now.

> How difficult is it to get Anet to change ONE NUMBER - do i have to fly to USA, ArenaNet Headquarters? Honestly - to get 1 number fixed.

> I don't care about ranked, pve, pvp, wvw, lootrate, professions, scourge, sb ANYTHING. - JUST FIX IT.

> Death's Judgement** 37k~60k -> 2k~4k** (5k with 5 malice, 7k with 7 malice, eh?)


Is anyone else reading this guy's posts in Ruby Rhod's voice from the Fifth Element?


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they actually _can't_ permastealth

unless they are using shadow refuge, which lets you know where they are


They do have a lot of stealth, but it does end. and the more stealth they are packing, the weaker they are otherwise. anyway how you deal with them depends on what you are playing. If you are having a lot of difficulty, just bring anti projectile

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> @Saehte.9187 said:


> > Its a waiting game, dont feel the need to fight/kill them.

> it's a duel - i do feel the need to fight/kill them - otherwise how I win? **i can kill every build, every amulet, every everything in the game except deadeye**



No its not a duel, its a teamfight. unless you are playing 1on1 on a hotjoin server.


By reading the comments, we know a lot of people dont have any problems with this specific spec, but probably they will with other specs.


And you say you kill everything but the deadeye. So it sounds like a hard counter for you and the game seems "balanced" in this point. You kill everbody but the deadeye, others kills the deadeye but not you, sounds fair to me.


So the only thing you can do, while you ignore the tips in this thread, is to learn how to handle your deaths from the deadeye and how to stop crying in the forums.





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Had to swap to Deadeye to check before i comment this guy nonsense about perma stealth Deadeye.First off max optimal invisibility he can pullof is 12 - 18 seconds stealth.He will probably use Shadowstep since it very long range teleport to reposition him self he can even use that without even to cancel kneel action.He can port trough wall and objects to reposition him self wait out port back and burst down.That is high dmg shoots. Second he Cannot shoot 35k dmg it needs time thats 7.5 seconds to build malice up.SInce the last patch deadeyes used to mark somebody random on map to stack malice and went different point to shoot.That was allowing them to burst high dmg anytime on anything what if you can read patch note got nerfed.So when he does mark you hear sound pop projectile protection+dmg reduction and reflect depnding on class.Now without even to bother to look 90% times deadeyes drop dead.From Your story makes half nonsence cause Deadeye has no perma stealth is not a god of arena its rather the fly of the arena.Dual pistol too its just depending on situation what happens and when.That means in teamfight +1 when they can burst anybody down.But only thing i can tell seeing while playing 90% of players do not even build or bring projectile protection or any reflect.Then they rage for nothing calling deadeye op.

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