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Were you satisfied with ArenaNet's answer about the Mount Adoption Licenses?

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > It was not an answer to any of our feedback/criticism.

> >

> > It was a clichéd defense of loot box gambling, with all the tired ol' non-excuses such as "Player freedom!" and "Diversity!"


> lololol, PR much, right?


Exactly. Sigh...

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It might not be the answer/reply that people wanted, but it's the answer we've got.

Atleast no new skins will be added to the Mount Adoption pack ("We will not add any skins to the currently available Adoption License, thus not pushing down the odds of acquiring any one skin in that set."), so you can continuously purchase as and when (with gold or IRL money) you like and slowly acquire them.

One can assume though that we can expect more mount packs/theme packs/singular purchase. Maybe Anet has learned to not put something so desirable into a random mechanic. But one must also not assume that you will get singular purchase for every single mount skin that will be introduced.

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> @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> It might not be what people wanted, but it's the answer we've got.


It does not qualify as an answer since it adressed none of our feedback or critcism.



> @Haleydawn.3764 said:

>so you can continuously purchase as and when you like and slowly acquire them.


Telling people who are outraged at the idea of gambling for these skins to simply "gamble more"...


I hope you see how that doesn't quite cut it as a proper answer, but rather starts to feel like an insult?


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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> > It might not be what people wanted, but it's the answer we've got.


> It does not qualify as an answer even.





Subjective. What more could be added on to MO's post? They've (Anet) have admitted missteps when designing and shipping the Mount Adoption Licence. They justified why they did it in the way they have. They have also stated that not only will they not change the Licence to invalidate anyone who has purchased them, who are fine with the progressive mechanic of the item, but they will focus on singular skins, and bundles for their next release.

"We won’t change the existing license in a way that would invalidate the investment players have made, but I want to confirm to you that our next planned mount skin releases will focus on individual sales like the Reforged Warhound and bundles like the Spooky Mounts Pack."



> > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> >so you can continuously purchase as and when you like and slowly acquire them.


> Telling people who are outraged at the idea of gambling for these skins to simply "gamble more"...


> I hope you see how that doesn't quite cut it as a proper answer, but rather starts to feel like an insult?



When you look at it as a gamble, the more it becomes a gamble. Yes you may not get the desired skin your first roll, but you only have 30 rolls to get them all, it's not as if you could spend X gold and still get nothing. Everyone can get them all. Some can spend IRL money and get them all instantly, others can swap gold for gems and slowly get them. In the end, it makes no odds. They are cosmetics, they are not p2w. If you don't like the Adoption Licence, hold out for other bundles coming up now that you have the reply from Anet.

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Absolutely not. They have lost all of my business until they delete this disgusting predatory tactic. That fake insincere apology has forever tainted my opinion of anet and I highly doubt they will ever be able to recover their reputation at this point. The majority of the player base at this point just sees them as uncaring, selfish, money grubbing scam artists and I am so angry at them for doing this type of thing and just saying "meh deal with it". They are no longer the thoughtful, caring 'listens to their players' company that they used to be when they first launched. The have just proven they do not give a flying fuck about their players and only want money.


I am effectively looking for another game to play because I no longer want to support this company. Having spent close to 200$ in the last couple months I will do apparently the only thing that will effect them by hitting them in their wallet. They lost a 10 year veteran that was fully supportive of the company because of this disgusting fiasco. They're choosing to be willfully ignorant of what the vast majority of players want and ignored all of the great ways people have suggested to fix the situation but they'd rather count their money, twiddling their thumbs laughing at people that bought into that scam.


This marks a forever unwashable stain on anet's reputation and it couldn't be more well deserved.

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It's not the answer I wanted but it's pretty much the one I expected. At the moment the situation isn't good for me, but it sounds like over time it will get much better as more non-RNG options become available (since the RNG aspect was the only part I had a problem with).


The only thing stopping me voting "mostly happy with it" is the unknown factor of the new mount skins. There's some available through the adoption licences I _really_ like and would happily pay for if I could get them directly, but I don't want the whole set and I'm not willing to buy ones I don't want and will never use just to get the ones I do want.


If the new mounts available by direct sale (bundled or otherwise) are as good or better (in my personal opinion) then I won't mind that I can't get the RNG ones. If they never bring out others I like as much I'll remain disappointed that I can't get the ones I like and therefore disappointed with the whole system. Since my criteria for mounts I like is pretty broad (helped considerably by them being dyable) I'm reasonably confident they'll come out with at least 1 of each I like sooner or later.

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Honestly I wasn't too upset in the first place. It was kinda crappy, but it's a game and they're optional skins. I'm also an OCD completionist so I'd want the most all anyway. I had kinda assumed they were only doing this once anyway (the logic of the situation also indicated this), so it was nice to be certain. I'm more concerned about how many dozen dragon skins can they make for the griffon??

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My stance. Anet rushed the model. They should've taken more time into designing the release model. Better options exist if more care and time was taken.

That said i am very disappointed in BOTH anet AND the playerbase. While anets methodoligy is often careless or not thought out well enough, the blatant overreacting of the crowd is equally, if not more, out of proportion.

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Back to the topic of 'were you satisfied with Anets answer about Mount Adoption Licence?', **What more could be added on to MO's post?** They admitted they were wrong, and justified why they thought they were right, and plan to not put the next lot into RNG boxes. What more could you actually want that wouldn't devalue any players that are ok with the licence and have bought it?

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> My stance. Anet rushed the model. They should've taken more time into designing the release model. Better options exist if more care and time was taken.

> That said i am very disappointed in BOTH anet AND the playerbase. While anets methodoligy is often careless or not thought out well enough, the blatant overreacting of the crowd is equally, if not more, out of proportion.


The playerbase's reaction is perfectly normal when you consider the timing:


Loot boxes in triple-A games like Shadow of War, Battlefront, Call of Duty have everyone up in arms about the practice.


They couldn't possibly have picked a worse time to "experiment" (if you're generous enough as to call it that - I am not. My view on it is far, faaar more cynical - Anet saw everyone else doing it and thought they could get away with it too. But as I said, I'm cynical.).

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> @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> > >Stuff

> >

> > So many clichéd and stupid apologetics for loot box gambling I don't even know where to begin...


> Back to the topic of 'were you satisfied with Anets answer about Mount Adoption Licence?', **What more could be added on to MO's post?** They admitted they were wrong, and justified why they thought they were right, and plan to not put the next lot into RNG boxes. What more could you actually want that wouldn't devalue any players that are ok with the licence and have bought it?


Easy. You remove the old Licenses from the Gemstore and add new ones with identical pricing.


Only these open up a window that lets you choose a skin instead.


As compensation, players who have already bought the gambling ones will recieve a free non-gambling License at a 1:1-ratio.


It is not rocket surgery.

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I didn't expect them to abandon the RNG system, especially since it was released. Trying to backtrack could have caused even more messiness. I'm hopeful, similar to @"Danikat.8537", that future skins will be diverse and satisfy many different tastes. I'm also hopeful that they'll release these 30 RNG skins as packages or singles in the future (perhaps months or years down the road). They don't have to stay locked behind RNG forever, just like some LS1 items didn't remain unavailable (or a recent book about a certain Mad Monarch).


I still disagree with the RNG and lootbox models, especially as exclusives, but I'm pleased with the acknowledgement and the future possibilities.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> > > >Stuff

> > >

> > > So many clichéd and stupid apologetics for loot box gambling I don't even know where to begin...

> >

> > Back to the topic of 'were you satisfied with Anets answer about Mount Adoption Licence?', **What more could be added on to MO's post?** They admitted they were wrong, and justified why they thought they were right, and plan to not put the next lot into RNG boxes. What more could you actually want that wouldn't devalue any players that are ok with the licence and have bought it?


> Easy. You remove the old Licenses from the Gemstore and add new ones with identical pricing.


> Only these open up a window that lets you choose a skin instead.


> As compensation, players who have already bought the gambling ones will recieve a free non-gambling License at a 1:1-ratio.


> It is not rocket surgery.


What about people who bought over 15 of them?

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I felt anet's answer gave us exactly what we wanted.


Anet has a history of experimenting with different ways of doing things. That is how we got GW2 to begin with, they like to experiment. They aren't afraid of failure in that regard, which is where their strength is. They admitted failure in this, and told us that they won't try it again. That is exactly what people were asking for. . .for this to not happen in the future.


Of course they aren't going to take away the licences, could you imagine the nightmare that would create from people who had gambled and gotten the pets they want? They would have begun to demand all kinds of compensation for that and at worst support would be flooded for days. It wouldn't have been fair to those players. Not to mention the players that tried, didn't get the thing they wanted, and settled for the second prize.

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> @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> "We won’t change the existing license in a way that would invalidate the investment players have made, but I want to confirm to you that our next planned mount skin releases will focus on individual sales like the Reforged Warhound and bundles like the Spooky Mounts Pack."

The word "planned" in that statement feels like booby trap to me. As in, they had planned releases of individual skins and bundles already lined up and will be released on schedule, and it certainly says nothing about their intentions to release more RNG bundles in the future. This statement may appear to some to be a relenting to feedback, but to me, it merely states what they intended all along, that is, nothing whatsoever has or will change regardless of all the feedback.


I do find this a very unsatisfactory reply.


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> @Eltiana.9420 said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> > > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > > > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> > > > >Stuff

> > > >

> > > > So many clichéd and stupid apologetics for loot box gambling I don't even know where to begin...

> > >

> > > Back to the topic of 'were you satisfied with Anets answer about Mount Adoption Licence?', **What more could be added on to MO's post?** They admitted they were wrong, and justified why they thought they were right, and plan to not put the next lot into RNG boxes. What more could you actually want that wouldn't devalue any players that are ok with the licence and have bought it?

> >

> > Easy. You remove the old Licenses from the Gemstore and add new ones with identical pricing.

> >

> > Only these open up a window that lets you choose a skin instead.

> >

> > As compensation, players who have already bought the gambling ones will recieve a free non-gambling License at a 1:1-ratio.

> >

> > It is not rocket surgery.


> What about people who bought over 15 of them?


They end up with a few spare new Licenses, but they'd still be able to round out their collection for "free".

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> >so you can continuously purchase as and when you like and slowly acquire them.


> Telling people who are outraged at the idea of gambling for these skins to simply "gamble more"...


> I hope you see how that doesn't quite cut it as a proper answer, but rather starts to feel like an insult?



Its 2017, haven't you heard? Everyone thinks everything people say nowadays is an insult, might as well not worry about it.

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