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PvP with no armor


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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> Yesterday I found myself against a bikini girl in sPvP as well. I don't know how much this matters because PvP stats differ from PvE/WvW ones. (Runes/amulet.)

> The PvP weapons also have no stats of themselves.


We allow **bikini girls** in PvP because seeing **bikini girls** perform is worth the 3,000 defense points they lose.


They make me play better.


They help the team.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > @Halikus.1406 said:

> > I'm laughing so hard at this post...

> > Tell me, since when does armor have any values at all in SPvP besides the visual? ;)


> It's funny to see ppl trying to be the smart one when they don't know what they're talking about, right? ;)


Stop... Your Sarcasm is killing me...

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I think what a lot of people are missing here is that this guy has no armour so he dies REALLY quickly. It's really, really unfair for players on his team when he goes into a team fight and instantly dies. I'm in Gold 2, so this guy can't be much higher than me and my goodness when I see him on my team I just feel that I might as well afk as there is nothing you can do when you have a revenant, no less, instantly dead. I wanna try carry my games but how can I when this guy just deliberately throws all my games.

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> @minion.1987 said:

> this is pvp. armor stats don't matter unless he's full playing with nothing like no sigil and what not. from the screenshot it doesn't look like that. looks like he just wants to play with no armor. people are taking it seriously and shows the elitists.


God damnit.




The attributes, runes, and sigils from a character's PvE equipment are not used in structured PvP maps. Instead, equipment attributes are normalized, and players select a rune set, a sigil set, a PvP-specific amulet, and a set of specializations in the PvP Build panel. This build is maintained separately from the player's normal PvE or WvW build, and is automatically applied whenever a character enters the structured PvP lobby map. This mechanic allows players to be on an equal playing field with the same attributes, skills, and equipment options as other players. **Players need to equip chest, legs and foot armor to achieve the base armor value**, but hands, shoulders and head may be ignored.


And I don't blame the uninformed for this. I blame Arenanet for leaving this convoluted mechanic in the game.


#Players need to equip chest, legs and foot armor to achieve the base armor value

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