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[BUG] Visual Glitch: Bullet Flares [merged]

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I've been having this for a while too; I thought it was somehow related to the karka mini i.e.: sometime after enabling/disabling the karka mini in pve I end up seeing what I thought was the animation for the mini travelling underground but for some reason it has random explosions with sound effects such as necro pet explosions/engi grenades.

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Also have that problem, in the video its only at one spot but that are way more, sometimes 5 such random effects at the same time in different spots. totally annoying. Also maybe related, since that patch i got delays in displaying animation from attacks sometimes, as well as delayed sound of them.



Well maybe you original thread should have a corrosponding name. specially when people look here for some sort of explosion bug your description is totally misleading and wont be found by them

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> @PassionWhisky.3457 said:

> > @TheBravery.9615 said:

> >


> why u Post my Video again? Useless to make X-Million Threats Original Post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/215587#Comment_215587


Sorry- this bug was annoying me and I didn't record a video like you did. Saw your thread and reposted it with a more proper title for more attention.


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  • 2 weeks later...

What do you mean, its not distracting at all.



It been around since the halloween patch (I've even heard some claim oh it's a halloween feature! lol). Going by how many weeks its been now for something that clearly impacts the game as a whole... I mean we know they dont care about WvW where you always think an enemy is attacking you, but look at the video! I'm in a HoT zone! This is PvE!!! PvE is on gemstore level of importance, Anet apparently cant fix it.


So I guess this is our life now.

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