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I see Dead Names … All the Time

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > >

> > > As for the OP’s suggestion it has multiple problems, such as

> > > 1) the likelihood of someone still wanting a name after a year or 3 has gone by

> > > 2) having a char slot available when the name is freed up

> > > 3) if he is still playing when the notification comes through and of course, coming back to find the chance for that name has come and gone and now the name is taken because the next person in line was notified.

> >

> > Names are not for instant gratification, but to make a statement about the character. I can see players using an alternate spelling for the name they want in hopes the correct spelling comes available, yes in a year or three.

> > A person would have the same issues with my suggestion as others have suggested in forcing players to give up character names: needing an empty slot, still wanting the name, and playing the game when the name became available.

> > I just wanted to come up with an option that didn't inconvenience a player for no reason other than "You have something that I want." That's too childish.

> > It's like buying a car: you wait to find one you want, you look and may not find it for a while, when you do find it -- do you still need it? You can't just steal the first one you see just because the owner hasn't driven it for a period of time.


> Okay, I need to know though.

> They're taken already right? So it's not like they can be taken again.

> Can you please please please tell me which names did you try that are dead names? Which names that is an "instant gratification, but to make a statement about the character."... that there's no alternatives to it?

> I'm completely not attacking you, but I want to know what those names are. It should be fine to say which names you've tried that didn't work. I'm just wondering.


I haven't had a problem with new names after finding a name that is taken.

I've just seen a few posts about people with the problem and their solution has always been to take the name from a person if the character has been inactive for "X" amount of time. I didn't like that idea so when I thought of an idea that wouldn't inconvenience anyone, I thought I'd post it.

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> @"Astral Projections.7320" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > >

> > > As for the OP’s suggestion it has multiple problems, such as

> > > 1) the likelihood of someone still wanting a name after a year or 3 has gone by

> > > 2) having a char slot available when the name is freed up

> > > 3) if he is still playing when the notification comes through and of course, coming back to find the chance for that name has come and gone and now the name is taken because the next person in line was notified.

> >

> > Names are not for instant gratification, but to make a statement about the character. I can see players using an alternate spelling for the name they want in hopes the correct spelling comes available, yes in a year or three.

> > A person would have the same issues with my suggestion as others have suggested in forcing players to give up character names: needing an empty slot, still wanting the name, and playing the game when the name became available.

> > I just wanted to come up with an option that didn't inconvenience a player for no reason other than "You have something that I want." That's too childish.

> > It's like buying a car: you wait to find one you want, you look and may not find it for a while, when you do find it -- do you still need it? You can't just steal the first one you see just because the owner hasn't driven it for a period of time.


> I have to wonder though. How likely is it that any name you want will be released at any time, much less within a year or 3. After all, if it’s a character that someone is actively playing then that person likes that name and it’s unlikely that they’ll change it. If it’s a person that isn’t actively playing, then it’s very unlikely that they’ll log onto their account just to delete chars/change names. So even if ANet were to set up a queue system for name notification the odds are very, very low that the name you want will be released for you to use. If the odds of successful notification are very low then this system isn’t worth the effort to set up.


I have "X" character slots and don't plan on buying any more. If/when new races/professions come out that I want to try, I'll have to delete a character already in my inventory. If that's the case, chances are I'll change the name to suit the race/profession. Other people may do this on a whim just to try out new skills, weapons, or whatever making those names available at purely random times.

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Look, the fact is that you're never going to get Sephiroth or Wolverine. Even if that name becomes open, somebody else is going to snatch it up before you get to it. Paragon did an old name sweep back in City of Heroes, and less than 1% of the cleaned names were ever claimed. Having an account sweep for namesakes is a dangerous business practice that won't pay out.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"Astral Projections.7320" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > >

> > > > As for the OP’s suggestion it has multiple problems, such as

> > > > 1) the likelihood of someone still wanting a name after a year or 3 has gone by

> > > > 2) having a char slot available when the name is freed up

> > > > 3) if he is still playing when the notification comes through and of course, coming back to find the chance for that name has come and gone and now the name is taken because the next person in line was notified.

> > >

> > > Names are not for instant gratification, but to make a statement about the character. I can see players using an alternate spelling for the name they want in hopes the correct spelling comes available, yes in a year or three.

> > > A person would have the same issues with my suggestion as others have suggested in forcing players to give up character names: needing an empty slot, still wanting the name, and playing the game when the name became available.

> > > I just wanted to come up with an option that didn't inconvenience a player for no reason other than "You have something that I want." That's too childish.

> > > It's like buying a car: you wait to find one you want, you look and may not find it for a while, when you do find it -- do you still need it? You can't just steal the first one you see just because the owner hasn't driven it for a period of time.

> >

> > I have to wonder though. How likely is it that any name you want will be released at any time, much less within a year or 3. After all, if it’s a character that someone is actively playing then that person likes that name and it’s unlikely that they’ll change it. If it’s a person that isn’t actively playing, then it’s very unlikely that they’ll log onto their account just to delete chars/change names. So even if ANet were to set up a queue system for name notification the odds are very, very low that the name you want will be released for you to use. If the odds of successful notification are very low then this system isn’t worth the effort to set up.


> I have "X" character slots and don't plan on buying any more. If/when new races/professions come out that I want to try, I'll have to delete a character already in my inventory. If that's the case, chances are I'll change the name to suit the race/profession. Other people may do this on a whim just to try out new skills, weapons, or whatever making those names available at purely random times.


Perhaps. But look at the odds.


The last reported number of accounts was 11 million. So, some (speculative) math. Let’s assume that there are an average of 5 named chars per account. That means about 55 million characters. So let’s say you want a taken name. What are the likely odds that the specific one you want out of the 55 million names will come available? Especially when you consider that probably a good percent of the account’s are abandoned or are chars that aren’t played (mules) or are chars where people are happy with the names and will never change.


The thing about these types of requests is that people assume a reasonable chance. That if they are willing to wait a year or two then there’s a good chance the name will come available. However when there’s millions of names and only a small percent are renamed or deleted each year after their first birthday, then the odds of getting that one specific name, ever, is very low. If the odds are low then it’s not a system that’s worth adding as very few to none will get the name they want.

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Very few players ever delete their chars when they leave the game , because they all beleive rightly or wrongly that at some future time they will play again because the game has got better or so they hope.

For the same reason, game companies are really reluctant to delete chars, even if the players havnt been on in years, because they want the players to come back too.

Just a flesh wound is dead right on the probability side, its so low that the work required to implement such a system is simply not worth doing.



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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @Schewe.1673 said:

> > I can't believe nobody got that Sixth Sense reference, lol


> I got it. I simply didn’t comment on it. Presumably everyone else did also.


Yeah, it's not like the phrase hasn't appeared on the Internet before in the almost two decades since the movie came out.


I might have commented on an "I am your father", "Snape killed Dumbledore" or "Not the bees!" reference, however, because that would have indeed been a sight to behold.

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> @Majic.4801 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @Schewe.1673 said:

> > > I can't believe nobody got that Sixth Sense reference, lol

> >

> > I got it. I simply didn’t comment on it. Presumably everyone else did also.


> Yeah, it's not like the phrase hasn't appeared on the Internet before in the almost two decades since the movie came out.


> I might have commented on an "I am your father", "Snape killed Dumbledore" or "Not the bees!" reference, however, because that would have indeed been a sight to behold.


~~Demmi, I am your father.~~

~~Snaff killed by Kralkatorrik (technically).~~

Can't think of a bee one.

Not the Harpies...?

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > @"Astral Projections.7320" said:

> > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > As for the OP’s suggestion it has multiple problems, such as

> > > > > 1) the likelihood of someone still wanting a name after a year or 3 has gone by

> > > > > 2) having a char slot available when the name is freed up

> > > > > 3) if he is still playing when the notification comes through and of course, coming back to find the chance for that name has come and gone and now the name is taken because the next person in line was notified.

> > > >

> > > > Names are not for instant gratification, but to make a statement about the character. I can see players using an alternate spelling for the name they want in hopes the correct spelling comes available, yes in a year or three.

> > > > A person would have the same issues with my suggestion as others have suggested in forcing players to give up character names: needing an empty slot, still wanting the name, and playing the game when the name became available.

> > > > I just wanted to come up with an option that didn't inconvenience a player for no reason other than "You have something that I want." That's too childish.

> > > > It's like buying a car: you wait to find one you want, you look and may not find it for a while, when you do find it -- do you still need it? You can't just steal the first one you see just because the owner hasn't driven it for a period of time.

> > >

> > > I have to wonder though. How likely is it that any name you want will be released at any time, much less within a year or 3. After all, if it’s a character that someone is actively playing then that person likes that name and it’s unlikely that they’ll change it. If it’s a person that isn’t actively playing, then it’s very unlikely that they’ll log onto their account just to delete chars/change names. So even if ANet were to set up a queue system for name notification the odds are very, very low that the name you want will be released for you to use. If the odds of successful notification are very low then this system isn’t worth the effort to set up.

> >

> > I have "X" character slots and don't plan on buying any more. If/when new races/professions come out that I want to try, I'll have to delete a character already in my inventory. If that's the case, chances are I'll change the name to suit the race/profession. Other people may do this on a whim just to try out new skills, weapons, or whatever making those names available at purely random times.


> Perhaps. But look at the odds.


> The last reported number of accounts was 11 million. So, some (speculative) math. Let’s assume that there are an average of 5 named chars per account. That means about 55 million characters. So let’s say you want a taken name. What are the likely odds that the specific one you want out of the 55 million names will come available? Especially when you consider that probably a good percent of the account’s are abandoned or are chars that aren’t played (mules) or are chars where people are happy with the names and will never change.


> The thing about these types of requests is that people assume a reasonable chance. That if they are willing to wait a year or two then there’s a good chance the name will come available. However when there’s millions of names and only a small percent are renamed or deleted each year after their first birthday, then the odds of getting that one specific name, ever, is very low. If the odds are low then it’s not a system that’s worth adding as very few to none will get the name they want.


I understand what you're trying to do with the math, but you also need to subtract from that 55 million characters the number that are in a foreign language to the one the individual is looking for. If a person is wishing for a French, German, Korean, or Japanese name the ratio will be different than those people looking at the English-only names.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > @"Astral Projections.7320" said:

> > > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As for the OP’s suggestion it has multiple problems, such as

> > > > > > 1) the likelihood of someone still wanting a name after a year or 3 has gone by

> > > > > > 2) having a char slot available when the name is freed up

> > > > > > 3) if he is still playing when the notification comes through and of course, coming back to find the chance for that name has come and gone and now the name is taken because the next person in line was notified.

> > > > >

> > > > > Names are not for instant gratification, but to make a statement about the character. I can see players using an alternate spelling for the name they want in hopes the correct spelling comes available, yes in a year or three.

> > > > > A person would have the same issues with my suggestion as others have suggested in forcing players to give up character names: needing an empty slot, still wanting the name, and playing the game when the name became available.

> > > > > I just wanted to come up with an option that didn't inconvenience a player for no reason other than "You have something that I want." That's too childish.

> > > > > It's like buying a car: you wait to find one you want, you look and may not find it for a while, when you do find it -- do you still need it? You can't just steal the first one you see just because the owner hasn't driven it for a period of time.

> > > >

> > > > I have to wonder though. How likely is it that any name you want will be released at any time, much less within a year or 3. After all, if it’s a character that someone is actively playing then that person likes that name and it’s unlikely that they’ll change it. If it’s a person that isn’t actively playing, then it’s very unlikely that they’ll log onto their account just to delete chars/change names. So even if ANet were to set up a queue system for name notification the odds are very, very low that the name you want will be released for you to use. If the odds of successful notification are very low then this system isn’t worth the effort to set up.

> > >

> > > I have "X" character slots and don't plan on buying any more. If/when new races/professions come out that I want to try, I'll have to delete a character already in my inventory. If that's the case, chances are I'll change the name to suit the race/profession. Other people may do this on a whim just to try out new skills, weapons, or whatever making those names available at purely random times.

> >

> > Perhaps. But look at the odds.

> >

> > The last reported number of accounts was 11 million. So, some (speculative) math. Let’s assume that there are an average of 5 named chars per account. That means about 55 million characters. So let’s say you want a taken name. What are the likely odds that the specific one you want out of the 55 million names will come available? Especially when you consider that probably a good percent of the account’s are abandoned or are chars that aren’t played (mules) or are chars where people are happy with the names and will never change.

> >

> > The thing about these types of requests is that people assume a reasonable chance. That if they are willing to wait a year or two then there’s a good chance the name will come available. However when there’s millions of names and only a small percent are renamed or deleted each year after their first birthday, then the odds of getting that one specific name, ever, is very low. If the odds are low then it’s not a system that’s worth adding as very few to none will get the name they want.


> I understand what you're trying to do with the math, but you also need to subtract from that 55 million characters the number that are in a foreign language to the one the individual is looking for. If a person is wishing for a French, German, Korean, or Japanese name the ratio will be different than those people looking at the English-only names.


Seeing as there's names from many languages even in the NPCs, and even then to thinking the only names taken that people want are English-only is a bit off I would say.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > @"Astral Projections.7320" said:

> > > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As for the OP’s suggestion it has multiple problems, such as

> > > > > > 1) the likelihood of someone still wanting a name after a year or 3 has gone by

> > > > > > 2) having a char slot available when the name is freed up

> > > > > > 3) if he is still playing when the notification comes through and of course, coming back to find the chance for that name has come and gone and now the name is taken because the next person in line was notified.

> > > > >

> > > > > Names are not for instant gratification, but to make a statement about the character. I can see players using an alternate spelling for the name they want in hopes the correct spelling comes available, yes in a year or three.

> > > > > A person would have the same issues with my suggestion as others have suggested in forcing players to give up character names: needing an empty slot, still wanting the name, and playing the game when the name became available.

> > > > > I just wanted to come up with an option that didn't inconvenience a player for no reason other than "You have something that I want." That's too childish.

> > > > > It's like buying a car: you wait to find one you want, you look and may not find it for a while, when you do find it -- do you still need it? You can't just steal the first one you see just because the owner hasn't driven it for a period of time.

> > > >

> > > > I have to wonder though. How likely is it that any name you want will be released at any time, much less within a year or 3. After all, if it’s a character that someone is actively playing then that person likes that name and it’s unlikely that they’ll change it. If it’s a person that isn’t actively playing, then it’s very unlikely that they’ll log onto their account just to delete chars/change names. So even if ANet were to set up a queue system for name notification the odds are very, very low that the name you want will be released for you to use. If the odds of successful notification are very low then this system isn’t worth the effort to set up.

> > >

> > > I have "X" character slots and don't plan on buying any more. If/when new races/professions come out that I want to try, I'll have to delete a character already in my inventory. If that's the case, chances are I'll change the name to suit the race/profession. Other people may do this on a whim just to try out new skills, weapons, or whatever making those names available at purely random times.

> >

> > Perhaps. But look at the odds.

> >

> > The last reported number of accounts was 11 million. So, some (speculative) math. Let’s assume that there are an average of 5 named chars per account. That means about 55 million characters. So let’s say you want a taken name. What are the likely odds that the specific one you want out of the 55 million names will come available? Especially when you consider that probably a good percent of the account’s are abandoned or are chars that aren’t played (mules) or are chars where people are happy with the names and will never change.

> >

> > The thing about these types of requests is that people assume a reasonable chance. That if they are willing to wait a year or two then there’s a good chance the name will come available. However when there’s millions of names and only a small percent are renamed or deleted each year after their first birthday, then the odds of getting that one specific name, ever, is very low. If the odds are low then it’s not a system that’s worth adding as very few to none will get the name they want.


> I understand what you're trying to do with the math, but you also need to subtract from that 55 million characters the number that are in a foreign language to the one the individual is looking for. If a person is wishing for a French, German, Korean, or Japanese name the ratio will be different than those people looking at the English-only names.


I doubt that would make a substantial difference. It would still be close enough to zero chance of getting a name as most names are on abandoned accounts or are names that won’t be deleted. If a char gets to its first birthday it’s not likely to be deleted or name changed so most older chars will be not be on the available list.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

> > I used to like it when MMOs randomly generated your name at character creation and all you could do was pick the one you hated the least.


> I guess I've never played any of those games as I don't recall seeing that feature before outside of like random online generators or something.


Admittedly it's been a lot of years since I rolled a GW1 character, but I thought GW1 suggested character names for you?

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> @costepj.5120 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

> > > I used to like it when MMOs randomly generated your name at character creation and all you could do was pick the one you hated the least.

> >

> > I guess I've never played any of those games as I don't recall seeing that feature before outside of like random online generators or something.


> Admittedly it's been a lot of years since I rolled a GW1 character, but I thought GW1 suggested character names for you?


It doesn't.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> I just wished we could choose display names which can have duplicates. You add friends by the four digit code anyway. And if theyre in your friendlist you can give them nicknames


Do you mean "character names?" People already have duplicate "display names" (which are the ones with the four digit code).


As for duplicate character names, I'm glad we cannot. Right now, there's only one "Fred" who has their own reputation that will follow them around. I can invite Fred to any party by simply typing `/invite Fred` (without memorizing arbitrary four digits for all my friends). I don't have to nickname anyone unless I really want to. None of that would be true with duplication.


Additionally, aren't there already enough "Lannisters" in GW2?

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> @costepj.5120 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

> > > I used to like it when MMOs randomly generated your name at character creation and all you could do was pick the one you hated the least.

> >

> > I guess I've never played any of those games as I don't recall seeing that feature before outside of like random online generators or something.


> Admittedly it's been a lot of years since I rolled a GW1 character, but I thought GW1 suggested character names for you?


It’s been a loooong time but I remember at the very first character creation it suggests you use lore appropriate names. I remember this because I was sitting at the screen wondering how I’d know what a lore appropriate name was when I have never logged in before. But other than that it makes no comment or suggestions about char names.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @costepj.5120 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

> > > > I used to like it when MMOs randomly generated your name at character creation and all you could do was pick the one you hated the least.

> > >

> > > I guess I've never played any of those games as I don't recall seeing that feature before outside of like random online generators or something.

> >

> > Admittedly it's been a lot of years since I rolled a GW1 character, but I thought GW1 suggested character names for you?


> It’s been a loooong time but I remember at the very first character creation it suggests you use lore appropriate names. I remember this because I was sitting at the screen wondering how I’d know what a lore appropriate name was when I have never logged in before. But other than that it makes no comment or suggestions about char names.


If I remember right, I did have to rename a GW1 character after it was found the name was copyrighted or offensive or something.

I couldn't log into that character until renaming it. (Don't ask me what the name was, it was 10-12 years ago).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > I just wished we could choose display names which can have duplicates. You add friends by the four digit code anyway. And if theyre in your friendlist you can give them nicknames


> Do you mean "character names?" People already have duplicate "display names" (which are the ones with the four digit code).


> As for duplicate character names, I'm glad we cannot. Right now, there's only one "Fred" who has their own reputation that will follow them around. I can invite Fred to any party by simply typing `/invite Fred` (without memorizing arbitrary four digits for all my friends). I don't have to nickname anyone unless I really want to. None of that would be true with duplication.


> Additionally, aren't there already enough "Lannisters" in GW2?


I don't have a duplicate.

I never knew that I could never pick the name I made for my account for my character or I would've never made my account name this. I tried this name for my character and it said the name was taken.

I was wondering "Who the hell is named after me?" So I added an initial.

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As far as I can tell from checking previous versions of the character creation articles on both the official Wiki and the unofficial GuildWiki (which predates the official one) there's never been a rule that GW1 character names must be lore appropriate. Only that they must be between 3 and 19 letters long, can only use English letters (or Chinese or Japanese characters if you picked Japan or Taiwan as your home region) and if it's using English letters it must use at least 2 words.


I think what people are remembering must be either the requirement to have 2 words, which implies a surname (although things like Hi Im Me or Mega Steve would also work), or the fact that when you first click on character creation it asks if you want to make a Role-Playing Character or a PvP character. Role-playing characters are what we'd now call PvE characters, but I guess whoever designed the system didn't like that term. I could see that making people think you have to have a lore appropriate name and actually role-play them.


> @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

> I used to like it when MMOs randomly generated your name at character creation and all you could do was pick the one you hated the least.


I don't remember any game forcing you to use a randomly generated name. Some don't let you pick a name, but those don't let you design your character/s either, it's things like Tomb Raider or Mortal Kombat where you play a pre-made character. Lots of games will offer randomly generated names, and will often put one into the name box automatically, but in all the ones I've played you can over-write it with your own choice if you want to.


Going back to the original idea I think it's better than the usual suggestion of "after X weeks/months of inactivity character names should be removed". But I also think it's something players can easily do themselves without Anet needing to make a system for it - as other people have said just send a mail to the person whose name you want and see if they'll agree to let you have it.


I don't think I'd be offended if someone asked for one of my names. The problem with asking me is you've got a 1 in 10 chance of being told "Sure, I'm going to delete them in a few days/weeks and I'll let you know when I do" and a 9 in 10 chance of being told "Sorry, I'm never going to delete or re-name this character, you'll have to pick something else".


But then as far as I can tell most people don't like the same kinds of character names I do, since the only time I have trouble finding one that's available is when I make up a random 1 word name in the character creator. The ones I put some thought into and actually like I usually find not only is the name I choose available but several variations are too. (Although someone did once copy a surname from one of my characters after I posted it on the forum, gave me a bit of a surprise when I ran into him in-game.)

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