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Time to retire S1 characters?

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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> -An asuras whos NOT a genius and is trying to compensate for it

One Taimi is enough for this world.

Nobody expect elite quaggan-jellyneer or legendary quaggan thief or wise quaggan mesmer( that can create only half illusion =) ) to appear in living world. Quaggan doOdes are awesooOme. I want to see sarcastic quaggan as Canach. So that doOde could explain to Braham that he is hothead. Quaggan who is lecturing norn hahaahha. "YoOu are FoOoooool,bro" =) =)

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Nilson.9865 said:

> > > @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> > > -An asuras whos NOT a genius and is trying to compensate for it

> > One Taimi is enough for this world.

> >


> Kill her off and get someone better/less annoying to see or hear.


Vekk was 20 times the character Wesley Taimi will ever be with 1/4 the dialog. GW1 personalities tended to establish themselves largely upon first meeting and stayed true to that. Contrasting Jora to Broham on first meeting makes me wonder if they are even the same race. Rurik was always "Hail fellow, Well Met" likable in spite of his Leeroy Jenkins AI, even when controlled by the Lich. Jin vs Souseke..absolute opposites and it didn't take long to see. Koss was always Koss, as with Melloni and Talkhora. Livia established herself immediately. Just a few examples of many too numerous to list.


There is a reason so many GW1 chars remain well loved, even those like Slogo and Drunkoro that we laughed at but didn't hate with the intensity Broham is hated.

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> @Zeefa.3915 said:

> But I like that crew... I kinda get the point that connecting with them might be a bit more difficult for anyone that was not around for S1.

> A gradual change of npc's that follow us in story, would be ok...... just keep Canach, I love Canach, he has to stay. Also I think I'd rather keep Braham than get Faren. The non genious asura idea is cool though, could be much fun :)


This is a big issue for me, being a latecomer (well launch then 4 years off lol). I don’t connect or care about any of these characters since I have no repertoire banked or even experienced with them. Taimi is okay, though errs toward annoying. Rest are forgettable and trope-riddled (Braham, especially, is bleh).


A clean slate and cast would be a great idea. Any and all new players will be in the same boat as me, where there’s this weird gap that the LS1 recap just won’t ever fill.


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Some, maybe. Braham is annoying as hell since HoT, and Rox never clicked with me on any level, but I still LOVE Taimi and Canach, and Kasmeer and Jory are still great. They could definitely stand to phase out those first two and phase in some new characters, maybe new PoF-specced characters like how the s1 characters started to pick up Hot specs.

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People don't want characters swept aside unless they're poorly written.


If Anet fumbled Vanilla and S1, it's not likely they will suddenly get it right with a third try.


Especially not if they make it a team of meme characters.


Replace the current batch with yet another "totally not the Fellowship of the Ring" diverse team of heroes and we'll all be right back here two years from now complaining about how Gloopglop, the morally conflicted Quaggan with a dark past, has gotten stale.

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> @TheUndefined.1720 said:

> I suggested this as a negative point in my ubiased review for HoT back in the old forums. Honestly, I think they should retire their band of characters per expansion. Give us an epic living story with them, then move on. They did this with GW1. Bring in cameos to remind us why we enjoyed the characters or disliked them. I think keeping this band of adventurers around is just a bad move overall. It stinks for people who really don't like them to have them seemingly shoved down our throats. It also stinks for people who do like them b/c their stories end up being dragged on so long that you either wonder why they're around (shoved in without reason) or their stories spiral so far from who the characters were that you enjoyed they end up becoming totally new characters you can't stand (Braham, Trehearne(sp), etc).


> Suggestion: Bring in a new cast every season. End the stories of the characters currently, and bring them in as fun cameos in the future!


> [EDIT] Except for Canach... I don't care how shoe-horned in he is... he always fits ;)


I don't think its possible to do that with the short lengths of the stories. Trahearne is a microcosm of everything thats both useful and counterproductive in MMO story telling formats. GW2 is especially difficult, because the narrative has trouble telling the player where the focus is..... and its a problem inherent to the Commander being the center of perspective. Most people hated Treherne, because he came out of left field, and "took credit for all our hard work"....... which is a perspective shared by everyone who isn't Sylvari. Aside from the fact that hes a walking exposition dump, if only first meet him later in the story, his presence feels odd because he sticks around for more then One story Arc. It breaks the cadence set by previous chapters, and you don't bother to trust him, because hes basically a new comer. So when you think "Ok, Arc over... whats next", he placed as Marshal of the Pact, and you're second in command. Personal Ego doesn't explain the jarring you get by this Plot twist (and it is a twist due to weird way its built up). And while players can accept the role of Field Commander, you don't feel it justified to take orders from Trahearne given how little you know him.


This is the same problem exists with the Mentor arc, as you don't have enough time to really build a relationship with Sieren or Forgal. They're also supposed to be your Superiors, but they don't really play the part. Which is why Tybalt being a Peer (hes only "technically" your Senior) worked so well, with you both being promoted together, and being partners instead of subordinates. He doesn't pretend to have authority, so deferring decisions to you doesn't seem weird. That combination of non-imposing introduction, his particular personality, and arguably better writing, makes it easy to adopt him as a companion in the short length of the story arc. And while the short speedy story makes for a good prequel to the bigger story that follows, its a terrible way to present a larger narrative with bigger stakes..... which is why Trahearne becomes the center piece for the remainder of the game.


With LS1, each character's introduction is done in the mirco, plays with some tropes to vary the mood, and tries to build up toward a larger whole with Scarlet. The popularity of each LS1 story really depended on how much you like each character involved. That smooshes together with the Scarlet Arc.... but it worked because Scarlet was an excellent villain, and much of the story's most interesting plot points revolved around her.


LS2 I found had only a few good moments. The exposition was overly complicated, and the story missions themselves dawdled so much, you'd forget why you were there before the plot point hits. Its only with the reveal of the Egg, and the Shadow of Mordremoth fight that you get hit with a real sense of whats going on. In hindsight, the realization about the Sylvari could had been saved for the very start of the expansion, not only lending better context to those that missed LS2, but also ratchet up the stakes by having both that realization AND witnessing the failed attack from the back lines. That said, HOT did better with the Commander being in the center, but faltered by not having enough information to reach the conclusions being made. Moredremoth spent too much of the story being just a presence, and not really a perceivable threat (which POF did rectify with Balthazar being the focus instead of Kraikatorik). Given their role as Force of Nature type enemies, you have to be very careful in how your present the stakes to the audience. Too big, and they can't comprehend it; But too small, and theres no investment. Which is why what they did to set the stage for the battle was good.... but how they got about to it didn't properly mesh up to keep people in sync. And unlike books, its harder to use side perspectives and more carefully crafted expressions to convey inner thoughts... which is why a lot of the mid-late dialog scenes in HOT seem like information is missing, being exposition with puppets. (Which POF, again, rectified by better use of traditional cut scenes)


The real problem isn't the characters, or the need to replace them. They need better use within what little time we're given with them, or better flow between chapters, so they don't feel like they pop in just to do some kind of exposition then disappear.

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Frankly at this point, I'd jack them all in for a bunch of heroes with little to no personality but some customisation and occasional quips and comments on locales/lore/whatever (not huge conversations, and not a problem if you ignore them). If all the fluff is removed, then perhaps a tighter focus could be had in the rest of the story. Original GW style heroes in GW2 are a dream which likely remain just that, however.


If that doesn't work (and I'm sure a lot of players would hate what I just suggested, and I do understand), I would prefer it if only Canach, Rytlock come with me for the illusion of assistance, and Faren for eye candy and, er, I don't know, Professor Gorr for asuran awesomeness. Or yeah, Snarl and Galina. I can deal with Taimi too, but as she's still a kid I'd rather she stay at home, and learn how to be smart with less youthful exuberance. I'd also love a crack squad of asura to break out at my whim. I would've taken Eir, but she got stuck in a refrigerator. Some other commander can take the rest of the goons with them and do what they want in their corner.


I'd just love a shot at simply picking who I want to come with me, based on what I do and what they do. If this has to be from a near-mute set of heroes in a line-up, I'm fine with it. Then retain all these other characters as NPCs who may or may not appear in the story doing whatever it is they do.


If we have to stick with what we have now for reasons, I'd prefer it if they didn't perform random dei ex machina with skills/spells/stuff that we as players don't readily have simply to progress story.




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Thanks to all who commented!

For those who dont like my ideas thats fine :D feel free to suggest your own or maybe comment how the current NPCS could be improved if u still prefer them.

I agree too many of my suggestions are comic relief style but they are just ideas, I wouldnt want ALL to be part of the game, it would be overkill. Personally I tend to find characters with abit of humor the most memorable and likeable so thats reflected in my post.

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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:


> -Swordmaster faren

> -A choya thats infatuated with canach

> -A skritt who follows the group around to steal their shinies

> -Snarl and Galina (2 charr from personal story) - IMO these 2 have a far more interesting relationship than jory and kas every did.

> -MOX

> -Gertrude and the luggage

> -Sayeh al’Rajihd (the largos that was trahearnes friend)

> -An asuras whos NOT a genius and is trying to compensate for it




So bunch of randoms you want?


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> @Karmapolice.4193 said:

> I've just been wondering why my character never talks to or hangs out with their Warband/Krewe/childhood friends anymore?


Yeah. This. I'd honestly much rather get rid of most of the NPCs, especially the "biconics", and put the focus on the player character first and foremost, with an eye on as much race-specific content as possible, because I'm tired of just being everyone else's enabler and occasionally punching bag. I also much prefered being part of the Pact because of the theme of bringing a whole world together for the common good, as opposed to hanging out with a bunch of randos with little to no connection to a greater whole.


And if I never have to hear or see Taimi again, or be remote-controlled by her omnipotent deus-ex-magitech BS, I'll be a happy camper. PoF was a massive improvement over LS3 in my book because we got away from her for a little while. Mostly.

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I can agree with Ditching Braham, Kasmeer, and maybe Rox too. And unfortunately, ditching Kas would probably mean ditching Marjory too, but I never had the chance to play season 1. I will say though I love Taimi and I don't want to see her go, but I was afraid something was gonna happen to her this expansion. I don't much about Rox, but I do like Rytlock. So if I had to choose between them I'd definitely pick Rytlock. I enjoy Canach's sarcasm and sass though. I would miss him if they got rid of him.

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> @"Marshall Sed.8643" said:

> > @Svarty.8019 said:

> > IMO they made a mistake basing the second game off characters in a BOOK that came out between games. Unless they read said book, nobody gives a flying monkey's about those clowns. Why would they?

> You do realise that the "BOOK" was there to introduce you to the characters of Destiny's Edge and so give the story a bit more lore.


> You didn't think that they picked up a copy of Destiny's Edge and decide to make a game around it....did you???




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I think ArenaNet has an issue with only going from one extreme to another: we have a bunch of characters in the original GW2 release that we follow for a couple missions and then never see again (and they're not even mentioned, it's as if they never existed). And then we have the NPCs from Dragon's Watch, which appear ALL THE TIME.


Something else that greatly annoys me is how the Dragon's Watch NPCs are extreme stereotypes of their races. Extremely arrogant and egocentric asura with a fragile body = check! Strong and not exactly smart norn concerned more with glory than with playing it safe = check! Broody and strong charr = check! Really? That's the best they could do?


IMO, Gertrudes is the best NPC in the game. She has a story with an arc, but the game doesn't beat us with it - she doesn't follow us around half the game repeating the same kind of thing over and over. For those who pay attention, we can see how her story begins in one map, and then continues, without any fanfarre, in another map - I don't think there's any other NPC in the game like that. It's a small thing, yet it succeeds at storytelling in many of the ways in which Dragon's Watch fails.


I think it's time to retire the S1 characters - not remove them from the game so we never see them again, but just let them go for a while, while letting us know here and there what they have been doing. It would be also great if those stereotypes were broken - for example, if it was revealed that Taimi was wrong, that killing the dragons would not have destroyed the world, and that her arrogance and unwillingness to ask others for help prevented us from killing three different Elder Dragons.


Instead of replacing Dragon's Watch by another set of companions, which would have more or less the same issue, just give us some variety. Let us follow a NPC in one mission, then meet again with a group from the personal storyline in the next, then see Kryta's royalty again, then maybe one of the Exalted; then that group from the personal storyline, and so on. That would be far better than seeing the same NPCs all the time.

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At first I detested Taimi but have come to like her more and more as she's gotten more acerbic with her with and comments. The line about Scruffy's sarcasm meter in the prologue to PoF was priceless. The only problem I have with her now is that she is there all the time, just a bit too much of her talking.


I love Canach. He's not the normal "you have to save the world" pleading boring character. He has an attitude, he does what's "right" but does it with sarcasm. He's probably my favorite character since Scarlet left us.


I would love to see a skritt as part of the npc's. I love the HP with the stolen diving suit. The hive mind situation would be a hard hurdle to write competently but I would love to see some skritt in the npc fold.


I guess I'm just sick of the stereotypical "please help us' "save the world" type of characters. Combine that with the buffoonery of Faren and most of the early npc's can go. The opposite of the "save the world" being the "I don't care" type that get reformed can be kept out as well. Something new can surely be brought into the game if a change is going to be made.



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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > I almost miss Forgal because of it. He knew how to laugh at danger and revel in a good fight, and he would have set Destiny's Edge *and* Dragon Watch straight.


> Yet, people still loved Tybalt more...



I never liked Forgal. Always seemed like the typical Norn in a typical set up doing a typical Norn thing (outside of being a drunken fool).

Tybalt wasn't a usual Charr. Tybalt didn't have a rusty oil engine stuck in his throat grunging over and over. Tybalt wasn't all aggrestive like the majority of the Charr. Tybalt knew how to take a joke, knew when he needs to be serious, and if things go south, he would at least try to make best of it.

That's why.


Sorry. I'm just a very non-norn person. Don't like the majority of them personally.


> @Ellisande.5218 said:

> I just want to see Rytlock die permanently. I don't like his character, how he's been turned into a Mary Sue and I want to see him removed.


> I also don't want to see more furries. I want to see NO FURRIES.


Does this include Human Males and Norn Males? Look at their chests...

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