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Restructuring Daily Achievements

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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

> Every time this comes up I 100% agree that level 80s in full ascended and on mounts should NOT be doing daily events in starter areas. That's basically why my wife doesn't play GW2. It's no fun to be learning how to point your character in the right direction and not get credit for events because some kitten killed an entire mob by himself in one hit.


that's not a problem with the dailies, that's a problem with the mount combat-scaling

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> @Majic.4801 said:

> Just give us more choices.


What he said.


I don't think dailies need to be easier or anything, but with expanding into HoT and then into PoF i feel like I need to move from one end of the world to the other end of the world just to do a vista here and then harvest on the other. Events I generally skip, because I have no time to find events. (Or maybe I don't want to take the time to find events vs the other way faster options)


I don't mind if it forces me to do specific tasks in specific regions though. The daily system is there to prickle your interests in those specific areas as well.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I can't imagine ANet spending time on this proposal, as written. It works against the implied goals for dailies.


> What's ANet's goal in having a selection of dailies for PvE? Clearly, it's not just about throwing 2 gold at us, which is how it works with WvW & PvP: although there's a rotation, it never involves going out of the way for anyone who PvPs or WvW for a couple of hours. WvWers aren't asked to play particular maps, go after specific objectives; it's all generic.


> In contrast, PvE is very detailed. We're not asked to do a JP, but to reach the end of specific JPs. We aren't going after any dungeon; we're tasked to visit a specific dungeon. The 4-Event daily is specific to a zone, not a region. The closest things to generic are the trivial ones: gathering & vistas and even those are region-specific.


> So it seems pretty clear that ANet intends that PvErs be encouraged to move from the dispersed normal routine into specific areas, to add additional interest in spots that might not otherwise get extra population (which has the bonus impact of turning over map instances faster, helping non-solo players to complete chain events, etc).


> Increasing the number of options all works against that idea.


> Is the current system the best way to herd people towards specific maps? Is it a worthwhile goal to try to do that? Those are reasonable questions, neither of which is addressed by the original post.






Anet needs to get out of the business of "pushing" people to do ANY type of specific content or "herding" them in any manner. This isn't a day care.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> This makes places dead, feeling populated is a powerful thing in an MMO and the reason Dailies are as they are. You want to see plenty people as you level, it tells you the game you are playing has a decent population. Your request will reduce the number of random encounters with other players lower level people have.


Dailies aren't a very good strategy for this since a player can finish a 1-15 zone in a day and rotating between them takes 5 days not even counting the days when it isn't a low level zone. If that's actually the purpose of sending 80s to a newbie zone you are basically shooting in the dark. Population issues should be directly addressed with better megaserver management.

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As dailies are mostly fine as they are (99% of the time completable in 10 minutes or less), I feel that buying the expansions should give you more choices in terms of dailies, not replace existing ones.


To OP's suggestion; it's a well thought idea, but I fail to see the point. Like some have already said, going back to low-level zones for dailies is fun. And those newbies surely don't mind if an overkill lvl80 wargod joins in on an event, unless of course they kill everything before anyone else has the chance to tag them.


But the daily system isn't perfect, more choices should be introduced.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> 3) we used to have regional dailies. I don’t recall people choosing the next map over because it’s closest.


> As to Southsun, you might have a point. Perhaps the Karka Queen Boss daily when it occurs can be paired with Krytan dailies.


Yes, people tend to go where they know they will hit the highest density of events, whether or not it is the next map over is rarely a consideration. There used to be a KQ in the event daily. I seem to remember southsun was in there too, although I am not sure where it would be if we did strictly regional, Kryta maybe?


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> @Majic.4801 said:

> Just give us more choices.


Exactly, say you are a pve only player .... you only have 4 now, if you skip jumping puzzles only 3. You wait for the new list to come up at reset and if the events are not somewhere you know you can hit a bunch of things in a few minutes (like meatoberfest or pres) you wind up skipping the dailies. How have the dailies accomplished ANY goal if some people just skip them most of the time?

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> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I can't imagine ANet spending time on this proposal, as written. It works against the implied goals for dailies.

> >

> > What's ANet's goal in having a selection of dailies for PvE? Clearly, it's not just about throwing 2 gold at us, which is how it works with WvW & PvP: although there's a rotation, it never involves going out of the way for anyone who PvPs or WvW for a couple of hours. WvWers aren't asked to play particular maps, go after specific objectives; it's all generic.

> >

> > In contrast, PvE is very detailed. We're not asked to do a JP, but to reach the end of specific JPs. We aren't going after any dungeon; we're tasked to visit a specific dungeon. The 4-Event daily is specific to a zone, not a region. The closest things to generic are the trivial ones: gathering & vistas and even those are region-specific.

> >

> > So it seems pretty clear that ANet intends that PvErs be encouraged to move from the dispersed normal routine into specific areas, to add additional interest in spots that might not otherwise get extra population (which has the bonus impact of turning over map instances faster, helping non-solo players to complete chain events, etc).

> >

> > Increasing the number of options all works against that idea.

> >

> > Is the current system the best way to herd people towards specific maps? Is it a worthwhile goal to try to do that? Those are reasonable questions, neither of which is addressed by the original post.

> >

> >


> >


> Anet needs to get out of the business of "pushing" people to do ANY type of specific content or "herding" them in any manner. This isn't a day care.


ANet isn't running a day care. They have no interest in whether you or I go to e.g. Mount Maelstrom for dailies. Instead, they are providing incentives for people to choose Maelstrom, so that that zone gets a plurality of attention at least once a month or so. That helps people who need Maelstrom achievements and it helps ensure that the map resets more often than it would without their help.


It's not paternalism, thinking that they know better than we do what's good for us. It's economics: using the power of rewards to convince folks that it's a good choice to do things that benefit the community, by making sure it also personally benefits them.

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> @"jia li ng.8415" said:

> Wouldn't be great go to back to the daily 5 with 30 choices to choose from instead of the daily 3 with 12 choices?


> I remember the daily dodger, where you had to dodge 10 attacks in real game situations, unlike that dodge trap ring with a chest in the middle.


Considering how much reviving I end up doing at times during events/metas, I do miss daily reviver. Also joke about it on voice, and daily reviver done, ok where's the next one needing rezed.....upupup!

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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

> Every time this comes up I 100% agree that level 80s in full ascended and on mounts should NOT be doing daily events in starter areas. That's basically why my wife doesn't play GW2. It's no fun to be learning how to point your character in the right direction and not get credit for events because some kitten killed an entire mob by himself in one hit.


It's that a lot of the events in the event chains for World Bosses don't scale for the number of players. I think the one event in the Maw chain spawns four Sons of Svanir; if there are 40 players doing the daily, some aren't getting credit. I know level 80s with full ascended complaining they didn't get credit.


Southsun Cove is another particularly bad zone for events; there aren't too many, and most are over by the time you can get there from the nearest WP.

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Personally I think the dailies are fine:


re: starting areas

the only issue i personally have with dailies in 1-15 maps is the lack of map bonus, and that's really end of list for the problems i personally have, getting experienced players to go back to do the daily isn't a bad thing - there are still areas in starter maps i've never been to, being "forced" to do it helps people explore the more hidden aspects of the map, though i don't think the daily event completer should EVER be a in 1-15 map zone.


The events in 1-15 maps are easy and badly scaled- just look at the world boss events for these maps, fire ele wurm sons of svanir shaman and such- they're all events you can complete with like 10 people (less than that even) with AWFUL scaling for high populations- the bosses go down in seconds and half of those attending when these events are the daily don't get credit, and that's the -best- scaling these zones have....the other events are even worse and newbies cannot hope to tag anything in events with lots of high level players running around which can one or two shot most normal enemies (you don't even have to ascended gear to be that strong in lv15 zones), and only a couple more for the scaled & veteran+ (note: vet+ are close to extinct in 1-15 maps and i can't remember off the top of my head if any single event aside world bosses will have you kill them but I don't believe so).


just means less fun for newbies, who come in and can't even do any events because theyre all done too fast and don't have the knowledge of the world to prepare for events :/



re: regional dailies

sometimes the only chances people get to do things is by dailies calling attention to it, i fear some events would never/rarely be done if dailies didn't have people do it. ex: the mordrem champion in iron marches, over half of the times i've seen this done has been where iron marches event completer is a daily (and, as a serial map completionist and an altoholic - i have a lot of characters and they all get 100% map comp - i do spend a lot of time in...all maps, including this one.)


i fear some areas would become devoid of attention. particularly if things like minidungeons and such were to be a general area - a few minidungeons and jumping puzzles are exceedingly difficult to do alone due to have group bosses inside of them, so less elite players (like myself) who can't solo those things get a lot of such jp/md completes when they're the daily.



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I like how the current tabs are set up, but I'd like to see one additional tab added, either to the general dailies or as its own subcategory (so not necessarily contributing to the 2g, but I'd be okay if it did). That tab, I'd like to see include PVE group content. If in the general daily set, four slots, distributed evenly over Pact Tyria and the expansions owned per account. If in its own set like Fractals or the LS3 maps, then eight slots, evenly distributed over Pact Tyria and all expansions, with those for unowned expansions locked. In either case, "leftover" slots would be a random roll from all available possible choices. Examples of the sorts of options I'm thinking of and possible rewards:



**Pact Tyria**

* [Dungeon] Explorer - Choice of 50 dungeon tokens from any dungeon (may rarely double-up with PVE daily, but I think that's okay)

* Slay [specified Champion] - 2 Spirit Shards

* Complete [Chain Event] - Choice of Crafting Bag (Tiny to Heavy)

* [specified Orrian Temple] Guardian (either reclaim or defend the temple) - 3 Obsidian Shards


**Heart of Thorns**

* [Map] Hero (VB canopy boss, Octovine, Chak Gerent, or Mordremoth) - Choice of 25 map currency, amalgamated gemstone, or reclaimed metal plate

* Slay [specified Champion] (Mayatl the Fierce, Potoni, Vinewrath, post-Mordy champs etc.) - 10 of map currency or unbound magic

* [specified Repeatable Hero Challenge] - Choice of 10 of map currency or 5 Crystalline Ore

* [Map] Progression (participate in four events leading up to the meta event) - Choice of 25 map currency (current map) or 10 of the map currency for another HoT map


**Path of Fire**

* [specified Repeatable Hero Challenge] - 25 Eyes of Kormir (basically, a "free wish" or some silver)

* Slay [specified Bounty needed for specialization collections] - 2 Elegy Mosaics

* [Event that drops a specialization rune recipe] - Choice of trade contracts, ley-infused sand, or congealed putrescence

* [specified meta event] (Maws of Torment, Forged with Fire, etc.) - Crafting material needed for Pof ascended gear (ex. Crystal Lodestone w/chance at Pulsing Brandspark)



This would help ensure players have a chance of finding a group for collection and achievement content even as our world map keeps expanding and spreading people out. Because some of these are more time-intensive, there's room to adjust rewards to include things like the occasional Mystic Coin, Mystic Clover, Chak Egg, Charged Quartz, Vision Crystal, Intact Mosaic, or Icy/Mystic Runestone, offering some small incremental progress toward crafting additional ascended or legendary gear in a way that would feel good to the players without damaging the economy.

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Let's refine the initial proposal, taking some of the input I am seeing.

There seems to be a need for more populated zones, so combine the first two tiers into one.


First Amendment:

Player Accounts with Characters from 1-34 do daily achievements of foraging, mining, logging, events, and jumping puzzles in level appropriate zones. I completely agree that it doesn't take long for a Player to level their Character passed level 15. Doing so would keep those zones more heavily populated, keeping the MMO feel that the community wants.


There seems to be an interest in more choices, and I agree.


Help me out here.


The offerings we recieve are completely limited.


There could be a daily World Boss achievement offered for 1-34 in the 1-15 zones on a 4 day rotation, that doesn't limit Players of levels up to 34 from participating,

Players with Accounts having Characters above 35 would have options to would also have a World Boss on rotation. The World Boss Train would still run without derailment through 1-15 zones but leveled Players above 35 would not be rewarded toward Daily Achievement.


Let's look at the PvE Choices so far:


Forager, Miner, and Logger (on rotation),

Jumping Puzzles (in level appropriate zones), (undoubtedly there would still Mesmers skilled enough to portal Players who might have a difficult time)

Events (in level appropriate zones),

Vista Viewer,

Daily Dodger,

Beast Slayer, (high level and low level)

World Bosses (high level and low level),

Dungeons (they need populated),

Daily Activity Participant,

Daily Reviver.


And voila we're back to the 10 choices we had before.



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I never really thought high levels in a low level map was a problem, (I'm not saying it isn't a problem. Just that I've never heard the complaint before) but I kind of like the back and forth on this thread. I don't think the proposal is a bad idea and like some of the suggestions people made here.

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After reading suggestions, the inclusion of another Tab to the Daily is such a Great suggestion.

A Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire Tab, this would help keep those areas populated as well.


Instead of having two separate Tabs combining them into one Tab that would encompass both Regions with respective daily offerings.


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> @"jia li ng.8415" said:

> It is on them for cutting the daily achievements.

> There used to be a daily 5 with 30 choices. 10 for PvE, 10 for PvP, and 10 for WvW.

> Now it's the daily 3 with 12 choices. 4 for PvE, 4 for PvP, and 4 for WvW.


> I apologize that I can't remember the reasoning they used.


30 choices in one day? Yeah, no, that never happened.

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My best friend got me interested in playing with my limited experience of nine months I would like to see more choices to complete daily achievements. She sayings she gave up on doing daily achievements long ago even though she plays everyday, she just doesn't like it. I don't mind doing them but like she says it's not the reason she plays. The daily doesn't take long and the reward is karma and two gold. I would like more challenges and better rewards. I don't think anything would get my friend interested again.

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I think ArenaNet has been pretty straightforward with the intent behind Dailies. They want people to play PvP and WvW with the hope that dipping your toe in the pool will get you coming back regularly.


Any suggestions for changes to Dailies would need to be compatible with ArenaNet's intent, so things like "make it easy for me to only do PvE" will likely never happen.

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There is another key thing to consider about the bringing of level 80 characters into low level areas. How many of you have used map chat to ask a question to find a vista/poi or something you couldn't figure out? Maybe now you all know the answer but for those first time people and our first time we didn't know, we couldn't figure it out so we used map chat. The daily system as it is now brings those higher level (and therefore usually more knowing) people into the lower level areas a beginner has more opportunities to ask questions and get someone able to help them out. Gives them options of joining people who know how to complete event chains, gives them the satisfaction in helping to kill that champ they couldn't solo.


I say leave the dailies as they are, Anet has a limited budget and I'd rather see them bringing out new content than rehashing old stuff that works.


For those who remember the old 10-12 dailies, remember the AP hunters did them all every day. The system was changed so that a person's play time wasn't solely doing dailies.. Anet changed it so that you only "need" to do 3 per day from whatever source to earn the daily reward (whether that was gold/AP, etc.). If you don't like the current pve selection on a given day, there are other options to complete the 3 for the day most WvW dailies are easily done solo and don't require any more than knowing your class a little or bit or even at all.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > > > I don't have any interest in low level content being removed from rotation.

> > > >

> > > > All I want changed about the daily system is that there need to be at minimum 6 PvE dailies to choose from, ideally more than that, so that it's possible to compete the dailies through PvE alone without having to do "X events on a map" or "run a dungeon" dailies.

> > >

> > > Events and dungeons are PvE...

> > >

> > > They’re not going to add more easy dailies if the number of options were increased. If you found issues with events and dungeons then chances are you may not like the additional options.

> >

> > Why? The point of dailies is player engagement. It's to get people to log in each day, and then *do something.* Anything more than that would just be excessive behavior control. If people enjoy doing dungeons, they can do dungeons, but it shouldn't be necessary for the core daily. It can contribute, but there should be plenty of ways around it for people who are uninterested. The dungeon one should be there for people who go in thinking "*which* dungeon should I do today?" it should not be about nudging people into doing a dungeon that are generally disinterested.

> >

> > As for events, I've always just found that objective way too fiddly, because they *still* haven't figured out a way to fix the UI to show active events all over the map, or to indicate how close they are to finishing, or how much participation is in them. If you aren't lucky, you can roam a map for an hour and not find enough completable quests, or the ones you do find are of the lame, grindy variety. When GW2 events are good, and well attended, they can be a lot of fun, but when you are pressured into deliberately seeking them out, it can get really annoying.


> What if I don’t feel like doing events, gathering, vistas, world’s bosses, and jumping puzzles. Should Anet add more choices to suit my personal gameplay? Players have a choice as to whether to do the daily or not. If they choose to limit themselves then that’s on them. Players are given twelve options every day and they only need to complete three. That’s plenty.


It really not for those that don't like any shape of PvP. This includes WvW as well.> @mtpelion.4562 said:

> I think ArenaNet has been pretty straightforward with the intent behind Dailies. They want people to play PvP and WvW with the hope that dipping your toe in the pool will get you coming back regularly.


> Any suggestions for changes to Dailies would need to be compatible with ArenaNet's intent, so things like "make it easy for me to only do PvE" will likely never happen.


Strange as when I see the PvP and WvW I never do them ever.

The only time I even think of it is

"Oh, 3 PvP Kills." and one of my friends go "Ready to go to the arena to just I kill you 3 and you kill me 3?"

"Yeah, let's get it over with."


Wait for it to pop up again.

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