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Restructuring Daily Achievements

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:


> Strange as when I see the PvP and WvW I never do them ever.

> The only time I even think of it is

> "Oh, 3 PvP Kills." and one of my friends go "Ready to go to the arena to just I kill you 3 and you kill me 3?"

> "Yeah, let's get it over with."


> Wait for it to pop up again.


Hey, no one ever said it would work for everyone.

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> @mtpelion.4562 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> >

> > Strange as when I see the PvP and WvW I never do them ever.

> > The only time I even think of it is

> > "Oh, 3 PvP Kills." and one of my friends go "Ready to go to the arena to just I kill you 3 and you kill me 3?"

> > "Yeah, let's get it over with."

> >

> > Wait for it to pop up again.


> Hey, no one ever said it would work for everyone.


The problem is those that never had interest in any form of competition/vs player. Whether it's literally called PvP or changed the name to "WvW" which is just "Bigger PvP", they would never get pulled in.

If they are always a mixture of the two from way before GW2 or maybe had some interest because of GW2, they would've delved into it without needing to go through daily.

It would be a silly reason.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @mtpelion.4562 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > >

> > > Strange as when I see the PvP and WvW I never do them ever.

> > > The only time I even think of it is

> > > "Oh, 3 PvP Kills." and one of my friends go "Ready to go to the arena to just I kill you 3 and you kill me 3?"

> > > "Yeah, let's get it over with."

> > >

> > > Wait for it to pop up again.

> >

> > Hey, no one ever said it would work for everyone.


> The problem is those that never had interest in any form of competition/vs player. Whether it's literally called PvP or changed the name to "WvW" which is just "Bigger PvP", they would never get pulled in.

> If they are always a mixture of the two from way before GW2 or maybe had some interest because of GW2, they would've delved into it without needing to go through daily.

> It would be a silly reason.


But you also have a number of people that listen to their friends/guild members voices that complain about pvp and wvw without every trying it. I'll be the first to admit it's not for everyone but everyone should make that choice on their own. At least if they go into pvp or wvw for a daily they have a chance of finding they like it or even a chance at confirming they don't but at least hey know.




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> @Bunter.3795 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @mtpelion.4562 said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > >

> > > > Strange as when I see the PvP and WvW I never do them ever.

> > > > The only time I even think of it is

> > > > "Oh, 3 PvP Kills." and one of my friends go "Ready to go to the arena to just I kill you 3 and you kill me 3?"

> > > > "Yeah, let's get it over with."

> > > >

> > > > Wait for it to pop up again.

> > >

> > > Hey, no one ever said it would work for everyone.

> >

> > The problem is those that never had interest in any form of competition/vs player. Whether it's literally called PvP or changed the name to "WvW" which is just "Bigger PvP", they would never get pulled in.

> > If they are always a mixture of the two from way before GW2 or maybe had some interest because of GW2, they would've delved into it without needing to go through daily.

> > It would be a silly reason.


> But you also have a number of people that listen to their friends/guild members voices that complain about pvp and wvw without every trying it. I'll be the first to admit it's not for everyone but everyone should make that choice on their own. At least if they go into pvp or wvw for a daily they have a chance of finding they like it or even a chance at confirming they don't but at least hey know.





Eh... those types.

The parrots that just say what someone else said without actually trying it themselves.

But then again, those are the same ones I can see the whole PvP WvW daily working on. If they can easily listen to someone without trying it, I can see if they didn't have those people around and was curious they would try it and at least make their decision themselves.

But again, that still goes back to the whole "if they're willing to give it a go to begin with".

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> @Bunter.3795 said:

> But you also have a number of people that listen to their friends/guild members voices that complain about pvp and wvw without every trying it. I'll be the first to admit it's not for everyone but everyone should make that choice on their own. At least if they go into pvp or wvw for a daily they have a chance of finding they like it or even a chance at confirming they don't but at least hey know.


I think it's a good idea for ANet to get every player to TRY every portion of the game. That's fine. Give players a reason to spend a few hours in PvP or WvW, and maybe give them a new option like that every 6-12 months after they've made significant changes. Offer them some cool big prize that only takes a couple hours to earn, to give those modes a fair shot. Sure.


But daily? No, that's excessive. If a player doesn't enjoy that content one day, why would he enjoy it the next? I was one who would often do the Daily PvP missions when the PvE ones were not sufficient to clear the three, but I hated it, and knew I'd hate it. It was work, not fun, and I don't want to play games to work. I eventually gave up, and nowadays if there aren't 3 PvE dailies that I feel like hitting, and "Daily PvP Rewards" (ie opening up two of my 200+ spare PvP reward potions) and "WvW Big Spender" (ie, buying a badge from my Guild Hall vendor) are not available, then I just give up on the dailies entirely.


Daily PvP and WvW options should be there for people who enjoy those activities, but they definitely should not exist to draw PvEers into those actives. That's just too much, too often, and too little payout to really be worth it.



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Some players try WvW and sPvP because of dailies, and go back because they enjoyed it. Players have posted to this effect for as long as the subject of dailies has been discussed. Sometimes people dont know what they will enjoy until they try something. An incentive to try something new isnt a bad thing IMO.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> Some players try WvW and sPvP because of dailies, and go back because they enjoyed it. Players have posted to this effect for as long as the subject of dailies has been discussed. Sometimes people dont know what they will enjoy until they try something. An incentive to try something new isnt a bad thing IMO.


Again, "givign players incentive to try something" and "giving them that same incentive **every - single - day,** are two completely different things.

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If anyone really wants to know why the answer from ArenaNet is going to be no time and time again, they can go search the archived forums for this exact subject that was brought up several times, there's a reason and they're sticking with it...so not going to happen(and no, I'm not going to do your work for you).

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I agree that pretty much nothing would ever been considered by Anet for improving our Guild Wars 2 gaming experience. In regard to PvP events I have gone in to help fellow guild mates (kicking and screaming), honestly I haven't liked PvP since mid 2006 when Anet mucked up the system royally in Guild Wars. In WvW, eh, I will wander in if I want to get my Daily done quick and the daily offering is something I think I can solo, but still not really interested. Yeah, you are compelled to "grind" away in WvW if you think its necessary to have a Legendary Weapon, then "grind" all the materials in PvE for a weapon that isn't that pretty and functionality in a mere 5% increase. Ascended and Legendary armor is the same 5% increase in functionality, and again it really isn't pretty (thank goodness for outfits). Fractals are ok, but again it's not something I'm willing to wait around 30 minutes to an hour for a party to form. So what's left, oh yeah the PvE daily, with weak choices and low rewards. Personally going into a 1-15 level zone for less than 15kxp and less than 800 karma is do-able but not even remotely challenging.

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I'd like more variety to the dailies, but I'd also like to see the dailies be more difficult. Harvest 10 things in a continent? For real? That's not really "playing the game" and the dailies should encourage people to go play the game. Dailies for doing dungeons, taking out world bosses, completing a meta event, doing several jumping puzzles, completing more events in a map (instead of just three), and so on.



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> @costepj.5120 said:

> I ALWAYS do the low level zone daily. I just go to a part of the map away from any zerg.

> I appreciate that it exists for level 80s.



If it's an event, I'm looking for my own (unless it's in the Elon Desert as I would have to keep clearing the damn hearts to be able to track events) as whenever someone say "Event by *insert waypoint*"... unless it's a world boss, a champion with a good bit of HP or something like let's say the Legendary thieves in Kryta or whichever... the event will be over long before I get there... and this is before and/or after mounts.


I just follow my event tracker and locate whichever is closest to me. Sometimes people will be there because well... it's an online game. Sometimes there isn't.


Then there's like Maguuma Forager or something, I would usually head to Metrica or something as it's the easiest to head to. And so on and so forth. I like the beginning area dailies as I usually head off on my own and pick them off quickly.

When you follow the pact in a low level area you WILL have a hard time.

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Well it happened yet again, a daily in a 1-15 zone, and I decided what the heck. Since we can't change anything by pointing out how bringing in over-powered characters into these zones and since everyone else is doing it why not join in and just get the daily done quickly. In retrospect I could have dusted off my Weaver and nuked the events, or maybe brought in the Scourge, but I used the Mirage and held back a little. Using auto attack in an attempt to give others a chance, though that raptors tail swipe ended one event just on my dismount. Finishing 4 events in less than 5 minutes was quite the challenge even with the pathetic scaling (yawn).

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