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The Hard Truth in wvw


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While there are build diversity, which includes sigils runes food composition using the meta. Player skill is > than others, which is how it ought to be.


So people qq about scourge pirateship boons spams, warrior scourge etc. its the team that plays behind it that.makes it effective.


factor it the raid lead skill and his strategy as well as how responsive the team is. include isp, connection computer specs.


some will always be better than others.


so you cant really balance wvw based on playtime or population alone or points.


open up the closed servers.

allow transfers.


return wvw tournaments and let the game begin.

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So if player skill and team organization are the only things making things like scourge and spellbreakers strong why are they so common?

Does it have anything to do with their respective toolsets when compared to the enormous number of alternatives and how well suited those toolsets are to accomplishing certain goals in-game?

Do you recognize any difference in effectiveness or "power" between different builds and/or different classes or is everything basically identical in terms of effectiveness and power and class and build mostly an aesthetic choice?

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I find few problems in WvW

1. AOE dmg became same or even stronger than single target dmg. AOE spikes became common from almost every class. Profession diversity has been removed.

2. more CC. Combine it with spikes = death without ability to resist.

3. condi spam. I have nothing against increasing condi dmg. but it becomes unbearable when you get 10+ stacks of main and ±3-5 other condition types in just seconds.

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> @Dangus.6572 said:

> I find few problems in WvW

> 1. AOE dmg became same or even stronger than single target dmg. AOE spikes became common from almost every class. Profession diversity has been removed.

> 2. more CC. Combine it with spikes = death without ability to resist.

> 3. condi spam. I have nothing against increasing condi dmg. but it becomes unbearable when you get 10+ stacks of main and ±3-5 other condition types in just seconds.


yup difficult to coordinate purge flames mabtra of solace and light fields plus resist. but it can be done with practice.


rite of dwarf and demon stance helps too

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> While there are build diversity, which includes sigils runes food composition using the meta. Player skill is > than others, which is how it ought to be.

To a degree, I agree. But when the difference between skilled and not skilled is so huge, it becomes a boring elitist game.

> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> so you cant really balance wvw based on playtime or population alone or points.

You could make the game more forgiving, slacken off the tight regulations, give people more hit points, reduce all damage by a percentage across the board, etc.


If the game is so unforgiving that your computer spec makes a difference to the result, then the game shouldn't be online tbh. Sad, but true.


This game promotes damage spikes so large that people are dead before they can react. That's bad design.


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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > @Offair.2563 said:

> > What is it with you and your obsession with tourneys. Every donkey knows its pointless in current setup and does more harm then good.


> To give wvw a purpose. =)

We already have THAT purpose. Tournaments were a proven fail, the only good thing that came out of them was the limited use finishers that should have been re-used by Anet imo.

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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > > @Offair.2563 said:

> > > What is it with you and your obsession with tourneys. Every donkey knows its pointless in current setup and does more harm then good.

> >

> > To give wvw a purpose. =)

> We already have THAT purpose. Tournaments were a proven fail, the only good thing that came out of them was the limited use finishers that should have been re-used by Anet imo.


for now there is no meaning to wvw.


tourneys were the best time wvw had. =)

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > @Offair.2563 said:

> > The point of a tournament is that it should be competitive. If ya start a tourney now u don't have to be a rocket scientist to predict the winner even before it starts.

> >

> > AKA pointless.


> you never know until you try. =)


So lets just say ANet releases a WvW tournament. The problems of such is...


- ANet is not going to let go of the only way they monetize WvW. (unbalanced servers and links)

- Because of the unbalanced servers and links, all point of a competition like say above is pointless.

- The structure of RvR in GW2 has the opposite effect of RvR in most other games. (GW2's RvR encourages players to not fight and beat down defenseless objectives, unless their blob is bigger then their enemies. This leads to RvR in GW2 being heavily PvE based combat. Which is not interested to most RvR fans.)

- There is very little to no support development of RvR in GW2. (No balance team, no updates, RvR players being farmed by game company through purposely server population imbalance and transfer mechanics.)


Now other then "Just do it to feed my overstacked server players egos." How in the slightest bit do you think a tournament is going to give any type of meaning, in the meaningless version of RvR we have here in GW2?


RvR aka WvW in GW2 is currently more PvE then anything else. More so when you compare it to any other game's RvR system in the history of gaming.

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The only good WvW tourney we had was the very first one (had shitty rewards a cool title and that made all the PvE bots stay out of it), all subsequent ones were ktrain everywhere pve fest. So I don’t know what the OP is talking about.


> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> =) why assume it will end bad when it was good before.


> fight for your server. for your allies. and money source for anet is from the pve guys.


> players do not transfer every week.


Edit: It won’t work because servers no longer have an identity, the community aspect and server pride are long gone.

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