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The things you write into /t before a match starts...


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Hi there,

I've made it a habbit to adress my team before match starts. Sure, not all the time, but most of the matches I play in ranked and during the season I do. I think to myself "better safe than sorry" so I give everyone a short 101 on sPvP. The things I write are always the same, since many seasons now. It's just some general advice regarding conquest as a game mode.


Anyone else does this or knows of basic knowledge everyone participating in a ranked match should know?


Here's the general advice:

- Try to focus on 2 points

- No need to go far if we hold two points

- Stomp

- Fight on point

- Game of caps not kills


Missing anything?


Have a nice day :)

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I usually start with "Hi team" if I've lost less than about 3 in a row. After that, I tend to be too grumpy to care what the kitten my team does.

Also, if I see a FB+ Scourge or multiple scourges and we don't have equivalent, I'll suggest starting on sides,. Running into such a combination is "balanced" suicide.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> > @Alatar.7364 said:

> > _"I'll Stealth us for Mid if somebody takes Close"_

> > ...believe me, 90% of people don't know and 50% don't stand in Powder even after I tell them that...

> > Sometimes, it is really depressing.


> THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^


Let us not forget about that one Guy constantly spamming and dying at Far whilst blaming Thief for not doing anything.

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If I do type into chat at start...it's usually along the lines of:

* _I'll grab home_ - I play Holosmith, they can grab home just as/almost as fast as a Thief or Mesmer

* _Mesmer, portal?_ - I'd like to know.


This isn't really stuff I type into chat...but really just advice:

* Thief (Daredevil), Mesmer, and Holosmith (Rifle, Boots) have excellent mobility. Exploit that advantage by decapping empty points when you are being outnumbered at another.

* If you are a Thief, Mesmer, or Holosmith and have a Thief, Mesmer, or Holosmith on your team, coordinate rotations. For example, depending on the match up, a Holosmith can grab close/home while Thief/Mesmer poke outliers mid, threaten far, or have a positional advantage to decap far faster than usual...rather than keeping strong 1v1'rs (Thief/Mesmer) home early.

* If Mesmer, portals enable you to keep map control between two points and provide excellent engage/disengage for teammates. Not using portal can handicap you and your team.

* Campers are bait. Don't fight bunkers camping a point. It's a waste of time. You are better suited outnumbering another point with your team that is way easier to take and rotating between the points the camper isn't sitting on.

* Practice new builds in Custom Arenas or Unranked...not Ranked or Automated Tournaments.

* Be informed of what the meta currently is. Use the forums, ask in the PvP Lobby chat, ask top Streamers, or look at [Metabattle](https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki "Metabattle") for an idea.

* Don't trickle into a fight where the enemy team outnumbers you 1-by-1.

* Don't micromanage your team. Yes, that Deadeye Rifle is probably a huge handicap...but instead of blaming them all the time, try to work around it. You'd be surprised how you can enable teammates.



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OP I'm glad you communicate with your team.


The annoying part is when no one responds.


There's a likelihood that a "mute" team loses. Even if we do win, it's far less enjoyable. Opposite is true - if the team communicates constructively and try their very best, even if it ends up in a loss, I wouldn't feel as bad.


I do notice that people communicate more during prime time NA and the higher the tier, the more competitive so people do talk more.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:


> /headdesk x1000


DO NOT PLAY THIEF! I have been telling this to players since season started, seeing Sindrenerr tackle as a solo thief, still no one listens.


So as long as there's thief in my team it feels like playing 4v5. Only maybe 2% of players are good with their rotations and enemy is that bad that thief is actually a good choice.

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> @Mutaatti.2789 said:

> > @Cynz.9437 said:


> > /headdesk x1000


> DO NOT PLAY THIEF! I have been telling this to players since season started, seeing Sindrenerr tackle as a solo thief, still no one listens.


> So as long as there's thief in my team it feels like playing 4v5. Only maybe 2% of players are good with their rotations and enemy is that bad that thief is actually a good choice.


Yet, If the Thief in your team is Good then it is almost guaranteed Win. Unless it gets countered by competent Portal management of enemy Mesmer.

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> @Vapour.7348 said:

> OP I'm glad you communicate with your team.


> The annoying part is when no one responds.


> There's a likelihood that a "mute" team loses. Even if we do win, it's far less enjoyable. Opposite is true - if the team communicates constructively and try their very best, even if it ends up in a loss, I wouldn't feel as bad.


> I do notice that people communicate more during prime time NA and the higher the tier, the more competitive so people do talk more.


When no one responds I go from "better safe than sorry" to "hey, at least I tried". But It's true what you say. When communication is good and constructive(that's the real rarity ;)) the loss of a match leaves no harsh feelings.


The worst things that happened to me so far regarding the issue were either ppl telling me to stfu(once or twice and I really don't get the problem, I'm just trying to help and if you don't need the advice just igore it) or players who don't communicate at all until they start screaming and flaming in mapchat.


This game does not give you in-game voicecom, but conquest is a team effort, so communication via mapchat is often the only option you have.

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> @"Lord Hammer Hand.4815" said:

> ...Most of the time I assume people know how to rotate.



Wish I had that much faith in my random teammates.

I go in thinking: "Ok, let's just hope for the best. Let them have played a few matches before and know their class"


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> @Mutaatti.2789 said:

> > @Cynz.9437 said:


> > /headdesk x1000


> DO NOT PLAY THIEF! I have been telling this to players since season started, seeing Sindrenerr tackle as a solo thief, still no one listens.


> So as long as there's thief in my team it feels like playing 4v5. Only maybe 2% of players are good with their rotations and enemy is that bad that thief is actually a good choice.


Please tell it to all the people constantly begging Anet for thief nerfs (and actually succeeding). It really blows my mind that on one side we have constant complains about thieves being supposedly OP and yet on other side nobody wants one on their team unless they are Sindrener. Meanwhile your average Joe on scourge is more than welcome.


> @Aeryn.9813 said:

> I think to myself that my teammates are disgusting scrubs until proven otherwise


Rule Nr. 1 in every team based pvp xD (without disgusting part maybe)

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> > @Mutaatti.2789 said:

> > > @Cynz.9437 said:


> > > /headdesk x1000

> >

> > DO NOT PLAY THIEF! I have been telling this to players since season started, seeing Sindrenerr tackle as a solo thief, still no one listens.

> >

> > So as long as there's thief in my team it feels like playing 4v5. Only maybe 2% of players are good with their rotations and enemy is that bad that thief is actually a good choice.


> Please tell it to all the people constantly begging Anet for thief nerfs (and actually succeeding). It really blows my mind that on one side we have constant complains about thieves being supposedly OP and yet on other side nobody wants one on their team unless they are Sindrener. Meanwhile your average Joe on scourge is more than welcome.


Exactly, so damn Exactly.

That's why I claim that Thief Nerfs past few patches are nothing but outcome of pure desilusion by salty and clueless people, because obviously if it can kill you then it must be OP.

The reason for that is just psychology, all other professions except Warrior and power Mes, if they kill you, it feels like you were poked to death over time, but if you get killed by Thief over the same course of time, it feels like the shit was just murdered out of you, due to its weapon Animations and it's Sounds making it feel like OP profession.



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> @Alatar.7364 said:

> > @Cynz.9437 said:

> > > @Alatar.7364 said:

> > > _"I'll Stealth us for Mid if somebody takes Close"_

> > > ...believe me, 90% of people don't know and 50% don't stand in Powder even after I tell them that...

> > > Sometimes, it is really depressing.

> >

> > THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^


> Let us not forget about that one Guy constantly spamming and dying at Far whilst blaming Thief for not doing anything.


Hahaha. Seen it so often. Playing Thief is like jungling in League.

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