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New LS means new Leg Weapon: what will it be?


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I put scepter. But if they do an aquatic one, that could mean they intend to revamp aquatic combat or the new LW will have aquatic masteries. Since **spoiler alert** Kralkatorrik is coming for elona in the trailer and at the end of PoF, maybe people wiĺl move underground and underwater to survive its attacks. And yes i am overthinking this. :sweat_smile:

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Id really appreciate if they would release several at once in the next release. I mean, they already removed the collections wich was the thing that took them so long, so why let the people wait for so long? Im waiting mainly for the greatsword, but i know by their logic it will the one to be released last :/

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> @chronometria.3708 said:

> From what I have seen, the ones released are the least popular weapon types. I`d be very surprised if we had longbow or greatsword and we will probably see some nonsense like warhorn or focus. I can still hope though!


Sword is pretty popular among many professions and we have a sword released.


> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> A rifle for all the new Dead-Eyes out there.


We already have [The HMS Divinity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_HMS_Divinity "The HMS Divinity") as the Gen 2 rifle.

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I would most love dagger, though after the extreme effort I put into HOPE I'm unlikely to make a second legendary unless the skin is perfection for my particular tastes and I'm not trying to do anything else with the mats (my guild hall still needs all the elder wood in the world several times over, which is one reason I have stopped at the precursor on Chuka & Champawat).


But I voted warhorn because absolutely none of my alts use that weapon so I expect it will be the most likely to come next :p

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