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Suggestion for the Solid Ocean Fractal


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I'd like to have more actual combat on the way to the boss and at the boss than running to the boss to mostly wait for more tentacles to spawn.


For example:


* Have a leviathan and a jade elemental mini-bosses on he way to the boss platform. The leviathan would teach you hot to deal with the Maw's tentacles, to dodge the sweeping attacks and such, the jade elemental to deal with the Colossi.

* Then at the boss, instead spawning many Jade Colossi, there would be alternating tentacles and jade colossi in phases that can go much faster if the party is skilled.

* The first phase would have just a champion Jade Colossus.

* Whenever the jade colossu's defiance bar breaks and whenever it loses 10% of its health, it will summon 5 small weak jade elementals.

* These jade elementals are weaker than normal fractal enemies ,and when they are killed, they will do a Last Laugh explosion and spawn a reflection crystal.

* After the first crystal spawns, the Jade Maw would start attacking random players with its classic beam attack, but players can't reflect the attacks back with Reflected Orbs, because the reflection crystals would be replaced by Jade Shards that give an effect instead a bundle one holds to get the skill (more on this ahead).

* When the champion jade colossus is defeated, it runs to a spot by the jade wall under the Jade maw, and 'turn' into "Jade formation". Well, it would actually just die there and the jade formation appears in its place, but a green smoke explosion like those that appear when tentacles spawn would be used to hide the change between the colossus corpse and the jade formation.

* At T4, the jade colossus would be able to cast Jade Winds on players for massive damage and several stacks of Agony, this can be itnerrupted by breaking its defiance bar.

* In challenge mode, the Jade Winds can't be evaded or blocked, only breaking the defiance bar and invulnerability can prevent it.

* The second phase would have 2 champion tentacles and a second Jade Colossus, this time a weaker veteran version, spreading the player's damage and attention.

* From now own, whenever a Jade Colossus dies, another spawns in its place. This weaker jade colossus also has a defiance bar, but weaker, and also spawns jade elementals when its defiance bar breaks or 10% health is lost.

* The current jade colossus would periodically fixate on a target, giving priority to whoever has been killing more jade colossi and jade elementals.

* The champion tentacles will each have an ability that will summon many irukandji if they complete the activation. The only way to prevent that will be breaking their defiance bars or killing them. They won't use this ability while their defiance bars are recovering, so it is best to keep all their bars broken or the place will be teeming with irukandji.

* At T4, If all tentacles manage to complete their summon of irukandji, a champion giant irukandji would also be spawned. This one won't drop any extra rewards, it would only slow the party down. So it may be better to focus on one of the tentacles than spreading between all if your party can't deal with all fast enough.

* In challenge mode, there would be 3 tentacles instead 2, among other changes.

* Killing each tentacle will take a portion of the Maw's health. After all tentacles are dead, the maw will be left with 50% health.

* In the last phase, no more vertical tentacles appear but the colossi keep spawning. So, how do we take the remaining health if we can no longer throw Reflected Orbs at it? This is where the changes to the reflection crystals come in.

* Reflection crystals will be renamed to Jade Shards. And now Instead giving a bundle when picked and getting a skill when hit by the maw, they give an effect.

* The effect replaces the character's back with a Jade Shard back and gives the player a special action skill. It also makes makes them 1-time immune to the Jade Maw beam, but the effect and the action skill are lost if a jade maw beam hits you. This back will also be a skin reward for completing the Jade Maw's Challenge Mode.

* The special action skill is a ground targeted skill that can be used on enemies to deal 50% defiance bar damage (just in case you don't have enough CC to break the tentacle bars), or the "Jade Formation" to transfer its magic to it.

* This formation is basically a series of Jade blocks on the jade wall were the Jaw Maw is trapped that will be slowly grow and move up as jade shards are thrown at it. The size it can take would be based on the number of phase 3 remaining tentacles.

* When all tentacles are dead and enough jade shards have been thrown into the formation, the current veteran colossus will run to it and explode. No more colossi will spawn, and the jade formation will be finally completed with the missing steps between blocks that will spawn behind the green smoke of the explosion. Players can now climb the jade blocks and fight the Jade Maw directly by attacking its neck, but it will defend itself spawning tentacles horizontally from the wall. The higher the fractal tier, the more would spawm, from 2 at T1 to 8 at T4. It is possible to attack these tentacles, but killing them only does something like 1% damage to the maw, so they can be ignored if you can can learn to time your dodges to avoid their attacks.

* When the maw's health is finally 0, the jade formation begins to crumble and players must hurry to get off it. It will explode into several Jade Shards are scattered over the platform, and the Jade Maw will do its classic area-wide attack. As always, players must hurry and grab a a shard to resist the final attack.

* Oh, and [irukandji ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Veteran_Irukandji "Irukandji ")gotta get changed to use the [Rainbow Jellyfish](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juvenile_Rainbow_Jellyfish "Rainbow Jellyfish") models instead a wind rider mode. They look nothing like [the actual ones](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Irukandji "the actual ones").


He, if only actually doing the things was as easy as coming up with the ideas, like when in Star Trek the Next Generation programmed entire interactive Holonovels by talking with the computer. :lol:

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> > @Kam.4092 said:

> > This is undeniably the most boring Fractal encounter, but the actual boss in the distance looks so awesome. It's a big tentacle monster, but it's stuck in a jade wall.

> >

> > My suggestion is to add a mechanic, where at 25% to 20% have the boss break out of the jade, shattering the jade wall everywhere. This would start a new encounter with the beam mechanic still with the shards, but would be a DPS race, since you'd have a limited amount of Shards most likely. The boss doesn't need to be too hard, but I think this would make the encounter way more interesting.

> >

> > Anyone think this would be fun?


> Yeah this fractal is really boring if you have reasonable DPS. Any eventual rework would be larger than just slight mechanical changes.


It easy for experienced players. Maybe at 20% boss move his butt and run on players?


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> @zealex.9410 said:

> > @thrag.9740 said:

> > I don't need every fractal to be challenging or difficult. I think they should fix the bug where tentacles stop spawning, and then move on for the time being. I would rather Anet continue to focus on new fractals.


> I've never encoutered this bug.


If you kill all the tentacles fast enough, they wont spawn for maybe a minute or so. It isn't game breaking, you just spend a minute waiting to use up crystals. I believe higher group dps is a big part of encountering it. I don't think I experience it with pugs usually, but the last few months I've been running a ps/chrono/druid/dps/dps team with my raid static/fillers. Maybe its not as common as I think.

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