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Is it possible to level a new toon to 80 in 4 days and enjoy it?


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If you’re going to “speed level” by playing excessive hours a day then I can see getting to 80 in 4 days. I don’t know how much fun that will be though. What you could do instead is level by crafting or using the level 80 boost and then learn the new char’s skills by playing naturally on the maps. It will be more relaxed play, as well as being able to go wherever you want instead of being restricted. Or you could level up some each day by crafting then play to level some more. Finishing up at level 80 in fours days by getting XP from both.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> It‘s quite en effort to read a lvl 40 birthday scrioll and 40 Tomes of knowledge and especially the 80 lvlup chests, but doable in 4 days ?


> Probably I can lvl up to 7 toon within 4 days.

That still sounds slow. I think I have enough tomes and scrolls to level up 10 characters to 80 in an hour.


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Excelsior. I took 3 or 4 months, I could check it because I created screenshots.. For my engineer, it was about 6 months.


* I do not use guides, because that's why I play a video game in the first place. Why would I play a huge MMORPG with training wheels? Who would buy the strategy guide before playing the new Zelda?

* Then I just play alone. Gotta think about ways through places - without guides of course, often leads me to exploring carefully.

* Third, I don't want to get "video game fatigue". Just like a chainsmoker, if you keep playing like that, you lose the enjoyment fast. Quality over quantity. (Or you end up becoming toxic with your DPSmeters because you get too invested in this game)

* Fourth, my parents raised me to have a balance of video games and physical activities. I just can not sit for so long, watching a screen. Due to my parents often coming into my room while playing XBOX (the original one^^) and said: "In 5 minutes you turn that off" I got used to think in little brackets. So do I in today's games: One chapter, 3 levels maybe in an MMORPG, 2 games in LoL etc.

* EDIT: And last but not least: I like to level up my characters. It's something I like, and thanks to the masteries, there is continous levelling going on. I have my Zedexx in his grey starter clothes as cheap pickpocket on my first screenshots, now he's a well-trained and well-equipped sniper and commander of a little squad. That's not something I'd like to reach in 4 days.


When I see the average player on the boards rushing through the game with guides, RedBull and their guild zergs just to complain about how fast, bland and boring the game is I just know I am doing it the right way.

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still the question is why? dont get it. just a game. meant to be an enjoyable way to pass the time. forget about the tough day at work, school or minding the kids. at the end of the day you sit down, log in and have fun. take your aggressions out in pvp, relax by exploring different maps and crafting/gathering,talking to in game friends and guildies. anyway........

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Depends on the class. I'd prefer fast, mobile class for leveling. So far, D/D Thief has been the most fun to level. Mesmer most interesting to figure out. The other classes can use the level skip boosters.


Craft leveling equipment so you don't have to worry about gear. I used the level 60 gear until 80. (This game has issues with huge gap in 70+ level range.)


OP wanted to know before PoF came out. Now with mounts, travel is faster and should be more enjoyable to level new toons. Four days should be enough time to complete the personal story.

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That's more than enough time. The question is how fun is it to stick to levelling this one toon vs doing other things during that time, and only you can answer that. This past weekend with the double xp, I levelled a new toon to 80 in addition to some other things, but I didn't have much fun doing it. In retrospect I'd rather have drawn that process out over a couple of weeks and only played when it suited me. I'd have enjoyed it more.

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