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What mode do you play the most?


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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> Well, I was forced to vote PvE, but I only play Open World PvE. I don't do dungeons, fractals, or raids.


> Yes, I'm that casual.


Same answer. Only have a total of a few hours to play a week unfortunately. When I play I like it to be at my own pace.

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1-1/2 years ago I would've said wvw without hesitation. Over the last 1-1/2 years, it depended on who our host was. Presently, I'm content with completing the loyalty tier in wvw and going back to PVE.


That may change come the end of December, but atleast I'll have plenty of time to do Wintersday and LS :).

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I am playing PvE, fractals and WvW. In term of time, PvE wins. :)


Side note: I gave a few tries to PvP, but once there, it was too toxic for my taste (blaming, finger pointing, insults, rows between players...). I left and never returned to it. Maybe it was bad luck that each of my tries put me at times with such aggressive players ? I don't know. I was not there long enough to allow an opinion. I just prefer to stay out.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I am playing PvE, fractals and WvW. In term of time, PvE wins. :)


> Side note: I gave a few tries to PvP, but once there, it was too toxic for my taste (blaming, finger pointing, insults, rows between players...). I left and never returned to it. Maybe it was bad luck that each of my tries put me at times with such aggressive players ? I don't know. I was not there long enough to allow an opinion. I just prefer to stay out.


It has nothing to do with your luck. PvP players by themselves are a very toxic bunch quick to throw out insults if you mess up just a little. It is that way in all games that have PvP which is why I try to avoid PvP as much as possible. I do not play games to have people throw insults at me or tell me to off myself. It is not acceptable in the real world to do that, so it shouldn't be acceptable in games as well. They just lack proper respect and lack the skills to be courteous hence I avoid those kind of toxic players.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > I am playing PvE, fractals and WvW. In term of time, PvE wins. :)

> >

> > Side note: I gave a few tries to PvP, but once there, it was too toxic for my taste (blaming, finger pointing, insults, rows between players...). I left and never returned to it. Maybe it was bad luck that each of my tries put me at times with such aggressive players ? I don't know. I was not there long enough to allow an opinion. I just prefer to stay out.


> It has nothing to do with your luck. PvP players by themselves are a very toxic bunch quick to throw out insults if you mess up just a little. It is that way in all games that have PvP which is why I try to avoid PvP as much as possible. I do not play games to have people throw insults at me or tell me to off myself. It is not acceptable in the real world to do that, so it shouldn't be acceptable in games as well. They just lack proper respect and lack the skills to be courteous hence I avoid those kind of toxic players.


Oddly enough I have found this to be the case in PvE as well.

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I've had good and bad experiences with PvP, WvW and PvE. The most important thing is not to jade yourself, or else you'll miss out on the fun times. :3


Personally, I find I'll travel between all three game modes. I enjoy WvW roaming (though roamers are somewhat infrequent these days), the occasional PvP (though don't like this double scourge meta, so I've shelved this for the moment), and Dungeons (which I occasionally teach). Basically, if it interests me, I'll play it! Nothing will ever tie me down!

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Mostly open world PvE, with a sprinkle of WvW now and then when the mood strikes. Didn't vote in the poll tho.


> @Hitman.5829 said:

> PvE is player vs environment, this why I encapsulated everything from dungeons, fractals, map completion and ...(dot dot dot) everything else related to PvE


Couldn't the same be said about WvW and PvP, as both are modes of Player vs Player?

A player that plays only Fractals plays a really different game versus someone who only enjoys map completion (or leveling).

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > I am playing PvE, fractals and WvW. In term of time, PvE wins. :)

> >

> > Side note: I gave a few tries to PvP, but once there, it was too toxic for my taste (blaming, finger pointing, insults, rows between players...). I left and never returned to it. Maybe it was bad luck that each of my tries put me at times with such aggressive players ? I don't know. I was not there long enough to allow an opinion. I just prefer to stay out.


> It has nothing to do with your luck. PvP players by themselves are a very toxic bunch quick to throw out insults if you mess up just a little. It is that way in all games that have PvP which is why I try to avoid PvP as much as possible. I do not play games to have people throw insults at me or tell me to off myself. It is not acceptable in the real world to do that, so it shouldn't be acceptable in games as well. They just lack proper respect and lack the skills to be courteous hence I avoid those kind of toxic players.


I can't remember the name of the PvP game that comes out at Christmas....it involves trying to get a 'ball' onto a platform - it is played inside an arena with tunnels and it is red vs blue. At any rate, the first year I participated in it I managed to get the ball and score. Yay me, right? Well uh no...I had some player whisper me dropping the F bomb when calling me names. To this day I have no idea what I did to warrant such abuse other than to the play the game the way I thought it was intended and that is to eliminate the opposing players, sink the ball and win. As a general thing I avoid PvP because I don't want the abuse when I inevitably do something wrong, whatever that is.


As far as this poll...I did choose the PvE option but that isn't entirely accurate. I don't raid, rarely do dungeons, occasionally do fractals and play in WvW to complete my dailies.

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