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Anet switched to higher ping Amazon servers since 2 weeks ago

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> @Windfire.9726 said:

> Dear VoxShatterfall, don't worry about me, I still play and enjoy the game.

> I didn't say the game is laughing at me, but you with your comments like we just have to "suck it up". Because if you act like this, you look like you're happy and not sorry. We don't need opinions like these. If you're experiencing the same thing, just say it here because the more we are the more anet can hear us. But please if you have to laugh and say things meaning we're on the same boat, just save it.

> I don't want to start a discussion. I don't know you but I wish the best for you.

> I just don't like when someone is almost making fun of something important.


> About the issue, in EU case the servers are still in Frankfurt, but as I said for some reason servers with ip 10.x.x have higher latency than ip 206.x.x, all this even though they're always in Frankfurt. So it's not a matter of distance since they're still in the same location, always on EU case. In the end there's something that's making these amazon servers acting weird.


Dear Windfire.9726,


While I think you have a pretty valid point with the EU servers, I'm not sure that NA players can make the same complaints.

That said, I am not happy things are turning out this way, although I thought a move to AWS might be more beneficial than local servers at ANET.

I do acknowledge that the switch to AWS has been uneasy for people here, especially in your case.

I do apologize for this situation, though it is not of my making.


In cases where pings go into around the 100 - 200 region, I truly don't think it is that bad (still bad).

My point isn't to gloat, but to make sure people don't simply say "this is unacceptable that ANET moved to AWS, because I gained 100 ping".

Simply put, complaints with "I have 400 ping, ANET plz fix k thkx bye. or i leave" isn't a helpful gauge to tell ANET whats wrong.


I think it more constructive for people to continue playing the game, so that when ANET does a load and latency analysis (whenever they would do it) they would see a certain actual set of player hours affected by higher ping.

By providing data to ANET, I believe we can substantiate claims where segments of the gaming community were adversely and negatively impacted by such a move to AWS.

Your work to point out ping differences between thier local hosted servers and the AWS servers goes a long way to tell ANET there is a difference.

Now lets all help ANET substantiate these claims by playing normal hours.

Again by doing so we can allow ANET to collect the relevent information needed to make a business decision.


Thank you.

If you find yourself in NA, gimme a holler.

Vox Shatterfall


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> @VoxShatterfall.5470 said:

> > @Windfire.9726 said:

> > Dear VoxShatterfall, don't worry about me, I still play and enjoy the game.

> > I didn't say the game is laughing at me, but you with your comments like we just have to "suck it up". Because if you act like this, you look like you're happy and not sorry. We don't need opinions like these. If you're experiencing the same thing, just say it here because the more we are the more anet can hear us. But please if you have to laugh and say things meaning we're on the same boat, just save it.

> > I don't want to start a discussion. I don't know you but I wish the best for you.

> > I just don't like when someone is almost making fun of something important.

> >

> > About the issue, in EU case the servers are still in Frankfurt, but as I said for some reason servers with ip 10.x.x have higher latency than ip 206.x.x, all this even though they're always in Frankfurt. So it's not a matter of distance since they're still in the same location, always on EU case. In the end there's something that's making these amazon servers acting weird.


> Dear Windfire.9726,


> While I think you have a pretty valid point with the EU servers, I'm not sure that NA players can make the same complaints.

> That said, I am not happy things are turning out this way, although I thought a move to AWS might be more beneficial than local servers at ANET.

> I do acknowledge that the switch to AWS has been uneasy for people here, especially in your case.

> I do apologize for this situation, though it is not of my making.


> In cases where pings go into around the 100 - 200 region, I truly don't think it is that bad (still bad).

> My point isn't to gloat, but to make sure people don't simply say "this is unacceptable that ANET moved to AWS, because I gained 100 ping".

> Simply put, complaints with "I have 400 ping, ANET plz fix k thkx bye. or i leave" isn't a helpful gauge to tell ANET whats wrong.


> I think it more constructive for people to continue playing the game, so that when ANET does a load and latency analysis (whenever they would do it) they would see a certain actual set of player hours affected by higher ping.

> By providing data to ANET, I believe we can substantiate claims where segments of the gaming community were adversely and negatively impacted by such a move to AWS.

> Your work to point out ping differences between thier local hosted servers and the AWS servers goes a long way to tell ANET there is a difference.

> Now lets all help ANET substantiate these claims by playing normal hours.

> Again by doing so we can allow ANET to collect the relevent information needed to make a business decision.


> Thank you.

> If you find yourself in NA, gimme a holler.

> Vox Shatterfall


Dear VoxShatterfall, thank you for saying I have a valid point with the EU servers. I know, NA players are in a much worse situation because they totally moved the servers location.

You're right about some comments full of rage without info but I think not few, but lots of them are way ok providing info about before and after.


Ping for some people is really subjective, like you saying 100-200 is fine. I wish 100 but it's always 160-200. I'm not saying it's unacceptable, I still play and enjoy the game and sure there are scenarios much worse. My situation compared to people with spikes of 1k ping is nothing, but I think I can say my experience of high latency in this thread like everyone else. I don't know how you learned to play normally with this latency, but great, good for you. Just remember not everyone is like you and because you say it's not that bad you can't say it's the same for everyone.


Sure one of the best ways is to keep playing the game to show the higher latency in their analysis, which we're doing. But I also think we should say and provide info on the forums about this issue for many players, because this is why the forums exist, discuss about the game.


I think people won't get anything if they just shut up, if there's an issue we should say it and if possible provide info about it hoping the team will fix it, simply that. This doesn't smash any door I guess. If you don't care that much about your latency, ignore this thread and play normally like you told us.

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> @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> I find it funny the people who think 100-200ms is unplayable...it wasn't that long ago when 500-1000ms was the norm.


> With that said, I haven't seen any of this. I live east coast and get 50-60ms most of the time. If I have something going in the background my ping may spike, but rarely have I seen anything over 200ms.


No no who said 100-200ms is unplayable, I only reported that now there's a higher latency in maps with ip 10.x.x. Just that. I feel some delay during normal gameplay but I didn't say it's unplayable.

With that said...I'm happy your latency wasn't affected.

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> @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> I find it funny the people who think 100-200ms is unplayable...it wasn't that long ago when 500-1000ms was the norm.


> With that said, I haven't seen any of this. I live east coast and get 50-60ms most of the time. If I have something going in the background my ping may spike, but rarely have I seen anything over 200ms.


Many of us on the West coast are experiencing 3000 ping spikes very frequently. It makes PvP completely unplayable in a **competitive** sense. If I have to put up a block and it's 3 seconds late, I'm dead. This is happening ALL the time.


Unless the game was intended to be a button mash fest where you just pray for luck, I'd say the game is now unplayable in the way it was intended to be played.

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> @Duzik.9137 said:

> > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > Eastern Siberia here. Been changing from 130 to 180 for ages, nothing changed exactly. (is this ping considered playable btw?)


> anything above 60 is considered not so good , anything above 100 is bad , 200 is lag land. I think the problems is with NA servers. Doubt that EU is affected.


I've been playing with 280 ping since launch, and I am really grateful if it stays 280 lol.


Sometimes it just jumps to 300-400 and rubberbands like crazy

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> @Blakhart.5024 said:

> I get between a 250-270ms ping in Australia. Try playing on that kitten with the style of this game.


> I do it, but ill never be as "quick" as a player in the USA.


> Havnt noticed a difference here but... again... I'm already on a kitten ping.


actually ill take that back. from recollection when I picked the game back up again about 5 months ago I recall an average ping of about 230. now its 270. so ill agree with that 30-40ms increase

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I've been experiencing mild lag(I say mild but I've noticed, so it probably means it's bad enough) here in Eastern Canada and it seems to me like it was a lot better a month ago when I was actually excited about playing. In the passed 2 weeks or so, I've not only been freezing, crashing, and lagging but also completely disconnecting without being able to relog for about 30 mins or so. If this keeps on going I will seriously withdraw any spending into this company as I have already put in a hefty penny. I am not paying for a damned Mercedes or BMW (and yet it feels like it - these vehicles are in the shop half the year btw hahaha), make it work ANET because I'm more than 100% sure you got the pretty dough for it from your gaming fans.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, returning UK player here haven't played in roughly 4-6 months. Used to have perfect connection for years of 20-70 ping, no problems whatsoever. Just purchased the xpac with gems and am horrified to be receiving constant ping spikes of 400-700 averages 200 plus rubber banding hell. I am a dedicated pvp player so sadly the game is absolutely unplayable for me now. My network is fine done a reset and tested my fibre optic connection to 10ms 10+mb/s. I will be pursuing a refund if I cannot get gw to play properly. Really am shocked to see this happening, my PC was due a reset so am currently reinstalling, after this I will install gw2 afresh and do some further investigation. I'll come back if I manage to get my ping below 100 if not I shall not be playing gw2 ever again.

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> @"Schewe.1673" said:

> This only affects PvP servers? I only PvE but as of the past several weeks my game is unplayable due to constant ping spikes. Previously sat at around 40ms, now it's anywhere from 200-600ms when it's not rubberbanding like hell.

> Located in Wisconsin


I don't think only PvP servers. I think they moved all their services to Google to escape the pretty much constant DDoS attack Comcast had been getting for the few weeks previous. It was causing all kinds of routing and lag issues. I'm in Western Canada and my traceroute (When I could actually get it to finish) was bouncing through the UK before hitting Texas. Now on Google, the lag spikes, even in PvE, are a real hassle in large meta events as are map load times, frame-rate drops and rubberbanding. This seems especially true in the larger PoF maps and high population areas like LA and RS where it can take upwards of 10 seconds to load all the textures.

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> @"Leamas.5803" said:

> > @"Schewe.1673" said:

> > This only affects PvP servers? I only PvE but as of the past several weeks my game is unplayable due to constant ping spikes. Previously sat at around 40ms, now it's anywhere from 200-600ms when it's not rubberbanding like hell.

> > Located in Wisconsin


> I don't think only PvP servers. I think they moved all their services to Google to escape the pretty much constant DDoS attack Comcast had been getting for the few weeks previous. It was causing all kinds of routing and lag issues. I'm in Western Canada and my traceroute (When I could actually get it to finish) was bouncing through the UK before hitting Texas. Now on Google, the lag spikes, even in PvE, are a real hassle in large meta events as are map load times, frame-rate drops and rubberbanding. This seems especially true in the larger PoF maps and high population areas like LA and RS where it can take upwards of 10 seconds to load all the textures.


Posted in the other Latency thread. This is exactly the issue i was having. Canadian here, I was being sent through the UK when i connected to certian megaservers. This issue for me started when megaservers hit and has been present since. Recently gave GW2 another shot but am giving up due to LAG. Will check these forums for the hope that one day this is fixed and i can pvp without lag spikes GG-ing me.

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> @"Blakhart.5024" said:

> I get between a 250-270ms ping in Australia. Try playing on that kitten with the style of this game.


> I do it, but ill never be as "quick" as a player in the USA.


> Havnt noticed a difference here but... again... I'm already on a kitten ping.


290-330 for me now. :( Anything instant, even an auto attack has a strong delay before it executes. But I know we'll never get Oceanic servers so it's just something we're learning to deal with.

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After the latest patches, in one of my wvw matchups on NA the ping is really bad with an avg of 560 ping and lag spikes to 3k. This is on the 34.* and 35.* hosted servers (all maps had those starting ip numbers cept 1 which had 34). On my EU account I get my normal 230-280 ping but the lag spikes to 1-3k are still present but it is playable compared to the NA side. Didn't check which server ip's I had on the EU account. Haven't checked pve side of things, and well pvp, let's forget even going there with pings like mine :x

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