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Which PvE content do you like the most?

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Personally I have to list the small team scaling content in raids and dungeons as my favorite stuff. It hits a balance of being challenging and mechanically complex while still having a lot of room for build diversity and is reasonably achievable for almost any five character you can assemble as long as they're good with their builds.


Open world stuff comes in a very close second because exploring is tons of fun, but the way it has to be balanced for an unknown number of avaliable players often makes it either too easy or unrewarding to enjoy more than a few times.


Raids are third, because I generally like raids, and I feel they're very well designed, but the stricter composition requirements, larger number of required players, and lack f appropriate LFG mechanics that adress what a raid group need versus what the LFG does by default makes forming groups for them unnecessarily difficult for people new to them. This is a problem because what's great about GW2 raids is the lack of actual gear grinding required to get started, which makes them the most accessible raid system in MMOS, but because of a lack of solid PUG enabling mechanics they remain out of reach for a lot of players that might want to try them, as currently the only way to reliably get started is spending a LONG time in LFG, making very specific builds, or finding and joining a raid training guild that operates on a schedule.


I think with a more focused LFG method for raids (role specific LFGs, perhaps some incentive in additional LIs for using a randomized finder to encourage people without a regular raid group to value the immediacy of PUGs when compared with the reliability of statics) they could easily become as approachable as fractals are. I also think raids could benefit from a targeting system similar to fractal dailies to compress that PUG system a bit, for instance double drops on a selected raid each week (just cycle them in chronological order) to try and compress PUGs that aren't going to hardcore hit all paths and just want to do whatever pays best once each reset. I think the raid CONTENT is fine, but for what's required to actually approach it for most players I think the LFG systems aren't doing as good of a job as fractals in directing players who just want to hit the lobby and find a group quickly in to groups that have a solid shot at completing a path.

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Mostly this. I do enjoy WvW but I solo roam, so it's mostly PvE with a chance of PvP.


I don't like mob zergs so World Bosses are a very occasional thing. If I'm in the area and in the mood I'll do one.


I enjoy world exploring, but in 5 years I don't have a single world completion. I will not do JPs and so I just never bothered to finish, not caring lets me avoid the charr infested lands on most of my Characters. One character has explored them, the rest have better places to be and far worthier species to help.


I quit Living and personal stories after Battle of LA. Have not decided on PoF story yet, done a few but it doesn't look like any narrative improvement at all and I am plagued with disconnects on what I have tried.


21 Chars means I always have something to do that I enjoy. I will not do content I don't like, for any carrot on a stick.

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> Huh, that's interesting, as of right now, more people (17%) enjoy *just* the open world meta events than enjoy Fractals and Raiding combined (16%). How about that.


And very few like the story, maybe they shouldn't add story instances anymore. No large scale meta events either, just make it an exploration game with random small scale dynamic events around with zero replay value.

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If you change the gem store so that it can be bought with money instead of gems and eliminate the exchange of gold and gems, I am sure you could give much better rewards in the events.

In fact, my quaggan-conspiracy theory is that because of the gem store that the rewards inside the game are so bad.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Kapax.3801 said:

> > In fact, my quaggan-conspiracy theory is that because of the gem store that the rewards inside the game are so bad.


> Well, this is obvious. If there was no gem store they'd add everything that is on it, as in game rewards. The question is how would they fund the game in that case?


I do not mean to eliminate the store, but rather to pass it to real money and "free" the economy of the game .... and that everything sold in the gem store can also be sold within the game through the auction.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > Huh, that's interesting, as of right now, more people (17%) enjoy *just* the open world meta events than enjoy Fractals and Raiding combined (16%). How about that.


> And very few like the story, maybe they shouldn't add story instances anymore. No large scale meta events either, just make it an exploration game with random small scale dynamic events around with zero replay value.


An interesting theory, but a bit harder to justify. The story content is meant to only be done once, maybe twice, so really it's unlikely that it would be any long term player's "favorite" bit, since they likely aren't doing it *most* of the time they're in the game. Raids and dungeons, of course, are intended to be repeatable content and take up a significant amount of a player's time in the game.


Really what would work best in these sorts of situations would be a scaled poll, multiple choices, rated by 1-5, giving a firmer picture of second and third choice options.



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Raids and dungeons, i like the fact that its not zerg the boss and press every button on your keyboard. Raids and fotm (at higher levels) are the best because it utilizes the game mechanics of using combo fields correctly and working with your team to achieve a goal. This open world stuff is fun but all u do is zerg things it would be no different if you were playing with 100 bots or 100 people.

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> An interesting theory, but a bit harder to justify. The story content is meant to only be done once, maybe twice, so really it's unlikely that it would be any long term player's "favorite" bit, since they likely aren't doing it *most* of the time they're in the game. Raids and dungeons, of course, are intended to be repeatable content and take up a significant amount of a player's time in the game.


> Really what would work best in these sorts of situations would be a scaled poll, multiple choices, rated by 1-5, giving a firmer picture of second and third choice options.




Exploration and small scale world events are also meant to be done a limited amount of times, just like the story. It's instanced content, and of course large scale world events that keep players interested for years in MMORPGs.

It's more like adding a single player campaign to a multiplayer FPS, a lot of people want it, maybe the majority of players want it and don't want a multiplayer-only game, yet only a tiny fraction of a player's time will be spent on these.

Story and exploration serve a similar purpose and I believe that Path of Fire did this in a brilliant way, there is TONS to do here, unlike Heart of Thorns which was more focused in repeatable, long-lasting, content only. Heart of Thorns was like an FPS without a single player campaign (or a very short one), while Path of Fire has a much longer and more exciting single player campaign.

Yet it's what comes after that will make such a game last for years and years. Just take a look at Core Tyria, a vast world to explore, tons of story, yet there are few parts that are super popular nowadays, outside leveling players and alts of course.

A game needs both types of content, content to grab you and immerse you in its world, and content that will provide longevity and allow the game to last for a very long time.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > An interesting theory, but a bit harder to justify. The story content is meant to only be done once, maybe twice, so really it's unlikely that it would be any long term player's "favorite" bit, since they likely aren't doing it *most* of the time they're in the game. Raids and dungeons, of course, are intended to be repeatable content and take up a significant amount of a player's time in the game.

> >

> > Really what would work best in these sorts of situations would be a scaled poll, multiple choices, rated by 1-5, giving a firmer picture of second and third choice options.

> >

> >


> Exploration and small scale world events are also meant to be done a limited amount of times, just like the story. It's instanced content, and of course large scale world events that keep players interested for years in MMORPGs.

> It's more like adding a single player campaign to a multiplayer FPS, a lot of people want it, maybe the majority of players want it and don't want a multiplayer-only game, yet only a tiny fraction of a player's time will be spent on these.

> Story and exploration serve a similar purpose and I believe that Path of Fire did this in a brilliant way, there is TONS to do here, unlike Heart of Thorns which was more focused in repeatable, long-lasting, content only. Heart of Thorns was like an FPS without a single player campaign (or a very short one), while Path of Fire has a much longer and more exciting single player campaign.

> Yet it's what comes after that will make such a game last for years and years. Just take a look at Core Tyria, a vast world to explore, tons of story, yet there are few parts that are super popular nowadays, outside leveling players and alts of course.

> A game needs both types of content, content to grab you and immerse you in its world, and content that will provide longevity and allow the game to last for a very long time.


Agreed. I'll remind you that *you* were the one implying that maybe they should spend less resources on it.

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Alas that the most popular PVE content isn't included in the poll. Namely...


* Chat trolling

* Begging for gold

* Pulling mobs onto other players

* Emote spamming

* Dropping Box O'Funs, summonable merchants and food trays where they interfere with game world interactions

* Playing musical instruments in the least pleasing manner possible

* Selling access to home instance resource nodes

* Posting waypoints in map chat to dynamic events seconds before they end

* Auto-casting skills that produce loud, obnoxious noises or character shouts

* Bragging about how much better other games are

* Mindlessly running in circles for inordinate amounts of time (1)


If you want to know what PVEers _really_ spend time doing, you need to add these options to the poll.



_Note 1: Based on amount of time spent, I suppose this would be the kind of content I "like" the most._

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> Agreed. I'll remind you that *you* were the one implying that maybe they should spend less resources on it.


If you are talking about this:

>And very few like the story, maybe they shouldn't add story instances anymore. No large scale meta events either, just make it an exploration game with random small scale dynamic events around with zero replay value.


I was joking, I was only showing that only 4% chose story while 40% chose open world, so if they had to allocate their resources based on this poll they should spend far less on story. Of course I want story, even more story than what we get as both expansions start to feel rushed towards their end, as if more instances were planned but cancelled.

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Keep in mind that this poll can tell us what people like the most... But it can't tell us what people like the least. The player who picks "Open World" can do so because he loves open world and likes raids, or because he likes open world and hates raids. The only accurate way to get more details, IMO, would be by making a poll about each content type, and add, other than the usual options (from "I love it" to "I have it"), an option saying "I'm not interested so I haven't even bothered playing it". There's a big difference from the player who loves doing raids in other MMORPGs but hates how they have been implemented in GW2, and the player who isn't interested in raids so he has not even tried to play them.

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