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So, Anet is ok with the matchmaking behaviour?


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We have plenty of topics talking about this. There's even one with a lot of technical details and sugestions to improve matchmaking but not a single word from the devs.

I just want to know if the devs thinks that MM is ok the way it is so i can move on from this nightmare.


Today i really lost my shit after getting 4 matches in a row with the same people where all my team rushed home at start (this example is just to illustrate what kind of chaos followed up).

In the 3rd match i was 1v3 at mid, my team keep coming and dieing, coming and dieing, so i just decided to go afk and at the end of the match i was top 3 stats.


I lost my shit completely, i was rude, i was spreading toxic shit to everyone and i just became the monster i was fighting till now.

Matchmaking is whats ruining this game, balance is a problem that will only be noticed if you have close skill gaps between players and that's not what matchmaking is providing at first place.

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> @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> I get routinely matched with the top players at low plat even though it's a 200+ rating difference, but I guess this is on purpose so matches won't take too long to pop up? There's no easy solution here, because population is too low really.


Oooo, Old Quaggan told Quaggan that in the past, top players were waiting like 1 hour in ques. So yes, anet decided to make ques faster but reduced quality matches, because if you gonna wait for 10 players with 1800+ rating, you gonna wait eternity, e.g. there are 18 all together at EU now with such ratings, which isn't enough to make two games at same time, even if all of them would play and que at the same time... but thats nothing more than speculation on Quaggan side.

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> @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> I get routinely matched with the top players at low plat even though it's a 200+ rating difference, but I guess this is on purpose so matches won't take too long to pop up? There's no easy solution here, because population is too low really.


Yes, maybe there's just not enough people.

I've played games earlier today with the same people, maybe on my team, maybe on enemy team...

So sad.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> > I get routinely matched with the top players at low plat even though it's a 200+ rating difference, but I guess this is on purpose so matches won't take too long to pop up? There's no easy solution here, because population is too low really.


> Yes, maybe there's just not enough people.

> I've played games earlier today with the same people, maybe on my team, maybe on enemy team...

> So sad.


Match quality is the only thing to blame for this.

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idk i kinda wish if we block someone they are taken out of the pool of people to team up with but eh guess could be worse, i seen other games horrible pvp set ups this is kinda tame when you compare the those which are usually completely dead in some modes to point that usually takes 4hr or so to queue up cause nobody likes the mode or people made the mode way to toxic.

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I solved my anger issue with being able to beat every person i play against 1v1 or 1v2 but I lose the "ranked" matches due to low intelligent pugs. Only way to fix the issue of dealing with afks, pve reward hunters, toxic trash pugs, and match manipulators is to...


Just quit "ranked" and play unranked where the fun is. I used to play "ranked" especially during seasons 1-4 but then came season 5, season 5 thru now so far 9 have been a complete joke. By making it a 1-2 person que the cheater trolls had to figure out a better way of cheating to the top. That added on top of a swarm of PvE reward hunters that come into PvP for the easy free rewards for not even winning, Ranked has become unplayyable. It's not worth the mind numbing agony of not being able to carry hard enough almost every game.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > > @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> > > I get routinely matched with the top players at low plat even though it's a 200+ rating difference, but I guess this is on purpose so matches won't take too long to pop up? There's no easy solution here, because population is too low really.

> >

> > Yes, maybe there's just not enough people.

> > I've played games earlier today with the same people, maybe on my team, maybe on enemy team...

> > So sad.


> Match quality is the only thing to blame for this.


I tottally agree with this.

The frustration, the rage, they don't come only to those who are better at playing. I can remember being in bronze 2 seasons ago when i started, being paired with CLEARLY better players, getting smashed in 3 seconds, it's terrible too.

The outcome is this chernobyl environment.

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For some reason I get better quality matches during the off-hours. I'm not talking about being happy over easy wins, I mean during off-hours I'm getting higher quality matches. Not sure why, since theoretically with a lower population in the off-hours match quality should be lower, but I guess most people that play in the middle of the night / early morning are better quality players. My last match was 500-500 and went into overtime until we won 513-508. My teammates still make mistakes, but it's not brain dead stupid stuff that I see during peak hours. Give it a try though if you haven't yet and are able to.

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People complained about long queues, so now we have short queues with really crappy quality of matches. Pick your poison. At the end i think anyone loses with short queues.

Surely you get into match fast but this match has high chance to be a complete waste of time so 5 min queue + 15 min crappy match + all between time (prepration/after match) = 20+ min wasted for -15 points for which you might need 2+ wins = 40 more min. Basically 1 hour wasted with 0 progression (that is in best case, the higher you are ranked the more wins you need for 1 loss so it can turn into 3-4 hours easily). But hey, people asked for it.

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Solution is to value player skill not by wins/losses in a fucking team game like all team game developers do BUT BASED ON PERSONAL STATS, like kills/deaths/assists and other game-specific stats and give them rating based on those only for each specific profession.


That was there would be no reason to be toxic because you'll be the only one to blame for your own bad performance (in some games teammates may negatively impact it however but not in gw2)


Also it would remove broken meta classses and any need to play only fucking necro+guardians because leaderboards will be separate for each class.


But obviously my genius ideas will be ignored as usual, humans have only recently became smarter than an ape so I don't expect much intelligence from them, also I bet I'll get infracted for saying this truth, cos humans also get butthurt about any truth stated about them into their faces, especially those in control over others.

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I just had the most craziest team just then.... game starts - 2 go home, 2- go far, I stand in the middle of the map saying "gg" and talking rubbish because we just threw the game, I even let the other team kill me while I typed trash. At the end of the game we won, the other team were just as stupid crazy as my team and didn't recap... It's a pretty weird state that MM has got to the point where the dumbest ideas pay off because you never know what type of crazy is on the other team. Oh and no this is not bronze 1, it was gold 2.

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> @Angelweave.1856 said:

> I just had the most craziest team just then.... game starts - 2 go home, 2- go far, I stand in the middle of the map saying "gg" and talking rubbish because we just threw the game, I even let the other team kill me while I typed trash. At the end of the game we won, the other team were just as stupid crazy as my team and didn't recap... It's a pretty weird state that MM has got to the point where the dumbest ideas pay off because you never know what type of crazy is on the other team. Oh and no this is not bronze 1, it was gold 2.


It's "common" tactic to do 2 home, 3 far split.

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I mean put yourself in their shoes. Either they restrict the matchmaking variation heavily and you guys whine about queue time or they do it this way and you guys whine about "match quality". At very least in the second scenario you get to play the game


If you absolutely can't stand the idea of being matched with "scrubs", there's always tournaments and custom games.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> We have plenty of topics talking about this. There's even one with a lot of technical details and sugestions to improve matchmaking but not a single word from the devs.

> I just want to know if the devs thinks that MM is ok the way it is so i can move on from this nightmare.


> Today i really lost my kitten after getting 4 matches in a row with the same people where all my team rushed home at start (this example is just to illustrate what kind of chaos followed up).

> **In the 3rd match i was 1v3 at mid, my team keep coming and dieing, coming and dieing, so i just decided to go afk and at the end of the match i was top 3 stats.**


> I lost my kitten completely, i was rude, i was spreading toxic kitten to everyone and i just became the monster i was fighting till now.

> Matchmaking is whats ruining this game, balance is a problem that will only be noticed if you have close skill gaps between players and that's not what matchmaking is providing at first place.


Let me guess...you were playing a norn scourge? I had someone on my team do that to us. I was still getting preliminary matches, ended as T1 Gold. Win, lose, win, lose...blah blah blah. I play PVP for the challenge that PVE mobs can't provide. Win or lose the entire point is having fun. Yes, the matchmaking setup of this game is still broken, but when you have a match where it is so close at the end that one kill can make the difference...that is a match worth fighting. I've never been a fan of faceroll fights, regardless which team I'm on during them.


I guess it is that thrill of battle why I keep coming back...that and to finish my T4 YoA for my legendary backpack.

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> > I get routinely matched with the top players at low plat even though it's a 200+ rating difference, but I guess this is on purpose so matches won't take too long to pop up? There's no easy solution here, because population is too low really.


> Oooo, Old Quaggan told Quaggan that in the past, top players were waiting like 1 hour in ques. So yes, anet decided to make ques faster but reduced quality matches, because if you gonna wait for 10 players with 1800+ rating, you gonna wait eternity, e.g. there are 18 all together at EU now with such ratings, which isn't enough to make two games at same time, even if all of them would play and que at the same time... but thats nothing more than speculation on Quaggan side.


I would rather wait 1 hour to queue than this bile.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > > @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> > > I get routinely matched with the top players at low plat even though it's a 200+ rating difference, but I guess this is on purpose so matches won't take too long to pop up? There's no easy solution here, because population is too low really.

> >

> > Yes, maybe there's just not enough people.

> > I've played games earlier today with the same people, maybe on my team, maybe on enemy team...

> > So sad.


> Match quality is the only thing to blame for this.


They fuel each other. There not being enough players increases the odds of there being poorer matches and poorer matches increases the odds that there will be less players playing.

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> @Griever.8150 said:

> I mean put yourself in their shoes. Either they restrict the matchmaking variation heavily and you guys whine about queue time or they do it this way and you guys whine about "match quality". At very least in the second scenario you get to play the game


> If you absolutely can't stand the idea of being matched with "scrubs", there's always tournaments and custom games.


Why not Zoidberg?


There is a way to design a hybrid system that values both time and quality. If you design the system so that it guarantees a minimum wait time (IE every 3/4/5 minutes), and changes the que based on who queues up during that time, it can improve the overall matchmaking without sacrificing the speed of matches.

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You won’t get perfect match quality in a game which requires teams. There are too many variables and the quality of the individual player cannot be adequately measured.


In order to keep queue times low, a broader range of players are pooled together. Otherwise, everyone would run into the same issue as legendary players.


Team comps also contribute a lot to the matches. If you have a full team rangers, well you can imagine how that may go against a more balanced team.


Maps are yet another factor. If you don’t have players filling certain roles, but the other team does, chances are you may lose. This can be map specific objectives or a highly mobile class keeping pressure on the enemy’s home point (assuming the rest of the team is stable).


It just seems like matchmaking is being used as a scapegoat where a lot of the time the problem is elsewhere.

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I lost a match yesterday and got -20 rating. That has not happend since the first ten games or so after placement and it was after a set of games I won getting no more then +10 for wins. That is not acceptable matchmaking imo. The matchmaking as it is currently is very favorable to the poorest (the matchmaking gives them carry quality teammates quite often which leads to undeserved win) and strongest (players.that are just so good they will take advantage of a weak spot or two easily even if they also have a bad player or two for teammates) players. If they cared about match quality everyone in your group would be within about a 100 MMR range of you and all your opponents would be as well. Once you are stuck in queue for a few minutes the MMR range of acceptable oppenents and teammates increases a lot in a attempt to force a match eventually. I would have no problem waiting 5-10 minutes sometimes to get better matches. In a nutshell the matcher should wait a lot longer then it does currently before it gets loose with the matching criteria.

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> @Vagrant.7206 said:

> > @Griever.8150 said:

> > I mean put yourself in their shoes. Either they restrict the matchmaking variation heavily and you guys whine about queue time or they do it this way and you guys whine about "match quality". At very least in the second scenario you get to play the game

> >

> > If you absolutely can't stand the idea of being matched with "scrubs", there's always tournaments and custom games.


> Why not Zoidberg?


> There is a way to design a hybrid system that **values both time and quality**. If you design the system so that it guarantees a minimum wait time (IE every 3/4/5 minutes), and changes the que based on who queues up during that time, it can improve the overall matchmaking without sacrificing the speed of matches.


Assuming they’re not already doing that?

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