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What if...thoughts that would slow down migration


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What if everytime someone transferred servers, in addition to pips being unearnable for 2 weeks or however long, all their rank abilities were wiped and unable to be set in that 2 week time frame as well?


I think it'd be humorous seeing a Gold, Plat or Mithral running around like a fresh out of the gate player that can't bubble a cata or even solo build one in less than 4 trips. And besides the humor factor, a personal hit of that magnitude might make people more inclined to stay put, anyway just a thought.

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> @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> What if everytime someone transferred servers, in addition to pips being unearnable for 2 weeks or however long, all their rank abilities were wiped and unable to be set in that 2 week time frame as well?


> I think it'd be humorous seeing a Gold, Plat or Mithral running around like a fresh out of the gate player that can't bubble a cata or even solo build one in less than 4 trips. And besides the humor factor, a personal hit of that magnitude might make people more inclined to stay put, anyway just a thought.


It wouldn't be noticed. The bumps in WvW traits are truly minimal at best unless you run small groups.


Zergs wouldnt care...


Now seeing them trying to glide and fail would be funny....,

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It does not matter because people aren't doing it for the rewards, but for the privilege of being on the winning side.


If you think about it, the people most likely to chase rewards will be PvE reward hunters. WvW regulars get their crap over time and thus it's no worry, it's the PvE'rs that have to worry about spending time in WvW, but to them it also makes no sense to spend all that gold to get some pips when you could have just done some random content in pve that would have a bigger payout. And you don't need to be on a high tier server just to get some participation; it just takes longer. And since they probably don't care about WvW at all, it's also likely they're not using WvW abilities anyways.

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As someone who was very excited when my server opened up, allowing my friends and raidmates on our link server to stay with us permanently, I will say this is a terrible idea.


So many of the threads in this forum are based on the idea of 'fixing' wvw by punishing people based on public perception. You are never going to make a video game improve by punishing players.

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> @Rayya.2591 said:

> usualy bandwagonners will stay on eb and follow the karma train . Most of them don;t even bother to use supplies , or the sieges, will just wait for gate/wall to open and get their karma



Do you have any evidence of this pattern?


My experience suggests otherwise, but I would really like to see your evidence you use to base your statement on.

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> @diamondgirl.6315 said:

> So many of the threads in this forum are based on the idea of 'fixing' wvw by punishing people based on public perception. You are never going to make a video game improve by punishing players.


Public perception was a driving factor for links.

Opinions about whether or not it made the game better are still split and I can guarantee a good portion of the population feels punished every 2 months for their decision to stay on their server whether they be guest or host.


The point is, whether you refer to linkings as punishment or the greater good, it's a permanent consequence brought on by a specific player base and it affects most everyone, except those that continue to freely take advantage without thinking about what their actions do to everyone else.


Blocking something like abilities for a couple of weeks isn't a punishment, it's a step towards accountibility for ones own decisions.

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Establish a sort of waiting list or queue where after you apply for a transfer, you have to wait until someone on your target server decides to leave that server and swap places with you or go to another server that someone else has transferred off. Musical servers, such that each does not gain additional population because it requires 1 moving off for every 1 that wants to move in. This assumes, though, that servers are or can be balanced in the first place.

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Some servers are permanently full. Like Kodash, riverside and elona reach being permanently full means all germans are limited to being on international servers (or incompetent ones) where they won't feel home at.

Desolation was always powerhouse also on EU that was practically self sufficient with barely any bandvagoners most of the year. However it has been full so long that core members cant get back in.


Also theres people like this Sovereign.1093 that says "bandvagoning cant be stopped" when they're in a guild that everyone hates. Of course they won't feel at home anywhere when they're laughed out of everywhere because they refuse to change.


Relinking is also terrible and often has quality diminishing effects. Lets say you form a community and open raid schedule on a server. Then you get relinked with a massive link and there's no enemies anywhere. Rather than struggling for 2 months, people usually just transfer away.


1800 gems for a transfer to competent server ment that people don't transfer so often and community has time to settle. Now its 500 gems, max 1000, what you need. Theres so much movement that once a commander gets popular, he will soon have 100 man queues on his map with people he don't even know and he will just give up on leading open.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Why do we want to slow migration? Don't we want all the worlds to have balancing populations?

Migrations work against what Anet tries to do with server links. For example, my server gets a lot of incoming transfers when we are paired with a popular server. Past examples include Jade Quarry and Yak's Bend. This elevates our population quite a bit for those two months. We are then paired with a weaker and generally less popular host server. Many of those who flocked to our server immediately migrate to the servers newly linked with the popular host servers, thus deflating our population again.



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If they were really serious about preventing transfers they'd get rid of paid transfers altogether or restructure them in such a way that transferring couldn't be done so easily.

From the scaling nature of gem costs one can infer that the working ANET hypothesis is that transfer behavior can largely be managed by making transfers to a larger server more expensive than a transfer to a smaller server. I believe that this hypothesis is erroneous because I do not think there is any price that some people won't pay to get onto a winning server.

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> @Threather.9354 said:

> Some servers are permanently full. Like Kodash, riverside and elona reach being permanently full means all germans are limited to being on international servers (or incompetent ones) where they won't feel home at.

> Desolation was always powerhouse also on EU that was practically self sufficient with barely any bandvagoners most of the year. However it has been full so long that core members cant get back in.


> Also theres people like this Sovereign.1093 that says "bandvagoning cant be stopped" when they're in a guild that everyone hates. Of course they won't feel at home anywhere when they're laughed out of everywhere because they refuse to change.


> Relinking is also terrible and often has quality diminishing effects. Lets say you form a community and open raid schedule on a server. Then you get relinked with a massive link and there's no enemies anywhere. Rather than struggling for 2 months, people usually just transfer away.


> 1800 gems for a transfer to competent server ment that people don't transfer so often and community has time to settle. Now its 500 gems, max 1000, what you need. Theres so much movement that once a commander gets popular, he will soon have 100 man queues on his map with people he don't even know and he will just give up on leading open.


You can try to paint my name black. but all i got from deso when i left was pls come back soon.


But transfering is a good thing. because it balances out the server population.


and right now, like back in deso, my new community accepted me.


only a few trolls did not approve of me back in deso.

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