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Which member of Dragon's Watch do you NOT want to see anytime soon?

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I want Eir to burst out of Braham's chest, Xenomorph style, simultaneously killing him while bringing her back to life.


Jokes aside, I'm torn: While I hate Braham, I love the Norns and he is our only representative now. So while I'd hate to see his whiny, angsty butt ever again I also want to see him again in order for the story to finally adress the Norns and Jormag.

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To my eyes, Kasmeer is the weak one because - on my very personal opinion - too much depending on her believings and emotions. In a fight requiring that each member is strongly reliable, I would feel at risk with her taking part, because there would be no certainty about her reactions depending on what has to be confronted.

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Braham, the token Norn that doesn't behave like a Norn at all. Not a fan how mommysick and whiny he is, and REALLY not a fan that the writers has used him to reinforce the stereotype of "big=slow & not bright" when interacting with Taimi.


A really poor representaion of a race otherwise full of badasses.


Edit: On a sidenote, the one I would like to see some character development for in the upcoming season is Rox. I feel she has been stuck in the sidelines for too long and we haven't had a opportunity to get to know her. She is the biggest unknown to me.

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Ever since HoT started, Braham has just been *awful.* He has no redeeming properties. Also, Rox is just super dull, I don't recall her ever having a significant story beat or interesting presence, I really can't remember anything she did other than some vague interaction with Rhytlock. I don't hate her like Braham, but I would never notice her being gone either. Everyone else I like, most of the time.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> I hope the story is as followed:

> We must reunite the Dragons Watch

> Braham refuses

> The death of another dragon is becoming synounymos with ragnarok

> Braham continues his hunt

> We have to kill Braham to stop him from destroying the world


Or, since the dragon we are hunting "casually" is the same kind of Aurene...

... maybe Aurene itself will carry K's power after its death and mantain the equilibrium, but not before Braham managed to see what would have happen with the Death of another Dragon.


And here i spoiled the ls4 story :dizzy:

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Braham's behavior is unacceptable. He dishonors Eir's legacy with his every action, has turned his back on his friends and comrades, and as a norn lover, his character has become an embarrassment. I'm hoping he has one amazing redemption story....


Tbh, I kinda find the line-up of Dragon's Watch to be... patchwork. Like something stitched together that clearly doesn't belong together. Rytlock being there seems like hes abandoning Destiny's Edge, and while I get that Eir died and Logan and Zojja were out of commission at the time, his ignoring his comrades and the Black Citadel just seemed really out of character to me. Canach doesn't seem the type to join a team, and I feel like the team up they had in season one was one of convenience, but not one that would last. I mean, their friends sure, but they don't seem like battle comrades, you know?


I think I'd prefer if Dragon's Watch wasn't even a guild, and more a group of disparate individuals (which they already are) who help out your character with various missions as needed. I think that would make more sense with their personalities. Given the positions Logan and Rytlock held, that they were a part of Destiny's Edge was hard enough to swallow, and I found it appropriate that Rytlock got summoned back to the Citadel, and that Logan struggles with his duty to Kryta. But as occasional support characters, it works better in my head.

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> @bearshaman.3421 said:

> Braham's behavior is unacceptable. He dishonors Eir's legacy with his every action, has turned his back on his friends and comrades, and as a norn lover, his character has become an embarrassment.


> Tbh, I kinda find the line-up of Dragon's Watch to be... patchwork. Like something stitched together that clearly doesn't belong together. Rytlock being there seems like hes abandoning Destiny's Edge, and while I get that Eir died and Logan and Zojja were out of commission at the time, his ignoring his comrades and the Black Citadel just seemed really out of character to me. Canach doesn't seem the type to join a team, and I feel like the team up they had in season one was one of convenience, but not one that would last. I mean, their friends sure, but they don't seem like battle comrades, you know?




According to the wiki Canach is already a member of DW ( though i don't remember him joining the guild but my memory is bad as hell ).

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I voted I like them all equally... which is not true, but it is the option I take since I don't really mind seeing more of any of them. Canach and Taimi I love and would be very very sad if they went away. I do like Kas and Jory... I wouldn't mind too much if they got written out... but there had to be given a reason and it should not just be out of nowhere. I really want to see Rox again, always liked her, I want to see Braham to get some sort of resolution with him... yes he is not the most likeable atm, but he just needs his head set straight. I don't mind Rytlock around either, although it is a bit of an odd favoring of the just one of the old DE.

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