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Which member of Dragon's Watch do you NOT want to see anytime soon?

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I would love to go back to Braham and Rox.. In fact I find them way under-represented most of the time. Taimi is always there, and at least her current development in a more active role might be interesting... though i did almost pick her.


Canach and Rytlock are fine, not too much attention and not too little either. Plus goal oriented smacktalking works for me.


Marjory has been put off to the side, but her connections with E and being a levelheaded person makes her interesting to see again.


Which just leaves Kasmeer. While shes that handy dandy mesmer with obvious god issues etc, she felt way too dramatic in most occassions. I could use less GF trouble/God trouble and such things on my travels.


So yeah, Braham is not a liked person atm.. but for me I WANT to see him get out of that, build character. That seems for me a thing that is more interesting than more GF drama.


Rox we see too little... I cant say I dont want to see her when we already dont see her much to begin with.


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We've had enough of Kas for now. I didn't find her very interesting in PoF. She can go back to helping Marjory. Give another some attention.


I actually _want _to see Braham. I want to see how he reacts to all this and if he'll realize how he's been behaving. He's having a tough time and I want to see him become a better person from it. To wish death on anything is lost potential.

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> @DearlyMe.5320 said:

> We've had enough of Kas for now. I didn't find her very interesting in PoF. She can go back to helping Marjory. Give another some attention.


> I actually _want _to see Braham. I want to see how he reacts to all this and if he'll realize how he's been behaving. He's having a tough time and I want to see him become a better person from it. To wish death on anything is lost potential.


I said Braham, but I would be okay with a story where he straightens himself out and stops giving me a reason to despise him.

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If I _have_ to see Braham again anytime soon I want to have the option to kill him as soon as anything braham-y comes out of his stupid, stupid mouth. Or maybe to see him squashed by that falling dolyak. At this point Taimi is probably his only chance for survival if she can come up with an invention that turns him from an annoying waste of breathable air into a useful team member for once.

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Change the name of the guild; keep the members.


Even the much-maligned (for good reason) emo-Norn; I bet he gets "all grown up" during LS4, the same as [sieran](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magister_Sieran) evolved from being a kumbaya hippie to deciding that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

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I found myself preferring the none of the above option, but cannot select it because hate is way too strong an emotion. None of these characters evoke any emotional attachment or even an emotional response beyond boredom.


The last time I felt any positive emotional response over a character in a Guild Wars story was encountering Master Togo's ghost in the Tahnnakai Temple after he was killed by Shiro Tagachi.

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I wish the next step of the storyline would show how Taimi was wrong - how, if we had allowed Balthazar to kill Krakatorik, the dragon's magic would have flown into Aurene, and she would have made the magic circulate, instead of hoarding it. Taimi would see this, realize how her unbereable ego was responsible for empowering Krakatorik and allowing him to kill hundreds of people, and nobly sacrifice herself to kill the dragon.


But honestly, I'm not fond of any of those characters. I wish ArenaNet would stop alternating between characters that we see once and then never again (most of those we see during the core GW2 story) and characters that stay by our side ALL. THE. TIME. (Traheanne during the storyline, most of Dragon's Edge, but especially Taimi). I think they have reached a nice balance with the characters from Kryta; we see Faren, the Queen and Countess Anise once in a while, but we don't have to deal with them all the time telling our characters what to do or what to think.

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That's a bit stupid pool, because we're obviously going to see Rytlock in the 1st episode of Season 4..


I like all the characters equally, they have they own story, problems and experiences- good or bad.


Taimi- was always treated as a small, unworthy creature that just disturbs everybody, but she proved that she is stronger than that, she just goes her own way and she is awesome. :)

Kasmeer- perhaps she is a bit weird, and her hiccups make me upset, but she is loyal to everybody she met and gave her a hand. She was the only person that actually cried over our dead body in the Departed story. So she is so cute. <3

Marjory- she is like: get out of my way, gonna do everything on my own- you can think that is true, but actually it totally isn't, she is helpful, cares of her friends, sometimes she seems necromantic, but she is a good girl with a very good heart.

Rytlock- went through so much... His life is full of loses, full of bad experiences.. But he still finds the courage to fight, to show he will not surrender. He lost Glint, Eir, Snaff... He tries to hide his pain, but it can't be hidden, it just comes out from every word he says.

Canach- he is probably the most harmed Sylvari in the story- 1st in Asura's lab, when all his fellows just died before his eyes. But with Anise's help he turned into a very good way, still sarcastic, but this sarcasm is just how he reacts when something bothers him. I like him. He's my buddy. :)

Rox- she is a good character, also she lost her commrades... Rytlock took care of her and she grew up as a wonderful person and loyal to everyone, even though she knows that Braham acts like a fool, she is still connected to her friend and to us. Amazing character.

Braham- he is lost, and he can't admit that he needs others, even though Rox still helps him, he cannot be like that... Grow up Braham, or be a puppet of your emotions forever. But I like him, I liked him for many situations in story- he was such a good soul to Taimi.



Even though I am sure Braham will die, because this is what must happen, Anet wants us to hate him more and more, so he is not welcome in story and making people like him again after all that happened? It's impossible for many... Just look at Caithe- she is still treated us a trash by many of players and she did just what she thought was good, as we, the Commanders thought that killing dragons was awesome... So don't blame Caithe for her acts, if our acts proved even more cataclysmic than anybody's ever in Tyria, even Kormir or Scarlet didn't make such a mess as we did...






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I don't hate any of them, but Braham wouldn't get any sympathy from me if he got hit by a dolyak or centaur. He simultaneously takes after his mother and Zojja, being reckless in achieving his goal and blaming the commander for his loved one's death. I'm not sure what irks me most - that he's incredibly unaware of himself repeating history, or that it's basically Destiny's Edge: Season 2 :)


Kasmeer at least came to accept that the gods were not coming back. Let Braham play in traffic a little bit more to cool off.

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