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Which member of Dragon's Watch do you NOT want to see anytime soon?

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I'm just about sick of Kasmeer and her pathological inability to experience character growth beyond having the hiccups. The entire PoF story I was waiting for her to do something interesting. All she did was pine over Marjory (who has become a much more interesting character throughout the PS and has reacted realistically to the things that have happened to her) or exclaim how she just can't HANDLE everything and needs a moment. Like, there was a real missed opportunity to have Kasmeer directly confront her personal crisis of faith but it never happens. She just sort of... whines about stuff for a whole expansion.


I'd be happy to see Braham again. He's at the very least got some interesting motivations that might lead to interesting conversations and has experienced a little growth. I'm getting really sick of Kasmeer freaking out all the time. Her entire personality is literally "Marjory's Churchy Girlfriend" at this point and the writers seem to refuse to do anything interesting with her.

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Here's my top 3

1. Kasmeer - I've missed too much LW story to know and like this character.

2. Braham - Grow up or go home. I want him to develop into something people can respect through his norny feats and introspection.

3. Marjory - Not as interesting or witty as the other characters. I hope she has something up her sleeve. Are we in a tricky situation that needs her skills yet? I think not.


Other characters are enjoyable to deal with and listen to.

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So I do like them all except right now I’m not happy with Braham! Really, really want to chuck him off a cliff, but I really want him to snap out of it and realize what a jerk he’s being. Whether that’s going to involve us knocking him over or Rytlock bashing him over the head while we watch - either way would be a win-win. But I still want him around (after landing one solid punch to the face).

I want Rox to have a bigger part to the story and Dragon’s Watch in general. I feel like I don’t know her at all because she’s either not there or on the sidelines.

I also want to see Kasmeer step up to the plate. She has a few major moments which always ends with her hiccuping and falling down helpless - it would be awesome for her to have her “AHA!” moment without the whole “I don’t know what to do!” and then lie there. I know she’s not Queen Jenna, but she needs to try to put in more effort. Marjory is more out there than Rox, especially in LWS2, but I’d like to see a bit more of her.

Rytlock, Canach, and Taimi are awesome! Love their dialogues and character development - keep it coming! Canach is my favorite, and I will leave it at that ?

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> @tacticalevilnoodlefox.5694 said:

> I don't necessarily hate the direction Braham's character takes. There's nothing wrong with a character acting like an idiot so long as the rest of the story adapts to it properly, but that's my problem with everything that happened to him. I don't feel like the characters in the story adapted to his stupidity properly. Why is my commander, in the face of a world ending crisis, being all wishy washy in dealing with his temper tantrum? Why did my character not stand up for herself and what she was doing when he started acting like a two year old? Why didn't she take him to task when he put Rox's life in danger and then didn't even care? Why did she let him just walk off with a weapon that could end up killing countless people or possibly even destroying the world as we know it if he got a chance to use it before we got hold of the situation? Why did my character who has been in wars, seen friends and mentors die, lead armies, and fought overwhelming forces just roll over like a kicked puppy at he slightest hint of confrontation? I almost feel like it's really my own character that I'm sick of seeing in the story then anybody else.


> I thought about the kind of development I would have liked to see at the end of the Bitterfrost arc. I would have preferred if my commander at first attempted to talk some sense into him. And I mean actually talk some sense, not that simpering dialogue we got, and at the end when Braham obviously had gone off the rails fought him to get him under control. I think it would have been fun to have a boss battle with Braham where at the end of it you had to knock him out, take the weapon, and then drop Braham off with the Koden to learn some discipline and respect. Maybe even give Rox some character development as she deals with what's happening because she certainly hasn't gotten any other love in the story.


This. So much.

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My 2 cents maybe echo's what others have said her eand there.

PoF introduced some stunning map art not too bad story line and some interestingly well developed mounts and there animations.

But somewhere along the line the characters all seem to of lost a bit of wow factor.

For me, Brahm and Marjory have lost that a lot of character and seem kinda boring to put it blunt.

Canach still seems caught up in his own personal war and in doing so doesn't add much to the group and Taimi is just a voice on the end of a recording device, soulless although some humour does present itself from time to time I guess.

For me I would love for Rox to burst onto the scen to actually add value, cos to date through the whole story arc from past to present she does nothing but bring the torch.... I got torches, we don't need another.


Kasmeer is the only one that has some life about her this time round with some nice input from Ryt the brick.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Remove Rytlock. I get that he has to stick around so they can include throwback moments where Logan/Zojja/Caithe show up without it seeming too random, but he seems the least belonging of them all.


Also, can we replace him with Subdirector Blingg? He can take over duties of contacting the commander from Taimi and whenever he calls he says 'CITIZENS!'

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> The commander :3


Hee =) Going directly from the personal story to PoF was probably a mistake. My sweet, gentle, laid back Sylvari boy's become a screaming, obnoxious, snarky jerk. I should have seen it coming when he went from, "No rest for you, sweet soul," to ordering sand shades around when I unlocked scourge before the personal story's end. Still, I miss him.


No matter how annoying some of the other characters are, mine takes the cake for ticking me off.

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Writing in Caithe. I hope Aurene fried her on the way out of Tarir and she died a painful, lingering death, and the Ascended disposed of her corpse by tossing it into a field latrine.


Aside from that...I really don't like Braham right now (no one does), but there's story potential in his "I can't stand the Commander and all of their decisions are bad ones" attitude. That, hopefully, is building up to something interesting.


If I really had to get rid of one of them...probably Lady Kasmeer. She's just so..._bland._

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Rox is boring. She never has anything interesting or constructive to say. Just seems like a side character. I have nothing really personal against her, she seems pretty friendly but the personality is boring and she's just meh.


I understand everyone hates Braham because his character did a 180 without making much sense since his mother's death and he's gone all "emo" and abrasive, but I still find him more interesting than Rox tbh.


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I voted yes to killing Braham after he's finally fully consumed with dragon corruption. So I voted Kas on this poll. She has been super useless lately, it hurts. Especially, since I only play human characters, and I could not truly relate to her leaving her loved ones in danger, because she's shocked he's on Tyria. Although she did win some nice points for giving us a disguise to infiltrate the Awakened. Still, I can't avoid this battle with Braham. So let Kas be gone!

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> @"Elyssandariel.2679" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Elyssandariel.2679 said:

> > > I voted hate all equally but I LIKE Rytlock and Canach. If we lost everyone else, it would be great. Especially Taimi.

> >

> > Weird coming from someone with a Taimi icon.


> Oh I love her character visual. I think she is adorably designed. I do not like her dialogue.


Kind of the type of "Just be there and look cute... just... don't allow things to come out of that voicebox of yours... please?"

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Kind of the type of "Just be there and look cute... just... don't allow things to come out of that voicebox of yours... please?"


Well no, I'd like it if she had interesting dialogue. So far she's a deus ex machina and is the one that is almost always "thinking of a plan" off camera. There are two very snarky characters already that I like, and I LOVED the way they wrote the sarcastic woman in Season 3, no spoilers for others please. I just.....Taimi is like a mouthy child and I just can't get into her. Even though I find her adorable to look at.

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