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Not allowed to defend anymore?


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Add to that your participation points/meter do not like you to defend as much as they like you to be on the offensive so that you can earn tickets and stuff. Sitting around waiting to defend an objective, and then failing in the process without killing an enemy, equals no particiption, unless a commander happens to be on the map and happens to agree to give you participation, the chance of both those coming to pass being very slim if outside of prime time. So yeah...they just want everyone to run the NASCAR circle of paper objectives and be happy...

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> @Kirin.7306 said:

> Had a long break and I notice there are now much larger AOE's that can easily cover a high wall and hitting you at the far back in "usually" safe places. Why did they do this?


The changes to the game are never about WvW. Some PvE raid wing probably required it, so it got changed. What siege? Which wall? WvW?

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> @Kirin.7306 said:

> Had a long break and I notice there are now much larger AOE's that can easily cover a high wall and hitting you at the far back in "usually" safe places. Why did they do this?


Yes you are not supposed to defend these days hence all the AOE the endless the shield generators to protect attackers siege ,in WvW it is just a case of the blob servers paper chasing , and getting KDR which they boast about ,which is insignificant as higher numbers versus lesser numbers is always going to be the case, but oh well just do the best you can. After all it is a game of fun so they say ,someones twisted idea of fun. (Live Long and Prosper)

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> @RodOfDeath.5247 said:

> Yeah, it's not really worth it with all the cheesy pulls and condi bombs. Even if you are a few feet back off the wall you still get hit by idiotic physics. They really need to rethink defending and letting people have a role in wvw.


those pulls are bs. I ws literally pulled through a door. I also hate the control loss effect where the game takes over and you start walking to the enemy . Never been so mad at a CC.

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Well, I'm still wondering why you added that "anymore" in your title...


Even before PoF, you could be pulled off walls, and severly crushed by AoE while desperately trying to find that spot where you can shoot what's below without being 'out of sight", and not falling in the blob.

You've _never_ been allowed to defend, because the whole game engine favors the attacking side, and makes walls (and siege) a death trap. It just has been underlined through new AoE mechanics, new pulls, and no rewards for scouts and defenders that don't repair or stomp.

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Im all for defenders and scouts getting participation they do a hard job in the game , so often see a call that this tower or that is under attack and they get no response , a lot of the time because Comms are busy elsewhere but more often than not they chasing bags and only come once capture has been achieved and retake the paper objective. And scouts do a damn fine job tracking blobs and giving intel and no reward the less populated servers find it hard enough as it is. So come on Anet give these guys some incentive they are players deserving of rewards, give them a few pips more for their effort.

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> @cobbah.3102 said:

> Im all for defenders and scouts getting participation they do a hard job in the game , so often see a call that this tower or that is under attack and they get no response , a lot of the time because Comms are busy elsewhere but more often than not they chasing bags and only come once capture has been achieved and retake the paper objective. And scouts do a kitten fine job tracking blobs and giving intel and no reward the less populated servers find it hard enough as it is. So come on Anet give these guys some incentive they are players deserving of rewards, give them a few pips more for their effort.


There are ways to keep their participation up. I usually work with one or two others. We take camps, kill roamers or, as a last resort if we get back to a tower late, repair walls.


Find a commander that appreciates your call outs, most that can rely on you will give you sharing. I've been given it many times without asking.


Commanders, please try to help out those scouts you KNOW you can rely on. Whether it be to find that guild Zerg you want to fight, or the call out of a tower/structure under attack.


But other than these things, I am not sure that standing in a tower, is something that we want to reward. Mainly because it is too easy to game.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @cobbah.3102 said:

> > Im all for defenders and scouts getting participation they do a hard job in the game , so often see a call that this tower or that is under attack and they get no response , a lot of the time because Comms are busy elsewhere but more often than not they chasing bags and only come once capture has been achieved and retake the paper objective. And scouts do a kitten fine job tracking blobs and giving intel and no reward the less populated servers find it hard enough as it is. So come on Anet give these guys some incentive they are players deserving of rewards, give them a few pips more for their effort.


> There are ways to keep their participation up. I usually work with one or two others. We take camps, kill roamers or, as a last resort if we get back to a tower late, repair walls.


> Find a commander that appreciates your call outs, most that can rely on you will give you sharing. I've been given it many times without asking.


> Commanders, please try to help out those scouts you KNOW you can rely on. Whether it be to find that guild Zerg you want to fight, or the call out of a tower/structure under attack.


> But other than these things, I am not sure that standing in a tower, is something that we want to reward. Mainly because it is too easy to game.


So its to easy to game . by that you also mean running in zergs and getting rewards by the hatful really just spamming ? , The game kicks you for inactivity so couldn't see any scout just standing around in towers not all just afk in tower and say they are scouting ,I mean its just pips not as if it is breaking the game or anybodys heart to give some pips to players assisting their server doing thankless jobs , lost count of gold spent on building siege and then watch as its blown away becaue you get no response. So some reward if you can call pips that ,for effort contributed.

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Anet has already declared that if you do something like say die in 1v10 fights over and over due to being hopelessly outmanned, **you arent participating in WvW, period**. Do it a minute or an hour or an entire day, you still arent participating in WvW. Because Anet says so. Thats how they define that yes, you are in fact playing WvW. Even 1v1 and one player dying, means that dead player didnt participate in WvW


And now you want scouts or "defenders" to get participation lol. Such fancypants ideas.

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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> > @Kirin.7306 said:

> > those pulls are bs. I ws literally pulled through a door. I also hate the control loss effect where the game takes over and you start walking to the enemy . Never been so mad at a CC.

> Taunt, yes, another bright idea from Team Genius™.


I got one word for you (ok, maybe two):





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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> Anet has already declared that if you do something like say die in 1v10 fights over and over due to being hopelessly outmanned, **you arent participating in WvW, period**. Do it a minute or an hour or an entire day, you still arent participating in WvW. Because Anet says so. Thats how they define that yes, you are in fact playing WvW. Even 1v1 and one player dying, means that dead player didnt participate in WvW


> And now you want scouts or "defenders" to get participation lol. Such fancypants ideas.


Well why not the game mode is completely kittened anyways so whats the difference pips for for all is what I say it isnt as if you get anything useful out of it anyway , give everyone pips = everyones happy;. And after the 28th something else in WvW will be screwed anyway, it is like the dog chasing its tail it will never catch it just like anet will never fix it .

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> @cobbah.3102 said:

> > @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > Anet has already declared that if you do something like say die in 1v10 fights over and over due to being hopelessly outmanned, **you arent participating in WvW, period**. Do it a minute or an hour or an entire day, you still arent participating in WvW. Because Anet says so. Thats how they define that yes, you are in fact playing WvW. Even 1v1 and one player dying, means that dead player didnt participate in WvW

> >

> > And now you want scouts or "defenders" to get participation lol. Such fancypants ideas.


> Well why not the game mode is completely kittened anyways so whats the difference pips for for all is what I say it isnt as if you get anything useful out of it anyway , give everyone pips = everyones happy;. And after the 28th something else in WvW will be screwed anyway, it is like the dog chasing its tail it will never catch it just like anet will never fix it .


pips = tickets = T3 armor / asc weapons / legendary BP (eventually). Tickets are pretty important - sometimes the only reason to play in a bad matchup.

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> @RodOfDeath.5247 said:

> Yeah, it's not really worth it with all the cheesy pulls and condi bombs. Even if you are a few feet back off the wall you still get hit by idiotic physics. They really need to rethink defending and letting people have a role in wvw.




Until Anet promotes healthy competitive environment for wvw, it really isn't worth it.

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> Anet has already declared that if you do something like say die in 1v10 fights over and over due to being hopelessly outmanned, **you arent participating in WvW, period**. Do it a minute or an hour or an entire day, you still arent participating in WvW. Because Anet says so. Thats how they define that yes, you are in fact playing WvW. Even 1v1 and one player dying, means that dead player didnt participate in WvW


> And now you want scouts or "defenders" to get participation lol. Such fancypants ideas.


If someone's spending an hour or an entire day dying in one 1v10 after another I don't know what they're doing, but it isn't anything they should be rewarded for. Even if you're vastly outnumbered on a map, you're making poor decisions to find yourself in that scenario.


The truth is, it's not hard to get wvw rewards flowing and to keep them flowing, even as a defender. But, no, if you're sitting in a tower or keep all day doing nothing but watching for people who might attack it, then invest in watchtower upgrade and go do something with your time that's more worthy of being rewarded.

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> @Liston.9708 said:

> > @cobbah.3102 said:

> > > @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > > Anet has already declared that if you do something like say die in 1v10 fights over and over due to being hopelessly outmanned, **you arent participating in WvW, period**. Do it a minute or an hour or an entire day, you still arent participating in WvW. Because Anet says so. Thats how they define that yes, you are in fact playing WvW. Even 1v1 and one player dying, means that dead player didnt participate in WvW

> > >

> > > And now you want scouts or "defenders" to get participation lol. Such fancypants ideas.

> >

> > Well why not the game mode is completely kittened anyways so whats the difference pips for for all is what I say it isnt as if you get anything useful out of it anyway , give everyone pips = everyones happy;. And after the 28th something else in WvW will be screwed anyway, it is like the dog chasing its tail it will never catch it just like anet will never fix it .


> pips = tickets = T3 armor / asc weapons / legendary BP (eventually). Tickets are pretty important - sometimes the only reason to play in a bad matchup.


Dont want Legendary armour have more than enough ascended weaps , made sufficient ascended armour , BP looks weird but whatever floats your boat I guess as long as your having fun but from reading the forums a lot of unhappy campers in WvW me included. And total lack of interest from they who will remain nameless.

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