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Three Releases At Once


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> @particlepinata.9865 said:

> > @Jwake.7013 said:

> > Was having a discussion with a guild mate about next Tuesday. We are both hyped for it but I was telling him how upset I am that all three things (story episode; raid wing; fractal) coming out at once was a bad idea cause it splits up groups and people that want to do all of them but now they have to choose and maybe be left out of their main group when they finish one thing and move on to one of the two others and even worse when they get to release three of whatever order they decide to go with. My guildie said it wasn't that big a deal and liked all the new content coming. While I love all of it coming into the game, I would have rather one released a week for the next three weeks in whatever order. I assume there will be stories of some kind in all of them and raids require groups (and for some people fractals) that if you have set people you normally go with will get messed up if someone(s) wants to do the one of the other things first. So it will be hard to stay with the people you want to run with and spoilers free for all the content you might have not touched yet.

> >

> > Am I making too big a deal out of this? Was my friend right to just be happy with all the new shinnies coming and to no worry about it? Would love some feed back and thoughts for everyone else if you would be so kind. Thank you for your time.


> Whatever arenanet does, theres always a vocal minority complaining about not existing (made up) issues. One thing at the time, complaining, packaged content at the same time, complaining. Its never good, its never enough, its too much etc.


On the other hand, there are always people that insist that others complaints don't matter. That means their complaints don't matter, either.

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Yeah, that's right I want to wait for 12 weeks so Anet can release a raid wing one time then wait 6 weeks for the new fractal and then wait another 6 weeks to finally get to the content I want, no thanks. Guess you'll have to make a decision on which content you really want. It's not like LS1 where it will go away after a time limit, just play it when you get to it.



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> @particlepinata.9865 said:

> Whatever arenanet does, theres always a vocal minority complaining about not existing (made up) issues. One thing at the time, complaining, packaged content at the same time, complaining. Its never good, its never enough, its too much etc.


I'm sorry you think I am making up non existing issues. However I had a concern and shared it to get feed back, I would say that is something that should never be discouraged from people doing. Listening to all points on a topic whether you agree or not as long as they are constructive can never be a bad thing.


I do understand your point on the vocal minority thing though and that was actually the whole point of the poll, to see where everyone else landed on this topic. Thank you for sharing.



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> @Bunter.3795 said:

> Yeah, that's right I want to wait for 12 weeks so Anet can release a raid wing one time then wait 6 weeks for the new fractal and then wait another 6 weeks to finally get to the content I want, no thanks. Guess you'll have to make a decision on which content you really want. It's not like LS1 where it will go away after a time limit, just play it when you get to it.



Not actually sure where you got 'another 6 weeks' from, as I was talking about a single week gap between each release. I do appreciate the opinion on, just being happy it's coming into the game mentality though.



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> @Jwake.7013 said:

> > @Kapax.3801 said:

> > I still do not understand why they say 3 releases ... it's really just one. I mean, it's just a content, nothing more.


> Pardon maybe I didn't use the best wording. What I mean is there are three different things being implemented into the game at the same time. The Raid Wing; Living World episode; and new Fractal. My issue was with 3 different types of contents coming in at the same time, it splits people up and people lag behind friends and their groups if they prioritize something different then others they play with.


> It does look like the majority are happy with so much content is coming in at once and it being different types in the same release doesn't seem to matter. As I said, I am quite happy with all the content coming in as well, however I was questioning them releasing it all the same week. Hence my poll and opening up the topic to see everyone's thoughts on the matter.


When WoW gets a new patch and it includes a Raid and a Dungeon they do not say "we get 3 content" it's just a new patch with updates and content.


I see episode 1 as a patch, nothing more. Apart the Raid was already announced before it was to be introduced at some point, everything is still part of the expansion ... more, if we go for your logic, then they should say that there are 4 launches if we count the new legendary weapons...


Things as they are.

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> @mbhalo.1547 said:

> I think bundling is done to reduce time of integration and testing, before shipping the content, otherwise they had to shift something to february 2018.


I had not actually thought of that, thank you for the insight.


> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> People keep saying that we're getting a new raid wing and fractal on the 28th. Can someone please post a source for this? I don't see anything under "News and Announcements" or the home page.


A website called mmorpg did an article about it. They have been creditable when making articles like this in the past getting interviews and early announcements like this before so people are assuming it's accurate. Here's a [Link](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/videos/living-world-season-4-episode-1-daybreak-trailer-1000005699 "Link")


> @Kapax.3801 said:

> When WoW gets a new patch and it includes a Raid and a Dungeon they do not say "we get 3 content" it's just a new patch with updates and content.


> I see episode 1 as a patch, nothing more. Apart the Raid was already announced before it was to be introduced at some point, everything is still part of the expansion ... more, if we go for your logic, then they should say that there are 4 launches if we count the new legendary weapons...


> Things as they are.


I get that things would have been more spread out, and of course I wasn't saying everyone would be happier with it over how anets doing it, but the player base that wants to participate in all game types would get spread thin and feel rushed to complete just to get caught up with everyone else cause of learn curves of fractals and raids, along with any spoilers. Also new legendary weapons while content are still open pve same as story. If your asking where I would have fit that in, I would put that in with the episode.


It is interesting to note what a game like WoW does with those releases, thanks for the info.



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I can't believe people are complaining about MORE content. It has been speculated we would get 3 releases this upcoming update, couldn't people make plans on what to do? I have a fractal static that also does story together, and I have a raid static, and we're all making plans on what we're going to do throughout the week.

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