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Black Friday Sale - When?


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Despite having account for 5 years, I actually never played during Autumn before, so my question is - will there be Black Friday sale in gem shop? And when it starts/ends (assuming it is not just Friday itself).


What could go on sale, based on last year? I'm mostly interested in buying some gems and get few bank unlocks and char slots.

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For what it's worth, I'm holding off on buying 9th & 10th bag slots til mid-January, just in case there are either Black Friday or White Wintersday sales. I wish I would be more helpful with details :/


> @Trendy.1694 said:

> Despite having account for 5 years, I actually never played during Autumn before, so my question is - will there be Black Friday sale in gem shop? And when it starts/ends (assuming it is not just Friday itself).

ANet hasn't been particularly consistent about when sales start|stop nor whether they have them.


> What could go on sale, based on last year? I'm mostly interested in buying some gems and get few bank unlocks and char slots.

I've been following particular items on the gem shop for the same 5 years; I've yet to detect a pattern.


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> @StinVec.3621 said:

> > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > The sales schedule was posted on Guild Wars 2 Twitter:

> >

> >


> Would anyone be willing to paste text of what this twitter says about the sales schedule for those that do not/will not/cannot visit that site please?

> Thank you very much if someone does.


Nov 21 - 27: 20% off Braham's Armor, Magitech armor, and Phoenix armor

Nov 22 - 23: 40% off Heroes Dye Pack

Nov 23: One free Heroic Booster

Nov 23 - 24: 20% off Phoenix Glider

Nov 24: 5 free Transmutation Charges

Nov 23 -25: 20% Storage Expander

Nov 25: One free Black Lion Mini Claim ticket

Nov 25 - 26: 20% off Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack Glider Combo


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* 21-27 November: Braham's, Magitech, Phoenix Armors (no discount)

* 22-23: 40% off heroes dye pack

* 23-24: Free heroic booster

* 24: Free transmutation charges x5

* 24-25: 20% storage expander [sic] (presumably they mean 20% discount on buying the material storage expander; no indication that the stack limit is increasing)

* 25: Free BL **Mini** Claim Ticket

* 25-26: 20% discount Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack/Glider Combo


@"StinVec.3621" you don't need an account to see the twitter feed.


There's also [this image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPQjkgtW0AMTx5U.jpg:large). (On twimg.com, rather than twitter.com, if that's any help.)

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> @GraynX.8947 said:

> Does anyone know the server time these will go on sale? I want to make sure I am online to make some purchases.


As other people said they usually change at 9am Seattle time. But based on previous sales these offers will all stay up for at least 24 hours, so don't panic if you can't log in right when it's first offered, as long as you do it within a day of the offer starting you'll be able to get them.

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