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Impossible to land 100 blades, it needs to be reworked on the next patch.


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> @"Ferus.3165" said:


> warrior won't be nerfed until some other classes have been toned down. sb isn't even part of the meta anymore. sb is just a duelist that doesn't even excel at that role.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/23003/why-bring-a-spellbreaker


> > Offhand axe 5 also has a higher cooldown and you have to give up defense (shield) or mobility (warhorn) for it.

> >


> you don't even play warrior. noone uses warhorn anymore since years. it is completely useless from all this powercreep that happened



Sure, be condescending, and wrong.


Warhorn is still used in WvW, albeit rarely. It's still worth noting as an alternate weapon unlike offhand sword.


And if you think Spellbreaker is just a subpar duellist, you might want to make sure you understand the class before calling others out.


It's ability to strip boons whilst applying great power damage makes it very useful in group fights and Winds of Disenchantment coupled with Enchantment Collapse make it necessary to have a few around for zerg fights.



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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> It's ability to strip boons whilst applying great power damage makes it very useful in group fights and Winds of Disenchantment coupled with Enchantment Collapse make it necessary to have a few around for zerg fights.



_Arguably_ not worth giving up the potency of one of the core traitlines though.


Especially when roaming.



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  • 4 weeks later...

The impossibility to move while casting 100b is the couterpart of this powerful skill. Sadly 100b's damage got nerfed several times because it was out of control in pvp. It was possible for a zerk warrior to do 60-70k+ damage on pve. Now I barely do 35k for 3.5 sec, that is 10k dps wich is very low today.


What we need now is too increase 100b damage on initial strikes (revert the 5% nerf) or to decrease the cast time by 0.5-0.75 sec. I think 100b's up is more a pve thing.


I run a core warrior hammer/gs on pvp with rune of paralysis on hammer, quickness on gs and I land 100b easily if my target have no more breakstun, ofc.

I think removing the root is a big mistake because it will allow devs to kitten this skill even more

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> @"Gandrogh.1530" said:

> The impossibility to move while casting 100b is the couterpart of this powerful skill. Sadly 100b's damage got nerfed several times because it was out of control in pvp. It was possible for a zerk warrior to do 60-70k+ damage on pve. Now I barely do 35k for 3.5 sec, that is 10k dps wich is very low today.


> What we need now is too increase 100b damage on initial strikes (revert the 5% nerf) or to decrease the cast time by 0.5-0.75 sec. I think 100b's up is more a pve thing.


> I run a core warrior hammer/gs on pvp with rune of paralysis on hammer, quickness on gs and I land 100b easily if my target have no more breakstun, ofc.

> I think removing the root is a big mistake because it will allow devs to kitten this skill even more


It got nerfed back in the days because people did not have that many stun breaks and the damage was high, but nowadays with the HoT and PoF realease, classes have access to a lot of stun breaks in short cooldown and even on dodged (mesmer). Also, most classes have traits that grant stability and automatically break stunt on interrupt.

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Please stop asking for fixes. every time you guys post about problems and issues with warrior , we get it "fixed". I really wish to play my war in other mods then RP !

This is what happens to warriors when you ask for "fix".


If you are really bored that much, pls go to mesmer forum and ask for "fixes". they can atm 1 shot us, and if i read their upcoming updates they will be able to 1 shot blob in wvw , so pls , go ask for fixes there.



Dont get me wrong i wish for fixes on war too but im scared that whoever was "fixing" warrior so far will do it again .


@ Anet , can you please move engineer who is working on warrior fixes to mesmer fixing team ;) ?

Tx !


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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

> > Damage increased by 50%. Targets increased to 5. Deals 100% bonus damage to stunned or knocked down foes.


> Please guys i don't want the return of the burst reaction time meta.


come on bro, 100b is 3.5 seconds with really obvious tells, there were never burst reaction time meta for warrior, only when quickness double speed,

if you don't want burst reaction, you should be looking at rev, thief, guardian ASAP, even holo has faster burst then hundred blade

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As a warrior Player, I would say I feel warrior overall is not a "Damage Dealer" but a support profession, their GS auto applies vuln on hit, they cripple with 4, they can move around with 3 and 5, their trait makes them gain might on crit, they can apply that might to allies, basically, For warrior to become more damage oriented, they would need more damage traits and less "Vuln" or "might" traits.

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This thread is the exact definition of why the game has powercreeped completely out of control.


HB used to be one of **_the premiere combo skills_**. Entire builds in the PvP formats were based on it. It's highly-telepgraphed and needs setting up, but provides some serious damage and is just bad-ass. Just like every other combo build out there. You either built a combo and had some play counters or you didn't have a combo and steadily grinded your foe down.


People asking for it to have a faster animation or no tell or allow movement... this is the point where we should really be advocating for nerfs to everything that's making it not work. Higher cooldowns on stunbreaks and immobs, lower damage coefficients, fewer boons and immunities. Every profession is feeling the effects of the arms race of powercreep and it's not fun for anyone serious about the PvP formats.

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I always saw 100 blades as an area denial skill, that punishes players for standing in an area. Whether that being because they are stunned or they are trying to res someone downed. That being said, I would like the skill to be a little more streamlined. For instance turning to selected target before using it. Having it mobile will kind of reduce the usefulness of the skill as it's damage will undoubtedly have to be reduced.

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> @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > > > @"Zefrost.3425" said:

> > > > The only reason 100 blades cannot be landed is because the other classes have been powercreeped up the kitten which is why this games PvP is a joke.

> > > >

> > > > Example:

> > > > Break stun on dodge roll

> > > >

> > > > K, balanced

> > >

> > > Sorry but you cant really say anything when you have insane amounts of CC, blocks, passive regen, mobility and everything else. Warrior is INSANELY strong when it comes to WvW at the very least and buffing them for PvP would only lead to them being even more broken when it comes to fighting the boring as hell block spam, immune spam Zerk warriors who have more health, armor and regen than even bunker builds have...

> > >

> > > Power creep was needed because the original poweercreep class Warrior was near unkillable. I mean they still are with all the blocks, defense, passive regen, mobility and all of that while being zerk built and STILL having more armor and health than most other classes.

> >

> > More armor and health.. lol are you still living in 2012? Guardian has less health. Is it less bunky? Does it do lower dmg? Dont think so


> Go play an ele or thief with zerker amulet in pvp. Higher armor and HP pool does matter. Low armor/HP does limit your choices by a lot.

> The reason why warrior has such high defensive stats is because their spells usually have long animations, 100B is one of them. If wars had quick spells like squishy classes, they would have to say good bye to their defensives. Also, GS is great weapon set, i don't think it really needs buffing.


In any given meta in the entire 5 year history of this game at least 2 of the 3 T1 HP classes are top tier, if not all 3. If anything being a T1 HP class is a benefit given how the devs have a habit of overcompensating T1 HP classes.

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> @"Juba.8406" said:

> The reward is just not enough to bother setting a 100b.


> Even for downstate, they can heal and rezz through it.


> 100b needs to be a 5-target skill plus a Significant Damage buff, The damage must worth the effort needed to set it up.


100b is effective to prevent rez. But sometimes not and this is a good thing. Not everyone at every moment can rez under a 100b

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> @"Gandrogh.1530" said:

> > @"Juba.8406" said:

> > The reward is just not enough to bother setting a 100b.

> >

> > Even for downstate, they can heal and rezz through it.

> >

> > 100b needs to be a 5-target skill plus a Significant Damage buff, The damage must worth the effort needed to set it up.


> 100b is effective to prevent rez. But sometimes not and this is a good thing. Not everyone at every moment can rez under a 100b


Cyclone Axe + Axe AA is much better.

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